Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Jaspin doesn't seem like the type to hit a lady, I didn't think he would. I really do hope there is eventually a moment where one (or both) of them say it's been hundreds of years, it's time we put this behind us once and for all. It won't be easy, but I do hope they get there.

I know very little about Maxen and Simone so far. Tell me a bit about what you've conceptualized them as.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Oh good because he really wouldn't, he might let Abigail deal with any issues with the females actually. I really hope so too, I think that its very possible for Jaspin to get to that point.

Actually I just put Maxen's background up. It has some info on both of them. Though what sort things would you like to know about Simone?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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I love how we've both created a variety of almost different classes of characters. We have designated leaders and fighters/bodyguard types and hunters. I dunno what to say about it, I just like it.
It'll happen eventually. We'll make sure of it.

Awesome! I kind of like his story, very classic setup for vengeance. He's very focused, which I like. It's also very interesting that Maxen and Simone were a unit of sorts for a while, we haven't had anything quite like that yet. I see that Maxen is into Violet, what's their relationship like? Also, there's a lot of detail about Simone, which is helpful for me, but I'm curious why she didn't want to join the Reese clan?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Haha I like it too, and I never even meant to do it either. It just is kind of coming with them.
Yeah we will.

Thank you, I'm sorry it took me so long but with him and Simone being together in it, I kind of had to figure out Simone's too. Plus, not going to lie, I'm sometimes super lazy. The bad thing though is after he got vengeance he realized how much of himself he lost. If that makes sense. He is very focused though. As for Maxen and Violet, like I said he's still courting her, but it's been for almost a year, and they are actually really good friends (which annoys Simone). Their relationship is really sweet actually, and they are really good together. They even have Jaspin's approval.

As for Simone, she and Jaspin get on each others nerves. And Jaspin actually knew Nathaniel was being attacked but didn't step in for the same reason Elizabeth took Nadya's finger. Which though Simone understands why, she doesn't like it. Plus Maxen let her have her way where Jaspin doesn't.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Like we're doing some tabletop RPG shit. Now we need a bard, a healer, an archer...

No problem, m8. We're all kinda lazy. If you knew how many days I would just lie on my bed marathoning Chopped...

How interesting. Reminds me a little of Bela, with how they lose who they were to some consuming anger. Seems they might be kindred spirits in a way.
Almost a year, so them as an item is very new, considering their age. Violet has come across as quite a cutie in the past, so Maxen is a lucky guy.

Now you're starting to talk a little bit about how Jaspin maintains his clan, which is really something I've been looking forward to knowing, how his leadership style differs from Elizabeth's. So Jaspin let Nathaniel be attacked and didn't help him for a similar reason, like Nathaniel is a troublemaker and Jaspin wanted to teach him a lesson? So would Jaspin be as brutal as Elizabeth?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Haha we need a rouge too don't we?

I love Chopped!

There in a chance that the two of them could get along. They both have anger issues though so its one of those, we'll have to wait and see. Yeah they are very new, but Violet is enjoying being courted. And he agrees that he is.

Well I haven't really gotten much into his leadership that much. It was a similar reason, he wasn't really a troublemaker. He refused to be careful. He kept feeding on the people in town before luring them out of town. He was being selfish, so he deserved the beating. Jaspin can be as brutal as Elizabeth though, yes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Rogues are like thieves, so wouldn't Maxen fit the bill?

!! Buddy I have been watching Chopped nonstop for like a month and a half. It's really funny, just sitting here, thinking 'Oh, you didn't clean the membranes of those lamb fries, you're so chopped,' as I'm sprawled out on my bed eating cheetos with a fork.

The anger issues plus Bela's tendency to hit on anything wearing a skirt... yeah, they might understand each other in theory, but they might not be friends.
But him and Violet, that sounds so sweet. I envision kind of charming old-fashioned things, like Maxen bringing her single roses and Violet being all shy about it.

Nice. I can predict a style of brutality he might have.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ah good point!

Haha the cheetos thing killed me. How have you been able to watch unstop Chopped for a month? That just sounds awesome!

Oh yeah, haha well...the moment he flirts with Violet is just going to go wonderfully. When you point that out it them being friends wouldn't work at all. Haha oddly on point with what you imagine there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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It's simple! Just don't do any of the things you really really need to do! Then you can watch Chopped all day until it's 9 at night, you have a week's worth of work due first thing in the morning, you haven't done any of it, and you're cursing your shit work ethic!

It might be easier if I just compiled a list of women he doesn't try to hit on. Because he hits on Nadya nonstop, he hits on Eleanora, will hit on Violet a bit... he'll probably hit on Simone and Abigail at some point for good measure. I want to say that he doesn't hit on Elizabeth for obvious reasons, but tbh when they first met, he probably hit on her too. He didn't make that mistake twice.
Is there anyone who would take well to his flirting?
Shouldn't even really call it flirting. Flirting implies it's more sweet and smiling than he really is.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Haha well that just sounds like fun! But I meant where in the hell are you finding Chopped on twenty four seven for a month? Because that just sounds awesome.

Haha it might. The sad thing is that Violet is to nice to tell him to gtfo. So its a good thing she has Maxen. I would flirt with Elizabeth too honestly. That does bring a question to mind though. Are he and Nadya a thing? Like does she flirt back with him?
Depending on what type of flirting he does...maybe Abigail when Jaspin isn't around? She is a narcissist.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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All the Chopped you ever need

Maxen would step up for his lady, I see. Nice.
Elizabeth is a lovely lady, sure, but since Jaspin, she doesn't take kindly to being flirted with.
They're not a thing. Nadya and Bela are probably closer to each other than they are to anyone else in the clan, but she doesn't reciprocate his flirting. His advance are on the blunt, crude side, so it's no surprise that she doesn't take well to them. Of course, I think there's a lot more to Bela's attraction to her, but whether either of them come to understand that is anyone's guess.
Seeing as Bela's advances are kind of lewd, I don't know what Abigail would think of them. Maybe she'd welcome them, because that's more attention for her, I dunno.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Nice! Thank you.

Why of course.
Hmm I'm not sure if that's a cute thing or a bad thing. On one hand it could be taken as because she is still in love with Jaspin. On the other it could be because he hurt her so badly.

Ah okay that makes sense.

Hmm when you put it that way, I'm not sure. Its one of those things I'd have to see. I will say this, if Bela gets to bad with his girls, Jaspin will step in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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It's kind of both, but mostly the latter. Jaspin is/was the great love of Elizabeth's life - there was no real love between her and her husband while she was human - so she probably never sought after anyone else, for both reasons. She'd never love anyone like how she loved him and she wasn't willing to let someone else into the position to be able to hurt her so intimately and so badly.
What about Jaspin? Did he find or almost find love after Elizabeth?

Interesting that he'd concern himself with his girls so much.
I've never played anyone like this, never attempted to play a man so callously lewd. It'll be weird.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Awe that's actually sad. No, Jaspin didn't find love after Elizabeth either. Or even come close really. He really never tried hard though. Elizabeth was the great love of his life as well, and she tricked him into becoming what he is now (his thoughts). So he never put that effort into anyone again. If he ever was with someone else like that, it never was love and he didn't trust them at all.

He protects the girls, even Simone despite how much she annoys him. If they get into a fight among themselves, fine. As long as it like to the death or when he is trying to be all leadery. But he has his morals, you don't hit or disrespect women. Like I said Abigail deals with when he has to deal with the women.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Nice. These two really are made for each other, it seems.
I'm curious. Considering Elizabeth has her possessive attitude, and a slight bit of that 'if I can't have him no one can' thing going for her, we know what her attitude towards Abigail will be. What's Jaspin going to feel like towards Rowland? You've mentioned a bit before that he'd be a little jealous, but will it be anything like how Elizabeth feels about Abigail?

I suppose that makes a decent leader. I'm not sure Elizabeth does the same. She probably sees it more as an important lesson.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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They really kind of do.

He is going to be really jealous of Rowland, more than just a little bit. At first he won't really dislike him, anymore than the others right away though. I think it will happen when he sees how close they are. Even more so when he finds out their little roles.

Well like I said I'm still figuring out his leadership roles.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Oh, that'll be amazing. Especially if a human comes around at some point, and Elizabeth has to play Rowland's wife, and Jaspin has to see her fulfilling that role and doing some of the things for Rowland that she used to only do for him. That'll be amazing to see.
Like 'Elizabeth was supposed to be my wife'.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Oh man Jaspin will hate that. Like he won't even be able to hide it after the human is gone. Especially the fact she doing the same things that she used to go for him. I figure that while its all going on, whenever the human isn't looking he will be just sitting there glaring at Rowland.

Totally, he's sizing Rowland up over here actually.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Gosh, I love imagining that. Perhaps a human has swung by, asking about the coffins and such, and Rowland has to step forward and put up the front of talking business (when of course he's mostly a mouthpiece for how Elizabeth wants things done), but meanwhile Elizabeth is a quiet and meek wife in the background, always listening. But she's cleaning Rowland's house, making his meals, doing his laundry, and Rowland touching her hair, having his hand on her waist, and Jaspin having to silently watch - it'll be absolute torture. I can't wait to see it.

Rowland is built like a brick house (his faceclaim is a pro wrestler) so Jaspin has a lot to size. I can't imagine that intimidating Jaspin, though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Oh man, honestly I'm not sure that the cleaning and cooking would upset him too much the first time. Just because, well that doesn't always anything and Jaspin would just glad thats all she's doing. And then the touching her would start, the hand at the waist or hair like you said. That would be absoute torture the most right there. It would take all he had to act normal.

I can see the human talking to him and Jaspin saying something like. "Well at least the coffins are like their maker. At least their cheap."

Haha yeah I know who he is, he's pretty good too. It isn't intimating to him at all.

Jaspin: I could still beat him into the ground!
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