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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gummi Bunnies said
The beam too strong for it to handle and fend off, the Shadow Prime was struck by the guaranteed finishing hit. And with that, the Shadow Prime broke apart into several fading away essences of negative thoughts.

BGM: Noel

"We did it..." said Lyna as she started to fall, not because she was fainting, she was just happy with was over, Vita caught her in mid-air and started to shake the Light Charmer. "Are you crazy? Risking yourself like that, you could get yourself killed!" she screamed in anger. "Sorry for making you worry Vita." said Lyna with a smile. "W-wha...I'm not worried about you...it's just that you're Hayate's new friend, if you died, she would get really sad, if you ever make Hayate said, i'll kill you as many times as it takes." said Vita releasing Lyna on the ground, then crossing her own arms. "Now now Vita, don't say such strong words." said Hayate as she landed on the ground. "She doesn't seem injuried at all." Reinforce commented. "Of course, i wouldn't be the Light Charmer if i couldn't heal myself now right?" said Lyna getting up, and checking the nearby animals. "What where you trying to do back there?" Signum asked. "I was trying to understand what that Shadow Replica was, and for what i could understand, it is the manifestation of Negative thoughts." said Lyna. "Hm, I remembered Kaika saying something similar...the manifestations of a deceased's negative energy and thoughts or something." Vita pondered. "Well, I guess it's time we meet this Kaika you keep talking about Vita." said Signum. "Yeah, i'll see if i can feel her magic, i think i still remember how it looks like...let's see..." while Vita was preparing a scan spell, Lyna had finished healing the animals that survived the attack from the Shadow Replicas. "Good, you can go now, be careful next time." she said smiling. "Lyna, you're coming?" said Hayate as the group took flight. "Ah, yes, i'm coming." and then, following Vita's lead, they went on their search for Kaika.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Gaia found the Drone Pillar in his City unsightly. Of course, he had heard of the God Emperor, and the announcement only made it clearer that Matt had attacked. This planet would soon be covered in 'peace'. Bob, of course, would hate it. However, he had more immediate concerns, as he focused on the pillar. As they had no force fields, instead relying on physical durability, he simply caused it to melt, the drones barely able to register what was happening before they were reduced to a small metallic pile of goo on the floor. However, the material had been well made, and Gaia foudn it quite fitting. As such, he caused the entirety of the city to use this new material. Although the proper materials weren't available, He could copy the molecular structure, giving the city an incredible endurance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

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Sofyia had slipped into the forest, the city was pure chaos and she decided it would be best for her to stay away. She watched the fights in the city and it's subjugation from her spot in the forest, this was all just a bit too crazy for her. Retreating into the relative peace and safety of the forest she began to look for people, it was still possible that she could make it back home or at least out of this place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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With a sigh and a lot of convincing from Antipathy Bro'Dee set the girl down, making her comfortable on the forest floor and leaving her there. He knew it was final but wanted it to be only for a second...

As they flew from the situation John smiled back at his new best buds. "So, where are we going?" He shouted down at them, they were talking on the ground now, arguing really.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Hiro saw Yuki ' s gesture and put her hands up. "Whoa...I am not going to take his soul. My weopon can only sever souls and help guide them to heaven. She explained. "Wicked souls are destroyed. .." Hearing Kurama speak a explanation of what he could do for the boy she nodded hoping for the best.

Elsa knew SideSwipe had a point. Her sister was a strong girl tho stubborn. Once she arrived at the new sewer like hidden computer room and was left there she looked around. Hearing new dangers were rising up her fears began to grow.

Anna watched as Brodee set her down. "Hey don't leave me here...we need to find Elsa like..now...." She said seriously as she noticed him going to leave her there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Amano__Yukiteru said
-"Hmm...Oh! I think that this is a Medium Level Naberius, Which means a high class demon, now if this one is weak and many are appearing, then there must be a strong central power! What if- Ni that can't be..." Rin Said.He listened to the AI. The Main Power Source had to be in the Forest where the most energy was being transmitted.

"If there's a source, we have to destroy it. The simplest thing we could do to prevent any more problems from those demons, and once we're done with that, we can easily get rid of the left over demons after the source is gone," EMBR said, starting to understand the situation more, which was why he thought of this solution so quickly without the help of CEE for this. He readjusted the headset to normal mode and put the headset back onto his head.
Kael Taiyou said
BGM: "We did it..." said Lyna as she started to fall, not because she was fainting, she was just happy with was over, Vita caught her in mid-air and started to shake the Light Charmer. "Are you crazy? Risking yourself like that, you could get yourself killed!" she screamed in anger. "Sorry for making you worry Vita." said Lyna with a smile. "W-wha...I'm not worried about you...it's just that you're Hayate's new friend, if you died, she would get really sad, if you ever make Hayate said, i'll kill you as many times as it takes." said Vita releasing Lyna on the ground, then crossing her own arms. "Now now Vita, don't say such strong words." said Hayate as she landed on the ground. "She doesn't seem injuried at all." Reinforce commented. "Of course, i wouldn't be the Light Charmer if i couldn't heal myself now right?" said Lyna getting up, and checking the nearby animals. "What where you trying to do back there?" Signum asked. "I was trying to understand what that Shadow Replica was, and for what i could understand, it is the manifestation of Negative thoughts." said Lyna. "Hm, I remembered Kaika saying something similar...the manifestations of a deceased's negative energy and thoughts or something." Vita pondered. "Well, I guess it's time we meet this Kaika you keep talking about Vita." said Signum. "Yeah, i'll see if i can feel her magic, i think i still remember how it looks like...let's see..." while Vita was preparing a scan spell, Lyna had finished healing the animals that survived the attack from the Shadow Replicas. "Good, you can go now, be careful next time." she said smiling. "Lyna, you're coming?" said Hayate as the group took flight. "Ah, yes, i'm coming." and then, following Vita's lead, they went on their search for Kaika.

Kaika had ducked behind a bush after realizing that Virgilia was here. As much as she found her Witch form useful ever since she managed to keep herself in control while a Witch, she didn't really want to involve herself other Witches again. She was unaware that there were people looking for her for confirmation on the whole Shadow Replica situation, which Kaika still can't get over that she has to fight the possessed Sota at some point.
Dark Elsa said
Hiro saw Yuki ' s gesture and put her hands up. "Whoa...I am not going to take his soul. My weopon can only sever souls and help guide them to heaven. She explained. "Wicked souls are destroyed. .." Hearing Kurama speak a explanation of what he could do for the boy she nodded hoping for the best.

Yuno didn't say a word, but put away her knife. It was obvious that she wasn't exactly trusting of anyone in this group other than herself and Yuki, especially she distrusted Hiro just because she felt like the chances of Yuki being taken away by the other girl was haunting Yuno all over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

BGM: Mysterious Tower

"Hmmm....what a coincidence, Kaika seems to be close to the city, with Haken's group." said Vita. "Oh, then i'll get to know your new friends." said Hayate smiling. "Still, it's a wonder the TSAB didn't found this world yet." said Signum. "And probably the situation will get even worse, what if Material-D get sucked in this world as well?" Reinforce estated, Lord Deache was the last person they wanted to see now. "Well, we already got Material-L and that red haired ditz in here." said Vita, refering herself to Levi the Slasher and Amitie Florian, Lyna had her fair share of world traveling before settling elsewhere, so she didn't have an idea of what they where talking about. "You seem worried about something...is something the matter?" Hayate asked to Lyna. "Oh, it's nothing, it's just, fate keeps separating me from my brother." said Lyna. "Well, don't worry, when the TSAB arrives, we'll be all going home." said Hayate, reassuring to Lyna that everything will be fine, with a smile. They continued their flight towards the city.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

-"The Main Power source....The problem is where in the forest.... Hey has your AI found the highest Fluctuating power source in the forest?" Rin asked.

He seathed Kurikara. He quickly remembered about Kuro. He took him out.

-"Hey Kuro, have you sensed any High-Level Naberius in the Forest?"

-'Yeah! -Meow- It's somewhere near those Titans'

Rin nodded.

Yukiteru's body kept moving around like crazy. He was now shaking.

-"Are you scared Yukiteru? Are you ashamed of all those people you killed? If you are I will end your life right here and right now!" Said a person whom looked like Yukiteru but I named him Darkness Yukiteru.

Yukiteru screamed out loud.

-"Dammit!!! Let me out of here!!! I am ashamed but I have to live my life to the fullest with Yuno!!! Now let me go!!" Yukiteru screamed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Let me check. CEE?" EMBR said.

"Tracking data of high intensity of 'Demon.' Northwest 75 kilometers from current location," CEE answered with the information already calculated.

"It's somewhere northwest from here, about 75 kilometers from here," EMBR said to them.
"Yukki..." Yuno said as she kept herself close to Yukki's body, trying to give him comfort. She forgotten that Hiro and Kurama were there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

-"Alright then... Kuro Transform!"

Suddenly a Dark Light enveloped Kuro as he transformed into a huge Demonic cat. When the light disappeared, Kuro appeared, morphed as a large Demonic Cat.

-"Now do you have your own method of transportation or do you need help."

Rin unscathed Kurikara and he was now covered in Blue Flames once again.

Yukiteru kept struggling. He began to bleed throughout his body. He was still fighting himself inside his own mind. Darkness Yukiteru keot on attacking Yukiteru with a flurry of attacks, up to the point were he began to bleed outside of his mind. He suddenly found himself back in the real world. He vomited blood, and held unto Yuno.

-"Yu..no help....me..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Oh my his condition is worse than I thought. Unfortunately it appears as if he is internally injured though by how much is still a mystery. I'm afraid to say I can't do much more for him in that case" Kurama stated covering the newly opened wounds with the vines he cut down earlier taking great care not to harm Yukki. He had been thinking over what Yukki had been screaming and was attempting to piece together what could have caused it.

"Perhaps I could be of help to you folks then?" A voice rose from behind the group making Kurama turn on a dime to see that the man before them was none other that Alexander Iron-Fist. "I know healing magic I can heal the boy of any internal injuries" Alexander said walking up to them but being mindful of his weapon since unless someone had enhanced vision they wouldn't be able to see the blade.

"While that would be useful you will need to convince Yuno here that you can" Kurama having walked up to Alexander said.

"Excuse me miss I can see that you are protective of your friend. That is good but I swear by Talos I mean you no harm" Alexander said to Yuno.. He laid down his sword and knelt by Yukki and Yuno awaiting a response before he did anything.

(Since the whole thing with Alexander and Dragoon got washed away in the sea of posts I decided to reintroduce Alexander elsewhere. If you still want to showdown between the two Wizard it can still happen.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

BGM: Full-Scale Assault

"Well, this is all too weird, first we are told to protect Ruby, now we have to watch her sail away with a weird woman, a twin-tailed hair girl, a guy that smells like alcohol...seriously, i gave up on understanding what's happening here." Thomas said. "C-calm down T, i'm sure all will work out in the end." said Hibiki. "You don't know how much i want to believe in you..." Thomas replied. "Oh hey, there's the Cybuster!" said Amita waving at it. "Yo, what did i miss?" Masaki asked as he landed the Mech close to the group, they could hear Suzaku fan-girling over it. "Well, so far we can't tell if we are in danger or not, pick your choice." said Haken. "Yeah, when you where out, Yang and Blake are nowhere to be seen, Signum and Vita vanhised in front of us." said Kaguya. "Makes one wonder if we'll be still alive..." said Thomas. "What's gotten onto you all of a sudden? You weren't so pessimistic like that." Xiaomu asked, Thomas made a "psst" to Xiaomu, then suddenly, they heard a voice coming from Thomas. "Nice try, but i can tell you're faking it... There! Everyone knows you have a inner demon! Happy?" said the voice. "Well, not exactly happy, as long as you don't try to take over me." replied Thomas. "An inner demon? That's not surprising." said Aschen. "So, can you tell us your name Mr. Inner Demon?" Hibiki asked cheerfuly. "Just so you know, i had the intention of killing you a while back, so don't go all smiley to my direction...ahem, my name is Markruss, a demon from the Chaos Dimension." said Markuss. "Does that ring a bell Little Boy?" Saya asked to Reiji. "Don't call me boy, and no it doesn't." said Reiji. "Of course you didn't, even though it's right under you stupid noses, the Chaos Dimension is in the entire Multiverse, it's the True Hell." said Markruss. "And you're telling us that...why?" This time, Levi asked, thinking she could introduce this so called 'True Hell' to her boss. "I'm just bored, being sealed inside someone can get boring fast, a while ago i think some idiot with great dark power influenced the seal that is binding us." said Markruss. "Now, if that idiot have heard you..." Aschen said. "Sue me, i don't even care, our souls are so tighly bound that any damage to me would damage the boy as well, anyway, on the subject of you guys now being able to hear me it's because there's another dark essense floating in this world, and a familiar one at that." said Markruss. "Familiar?" Hibiki stared puzzled. "Yeah, like, some hours ago, if i check this guy's memories, there was these Shadowy things." said Markruss. "Ah, i know, the Shadow Replicas...but, their presence aren't enough to make you possess me." said Thomas. "Well, yeah, but thanks to the other one that influenced me a while ago, the mere presence of darkness awakens me." Markruss estated. "Hm....I guess i get most of what you talked..." said Amita. "However, that still doesn't explains on half of what's happening here, why are we here? With what purpose?" Masaki said. "Hmmm, I guess i can figure out a solution, after all, being a demon from the Chaos Dimension has it's advantages, you know lots of stuff from the Multiverse." said Markruss. "Really? Would you help us out?" Hibiki asked with stars on her eyes. "Hmm...Let's see, only if you guys help me leave this body and let me plummet the Multiverse in CHAOS! HMHEHEHEHEHEHEHEKYHEHEHEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Markruss cackled. "You really shouldn't have asked that...." Thomas said to Hibiki, which had a sad expression on her face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Hiro did not mind being ignored but cleared her throat. " This is all sweet and crap but Yuno will not get better at this rate. He is just getting worse. .." She said noticing Yuno vomiting blood.

Weiss tried to remain positive that her other team members would return. "Yang and Blake are strong ..they will find us...hopefully. .." She mumbled that last part.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Uzumaki Naruto, Forest.]

-"Alright here goes Sauske! Naruto 2k Uzumaki Barrag-"

Uzumaki Naruto's sentence and Jutsu was cut short when he suddenly found himself in the forest. He couldn't find Sauske, or Sakura or any other of his friend. He needed to know where he was and now. He decided to use a mass shadow clone replication to find where he was. Many of Naruto's clones found many other people, then they disappeared quickly. He took out a Kunai and stuck it in the tree to leave a mark of where he was going.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Lord Yasu...where is he?" a voice said as masses and masses of shadows began to form together somewhere deep in the forest. It wasn't long until the shadows were able to form into...Kaika? No, it was something else that could take the form of Kaika as much as it wanted. This was Alius, the Shadow Replica that had a mind of it's own. "Looks like he is here, Lord Yasu. I can feel my fledgings running about, my dear little Shadow Replicas...it is a relief that I can still access the replication of this girl's body. What was her name again? Kaika? I can feel her essence in this world...a perfect chance for me to arrange her fall..." Alius said as she got used to moving around in the replicated body of Kaika, and it wasn't long before the self-aware and disguised Shadow Replica would wander around and see things for herself.
For a moment, Yuno had the tendency to take out the knife and attack this new person in their group, but her other thoughts were telling her that these people could help Yukki. "Fine...." Yuno only managed to say this word, as she couldn't think of anything else to say. She wasn't used to trusting others yet, especially near her Yukki.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alexander nodded getting the 'all clear' from Yuno. "Don't worry it will only take a second and the boy will feel no pain" He said making a ball of light appear in each hand. He pointed them towards Yukki and casted the spell 'healing hands' which would engulf Yukki in a bright light. Because of this any psychical damage Yukki that had received from previous fights would be instantly healed both external and internal. Seems Alexander had stayed true to his word of not harming Yukki. As the light faded out out from Alexander's hands the light that had engulfed Yukki had faded away as well. The heavily armored warrior leaned back having exhausted his Magicka reserves healing Yukki. He smiled looking at Yuno then back at the others. "I forgot to introduce myself I am Alexander Iron-Fist" he said proudly. From the looks of his armor and shield he had obviously been in conflict before meeting these people.

If any were to notice while Alexander was healing Yukki Kurama still had that rose and the stem was pointed at Alexander's neck. The stem appeared to be sharp enough to cut through flesh but what was funny was this was the same rose he offered to Yuno earlier which meant Kurama did not exactly trust any of them either.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yukiteru had fought the Darkness Yukiteru for as long as he could. The Darkness Yukiteru would come out now and then, and Yukiteru knew that, but he wasn't going to let it take control. As he woke up he saw a new person and Yuno. It was a good thing that Yuno didn't break and went berserk again. That was good. Suddenly Yukiteru's eyes turned a Dark Purple then went back to his regular eye color. That was a perfect signal that Darkness Yukiteru was inside him, getting ready to blow, but he had to keep it in. He looked over at Yuno and smiled. He was clenching onto his heart. It was aching. He stood up.

-"Everyone thank you and sorry for making you go through this, Especially you Yuno."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by True Creator
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True Creator

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Kusanagi Godou was teleported, to the middle of a Forest...

Any normal person would have thought that was impossible, but not Kusanagi Godou, who already experienced many strange things, having fought and killed Gods. He was slowly begun to understand that, after all he wasn’t normal and strange things are bound to happen around to him.

Be it attracting Gods to fight, to this example of being teleported to the middle of nowhere.

Maybe he could return to his place, using the [Wind] Authority, but he wasn’t sure of that as that was one of the Ten Incantations that he rarely used.
So he simply began to wander through the forest, he was bound to eventually find something or something happens because of his luck.

For Sakamaki Izayoi, getting summoned to another World wasn’t a strange thing as it may seem. As he already been summoned to the World of ‘Little Garden’ after all.

Still, that didn’t change the fact that he was in the middle of a forest, without any indications of why is he even here. Even if he was someone who is above humans in this situation, there was nothing he could do, other than walk aimlessly in this forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"No, I'm always prepared," EMBR said to Rin as he had his suitcase shift into a glider mode, to which he stood on the glider as if it were a hoverboard. "Ready when you are," he said to him.
"If you're all better Yukki, then I don't mind!" Yuno says with a cheery voice, extremely glad that Yukki was all better now as it seemed. She didn't notice the purple eyes that Yukki had for a moment.
Alius ran into a few of the Shadow Replicas in the area, but none of them attacked her. "Oh...there you are. Well...some of you. Glad to see that my children are doing what they were made to do. Now go off, there's a variety of souls to choose from," Alius said to the shadow replicas near her, to which the shadowy monsters began to spread out as if her orders were something they couldn't ignore. Of course, she appeared human for now, so her connection to the Shadow Replicas was hard to see. Alius began to sense several new arrivals, and more importantly, more souls. "What a treat..." she mumbled quietly to herself as she began to head towards this sense of powerful souls (Naruto).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Uzumaki Naruto, Forest]

Naruto deactivated his Kage Bunshin No Jutsu. He found a Kusanagi walking around and decided to approach him. As he landed he activated a Shadow Clone and made him walk towards Kusanagi. Once he got to him he asked him a question

-"Hello there! What's your name?"

[Yukiteru, Forest]

Yukiteru ran towards Yuno and hugged her. He shed a tear.

-"I am so sorry...Yuno, I shouldn't have made you go through this..." Yukiteru said.

He looked at the other people surrounding him and gave them a small thumbs up.


[Rin, Inn]

-"Alright then let's go!"

Rin made a small hole through the Inn and began advancing through the hole.

-"You know where we are going right Kuro! Then Let's go!"
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