Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"My apologies. I am part demon so I too have my share of dark thoughts." Hiro said in reply.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Oh my apologies as well I did not realize still wouldn't ridding yourself of the old Yukki upset Yuno. I don't know how she feels about this half of you but she seems extremely attached to your old self" Kurama stated in a way stalling for time. In another way seeing if he could get the old Yukki to fight back by bringing up Yuno. He looked over at Hiro who just admitted she was part demon and it reminded him of someone. "You remind me of one of my friends back home who found out he was part demon though he had to die to discover that" Kurama commented being reminded of Yusuke from Hiro's comment.

(Took me THIS long to realize I misread the post concerning Yukki lol.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

BGM: Front line

"Hm?" Vita stopped in mid-air, signalling the other girls to stop too. "Weird, i thought Kaika was more far away, does she know teleporting and didn't tell me?" Vita pondered. "What is it Vita?" Hayate asked. "Well, see that person over there? That is Kaika, she was one of the first people in met in this world." said Vita. "She also knows about the Shadow Replicas right?" Reinforce asked. "Yes, well, stay here, i'll go there talk to her." said Vita as she starting descending, Lyna felt numb again. "Something wrong Miss Lyna?" Signum asked. "Oh, i just felt darkness again, similar to those Shadow Replicas." said Lyna getting used to the numbness again. "Well, we better be prepared if they show up again." said Hayate. "Yo Kaika! Remember me?" Vita said landing on the ground, to where Alius where.

BGM: *Who are you plays again*

"Wait, could this be..." after investigating the 'sea' of his inner world, Thomas saw some cracks that seemed to be floating. "What if i..." once Thomas touched those cracks, he got blinded by a light for some seconds, when he opened his eyes.


He dodges and incoming attack from some kind of demonic wolf-dog, then he notices he wasn't on his inner world anymore, it was some kind of mix of a forest and a desert. "Tch, more is coming..." he got surrounded by more demonic wolf dogs, some flying Gargoyles with Pterodactyl Wings and Lion heads appeared as well. "It seems you arrived at my inner world, too bad that we, Chaos Dimension Demons don't have one, instead, they have an inner dimension that resembles the Chaos Dimension, it will keeps us in check in the case we betray our masters." said Thomas using one of the Gargoyles as stepping stone. "Well, if i die, you do to right?" Thomas taunted, then, one of the wolves took a bite on Thomas right arm, he screamed in pain. "That would be the case in your inner world, but like i said, this is a fragment of the Chaos Dimension, everyone who dies here will turn into one of us, with that said, it would be more easier to fuse myself with you, anyway, i'll give you ten seconds!" said Markruss as he commanded the wolf to release Thomas arm. "Dammit..." then, the boy proceeded to run, trying to find an exit to save his life. "Man, this is so fun!" said Markruss snapping his fingers, summoning more demons to attack Thomas while he's running.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kael Taiyou said
BGM: "Hm?" Vita stopped in mid-air, signalling the other girls to stop too. "Weird, i thought Kaika was more far away, does she know teleporting and didn't tell me?" Vita pondered. "What is it Vita?" Hayate asked. "Well, see that person over there? That is Kaika, she was one of the first people in met in this world." said Vita. "She also knows about the Shadow Replicas right?" Reinforce asked. "Yes, well, stay here, i'll go there talk to her." said Vita as she starting descending, Lyna felt numb again. "Something wrong Miss Lyna?" Signum asked. "Oh, i just felt darkness again, similar to those Shadow Replicas." said Lyna getting used to the numbness again. "Well, we better be prepared if they show up again." said Hayate. "Yo Kaika! Remember me?" Vita said landing on the ground, to where Alius where.

Sounds like they know Kaika...maybe I can act it out for now... Alius thought as she saw Vita land near her. "Oh, I thought you were taking care of the Shadow Replicas that are everywhere?" she said, seeing that Vita was aiming to get the Shadow Replicas destroyed.
EMBR swinged his plasma sword at the Shadow Replicas, seeing that their numbers were being reduced...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by True Creator
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True Creator

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Of course, Kusanagi Godou also didn’t completely understand what Naruto meant. Since he was Japanese, he understood what ‘jutsu’ meant, but that was something he only saw in Manga’s and Anime’s, and he never saw anyone refer 'Magic' as 'Jutsu', so while it could be the same thing, it could also mean different things altogether.

“Well… I gained an Authority from a God, after I slayed him…

They are akin to his Divine Power, I guess.

From the The Persian Warlord Verethragna, I gained the Ten Incantations, as I said before (though I didn’t said its effects).

There is The [Wind], which is the power to go anywhere, The [Bull] that grants mighty strength, the [White Stallion] which summons a Horse that carries the Sun, The [Camel] that grants increased combat ability in overall, the [Boar] which summons a Avatar of Destruction, the [Youth] which grants Divine Protection, The [Raptor] which grants Godspeed(or god-like speed), the [Ram] that is resurrection from the dead, the [Goat] that grants control over Lighting and the [Warrior] which is the God Slaying Sword.

And I have the sword Ame no Murakumo no Tsurugi, which has the authority over the weather, and to absorb and fuse Divine Powers.

That is the resume of my powers…

For yours, could I ask what exactly did you mean by ‘Jutsu’, is it some form of Magic? And what is this ‘Nine Tailed Demon’?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Uzumaki Naruto, Forest]

-"I use Justus by concentrating my chakra let me show you...Tajuu Kage bunshin No Jutsu!"

Suddenly many Shadow clones of Naruto appeared, aboout 100 to 1,000.

-"This is a shadow clone technique, which makes copies of you. Finally we reach the Nine-Tails. The Nine Tails Demon Fox, is a tailed beast said to have legendary
power like any other tailed beast. Let me show you..."

Naruto began to morph into Six Paths Kurama. An orange light enveloped Naruto until the Nine-Tails appeared.

-"What is it Naruto?

-"Sorry Kurama, I am just showing him what a Tailed beast is. Now this is The Nine-Tails, one of the Tailed Beasts."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"Sorry to hear that. .." Hiro said to Kurama.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

BGM: Cremation

Vita and Kaika?

"Yes, they vanished after those first ones we beat together, but only appeared again, heck, they even fused together to turn into a large one, it took a Starlight Breaker to defeat it." said Vita spinning her hammer and resting it on her shoulder. "So, i came to ask you what exactly the bigger Shadow Replica is and what to do to prevent one from forming?" Vita asked.

Thomas Inner World

"My arm is healed? Kaguya probably did it from outside, anyway, where's this dammed exit, there's no garantee those things will follow me to the room where his memories are." said Thomas looking for something similar to a floating crack, but what he found was a door instead, similar to the one her went through to enter the 'Okimara' in his inner world. "All screw it, as long as it takes me to a safe place!" he said opening the door, and closing it while entering, making the demons collide with the door, even with the sheer numbers, there wasn't a scratch on the door. "Unfortunately, unlike Pure Denizens from the Chaos Dimension, these little guys can't leave as well, why am i out you ask? I'm just a lowly servant that accepted their ideal of spreading Chaos through the multiverse, as well, as to find a way to trully unlock the Chaos Dimension....hihihihehehehahahahaha!!!" Markruss cackled.

Thomas opened his eyes, seeing himself back to the real world, a worried Kaguya Nanbu and Hibiki Tachibana where looking at him. "Well, i'm still me...and i couldn't see his memories..." he said in disapointment. "It's okay, what matters is that you're back..." said Hibiki. "Yeah, i would have hated to kill such a pretty boy as you." said Saya, which made Thomas cringe. "I-it's good to see you all worring about me." he said getting up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Yukki, don't leave me now..." Yuno said as she stared intensely at Dark Yukiteru, she wasn't going to let him get away like this. She had a strong grip on Dark Yukiteru's arm.
EMBR had the sword shift back into a hover glider, climbing onto it. "So, I'm guessing that was it. But there wasn't anything that seemed like a "source" of these things," EMBR said to Rin as he and Kuro managed to bring down the remaining Shadow Replicas.
"Oh, large Shadow Replicas? Those are rare, and those are dubbed to be Shadow Primes. It only happens if the amount of negativity in each Shadow Replica is exactly at the same wavelength, which is why it's so rare to come across. I couldn't find any other Shadow Replicas on my end, and something else came up - the opportunity to destroy the source of the Shadow Replicas," Alius played along with this farce, seeing that Vita aimed to destroy the Shadow Replicas. Of course, she could easily sway this girl into her bidding without the girl's awareness to the feat. "It must be fate's luck to bring the source here so we can stop the Shadow Replicas from coming. If you run into the "source" of Shadow Replicas, this source appears like a normal person, which is it's way of fooling you. I'm not sure on how it looks like though, so I find it better if I stick with you. You are aiming to stop the Shadow Replicas, right?" Alius continued, completely acting the way Kaika would in this situation that it was easy to assume that she was really Kaika.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Yukiteru, Forest]

Yukiteru fell down, his eyes kept changing colors from Blue to Dark Purple. He was fighting himself when Dark Yukiteru gave up and gave him a threat.'I will be back remember that I am the true You!' Yukiteru's eyes changed back to his regular color.

-"Ugh...I'm...Back...what the hell was that..."


[Rin, Forest]

-"What the hell...there is supposed to be a sourc-....No! Wait, the real source must be hiding in the Shadow Replicas...."

Rin sheathed Kurikara back and he de-morphed back to normal. He got off Kuro and began to look around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Oh don't worry about it its humorous while yes he died he reincarnated as part demon and his death only really managed to piss him off" Kurama reassuringly said to Hiro followed by a small chuckle. He noticed Yukki return to well his old self and smiled. "So you've return to normal I assume? Well then I guess we should get a move on then no telling what could be near us now" Kurama states still wanting to get a move on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Yukki, is there something you're not telling me?" Yuno asks with a hint of concern for his well-being, this wasn't normal for him at all.
"The "source" of the demons is 5 meters away to the north of our current location. Anatomy is in relation of a normal human being," CEE said after a quick scan of their surroundings.

"Hey, CEE says it's this way!" EMBR said as he began to run up in this direction that CEE had told him, but stopped as he saw a recognizable figure standing nearby. It couldn't be real, right? This person, he's supposed to be dead....along with Kaika... Unless there was also distortions of the Time-Space Continuum, then that only would explain this... "No way...you're supposed to be dead...ten years ago..." EMBR said upon setting his sights at Sota...or was it him? From CEE's further scans, it pinpointed the source of the Shadow Replicas coming from Sota's body, but why? EMBR knew that it was hinted that Kaika and Sota's deaths were probably a "lover's suicide," but with all of the ridiculous thing he's seen so far in this world, he had a feeling that something supernatural was involved with the deaths of Kaika and Sota.

"Oh...so you're Kaika's little brother, the one that she sought out to protect for so long..." Sota spoke with a sinister voice, not sounding like the gentle and caring boyfriend of EMBR's older sister. Something was surely off...was the Shadow Replicas' source possessing Sota? "Sota, cut the crap already and tell me what's going on here? I don't want to believe that you're behind all of this mess!" EMBR shouted, for once, breaking out of his calm and collected personality he had tried to take on. Sota only laughed at this, and pointed out,"Isn't it obvious already? Look around you, my darkness is that intense that even simple living things like squirrels and trees are dying off from just the presence of me...should I also mention that I am not this Sota you're talking about?..." Even if EMBR couldn't figure this out at all, this wasn't Sota for sure, but the demonic spirit Yasu that possessed Sota's body.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gummi Bunnies said
"Oh, large Shadow Replicas? Those are rare, and those are dubbed to be Shadow Primes. It only happens if the amount of negativity in each Shadow Replica is exactly at the same wavelength, which is why it's so rare to come across. I couldn't find any other Shadow Replicas on my end, and something else came up - the opportunity to destroy the source of the Shadow Replicas," Alius played along with this farce, seeing that Vita aimed to destroy the Shadow Replicas. Of course, she could easily sway this girl into her bidding without the girl's awareness to the feat. "It must be fate's luck to bring the source here so we can stop the Shadow Replicas from coming. If you run into the "source" of Shadow Replicas, this source appears like a normal person, which is it's way of fooling you. I'm not sure on how it looks like though, so I find it better if I stick with you. You are aiming to stop the Shadow Replicas, right?" Alius continued, completely acting the way Kaika would in this situation that it was easy to assume that she was really Kaika.

"I see, so that explains why it got so big, well, since this time you're willing to help us, i can't say no." said Vita, telling the group through telepathy that they could descend now. "Hibiki, Thomas and that dumb android aren't here, but i'll introduce you far nice people, these are Reinforce, Signum..." said Vita introducing Alius to the team. "Nice to meet you." said Reinforce. "It's a pleasure." said Signum. "My best friend ever Hayate Yagami." said Vita with a large smile on her face. "It's good to see you're making new friends, well, it's nice to meet you Miss Kaika." said Hayate. "And the newcomer, Lyna Celest." said Vita poiting at Lyna. "Light Charmer at your service." said Lyna cheerfully. "Well, if the source takes a human form, i think Lyna could identify easily, after all, according to her, she get's numb when there are darkness nearby." said Vita. "in that case, Shadow Replicas must be close right?" Hayate asked. "Eh? But Kaika said she didn't saw any on her end, and she's the expert on these guys, right Kaika?" Vita asked, wondering why there wasn't Shadow Replicas nearby, yet Lyna had felt a Dark Presence.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Necrox and Lilly (Witch)

"...We have problems.", he said. Lilly looked around but nothing was found. Nothing until something came.

BGM: Conflict's Chime

Shadow Replicas came out of nowhere. "What are those things?!", she asked. "Heh... Shadow Replicas. Let's make this quick.", he said, taking out Gae Bolg. Lilly took out her Witch grimoire and started shooting fireballs. "The Shadow Replicas seemed to be coming from somewhere. Maybe, it's not certain... someone else is fighting those guys too. We'll make for them after this.", he said, thrusting all of the Replicas lunging at him.


Magio, Cruxis, Flandre and Yuuka

BGM: Dance of Madness

Just as both battles ended, Magio sensed that something else was coming. "These feeling... Dimensional Wraiths!", he said. Monsters coming from the depths of the Black Gates, the opposite of Dimensional Gates. They were the weakest of all monsters, being the strongest of them the legendary Dimensional Lich. "Should we run, Magio? As a Dimensional Traveler, you should tell us what to do.", Yuuka asked. True, Magio faced Wraiths many times to count. But he knew that it was dangerous to let them roam freely. "I hate to involve you in this, but we have to fight!", he said. The Wraiths appeared and lunged at Magio. Dimensional Travelers were the most delectable food to Wraiths. Bit by bit, they wanted to swallow the entirety of the one standing there, with his sword ready to slash.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gummi Bunnies said
"Yukki, is there something you're not telling me?" Yuno asks with a hint of concern for his well-being, this wasn't normal for him at all. CEE said after a quick scan of their surroundings."Hey, CEE says it's this way!" EMBR said as he began to run up in this direction that CEE had told him, but stopped as he saw a recognizable figure standing nearby. It couldn't be real, right? This person, he's supposed to be dead.... Unless there was also distortions of the Time-Space Continuum, then that only would explain this... "No way...you're supposed to be dead...ten years ago..." EMBR said upon setting his sights at Sota...or was it him? From CEE's further scans, it pinpointed the source of the Shadow Replicas coming from Sota's body, but why? EMBR knew that it was hinted that Kaika and Sota's deaths were probably a "lover's suicide," but with all of the ridiculous thing he's seen so far in this world, he had a feeling that something supernatural was involved with the deaths of Kaika and Sota."Oh...so you're Kaika's little brother, the one that she sought out to protect for so long..." Sota spoke with a sinister voice, not sounding like the gentle and caring boyfriend of EMBR's older sister. Something was surely off...was the Shadow Replicas' source possessing Sota? "Sota, cut the crap already and tell me what's going on here? I don't want to believe that you're behind all of this mess!" EMBR shouted, for once, breaking out of his calm and collected personality he had tried to take on. Sota only laughed at this, and pointed out,"Isn't it obvious already? Look around you, my darkness is that intense that even simple living things like squirrels and trees are dying off from just the presence of me...should I also mention that I am not this Sota you're talking about?..." Even if EMBR couldn't figure this out at all, this wasn't Sota for sure, but the demonic spirit Yasu that possessed Sota's body.

[Yukiteru, Forest]

-"No...It's nothing Yuno..Ha ha ..ha...Don't worry... Now we should get a move on though, there's no telling what would happen." Yukiteru said.


[Rin, Forest]

-"I take it you two know each other..-Unscathes Kurikara- Now He is the source EMBR let's do this."

Rin began to attack Sota, with a Flurry of sword attacks. He hit Sota with the hilt of his sword on his head. He then backed away.

-"Hmm, this will be harder than when I fought Nehaus-Sensei.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

EMBR nodded, but found himself unable to as he was suddenly reminded of the past he tried so hard to leave behind. Dammit....for some reason...I don't want to kill him...Kaika wouldn't like....no, I have to forget her, she's dead... he thought in frustration with himself, but he was just frozen in self-conflict.

Sota, or Yasu, only stood there as Rin tried to strike him down, but in response to the flurry of attacks, a shadowy essence began to manifest and block all of the attacks for him. "Is that all?...heh, that's not even close to even putting a paper cut on me!" Yasu couldn't help but laugh at how one-sided this fight began to look like, holding out his hand and having the darkness summon his demonic scythe, the Rupture Cresent. "I suppose it's my turn," Yasu said as he slowly walked towards the two, scythe raised and brought down to the ground, to which the ground began to rumble and tear apart into a fissure. From the fissure, a Shadow Prime, which was a stronger version of a Shadow Replica, was summoned to the scene. "Go on my Shadow, go and tear them apart," Yasu commanded, having the Shadow Prime rush towards Rin and EMBR in an attempt to swat the two with it's large claws. However, EMBR was too conflicted on what to do that he couldn't see the attack coming, with the fact that he didn't want to attack Yasu in the risk of hurting Sota.
"That's strange," Alius said as they mentioned that there was a dark presence here, but that was no doubt regarding towards her own presence. "Those Replicas act like Shadows, and if we put that in mind, it's possible they could be right below us," Alius said, which was a believable lie as the "dark presence" was near, and under them was near enough.
"Alright Yukki," Yuno said, but knew that Yukiteru was hiding something. Just to be sure, Yuno took out her Diary and saw that there was an entry that somewhat explained Yukiteru's condition. Yet, she didn't say anything about it if Yukiteru didn't want to talk about it, putting the Future Diary away for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Rin, Forest]

Rin looked at the Shadow Prime.

-At this rate I would have to summon Uuchusma or activate my full powers."

Rin ran in front of EMBR. He blocked the attack. He grabbed EMBR and retreated. He hid behind a tree.

-"Get a hold of Yourself EMBR! Now if you're already good then I need you to buy me some time. I have something to do to defeat this person."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gummi Bunnies said
"That's strange," Alius said as they mentioned that there was a dark presence here, but that was no doubt regarding towards her own presence. "Those Replicas act like Shadows, and if we put that in mind, it's possible they could be right below us," Alius said, which was a believable lie as the "dark presence" was near, and under them was near enough.

"Hmmmm....." Vita crossed her arms. "She's probably right, sometimes, my dark sense isn't that acurrate." said Lyna. "Well if you're saying so, let's try to search for this source of the Replicas and end it once and for all." Vita said getting pumped up again. "You sure are excited." said Hayate smiling. "Well, we saw how our fight with the Shadow Prime ended up, we'll be needing all the help we can get so...let's to back to those ruins Zerith showed us." said Signum, Haken and the others where still there. "Good idea, who knows if the source is stronger than the Primes itself, we might have to fight to ou fullest." said Reinforce. "It's settled, Ruins! Here we go-ah! Almost forgot, Kaika, i was meant to ask you something, do you know teleporting magic?" Vita asked, ever since she started to talk with Alius, Vita wondered why she had met 'Kaika' in the forest if she felt her energy near the city.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"You could say it's teleportation. It's a manner of transmuting energy, which is my energy, to one place to another, at the cost of bringing another source of energy to my other location," Alius simply explained that, knowing due to replicating Kaika's body and soul that well that Alius actually knew most of Kaika's abilities from just memory.
"Y-Yeah, I can at least distract them for you," EMBR snapped out of his self-conflict, pushing aside his past thoughts and memories as he knew that this was going to be bad if they didn't deal with the problem fast enough. He had his glider shift into rocket launcher mode, and ran out to distract the Shadow Prime.

Yasu boredly watched as his creation would fight against these two, it was almost child's play to the demonic presence.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

Member Offline since relaunch

"Any Ideas of a safe place to go?" Hiro asked her companions ignoring Kurama but heard what he said about his friend
Elsa back at the new Autobot safe place did not want to stay around and as soon as they payed her no mind she would go search for Anna.
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