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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by True Creator
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True Creator

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Godou saw the approaching person, of course, since Godou didn’t had any experience with Magic or similar things, he didn’t knew that person was just a clone.

“Hello, I am Kusanagi Godou, nice to meet you.” He answered to that person.

“May I ask who are you, and where exactly are we?” These questions had to be answered sooner or later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Uzumaki Naruto, Forest]

-"The name's Uzumaki Naruto, Shinobi of The Hidden Leaf village and Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails, I don't know where we are.." Naruto said.

He deactivated his Shadow Clone and walked towards Kusanagi.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by True Creator
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True Creator

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So that person didn’t know where they are as well.

Though it was strange from where he said he was from, as Godou was pretty sure he never heard of a 'Hidden Leaf Village'. But that didn't matter for now, as they needed on what to do in this sort of situation.

“I see… Well, do you have any Idea on how to get out of this predicament?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

((Oh well, since ShadowVentus is not showing up, i'm posting with Midori again.))


BGM: The skyscrapper of Iron and Steel


"This keeps getting crowded by the moment." Midori commented to herself, sensing even more presences showing up, one familiar to her...Lyna. "So, even her got caught up in this too...this is getting out of hand, if more and more people gathers in this place....since most of them are coming whithout limiters...this world would probably...I have to find Suzaku fast and get her back on track." Midori too flight once again, not knowing where the next place Suzaku would end up.

Close to the City - Ruins

"So...what should we do now?" said Thomas as he starting doing squats, Masaki and Levi (mostly out of curiosity in her case) joined him. "Well, we should search for Vita and Signum, who knows where they went to." said Haken. "Leave this to me, i'm fast and know how their energies feel like, be right back." said Amita taking flight. "Well, if that's all, call me when...actually, scratch that, i'll barge in when i feel like it..." said Markruss. "Oooooh~! Is that so? Just when we are thinking in actually helping you to break that seal." Xiaomu replied joining Thomas, Masaki and Levi in the squats. "Hm? Meh..." Markruss dismissed. "You doubting us? Well, Xiaomu and me where partnes in spreading Chaos once, you don't want to let this chance slip away." said Saya twirling her gun. "I don't know..." Markruss spoke. "I can try something with my Eisnt Magic as well, it's quite effective if i do say so myself." said Alfimi. "It can't be broken by normal means." said Markruss. "(alright, let's keep up girls) Hah, i bet you don't know how to do it." said Xiaomu. "So, how about a deal, you help us, then we free you, how about it?" Saya suggested. "Well..." Markruss started to think, Thomas was very unerved with the probability that Markruss would get unsealed. "How do i know you girls will go through the end of the bargain?" Markruss asked the armor piercing question, he wouldn't be fooled that easily. "Well, you said that your influence increases with the presence of darkness?" Alfimi asked. "Well, what does have anything to do with..." before Markruss could finish, Alfimi channeled her Einst Magic on Thomas body, at the next second, his right eye turned red (Eisnt Color) and White (Chaos Dimension Demon). "Well, now i'm on the lead...but that still doesn't convince me." said Markruss crossing his arms and giving control back to Thomas. "Well, we tried Reiji..." said Xiaomu falling on the ground in frustration. "You should have known this wouldn't be easy." he replied. "Wait a minute....I know, just wait a second!" said Thomas stoping his squats. "What? You have something in mind?" Hibiki asked. "Yeah, if he can see my memories, the same can be said about me." said Thomas. "Well, i welcome you to try boy, it seems that after all, we will have our showdown." said the Demon. "Damn straight, now, if i only knew how to do it..." Thomas pondered for a minute, then recieved a blow from Xiaomu that made him faint. "What the, Xiaomu? Why did you..." Kaguya and Hibiki stared at what the Fox Girl did. "Calm down, i just striked a point on him that will make him wake up in his inner world." she said apling her 700 years old Fox knowledge. "Well, all we can do now is hope he wins, or else, that seal won't be protecting us again." said Reiji as they where getting prepared for the worse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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Kurama saw Yukki's eyes change color for that spilt second it caught him off guard. Still within that split second he regained his composure switching which hand held his rose. "Well if he's all better than we should get moving. The more we stand here the more risk we are at getting attacked by whatever lurks within these woods like those creatures from before" Kurama stated to the rest of the group.

"There's more than these 'creatures' you spoke of lets just say I ran into some trouble before. This being I ran into knew a lot about the arcane which made him to be very formidable. He nearly killed me and if I hadn't used my well special talents i wouldn't be here right now" Alexander said to the group telling them a bit about his encounter with Dragoon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

True Creator said
So that person didn’t know where they are as well. Though it was strange from where he said he was from, as Godou was pretty sure he never heard of a 'Hidden Leaf Village'. But that didn't matter for now, as they needed on what to do in this sort of situation.“I see… Well, do you have any Idea on how to get out of this predicament?”

-"Hmm...If my father was here he would use a Space-Time Ninjutsu, but I'm not even sure of were we are so we should just..Let me at it..."

Naruto was suddenly engulfed in an orange light. He was in Nine-Tails Chakra mode. Then two hands came out of his back.

-"Planetary Rasengan!"

Three small Rasnegans appeared around a giant rasengan. He shot it up at the sky amd watched it disappear from sight.

-"Alright then...It appears as if we can't get out...Do you have any Ideas..."

Naruto went back to normal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Starscream transformed out of jet mode, and started walking the rest of the way to the Nemesis. He knew that if he had flown over directly, he would be detected and shot down at once. Along the way, he passed a couple humans, but completely ignored them, even when one of them sent some sort of energy beam. He now had an idea as to how he could wrest control of the Decepticons from their now dead leader.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by True Creator
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True Creator

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Godou just observed Naruto doing those actions. It certainly looked quite a bit strong. Though, he wasn’t sure of why Naruto did such an attack on the sky.

“No… I don’t think any of my powers would work in this situation.” Godou said.

Maybe the [Wind] Incantation, as he thought before could work, but it was too uncertainly, as he didn’t even know if this was his original world. So a ‘Teleportation’ ability like that would really have no use.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Necrox and Lilly (Witch)

"Now that I'm a Witch, what do you expect me to do?", she asked. Necrox raised his hand once again. "First things first, as a Witch, you should define your own attitude. You know, simply being a Witch doesn't mean nothing.", he said. Lilly started to doubt what Necrox was trying to say. All seemed like a big fairy tale that she wanted to erase, at all cost. "And what do you mean by that?", she asked. "Don't tell me that you're satisfied on being the Witch of 5 Colors... you know what, we're making of you the Witch of Knowledge, for instance.", he said. Necrox didn't had the power to fully nominate Lilly as the Witch of Knowledge. But he knew that, for such thing to happen, she needs an attitude that is proof that she has that title.

BGM: Kina no Kaori

"H-H-Hold it!! I've never wanted to be a Witch, and now I need another title?! <Non, je vous remercie beaucoup!> I don't need another title.", she said. "<Bien, muy bien.> Now, we're one step forward!", he joked a little. Lilly didn't showed, but she was really furious. Upon a fingersnap, Necrox made Praeminister return to his amethyst form. "Only the two of us and that's it.", he said. Lilly sighed. "Other than these two (Carmilla and Mereana), I don't think someone here has a Witch form just like me. If you are expecting that I'll fight another Witch, forget it.", she said. "You never know until the moment that everything happen. Who knows, maybe someone is cursed as you are.", he said. Lilly looked at him, angry. "How can you keep and speak of Witches so calmly?!", she said. "... Let's just go or I'm leaving you behind.", he said, serious. Lilly followed him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Skyies above forest.

BGM: BL_13

"DOOOOODGE!" Lyna commanded as the five girls dodged the energy sphere, meanwhile, Midori, was more above (she just liked to fly higher.) didn't even look, she closed her eyes, and with a swing of her Iai Blade, splited the Rasengan apart with the air pressure generated by the swing of the sword. "Okay, i hope this as probably an accident..." she said descending to the source of said attack, she saw the five girls while descending, but she knew none of them was the culprit behind that attack, she landed on the ground, seeing the spiky haired ninja and someone else. "Tell me, was it on purpose or accident, because i don't remember ever doing something to you so that you could throw that at me." said Midori bluntly.

Thomas Inner World

BGM: Who are you

A white void...or was it? More like, a place surrounded by a white mist, so thick that it seemed he was in a white void, Thomas was waking up, signalling his spirit entered his own Inner World, something he didn't even dreamed he had one, once he opened his eyes, the white mist cleared, revealing he was stepping on a white bridge, with many glass fragments floating on the darkness, Thomas walked slowly, looking at all sides, inspecting what kind of place he was now, then, he noticed something walking besides him. "Yo, first time we see each other like this." said Markruss, he was like Thomas, but the way he dressed seemed like a reverse pallete swap of Thomas himself, exept for the yellow eyes of a Demon of the Chaos Dimension. "Want to know what these are?" Markruss asked, Thomas just nodded. "Well, i'll explain, these are fragments of your memories, the recordings on what your existence did in this multiverse, now i'll ask you, what is the diference between Erased Memories or Lost Memories?" Thomas pondered for a moment. "Well, Lost is when you have amnesia, and you can't remember those memories, as if your mind lost contact with them, but they are still inside you." he replied. "Bingo, and Erased is pretty much what it says, memories that are lost forever, their existence disappearing from this Multiverse, these leaving only useless fragments, but don't feel bad, there's a plus side, after all, they are the proof that some kind of memories was reflected in this mirrors." said Markruss grabbing a memory shard. "Well, if someone had some kind of special time reversal magic or Divine Miracles like the ancient Holy Magic, made by the God that Created us all, then you would have a chance of recovering them." Markruss finished his speech by pointing to a White Door. "There, go see what your inner world looks like." said Markruss opened the door to Thomas.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Right behind you," EMBR said as he had his hover glider go after Rin and Kuro into the hole that was shortly created a few moments ago.
"It's okay Yukki, I'm still here..." Yuno said to him to comfort him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Hiro watched the scene in relief glad she would not have to use her weopon after all. She was glad Yuki was saved and alright
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Uzumaki Naruto]

Naruto's Planetary Rasengan, Helped Naruto in figuring something out. He'd thought that this world or whatever had a barrier like the Leaf Village did. It seemed it didn't so Naruto reached the conclusion that this was not his world. It was another one. Naruto took out a kunai and threw it towards a tree, marking where he was. He looked over at Kusanagi.

_"Alright then, let's see.... how about....no...So what power's do you have?"


[Yukiteru, Forest]

Yukiteru wiped off his tears. He then looked at the group.

-"Well that was ak-"

Yukiteru began to choke then his eyes changed. They were a dark purple now.

-"Well hello everyone! The name is Dark Yukiteru, just Dark. Now if you excuse me I have some business to attend to."

Yukiteru walked off.


[Rin, Forest]

Rin arrived to see that there was nothing there.

-"Where the Hell is that Naberius, it could be anywhere depending what type of Demon it is..."

Rin felt the Naberius presence, and let me tell you that thing is a High-Class, High Level Demon,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by True Creator
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True Creator

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Godou powers were varied and powerful, however the man itself didn’t like to think of himself as a abnormal monster, whose as a weak human managed to slay a God. In his eyes, he was still the average and normal Kusanagi Godou, he ever was, though that couldn’t be more distant than the truth.

“Well... it’s nothing too much, I have Verethragna Ten Incantations, which are the Gale, the Bull, the White Stallion, the Camel, the Boar the Youth, the Raptor, the Ram, the Goat and the Warrior and the Ame no Murakumo no Tsurugi… ”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"EMBR, there is incoming unidentified targets," CEE said as she scanned several forces heading towards them. Just like that, multiple Shadow Replicas appeared and lunged for them.

"Of course you'll figure that out CEE," EMBR said as he jumped off of the hover glider, the glider shifting into a sword with plasma electricity, and slashed at one of the Shadow Replicas.
Yuno grabbed Dark Yukiteru's arm, and mumbled silently,"Where are you going Yukki?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

BGM: Battle Scene 1

"Man, i wonder what was that...Lyna saved us once more..." said Hayate looking below, she was seeing three people. "Who cares, right now the Shadow Replicas are more important, let's go everyone!" said Vita as she resumed her flight. "Wait Vi...well, better catch up with her." said Signum following her. "Still, i wonder what was that, i'm not even feeling that energy sphere anymore." said Lyna, wondering if the Green Haired girl that she saw was the responsable of destroying it. "(They are ignoring me? Am i supressing my energy that much? Well, i better memorize their energy signatures, i'll meet them later.)" Midori once again took flight, planning on coming back another time, not really caring if Naruto and Godou would notice her now.

BGM: *Who are you plays again*

"What the-" what Thomas saw surprised him, his inner world, it was exactly like Okimara, the city where he lives. "Surprising right? Nearly everyone have a world like this inside them, the layout depends of the personality and memories of the being." Markruss explained once more. "I see, everything feels so real..." Thomas said while exploring his inner world. "So, about what you said a while ago, about trying to see my memories. How do you plan on doing it?" Markruss asked while floating upside down. "Well, i just have to enter your inner world, and from there, your memories, and since our existences are bound by a seal, then that means our inner worlds must be as well." Markruss congratulated Thomas for his deduction. "Not bad at all, you are more brighter than i thought." he said clapping his hands. "I have to, a battle isn't gained in strenght alone, now, from where do i enter your inner world? I just need to find a door similar to the one i went through a while ago right?" Thomas asked. "Wouldn't you like to know?" Markruss disapeared.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Near Vita's group, Alius saw this group in the air. Since Alius was currently disguised, they would see Alius as Kaika. Yet, Alius was unaware to their knowledge of Kaika and just kept on walkingin different directions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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When Dark Yukiteru began to walk away but was grabbed my Yuno Kurama realizing that the eye color had changed again decided to try and stop Dark Yukiteru. "If you don't mind me asking why have you possessed this boy here?." Kurama says moving in front of Dark Yukiteru. He faced Dark Yukiteru with a look void of any emotions still with that rose in his hand.

Alexander looked at the situation that was unfolding before him though he remained silent. He reached over grabbing his sword while standing up though he didn't make any threatening moves afterwards. He was merely grabbing his sword in case he needed to defend himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Hiro sighed. "Why do I get dragged into odd situations with people possessed? " She was tempted to remedy the situations but let Dark Yuki go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Yukiteru, Forest]

-"Why I have not "Possessed" Yukiteru, I am the manifestation of all of Yukiteru's feelings, all the bad ones though. Now if you excuse me I have to get rid of the old Yukiteru."

DarkYukiteru began walking but was suddenly stopped, the good Yukiteru began fighting for control.

-"I told you to get out!"


[Rin, Forest]

-"It's time to have fun Kuro,"

Rin shot a huge blast of blue flames towards the Shadow Replicas. He then sent a huge slash that would wipe half of the Shadow Replicas. He began slashing the Shadow Replicas one by one.


[Uzumaki Naruto, Forest]

Naruto looked at Kusanagi with a confused face. He didn't know what any of those powers were.

-"I don't exactly know what you mean....I have the power of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox which is inside of me, I can also do Justus which almost anyone can do, can you do it or do you not have any chakra talent?"
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