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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Rin, Forest]

Rin sat down, he began to focus as hard as he could. Uuchusma began to appear, when he appeared he was enveloped in orange flames.

-"Uuchusma, ugh, sorry for summoning you again but I need your help to defeat this special demon. My sacrifice is that Shadow Prime."

Uuchusma nodded. It transfered it's body and power inside Kurikara. A bright Blue-ish orange light enveloped Rin, he ran towards the Shadow Prime and slashed it, disintegrating The Shadow Prime with these holy bright flames.

-"That takes care of that...Now it's that guys turn."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"My turn?...funny that you say that, but I'm much beyond your league than you could imagine," Yasu was rather amused by Rin's claim to strike down the demonic presence, but knew that he wouldn't feel the pain, that his human host Sota would feel all of the pain of every attack. The darkness coming out of Yasu was that much, that it would actually hurt for them to be too close to him, even EMBR's cybernetic exoskeleton wouldn't really defend against the darkness's deadly effects.

"EMBR, the dark mists coming from this figure is too much, it is like poison, Don't get too close, or you will rapidly decay and die from ti's effects" CEE said after scanning the effects of Yasu's darkness. With that in mind, EMBR backed away, coughing a bit from the darkness he was exposed to for only a few seconds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by True Creator
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True Creator

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Certainly that Jutsu looked pretty powerful since it created 'clones' or something like that.

And that Nine Tailed Beast seemed to be very powerful...

However, there was a problem, he said it was a Nine Tailed Demon. That was kind of disturbing.

"I see... Is that Demon evil?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Uzumaki Naruto, Forest]

-"Well no, I don't exactly know why they named him the Demon Fox when he is not a Demon, or evil at that. Kurama you can return."

Kurama (Nine-Tails) Disappeared. The Shadow Clones also disappeared.


[Rin, Forest]

-"My name is Rin Okumura, son of Satan. Remember that. My Blue Flames destroy darkness so this person i think (Which is probably true) will not get hurt only the person possessing him." Rin said.

He began to fire Blue Flames at the person. The Blue flames passed right through his body hurting the soul. He was getting tired. He needed to go full on demom transformation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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As the blue flames came near, it didn't seem to do anything to Yasu's presence. "Son of Satan?...what a joke, you may had destroyed many demons, but I am not one of those pitiful demons. As long as I exist in the two parallel realities, I cannot be destroyed. A spirit I was once, but I am a god in the reality of death..." Yasu said as he simply waved his hand and the blue flames were sent away by his darkness.

EMBR wasn't sure on what to do, as he had nothing that could work against a bring like Yasu.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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"Hmm to be honest I feel relatively safe in this forest as plants are my weapons hence why I carry a rose around. Still there may be a village around here somewhere. We would just have to find it though in a forest of this magnitude it could be difficult." Kurama says to the group on the subject of a safe place. He also revealed a little about what he can do though not enough to give away his abilities.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"Sounds good to me..but..Other humans ..." Hiro said shyly and a bit scaredly. While she had befriended this odd group she still had little trust in humans.

Elsewhere in the forest Shizuru was finishing off a Replica. She had just arrived in the forest only to be attacked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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Kurama thought for a moment on the matter. Hiro obviously didn't trust humans that much but he was able to pick up on the sound of shyness in her voice. "Remember we're in a what appears to be a multi-dimensional place so the odds of normal humans living here are slim at best. Still it isn't a bad thing to trust humans just know who you put your trust into" Kurama stated trying to reassure Hiro on the matter.

"Yeah it's like what he said cause in the end not all humans are bad I mean take a look at me for example" Alexander said since he appears completely human. He is a werewolf but knew that unless she could sense the beast blood within him he would appear human to her. "i could have easily killed your friend there but I didn't I healed him instead." Alexander stated before looking over at Kurama who eyed him as if to say 'those words may backfire' before tilting his head to the side to point out Yuno causing Alexander to raise his shield though he was making it appear as if he was readjusting his grip on it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Hiro listened to the two. "Before my incident with losing my arm happened I trusted humans and had friends which I protected from the mobs. Being a half demon was not easy back in my world." She explained.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

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"I think i get it, sorry to bother you with those questions." said Vita. "So where should we start searching?" Hayate asked. "I guess we should leave the decision to Kaika, right?" Lyna suggested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gummi Bunnies said
As the blue flames came near, it didn't seem to do anything to Yasu's presence. "Son of Satan?...what a joke, you may had destroyed many demons, but I am not one of those pitiful demons. As long as I exist in the two parallel realities, I cannot be destroyed. A spirit I was once, but I am a god in the reality of death..." Yasu said as he simply waved his hand and the blue flames were sent away by his darkness.EMBR wasn't sure on what to do, as he had nothing that could work against a bring like Yasu.

[Rin, Forest]

-"Dammit Yukio where are you when I need you!"

Rin began to transform into his demon forme. His Tail grew bigger and his Flames doubles in size and strength, he needed to keep control of his demon forme this time. He looked over at EMBR.

-"Arg! We need to leave now!" Rin hollered.


[Yukiteru, Forest]

Yukiteru nodded. He opened his Diary.

-"Right...I agree I am part Human part God...In the end there might be kindness in some Humans hearts...Now we should hide out somewhere that's not in this very spot.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Yuno, for a moment, stared at Alexander, but managed to keep in control as Yukki was here. "Yukki's right, we need to get going," Yuno says as she gave a light smile to Yukki.
"A-Alright," EMBR said as Rin said that to him.

Yasu madly cackled as he swung the scythe at Rin, the darkness radiated from his body and his scythe.
"Yes, we should start searching. Who knows what the Shadow Replicas are doing now?" Alius said, perfectly displaying her acting skills by pretending to be Kaika.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Rin, Forest]

Rin dodge Yasu's attack, the darkness wouldn't affect Rin because he was a demon and, the poison didn't affect him. and saw an opening, he slashed his neck and backed up.

-"Warghh! Kuro transform and lets get going! EMBR get on!" Rin said

Rin began slashing Yasu.

-"Danmit, Dammit, Dammit! I need to use that but Yukio isn't here!"

Rin retreated with Kuro and EMBR back into the Inn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Yasu only shook his head, they were quite unaware of what he was capable of. The darkness around slowly began to regenerate the hits that Rin managed to get on him, it wasn't like it hurt him, but he felt the pain of Sota's thoughts in their shared mind. Yasu only pushed the conscious of Sota back into the deepest depths of their mind, and Yasu let out several Shadow Replicas. With a single hand gesture, the Shadow Replicas began to follow the retreating group.
"This...this doesn't make any sense, 10 years ago, that guy was supposed to be dead," EMBR said as he, Rin, and Kuro were retreating back to the Inn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Midori flying
"No...this can't be...why he's here?" Midori growled, feeling a familiar and massive energy signature. "It seems that even him was caught up in here...what's going on?" she asked to herself, following the familiar energy signature.

Wolkenritter, Lyna and Kaika?

"Signum, go call Haken and the others, like it was said, we'll be needing the most help we can get." said Vita, Signum nodded and flew to the city. "Lyna help me here, you can combine your dark sense with my Search Magic, this way, we can meet Shadow Replicas more easily." she said, calling Lyna to her side. "Wow, you're acting quite like a leader." said Hayate. "Of course, Shamal and Zafira aren't around, someone has to work for three here." said Vita conjuring a magic circle, Lyna stepped on it and used her Dark Sense to located Shadow Replicas.

Amitie Florian

"Man, where are those two, i thought i just felt their energies around here..." said Amita searching for Vita and Signum. "You are..." Signum saw Amita flying. "Aha! One found!" said Amita, happy she found Signum. "Sorry for disapearing like that, Vita and more people are in that direction." said Signum. "Okay, Full Speed ahead!" said Amita flying to where Vita's group was, while Signum continued her flight to the city, to wanr Haken's group of the Shadow Replicas.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"Yes humans can be kind..." Hiro said as she looked around. "So we just pick a random direction and go that way?" She asked.

Once the Replicas Shizuru had encountered were taken care of she saw a open path and walked towards it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gummi Bunnies said
Yasu only shook his head, they were quite unaware of what he was capable of. The darkness around slowly began to regenerate the hits that Rin managed to get on him, it wasn't like it hurt him, but he felt the pain of Sota's thoughts in their shared mind. Yasu only pushed the conscious of Sota back into the deepest depths of their mind, and Yasu let out several Shadow Replicas. With a single hand gesture, the Shadow Replicas began to follow the retreating group."This...this doesn't make any sense, 10 years ago, that guy was supposed to be dead," EMBR said as he, Rin, and Kuro were retreating back to the Inn.

[Rin, Inn]

-"Then that must've been a fake death or he can't be killed....Wait, I think I know how to defeat him...if he is being possessed then his feelings....Must be still hidden deep inside him...we just have to draw it out." Rin said.

Rin and Kuro stopped they arrived at the inn.

-"We need to make a plan."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Never thought I would have to deal with things of the past again...I do know that before, that guy we saw out there was never possessed. In fact, he is the boyfriend of my older sister, who is also supposed to be dead 10 years ago...it would be a pain to think this out as if the Time-Space Continuum never existed in this certain world," EMBR said, thinking that maybe if he mentioned Kaika and himself to Sota just long enough, maybe...just maybe Sota would break the control of Yasu.
Alius kept herself with the group, knowing exactly where each Shadow Replica could be at due to her being the "mother" of all Shadow Replicas. Shadow Replicas could be felt just up ahead, towards the direction of a nearby inn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gummi Bunnies said
Alius kept herself with the group, knowing exactly where each Shadow Replica could be at due to her being the "mother" of all Shadow Replicas. Shadow Replicas could be felt just up ahead, towards the direction of a nearby inn.

"There are some Shadow Replicas up ahead." said Lyna stepping out of the magic circle, making sure to memorize where other Replicas where as well. "Yeah, better take care of the ones that are nearby first." said Vita as she commanded the group to go at the inn's direction.

*Codec Call*

BGM: Game Over

"Lerry what happened? Lerry? LERRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!"

BGM: Zura ja Nai, Katsura da!

"IT'S NOT LERRY, IT'S LERAFA YOU MORON!!!" said Lerry, i mean, Lerafa as he instantly got up and screamed at the codec. "Whew, glad you're okay..." said Lerafa's friend. "Well, i don't know if this is coincidence or not, but i think the reason of me being here probably has something to do with the recent disapearings." said Lerafa. "Yeah, the TSAB even requested our help, and 'he' pleaded us to find Lyna." said Lerry's friend. "If i'm lucky, i'll meet her here, for now, i need to hang up, something familiar is coming at my direction." said Lerafa. "Familiar?" Lerafa's friend wondered who it was, then

BGM: Ashikaga Yoshiteru theme

Lerafa blocked an incoming attack with his new Azure Sword. "You...why the hell do you have a Magic Device?" Midori asked with a stoic expression. "A present that i didn't want, yet it's useful, but i still don't want." said Lerafa with the same expression, surprised that the sword wasn't broken by Midori's strike with the cutlass, since it was her strongest melee weapon when not fused, he wasn't expecting the Azure Blade to endure it, then, he pushed Midori away, who landed on her feet since she attacked from above. "You should stay out of my way and leave this to the World Travelers." said Midori. "You know, we really don't have time for rivalries." said Lerafa, knowing how every encounter with Midori would end like, The Defenders of Light and The World Travelers where created by the same man, Magnus Mamori, it was intentional, he wanted to see which one was better swited to protect the Multiverse, while at first he wanted to reform the Defenders due to some failures of the group and the attitude of some members, his Grand daughter, Melissa Mamori stopped him. "Our Militarism and secrecy against your Laid-Back attitude and reliance of emotions, time to decide which of us is better." said Midori grabbing her Iai Blade, she knew that Lerafa wasn't faster than her, but also knew that even if she's fast, Lerafa has a habit of blocking the most fast of strikes. "Look, you're taking Magnus desires way too serious, it doesn't need to be like this, Suzaku wouldn't like to see us fighting. (Man, i can't believe i was like that, if wasn't for Melissa mellowing me out, i probably would just attack Midori right now.)" said Lerafa. "Yeah, but that idiot isn't here, now prepare yourself, we will solve the mistery behind this world!" she declared, dashing at Lerafa.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Rin, Inn]

-" So what should we do.. wait...I sense another new person nearby, stand your ground."

Rin went to the huge hole in the wall and directed EMBR to check the door.
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