Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Jaspin throwing shade is probably not the best use of your time. They got a facade to keep up, man.

But really, poor Jaspin. There is just so much that's going to hurt him. And there's nothing so far when they meet again that really hurts Elizabeth nearly as much. The Abigail thing would piss her off, but it's not nearly as painful as Jaspin finding she's adopted a child or another man getting to touch her.

We'll see, Jaspin. We'll see.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Jaspin: If the human leaves they lose their meal. I think its worth it.

Don't mind him, he's all butthurt now. Anyway even if he doesn't it was kind of funny to picture.

That is very true. Like part of me kind of wants to find something to hurt Elizabeth.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Jaspin gets butthurt rather easily, doesn't he

If you come up with anything, go for it, please. I cannot overemphasize how much I love coming up with ways to hurt my favorite OCs. I could go on about it for days, man.

But I'm trying to think of something that'd hurt her as much. I like to think she's grown colder over the years, so I'm not sure what'd really hit her where it hurt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Haha! When it co WS to people touching Elizabeth....yes.

The trouble is finding something that will upset her enough. I mean she's just to cold. If Jaspin did find something to hurt her. Which he is really going to want to. I'm not sure if he would be able to tell.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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He'd be able to tell if he hurt her, I think. The problem is finding something that'd hurt her. Like, I don't think she'd be all that hurt if he did what she did and adopted a child. I think she would be stunned if she saw him romantically involved with someone else. It'd really hurt her if he tried to hurt Jonathan or something. But Jaspin doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who'd hurt someone like that else just to get at Elizabeth.

Of course, betraying her again and trying to get her and her clan killed would do the trick. But again, not sure Jaspin would try to hurt everyone else just to hurt Elizabeth. Also, if he did that, I think she'd straight up kill him. I think she'd have it in her.

He could tell her he never loved her. Or perhaps if he were to act like seeing her again meant nothing to him, that'd sting.

I think that when she sees him again for the first time, one of her first instincts is going to be to touch him. If he spurns her, if he rejects her whenever she tries to touch him, that'd hurt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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I'm almost on the fence of having him and Abigail actually being together. The more I think about it. Still not sure. No, I don't think he would hurt Jonathan to get back at Elizabeth. Especially seeing that he won't dislike Jonathan.

I don't see him doing that either because I don't think he has any doubt is his mind that Elizabeth would kill everyone in his clan before him. She already got him back once.

That would sting! Oh thats mean! Would it lower the chances of them getting back together though?

Awe! Sorry couldn't help myself. I do see him doing that though. He might let her touch him for a moment before moving away from her. Because a part of me thinks that he might miss her touch a little. But he will totally move away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Abigail could be kind of a rebound? Or something like that? Someone he goes through the motions of having a relationship with but without much emotional attachment.
I dunno though. I like the idea of Abigail having that unjustified narcissism.

It might. But the odds are already low, are they not? Especially with it looking like, on the surface, that Elizabeth and Rowland are a couple. And I could see him kind of not meaning it but it coming out in a flurry of anger? Look at all she's done to him. She robbed him of his humanity against his will, burned his house down, then created the family he wanted with her without him. If there was a confrontation, I could see him blurting that out. Whether he means it, whether she completely believes him, that's up for debate, but it'd still sting.

I would hope he missed her touch. That'll probably be a huge point of tension between them. They'll be near each other, always craving each other's touch, but there'll always be some reason they won't.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Maybe, or she could have been at some point before but not now. Hmm I still have a while to decide. I kind of like her unjustified narcissism too.

That is try it is rather low already. Yeah so he's just angry and wants to hurt her. She has done a lot to him. Even if the child thing she wasn't really meaning to do. I could see it blurting it out. Along with some other stuff, he doesn't mean.

Oh for sure that would be huge bunch of tension. I could see both of them trying at some points to little reasons to touch each other on the arm or something not noticeable by the others when it gets to bad.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Because I'm a shitty shitty creator to my OCs, I eagerly await Jaspin saying a bunch of awful things to her in an attempt to utterly break her heart.
But the important thing is that he doesn't mean it.

Sexual tension is great. That'll probably be what tips others off that they still love each other somewhere deep down. Others like Rowland and Jonathan and Violet and Abigail. All with their own reactions to that revelation with varying degrees of entertainment value.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Haha I wouldn't say shitty, hell I'm making Jaspin get hurt all over the place already. And also...I am too.
No, he won't mean a single word of it.

You know what at some point we should let them give in, because in my mind that would just make things so much harder on them. Especially if they weren't willing to admit it, it just kind of...happened. Jaspin would be kind of pissed at himself all the next day. I don't know about Rowland and Jonathan. But Abigal is going to be really freaking upset while Violet is just like "FINALLY!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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If you ever want to make my day, ask me about all the awful things I do to my characters. It's great. Honestly, Elizabeth is getting off very easy compared to some of my other main OCs.
Good. I couldn't imagine that he would. But it's great to relish the pain anyway.

I mean, we owe it to them to have them give in. They were made to eventually fall back into each other, after all. But what makes you say it'll make things harder? Why would Jaspin be pissed at himself?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Okay haha what have you done?

That's only if it happens before they are still in denial. And he would hate himself in that case because he was a hundred percent over her he thought.

If it happens and knocks them out of denial, he will be a happy like camper.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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My favorite terrible thing to do to a character was have this young woman basically start a war for the sole purpose of finding her sister, only for her sister's ex boyfriend to tell her, once it was far too late to stop the upcoming battle, that her sister was dead. And he knew this. And he didn't tell her from the beginning. Because he's the one that killed her.
And he killed her because the sister was getting increasingly extreme and violent and she was intent on blowing up a city full of (innocent?) aliens. And he had to make that decision, her life or all theirs.
All she gets is to carry her sister's body home.
Gosh I love how horrifically cruel that story is.

That would be some grade-A high quality denial, if he still managed to have it after they slept with each other again.
Elizabeth wouldn't have that denial. Which could make it very painful if Jaspin was still in denial. Sleeping with the love of your life again only to have him tell you it was a mistake and he didn't care about you anymore? Ouch.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Oh wow that's evil!

Its not my worst thing is that my evil queen had her wizard boyfriend run away after he cheated on her, and when she hunted him, she sold him to slavery. Only to find not that she could get pregnant and was with his kid. So she got him back, but he hated her after that and wanted to go home.

True. Well maybe if he knows Elizabeth is willing to admit that she loves him again. He won't be and none of I said just said will matter.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Yes. Yes it is.
It's the most evil part of the story, but it's honestly just a part of what these poor sisters go through. They go through plenty of marginally less evil things as well.

Man, that's pretty rough too. But that also sounds like bad decisions all around.

I think she will. Hopefully that part will work out. Something has to work out for these two eventually. It's some law of probability, I think. Odds are something HAS to go right EVENTUALLY.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Yeah while I love doing evil things to my people, actually my favorite thing to do is every time they start to be happy. Every time things start to go right. Rib it out of under them and watch them try to piece it back together. And sometimes fail.

It really was. She was kind of made bad by the things that happened to her.

Yeah I agree, things have to go right for them. Eventually.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Hey, that's kind of what happens to the sister! That's the main reason she had the boyfriend at all in the first place. So she could fall even further.

I assumed you gave her the title of evil queen for a reason, as things go.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Nice! Isnt the best kind of evil?

Well I mean that she wasn't always that way though. It kind of happened after her husband tried to kill her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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As a writer, yes. As a consumer, I think the best kind of evil is the one that wholeheartedly believes it's doing good. While I couldn't call the sister evil exactly, she's along that vein. Which makes her pretty dang cool.

That could set some people off, I suppose
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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True, and the the redeemable evil is good too. The type that make you sad because it isn't their fault their evil.

Yeah just a bit.
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