Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Well if there was Nick Fury likely killesd them.

Its a great movie.

I always thought was actually stupid things for them to be weak too.

Haha Jaspin would totally be like. "Yeah she clearly misunderstood something somewhere."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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I wouldn't doubt it.

The crucifixes, I get. Being unholy abominations and all that. The garlic, I don't. I'm sure Dracula mentioned it somewhere...
Ah, yes. Apparently garlic is a mosquito repellent, so since vampires drink blood like mosquitos, garlic would thus also repel vampires.
After writing mosquito so many times, I now itch all over.

If Jaspin really thinks that Elizabeth would believe that for a second, he is a dumb, dumb man. If anything, she'd be angry that he'd insult her intelligence like that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Technically the crucifix was a Pegan symbol before it was a Christian symbol. So I never really saw why it had any effect. I can see the point of the garlic though when you see that.

I don't think he would be trying to insult her intelligence as much as his stupid pride.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Maybe by the time crucifixes got adopted into Christian mythos, they then made it into a connection with vampires. I dunno. The more you know.

Probably not, definitely not a direct insult, but him trying to deny it after she had all but confirmed it, it would be like 'do you really think I'm going to believe that'.
like 'don't even try'.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

That might be it, that's very true. Hmm. Anyway, another thing that vampires usually have is the power to allure people into giving them what they, finding them attractive, things like that. Should they be able to do that in this rp?

Haha well.. slap him for it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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A little of that would be good to play around with, but let's not go overboard with it.

She will. Or do something else she deems appropriate.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Okie dokie that sounds reasonable.

Oh that's right, she's old fashioned, she probably doesn't slap I forgot about that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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A little vampiric persuasion would probably go a long way towards helping them get around and get done what needs to be done. Without being caught, of course.

Not sure if it's because of her old-fashionedness or not, but either way, yeah, doesn't feel like something she'd do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Thats what I was thinking too. It would help Jonathan get more people to follow him too.

Yeah, well I mean getting insulted works too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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It'd be really helpful in the idea I mentioned earlier about him being a doctor and all that. If he could gently persuade some family members to let him take the deceased to his coffin maker.

It doesn't seem like too much of a stretch.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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In Jaspin's defense to him, admitting that he was wrong, and childish, and still loves her. Is like her admitting that she shouldn't have changed him against his will just so she could keep him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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... touche.
That would end up a very interesting scenario, wouldn't it? Elizabeth confronting him about what Violet told her, but neither willing to admit their mistakes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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It really would. I figure that it likely will happen, maybe not in the same way. But I picture it happening.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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It's definitely plausible, but at this rate, we won't get to that point for years, so we'll see how it happens when it happens.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Actually I was planing to post after my next one. :/ It hasn't even been a week.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Oh wow, that came off really bad, I'm sorry! I get in habits of imagining about things in RPs that are super far down the line no matter what, speed poster or not.

I'm sorry, that must have sounded very rude of me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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No, no its my fault. I think that it was my fault and I really misunderstood what you were trying to say. I thought you went it would take years because I was taking so long. Not in rp time.

I am really sorry.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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so how about them sports
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Haha which sports?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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I literally don't know. I don't know sports.
It's my go to line when I want to change the subject in a slightly humorous slightly awkward fashion.
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