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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

While cybertronian weaponry was far advanced, even the brute force of one of Bruticus's punches, which could have easily crushed a tank, did almost nothing to one of these disks, which were about the size of a normal human. Using their smaller size to their advantage, the things had figured out that Bruticus was dangerous, and avoided his heavy weapons fire. However, while quite durable, the drones didn't have the firepower to take down the Overt Shield of anything larger than a standard Decepticon soldier, although their blades were perfect for slicing through normal materials. The drones moved to the defensive when heavy weapons fire was used, forming together to form shields for the static Drone Pillar, happily sacrificing a few for the greater good.
Several of the worker drones appeared from the remaining shrubbery as the weaponsfire halted, spinning around the massive Autobots, They were using a variety of scans, as they tried to figure out the workings of these strange machines. The overt shields made scanning of any type quite hard, however some basic data was gleaned. "I am a representative of the God Emperor. We are turning this world into a Utopia, in which there is no need for fear or pain. Through use of advanced medical and security techniques, combined with absolute and undebated morality, a perfect world will be created were all beings can exist equally in peace and prosperity, with no need to fear from disease, injury, or crime." While some would call it a flowery portrayal of reality, it was the God Emperor's intention to create utopia.
As the swarm of insecticons approached the Drone Pillar, it's defensive systems were activated. The Inecticons had no strong overt field, and thus, Drones could relatively easily deal with them. even though the numbers of the Swarmers numbered in the hundreds, the numbers of the drones were in the thousands, and immediately a wave of drones exploded against their opponents. Soon after their overt fields were destroyed, the next wave sliced straight through these robots, only to explode against the next wave of Swarmers. In rapid progression, the drones formed a constant assault, killing swarmers on a 1-1 rate, knowing that the swarmers simply could mount enough attack power to deal much damage to the Drones. This was a battle of attrition, and the Drones were in far greater numbers.
Mia was slowly coming to, slowly opening her eyes and yawning, as if awakening from a deep sleep. The first, rather perplexing sight that greeted her was two women trying to beat each other to death in front of her. However, her mind was blank, with no memory of who she was or how she'd gotten here. The f*ck was going on?! She looked around, spotting Bob, and instantly shied away. He was practically oozing out a malicious aura. Why was everything so confusing? What in the bloody Hell was going on over here?! And why was she wearing the shredded remains of a pink tutu?!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Rin, Inn]

Rin sent a lightened Blue Flame hurling towards the enemy. Once the attack got contact he slashed the Shadow Replica intelligently, as the attacks made contacts he tried to summon a Medium Level Naberius, but since he wasn't in his world, he wasn't so sure that would work. Instead he kept slashing the Shadow Replica until it was engulfed in A Blue Light. Since the Shadow Replica was a shadow or made of Darkness, this blue light had probably made the Shadow Replica disappear, he couldn't see through the Blue Light but he guessed it was defeated. He moved backwards just in case.

[Yukiteru, Forest]

Yukiteru was inside his own mind again, he yelled out loud which could be heard in the real world.

-"Let me out of here!!! I need to be with Yuno!!! Let me out!!!" Yukiteru hollered.

Yukiteru's Body began moving around in pain. He was hollering and screaming, it could be heard by the people outside but he couldn't hear them. His body kept moving around in pain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gummi Bunnies said
The Shadow Prime was met with these attacks, since it's large size prevented it from being fast enough to evade the attacks or even block them. It gave out a loud screech before rising out of the ground, manifesting itself wings for some ability of flight. By now, the shadow blobs disappeared as those were used to create the Shadow Prime wings. It flew up in the sky, and dove right back down in an attempt to ram itself to it's opponents below.

BGM: The Steel Giant

Signum and Vita where far away to being hit by the Prime's sudden attack, however, Lyna and Reinforce where exactly at it's trajectory. "Reinforce, look out." Lyna pushed Reinforce out of the way, getting hit by the ramming attack, but she wasn't sent away, she took hold of the Shadow Prime left arm. "What she's doing?" Vita asked, seeing that Lyna was doing nothing more than just getting hit, but she had a purpose behind it, understanding what the Shadow Replicas really where, she could sense they were more diferently than mere heartless, they had something more in then, those were, thoughts, she couldn't tell exactly what those kinds of thoughts they were, but the sensantion was the same. "I would to like to know what those thoughts are, but for now, i have to stay alive for my friends and to those who are waiting for me...Mystic Charmer Socery - Heaven Gate Seal!!" releasing her grip from the Shadow Prime and combining her sealing and barrier magic, she imprisioned the monster in a cube as big as the creature, and prison designed specially for creatures of darkness, however, that was a temporary barrier, the Shadow Prime would free itself in a few seconds. "Thanks for waiting Lyna, and to keep the creature in place, now i can use this whithout the fear of missing, Now, Traverse the Universe and show your how your bright shine, your full power Starlight!" Hayate pointed her staff at the Prime, silently wishing good-bye, then screaming. "BREAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!" shooting a massive pink beam that was charging ever since the fight with the Shadow Prime started, and fused with her own magic power as well, and adding her own chants, since the original spell didn't have it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Ruby nodded to those who decided to accompany her.

Yang blocked another attack from Blake and noticed Mia awake. "Mia?" She said as she rolled out of the way from a Shroud strike. "Are you ok?" For the moment she forgot about Bob's game. "It's me Yang..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mia started as she was addressed, however, she was already trying to analyze the situation. Two people were fighting each other, and she had no idea where she was. One person was obviously trying to get her to recognize her, and thus it followed that she had lost her memory. This fitted in perfectly with the fact that she could recall nothing before this point in time. The situation was also quite obviously a dangerous one, which meant that she would need to choose her actions wisely, or she might end up dead before she knew why she was here. By the smile on the man beside her's face, she already knew he was evil, and had something to do with this fight. Furthermore, despite holding herself like a trained fighter, Blake hadn't made use of Yang's distraction, as she should have. This meant that Blake was holding back. Furthermore their expressions were ones of reluctance, as they obviously didn't want to fight. They were friends, sisters, lovers, or in some other way close.
Mia's amnesia had done nothing to remove her ability to analyze a situation, and her keen mind was already searching for an answer. She could pretend not to have amnesia, but without any knowledge as to what her previous personality had been like, that would be virtually impossible. Yang was immediately deduced as not hostile, Blake was a potential, if reluctant, threat, and Bob was most definitely dangerous. As such, Mia decided the most logical course of action was to scream and hold her head, hoping that whatever had caused her amnesia could logically cause an incredible headache, as it removed the need for acting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Blake heard Mia scream which prompted Yang to comfort her once more. Judging by the way Mia held her head she believed Mia had a bad headache or it was a side effect of what Gilgamish had Inflicted and inside she could feel some hatred of him but she shook it off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Necrox and Lilly

"So... who's the idiot now?", Necrox said. Lilly's idea was completely stupid, but the Ambassador's actions canceled the game, giving them the cance to escape. "C'mon, let's get out of here while we can.", he said, pulling her arm as he ran. Prae followed them.

They did escaped, but Necrox knew that Mereana was still out there, watching them. She could appear at any moment, giving them another threat. In any case, they were at the Witches' aim. "Well, now we're playing Chase, but we're the hunted.", Necrox said. Lilly looked at herself and put her hand at her heart. "... You know, now that we have them at our boots, we need her. You have to accept that she is you at all costs.", he said. "But... what will happen?! If I become a Witch...", she said, but Necrox raised his hand, telling for her to stop. "Remember, both Beato and Lambda had admitted that your Witch form, LILLY-Beatrice, would eventually be a strong Witch. More than Bernkastel, indeed. If you could, maybe, what kind of miracle-", he spoke, but she interrupted. "................ I... I am LILLY-Beatrice, the Witch of 5 Colors!!", she spoke. Upon a light that could blind any eye, Lilly felt that she was changing. But instead of the primary image of the Witch she had in mind, it was different. The real image of herself as a Witch had ben unsealed. She saw the true LILLY-Beatrice. The light wore off and there she was. "So... this is me... as a Witch.", she spoke. "Welcome... Lady LILLY-Beatrice, Witch of 5 Colors.", Prae spoke and kneeled at LILLY.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Yuno grew intensely worried for Yuki as he began screaming, and knew there was little time and options to help him. So... "Alright...help Yukki...please," Yuno finally gave allowance for Kurama to help Yukki.
The Shadow Replica was easily destroyed by the blue flames, it's dark essence fading away as if it were exorcised from existence. "Well...that was quick. Just what the hell was that?...it was like some shadow humanoid..." EMBR definitely sounded like he was lost by all of these events occurring, as in his world, these were impossible occurrences.
The beam too strong for it to handle and fend off, the Shadow Prime was struck by the guaranteed finishing hit. And with that, the Shadow Prime broke apart into several fading away essences of negative thoughts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

-"I think that this is a demon, well because I can understand demons and exorcise them quickly... Now did your AI get any information on this Demon." Rin said.

He looked at The Shadow Replica which looked like a medium level Naberius.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Amano__Yukiteru said
-"I think that this is a demon, well because I can understand demons and exorcise them quickly... Now did your AI get any information on this Demon." Rin said.He looked at The Shadow Replica which looked like a medium level Naberius.

"Er, CEE?" EMBR asked as he took off the headset and put it on speaker mode.

"Scan complete on 'Demon.' It has physical qualities similar to simple shadows, and it's behavior is determined to be hostile near any living being. It is unknown on the origins of 'Demon,' but there is also readings of human-like qualities. Yet, this information is not confirmed," CEE recited all of the information that she could analyze from the Shadow Replica before it disappeared.

"Sounds like if we go with the Demon assumption, it would make sense on why it's attacking us, since we're classified as living beings," EMBR said, not so sure on if it were really a demon...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Hiro watched Yuno and Yuki along with Kurama. "Kurama if your power fails I will use my Cutter to save his soul..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

thewizardguy said
While cybertronian weaponry was far advanced, even the brute force of one of Bruticus's punches, which could have easily crushed a tank, did almost nothing to one of these disks, which were about the size of a normal human. Using their smaller size to their advantage, the things had figured out that Bruticus was dangerous, and avoided his heavy weapons fire. However, while quite durable, the drones didn't have the firepower to take down the Overt Shield of anything larger than a standard Decepticon soldier, although their blades were perfect for slicing through normal materials. The drones moved to the defensive when heavy weapons fire was used, forming together to form shields for the static Drone Pillar, happily sacrificing a few for the greater good.Several of the worker drones appeared from the remaining shrubbery as the weaponsfire halted, spinning around the massive Autobots, They were using a variety of scans, as they tried to figure out the workings of these strange machines. The overt shields made scanning of any type quite hard, however some basic data was gleaned. "I am a representative of the God Emperor. We are turning this world into a Utopia, in which there is no need for fear or pain. Through use of advanced medical and security techniques, combined with absolute and undebated morality, a perfect world will be created were all beings can exist equally in peace and prosperity, with no need to fear from disease, injury, or crime." While some would call it a flowery portrayal of reality, it was the God Emperor's intention to create utopia.As the swarm of insecticons approached the Drone Pillar, it's defensive systems were activated. The Inecticons had no strong overt field, and thus, Drones could relatively easily deal with them. even though the numbers of the Swarmers numbered in the hundreds, the numbers of the drones were in the thousands, and immediately a wave of drones exploded against their opponents. Soon after their overt fields were destroyed, the next wave sliced straight through these robots, only to explode against the next wave of Swarmers. In rapid progression, the drones formed a constant assault, killing swarmers on a 1-1 rate, knowing that the swarmers simply could mount enough attack power to deal much damage to the Drones. This was a battle of attrition, and the Drones were in far greater numbers.Mia was slowly coming to, slowly opening her eyes and yawning, as if awakening from a deep sleep. The first, rather perplexing sight that greeted her was two women trying to beat each other to death in front of her. However, her mind was blank, with no memory of who she was or how she'd gotten here. The f*ck was going on?! She looked around, spotting Bob, and instantly shied away. He was practically oozing out a malicious aura. Why was everything so confusing? What in the bloody Hell was going on over here?! And why was she wearing the shredded remains of a pink tutu?!

Optimus frowned. "And what gives you the right to force this 'utopia' on this world." The autobot leader said, clearly not liking the aggressiveness of this new threat. It reminded him of Megatron. It was the Decepticons leader who sought to bring Cybertron into a new golden age under his leadership, however he would conquer everything in the way to do it. In the end, it had been the undoing of their world. It was often the case that the worst things imaginable were done with the best intentions.
After a small battle, the swarmers were outnumbered. Although they destroyed equally that the drones could, they simply didn't have the numbers. The swarmers scattered to the winds, each off to find their own cavern and create a new hive. They would be back, and in far larger numbers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mia blinked, looking up. It seemed the fight had stopped, at least temporarily. She'd have run away at this point, but she'd seen the speed these people had, and no normal human could match that. As such, she just stayed down, hoping she'd go unnoticed for long enough to escape.

"Don't worry, she's faking." Bob gave Mia a sideways smile, as the girl looked up incredulously. Of course, Bob could draw on the emotions of others, and he would have noticed if she were in any real pain. He was, after all, the product of the human imagination.

Mia, for her part, was too shocked to keep up the act. Then she realized she was the center of attention, and quickly looked around for a weapon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Dark Elsa said
Hiro watched Yuno and Yuki along with Kurama. "Kurama if your power fails I will use my Cutter to save his soul..."

For a moment, Yuno turned her attention towards Hiro, her stare clearly meant death was about to be brought down. "And will you take his soul away...from ME? Stay. Away. From. Him," Yuno spoke monotonously to Hiro, holding out a knife and giving this threat to Hiro.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Bro'Dee continued his tiring flight, making sure to check on the girl from time to time, that is when he once again saw his two companions. They flew above him but when they got sight of him flew down. John had a smirk that showed he was about to accuse. "I'm not kidnapping her! We are on our way to the Ark!" Bro'Dee screeched, John shrugged and Antipathy had a laughing fit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I cannot answer that question. I have only been programmed with a limited number of responses." The robot was directly connected to Odin, of course, and Matt could have altered it's answers at will to suit these new questions, but there was a ulterior motive behind this. "As such, you are invited to Yggdrasil, in the Conference room. I assume you speak for all of your race? Another group of yours have attacked drones nearby, and a battle is still underway. If you were to contact these members, and prevent them from engaging in further hostilities, negotiations could begin." Of course, Matt would need to quickly expand the room size in order to accomodate Optimus, and it was only by the power of megafactories that he could get a chair that size on time, but such a conversation would be most educational. These beings possessed living technology, something that he had always wished for. If he discovered their secret, he'd be able to create even more dangerous robots.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

-"Hmm...Oh! I think that this is a Medium Level Naberius, Which means a high class demon, now if this one is weak and many are appearing, then there must be a strong central power! What if- Ni that can't be..." Rin Said.

He listened to the AI. The Main Power Source had to be in the Forest where the most energy was being transmitted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Well Hiro I can only stop the bleeding if any and try to stabilize him but i'm no medical specialist" Kurama admitted before looking at Yukki who was screaming. "Calm down Yukki Yuno's right here" Kurama said to Yukki. As he was speaking several vines in the tree above them had suddenly accelerated in growth extending down to the forest floor. "Perfect these will do" Kurama said a couple free. "Now there not bandages but they'll do for now" Kurama said taking said vines and using them as if bandages to wrap around Yukki's wounds albeit carefully since Yukki was freaking out. If any were to noticed the vines were grown using demon energy and unless another demon was present Kurama was the only one to match the energy used. When he saw the stare Yuno gave Hiro and the knife he began to plan ahead of what he would do depending on who made what move.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Dark Elsa said
Elsa looked saddened but understood. Then seeing the commotion she panicked. "What is happening. ..Anna could be out there! We have ..." She felt herself being taken away from the area. Her power was threatening to be unleashed in her worry but she held it back convincing herself her sister was safe....

Sideswipe drove, "Nothing we can do for her" He said, "but if we send out a rescue team now, it will become lost along with her, she'll just have to hold out 'till it calms down" the Autobot said. He arrived in a communications room deep inside the Ark. There were a couple autobot soldiers there, "Sideswipe!" they said, "Got some sort of weird looking alien attack!" they pointed to the screen. It was showing the alien drones on a large screen. He transformed, "Well, mind looking after this one? Optimus ordered it" He said, and the other two nodded at once. "Count on us!" one said. It was around then that the shooting stopped. "Ima go check out what's up! I'll be back!" Sideswipe said, transforming and zooming away. One Autobot sat down, "geeze, it's like everything is at constant war here" he said, checking his weapon.
thewizardguy said
"I cannot answer that question. I have only been programmed with a limited number of responses." The robot was directly connected to Odin, of course, and Matt could have altered it's answers at will to suit these new questions, but there was a ulterior motive behind this. "As such, you are invited to Yggdrasil, in the Conference room. I assume you speak for all of your race? Another group of yours have attacked drones nearby, and a battle is still underway. If you were to contact these members, and prevent them from engaging in further hostilities, negotiations could begin." Of course, Matt would need to quickly expand the room size in order to accomodate Optimus, and it was only by the power of megafactories that he could get a chair that size on time, but such a conversation would be most educational. These beings possessed living technology, something that he had always wished for. If he discovered their secret, he'd be able to create even dangerous robots.

Optimus sighed at the robots responce. "I do not speak for all my race, only my faction" Optimus said. "The Decepticons are not under my control"
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