Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I dunno it was getting pretty heated back there and i'm almost sure we're gonna hear it from the CO-GM. Eh it's over now so i'm just gonna go play on my 360 and hope that Elsa doesn't kill us all over this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Well, can't say much here. And yeah, I'm with Kael there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Seeing as how everyone seems incredibly reluctant to give me a proper description of how this power works, I've looked it up myself. It only activates when used against an opponent's most powerful attack. This only works if it is their most powerful attack, and is absolutely and completely useless against well-rounded mages such as most of the masters in the series, or, of course, Stein. Furthermore, the blade does not cut it's opponent in half, it rather causes a small hole more-less the size of a pebble, the minimal amount to gauge out the heart.
There, this has been solved. Now, based on the fact that I want this fight to be over, I will compromise and agree to both characters living, despite the fact that Fragrach should not have been used in this manner, and has been abused in these fights. In the future, I shall react appropriately, and be researching every item Gilgamesh pulls out. Now I need to go calm down.

No, not today. I'd given you more then enough times to compromise, and even agreed to give you all the information on a characters ability after the fight was over. I did so because I have the greatest knowledge of that universe here; there's practically nothing I don't know about the Nasuverse. I know every weakness and every strength Gilgamesh has, and as someone just trying to diffuse the situation, I'm not going to assist one side or the other in the fight.

Had you said yes, you would accept a Out of Character compromise, I would've given you the information. But you didn't want that. You wanted a negotiation on your terms; as I suspected, no less.

It's clear you didn't see me as a neutral party, rather, as an obstacle in your way. So, you went to the wiki, got some basic information, and then declared you're "letting him live". I know this universe well, far more than anyone on that wikia.

My question wasn't whether or not you'd ICly let him live. If it was if you were fine with the concept. So then, allow me to explain why Lax is being generous and allowing you to live right now. Because believe me, even if we assume the heart was switched, Stein should be a fine, pink mist.

It only activates when used against an opponent's most powerful attack.

Furthermore, the blade does not cut it's opponent in half, it rather causes a small hole more-less the size of a pebble, the minimal amount to gauge out the heart.

All of this is assuming your plan works. We're not even debating whether or not he can get past the yukari barrier and if the Stein heart is conceptually Steins heart, or if it'll just pierce both hearts. Well, considering the user can target which part of the body Fragarch hits when they use it, hmmmm, couldn't they pick which heart it hit? But I don't even need to use that debate.

And to make it clear; Fragarch's big counter is to not use your trump card against it. It's also no good against people who can heal themselves or take large amounts of damage. Of course, against someone with the constitution of that level, what can you expect. Of course it's powerful. Gilgamesh is one of the stronger characters of this RP, just like Bob, or the Slivers.

With that said, I think I may just take a permanent leave of absence from this roleplay. It's clear that, even if both characters come out living, there has to be a gigantic multi page debate over whether one character gains a pyrric victory they shouldn't even attain in the first place.

What was this debate for, again? In the end, Wizard agreed to let both live. But only when it was on his terms and he "thought" he had Gilgamesh by the balls. That entire unsightly debate was over who got to spare who, nothing more, nothing less.

My apologies if I've angered or offended you during this debate and this post, Wizard. I did not intend to do either if that happens, but I don't believe this is right, and I can't just stand by and let it happen around me.

Lax, Guy, and Sakaki all agree with me on this fact, so yea, sorry guys, we may just be gone soon. I'll do what I can to make sure the decpticons get a fun fight with the goats and Dio gets his ship regardless of whether we leave or not.

Also, sorry for bringing this debate up again, guys. It may be my last post here, so I thought I'd go out with a bang~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Since Yasu (possessing Sota) just summoned a portal that's creating a whole bunch of Shadow Replicas (shadows that either look like humanoids or are just plain monstrous), any character could run into them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goat God

Goat God

Member Offline since relaunch

Now that I'm accepted, can I get an over view of WTF is going on?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

Member Offline since relaunch

Glares at everyone silently as she comes back to a argument/debate. ( not annoyed at those not involved.) I am sorry for not being here...I had to work. In light of this unneeded debate I should impose a rule or so just to avoid more conflicts.

First off...If anyone has a issue with the powers and abilities of a character please take it to the pms. I know a few rper were annoyed and put off by it. NO MORE heated debates.

Secondly when explaining/ listing a oc/cannons ability s please be as descriptive as you can or post up a link. This way we can all know our characters powers and how they work..
I am
not that pissed so ignore the glare. I am sorry if I sound harsh but really we are here to have fun. On the subject of posting I will ask if everyone try to post as reasonably as possible..wait for a responce from the person you posted to if you can..In battles try to slow the pace plz.

I really did not want it to come to this but in light of this debate it had to be done..I will Probably have to implement a warning system ....but only if this happens again.

I apologize to everyone. Just remember a rp is supposed to be fun..not make others want to leave.

And Goat....alot of stuff..battles mainly even I have lost track.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Goat God said
Now that I'm , can I get an over view of WTF is going on?

Chaos, utter chaos.
Goat God said
Crashing though a window, the Pyro runs in, with it's flamethrower in it's rubber gloved hands. Pyro sees the giant jet robot

Wait what giant jet robot? What window? Where?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goat God

Goat God

Member Offline since relaunch

I reposted it... I like posting from the point of view of my character, if the pyro doesn't know a name, I don't post their name until he does.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I realise that, but you need to describe what character Pryo is seeing so the other RPers can respond. There are multiple jet guys, so a little specification. Also, where he is is quite important, as it could determine what character Pryo is interacting with.
Thanks for getting some detail! :P

I would like to add that the windows on the Ark are designed to withstand reentry, and if he tried jumping through he would bounce off. Also, Elsa (I think) is nowhere near the entrance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goat God

Goat God

Member Offline since relaunch

Ice girl= Elsa... But I'll repost

Well uhh... Um.... He stole the soldier's iron boots... There.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

Member Offline since relaunch

Elsa is currently breaking down in that room..not at the entrance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goat God

Goat God

Member Offline since relaunch

Well then how should he get in then?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Dark Elsa said
Almighty words.

Elsa, oh Co-GM of greatness. Please tell me you shall be on for an hour more? The Lanterns are coming. A tidal wave of good and bad emotions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

Member Offline since relaunch

I will be on for a bit longer..a hour or so at most.....app away
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Goat God said
Well then how should he get in then?

Through the open door that Screamer flew out of? It never closed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

lag post
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

lag post
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


Member Offline since relaunch

Dark Elsa said
I will be on for a bit longer..a hour or so at most.....app away

I shall, a lot of research is needed of course.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

Member Offline since relaunch

OK then if I go suddenly I'll look them over tomorrow no worries Cala.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

yes, fresh mea- I mean new friends!
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