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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goat God

Goat God

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Pyro wishes to join them
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Goat God said
Pyro wishes to join them

He does?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Insecticons shall feed well tonight ...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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No, they won't.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goat God

Goat God

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CallaLily180 said
He does?

Yes. As soon as they get in the rp
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

CallaLily180 said
No, they won't.

Then they shall become lantern fodder. all ten thousand of their babies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Well Cal ...As long as you keep thier abilities balanced then both are accepted. We have a rule that applies to characters with alot of special/Oped abilitys ...I trust you will keep thier ability on acceptable scale...

With this I am off to sleep. And yes I took weaknesses into account for them.

Night all..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lanterns can communicate to any species? That would be a good excuse to bring in the Insecticon hive mind ...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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BB said
No, not today. I'd given you more then enough times to compromise, and even agreed to give you all the information on a characters ability after the fight was over. I did so because I have the greatest knowledge of that universe here; there's practically nothing I don't know about the Nasuverse. I know every weakness and every strength Gilgamesh has, and as someone just trying to diffuse the situation, I'm not going to assist one side or the other in the fight. Had you said yes, you would accept a Out of Character compromise, I would've given you the information. But you didn't want that. You wanted a negotiation on your terms; as I suspected, no less.

I wanted to finish an argument. I was attempting to discover what would truly happen, and the answers I got were not only confusing, and, worst of all, half the time they seemed to contradict what was happening in the IC. This led me to believe that either nobody here had any idea how this thing actually worked, or believed different things, or that LaX was actively abusing my ignorance on how the weapon functions. Despite you having the answers as to how this worked you actively obscured this information, and instead kept asking me to compromise, whereas I was trying to find out whether or not my ignorance and good faith was being abused, the idea of which is the cause for much of the fight that occurred.

BB said this space represents the information in the hiders, which don't work in the quote function.

Thank you for clarifying the way this weapon functions. I attempted to gain as much information as I could, but unfortunately it was rather limited. While I would hate to doubt your honesty in the matter, I still appreciate the screen caps. This makes things a lot easier.

BB said It's clear you didn't see me as a neutral party, rather, as an obstacle in your way. So, you went to the wiki, got some basic information, and then declared you're "letting him live". I know this universe well, far more than anyone on that wikia.My question wasn't whether or not you'd ICly let him live. If it was if you were fine with the concept. So then, allow me to explain why Lax is being generous and allowing you to live right now.

As I stated before, I saw you as someone who was interested in getting this out of the way, regardless of what the proper outcome should be. Had you provided the information you just did, I would happily have allowed Stein to die, and be reduced to 'a fine red mist'. I wasn't after some pyrrhic victory, because I personally don't care much for such pissing matched, I care when I get the feeling that someone's abusing a weapon or power in some way.

BB said Of course it's powerful. Gilgamesh is one of the stronger characters of this RP, just like Bob, or the Slivers.

And this is perfectly understandable. I was not arguing that it was too powerful, simply that it was not well defined.

BB said With that said, I think I may just take a permanent leave of absence from this roleplay. It's clear that, even if both characters come out living, there has to be a gigantic multi page debate over whether one character gains a pyrric victory they shouldn't even attain in the first place.What was this debate for, again? In the end, Wizard agreed to let both live. But only when it was on his terms and he "thought" he had Gilgamesh by the balls. That entire unsightly debate was over who got to spare who, nothing more, nothing less.My apologies if I've angered or offended you during this debate and this post, Wizard. I did not intend to do either if that happens, but I don't believe this is right, and I can't just stand by and let it happen around me. Lax, Guy, and Sakaki all agree with me on this fact, so yea, sorry guys, we may just be gone soon.

It's a shame you're leaving, and I hope you have fun in whatever roleplay you're going to next. However, please refrain from accusing me of such motivations without, in fact, asking me in any manner. I agreed to let both live because I had finally found the information I wanted. As I stated before, my interest wasn't what character would die, and what character wouldn't.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

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Don't expect me to be around that much today
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sorry I just disapeared yesterday, I went to a friends to study and I forgot to post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ah, a BB spine crush. Delicious~

Eh, I'm game. Something you ought to know, I'm not the level-headed, eternally-neutral, diplomatic person BB is. Well, at least, I don't care enough to put up that kind of behavior at this point in time. I'll be much less informative and much more targeting and critical. Good cop, asshole cop.

That said, unless a paragraph specifically mentions you by name, if you don't think I'm referring to you I very well might not be. This is more general than specific, with a few targeted remarks.

I'd actually put together a half-decent structure for this post with more quotes and the like, but as with all posts I've made here, I'm on mobile so that's much more of a hassle than I really care to engage in.

If BB decides to head off I'll be doing the same. I really don't want to have to engage in a drawn-out debate with people who refuse to try understanding something outside their own vapidity every time I make a post.

Point in case. Example: Wiz after BB said he acted as if he had Gilgamesh by the balls.

please refrain from accusing me of such motivations without, in fact, asking me in any manner


And now you KNOW I'm going to own you.

And this doesn't even take into account your vernacular during the "okay, I'll agree to compromise" post. You thought because you managed to find the typemoon wiki pages you had the dominant position, and acted as such.

Do you really think I can't tell what you're doing right now? When someone realizes they've lost, they try to act like they were being level-headed and rational the whole time. They try to make it seem like the field of argument was equal the whole time in an attempt to salvage some dignity. You're lacing every "polite" statement with undertones of "well, it was all your fault anyway." Thing is, that fails when the other people have been watching the entire exchange.

We both know you wouldn't have been willing to kill off Stein in that post. Don't lie because you feel secure in admitting defeat, now that you know we're leaving. And yes, I know exactly how you're going to respond to this, don't bother; you have nothing to prove to me, I'm leaving.

By the way, just so you're aware, let's say you somehow killed Gilgamesh. Ignoring that if you can think of a power, he has the original of it. Ignoring that no matter what, he has the perfect counter to every move you make, because you don't understand his weaknesses outside what the infinitely wrong wiki tells you. Let's say you kill him.

The instant you do that, Enkidu stops holding back as much as he has been, which is quite a lot, and promptly destroys all of creation.

But what's the fun in that? No appeal, no nuance, no flair. And you know how I said Enkidu has weaknesses? Hoh boy he has weaknesses, but the thing is, you lack the actual capacity to figure out or exploit them. There's not a character in this RP short of the Voyagers who can stand up to him, and that's solely because of incompetence, because the people like BB and Chizuru who are playing those Voyagers know what they're doing.

In fact, I'm tempted to just have Enkidu do that now, try to break the whole RP, and challenge you all to find a way to stop me, but that's every bit as childish as what's been done in the fights up until now. Besides, that's not fair to the people who are trying to have fun in a way that doesn't involve exerting will over others.

That's my biggest miff, if I'm honest. It's that a decent chunk of the people here don't seem to have an idea of "fun" outside just trying to prove that they're better than other people.

Was I doing that as well? Oh yeah, certainly, but exclusively against those people who fall in the above category. Does that make me any more right? Of course not, it's an idiotic, baseless justification, but I have no qualms with saying that much. That's one of the reasons I'm leaving, because all I can do here is that.

This isn't fun, this is baseless arguing with a cliff face that refuses to speak back coherently. I do this, I RP, to have fun, when it stops being fun I stop doing it. Frankly, the only reason I kept posting here was because I was annoyed by the endless game of wank. Gil might be overpowered, but he's only as overpowered as his canon universe made him. We haven't gone beyond that by one iota, unlike a good few other existences here. If you're going to try and point the finger, do it elsewhere. His limits are perfectly existent.

Don't treat yourself as some overbearing god. This whole time I've seen phrases that praise the ability of people's characters for no other reason than self-ego stroking. This, firstly, takes away from others' fun, the reason we RP, and second just means you believe you're smarter than your fellow RPers.

You're not.

I like to consider myself as decent in strategy games and PvP situations and the like. In a battle of strategy where the setting is the Nasuverse, someone like BB positively face crushes someone like me. Hell, I probably lose to him in strategy games regardless of the setting, with an occasional exception. He's better than me in that field. I recognize that, and instead of making a fool of myself by ranting on how I'm right all the time I try to lessen that gap as best I can by listening. In a PvP, try that. It works wonders.

And Wiz, when a GM complains about your character, don't reply with "You can't force me to change him, but you can ask me to." Yes they can. When you join a roleplay you consent to the rules of the moderators. You're free to talk to them and discuss rules and how they apply, but if you flat-out said "I don't have to listen to you" in one of my roleplays, I'd give you one warning to drop that attitude before banning you the next time. Follow the rules. Respect the moderators. If you don't like it, make your own Roleplay.

On that note, Elsa, glad to see you're tightening down on control.

Do I think I'm some grand Knower of all that is RPing? God no. If you want to brush this all off as the incorrect statements of some person then feel free, but I hope that some of you at least take this half to heart, because I at least sincerely believe it's true.

Have fun, but fun shouldn't be always being right and refusing to accept anything else. That makes you arrogant. That makes you infantile. That makes you annoying.

If you have to ignore this post and rationalize your actions through a reply post, then at least take that much from it.

If there's something Enkidu really needs to do, say for instance the Voyagers need him to annihilate something before their RPers and myself leave, I'll post one last time. Outside that, I'm done. If any of you want to reply to this so as to get the "last word" and better assure yourselves, feel free.

That being said, I do hope all of you continue to have fun with whatever you choose to do.

Bye all, have a good day~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

What the hell happened while I was gone? We're not supposed to fight like this, c'mon guys don't do this. I don't want lasting resentment to be this RPs legacy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

So many fights/Discussions, why can't everyone get along, Damm...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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- removed -
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

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Amano__Yukiteru said
So many fights/Discussions, why can't everyone get along, Damm...

I'm glad someone agrees with me, to see what has happened simply makes me sad. I don't think that we have to always be okay with eachother but I do think that we shouldn't fight to the point where people are leaving.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sapphire said
I'm glad someone agrees with me, to see what has happened simply makes me sad. I don't think that we have to always be okay with eachother but I do think that we shouldn't fight to the point where people are leaving.

I'll try to ensure there are no more posts on here between people debating. Any further of that will be handled in the PMs, as Elsa has asked us to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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BB said
I'll try to ensure there are no more posts on here between people debating. Any further of that will be handled in the PMs, as Elsa has asked us to do.

BB said
I'll try to ensure there are no more posts on here between people debating. Any further of that will be handled in the PMs, as Elsa has asked us to do.

I Pm'd you, last night..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gohan said
I Pm'd you, last night..

Oh man, I never check PMs. I'll send a response as soon as possible. I sort of got off to do other things after I posted my post last night. I should be back in a few hours, so I'll make sure to give you a response as soon as possible.

I apologize about being late in acknowledging it ;w;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

Member Offline since relaunch

Thank you for your help BB. And to Guy gl with your rp adventures. Sorry I was not around to stop the argument as it occurred in the span of my shift. Wizard as I have said please take debates and arguments to the pm.

I would like this rp to be fun for all..
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