Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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(Oh fun fun. I'm moving this around so they can finish redoing my carpets)

Exactly. Which he hates happened, he still feels like shit for that. That's true, he has been. I don't think that he planned on making a family right away. But it was before Elizabeth started. Actually with him it was a few years after Violet when he turned someone else that he started but still before Jonathan was even born.

I have two more people to add but I can't do it at the moment. It will likely be after I can come back into my apartment tomorrow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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I can't wait to see them. And I added a song for Jonathan. It was surprisingly hard. I'm still not convinced it's perfect. Songs of love and wonder aren't really my style.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Awesome i cant listen to it at the moment but i will as soon as i can.

Seeing that i dont really have to do anything at the moment. Im working on your reply....not really sure how good it is so far though :/
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Hey, you're a good writer, I'm sure it'll be fine.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Awe well thank you <3 that's very sweet.

And I'm home now, ended up getting a chance to see Suicide Squad and jumped on it. I also got a new masquerade mask. Which I am very happy about :}
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Sounds like you had a good day, I'm glad. Masquerade masks, I'm assuming it's sparkly, lacy, or feathery, or hopefully some combination thereof.

What did you think of Suicide Squad?
Personally, I didn't like it very much.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Its kind of leathery and neon light blue. My other one is copper colored and kind of sparkly though.

Honestly I loved it myself. Though I wish it would have showed more than of the squads background stories. And as a Harley fan, surprisingly didn't think Joker was needed as much in the story.

Edit: Also got the two others up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Do you collect them?

Honestly, I've been studying various forms of entertainment for a pretty long time and I think at this point I'm nitpicky (compared to the average person) and I have high standards. I wish I could have just enjoyed it, but I couldn't turn my brain off.

I agree with that, about the other squad members. It bothered me that several of them contributed to the plot as much as a brick on the sidewalk.

Dang, he has a large clan. Did he sire each one himself?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Ooh, something I was thinking about last night- with all the hundreds of variants on vampire characteristics, we should try to hash those out.

Now would be a really great time for me to remember what I read in Dracula in high school.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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I want to. I'm starting to collect them because they are so pretty! I'm really not very girlie, but this is one of those things. Haha.

Ah. Well I mean that's the sad thing about study stuff like that. You cant enjoy it as much. That's why I don't watch crime shows any more. But I heard the movie was awesome and that it was horrible so I told myself not to have expectations as it started.

Really? I thought that all the main squad contributed pretty well. The army guys were annoying though.

Haha he has the same amount as Elizabeth. I wanted it even. But no he didn't Maxen was turned when he joined them, same with Simone. He just chanced Violet, Abigail, and Nathaniel.

I've also been asked to infirm you that most of that post was his I'm dying thought and not how he is later.
(His denial to how he feels is so cute.)

Anyway...that sounds like a good idea. I think the first thing we should deside is the daylight thing because I don't think it should kill them just maybe make them weaker?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Because of how much I pay attention now, now I see additional problems with stuff like editing and cinematography, I dunno.

While I agree that the army guys could be pretty annoying, I thought it was very clear that Deadshot and Harley Quinn were the undisputed leads and everyone else in the squad was just filler. There was the guy who cane in at the last minute with barely a name, no backstory, and he was dead in two minutes just as an example. Katana did not do a single thing that impacted the plot.
you see how passionate I can get about the Discourse over things that aren't real.

lol for some reason it looked like he had a lot more. not sure why. My bad.

That's good to know. You mean someone asked you to tell me?

I don't want it to kill them either. I was playing with the idea that direct sunlight would give them severe burns? Maybe it could kill them if they were to be forced in the sunlight for like an hour or two...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Yeah that is true though I think part of the reason for that is that Harley Quinn is coming out with her own movie soon. As for Dead Shot, he has always been one to take the show, both his acter (which I actually liked who played him) and his character. The guy that died right away, okay I see you point about him, however he did play a semi big part as without his death they all would have ran and the movie would be over in twenty minutes. And Katana wasn't part of the squad I don't think. She was with the army guys.

I am totally okay with debating this with you haha. I like this kind of things to. My friend and I still get into debates about Batman vs Superman.

Haha you're fine.

Yes, Jaspin did.

That sounds good to me. And logically makes sense as their skin is paler. I also usually make it where vampires can't come into your home unless you invite them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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I know he did have some sort of a purpose, being killed off to set an example, but they didn't even try to incorporate him into the story or get you attached to him in any way or make you think he had any other purpose than to die. And while I can definitely see that Katana was more loyal/affiliated with the army guys than the others, she was advertised as being part of the team.

Other things, positive and negative... there were a good amount of chuckles. Some of the dialogue came across as very cliched or just written for the trailer. As far as I can tell, it was well cast, all the actors seemed good for the parts (even though I don't know squat about these characters in the comics so I can't really cast an accurate judgement). I thought the pacing was terrible. I liked most of the costumes, particularly Enchantress's first design (and I'm a costume design major so that's important to me). The cinematography was kind of dizzying sometimes. The backstories they actually went into were done pretty well. I didn't like the editing, characters would be in one place and then in another, without an explanation of how they actually got there. They didn't do a good job making me care about the whole taking over the world thing - considering every summer action movie ever is about taking over or destroying the world, you really gotta put some effort into making it stand out and feel like something's at stake. I hated, HATED Enchantress's last line so goddamn much, that was my biggest moment of irrational anger out of the whole thing.

pfft. ok Jaspin, ok.

Oh, that's a good one. Complicates my plan for how Elizabeth burns down Jaspin's house, but I'll figure it out. What kind of superhuman strength or speed are we talking? I'm thinking that they're definitely much more durable than a human. It takes a helluva lot to hurt or cut them, but once they're cut, they can't heal. Being burned can kill them. If they were to get decapitated or their head was crushed, that'd kill them. Thoughts?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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eeee I can't wait for the next installmeeeeeeent!
three guesses as to where this embrace is going.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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But that seems like it would be a good thing. And they did put him in there to die because his name wasn't even in the folder thing. Honestly I agree about Katana, that they should have done more with her backstory. Though honestly until I saw that movie I thought she was the other half of Enchantress.

I have to agree that some of the dialogue came across as cliche. And okay the main problem people had with Deadshot is in the comics and games. He is white and british, but I thought Will Smith was awesome. The pacing did kind of suck, I remember thinking that they got there way to fast. The Enchantress looked freaking awesome I agree she was actually pretty creepy. Yeah though the effects of the spell she was using looked pretty freaking cool you have to give it that. And yeah her last line really did suck. I felt sorry for Enchantress the whole time. Like she was pushed to be a bad guy, well I mean she was always a bad guy but she was forced to trying to destroy the world.

Haha he's glaring at you now.

Actually no it won't because he never reseeded his invitation at his home. So though he burnt down the first one, she is still welcome. Okay so I really like that idea, but by if they are cut they can't heal, do you mean ever? Or can they heal over a period of time? I totally agree with the burning or decapitating killing them, as that is usually two of the main ways I have them be killed.

And yay!! You posted. That was actually really sweet, I feel bad he is going to betray her now.
Haha um she's going to bite him now isn't she? I feel like she's going to bite him or...sleep with him? That's my first two guesses.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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I didn't like her headress, but I liked other aspects of her design. Cara Delevingne did a decent job. I think her moments as June Moon were some of the best acted of the movie, in terms of emotional resonance. I didn't particularly love Viola Davis's character, and I think she was the victim of a lot of that cliche dialogue, but she really did a great job with what she was given. Will Smith did a good job, I'm so happy he's in something again, it feels like he's been under the radar lately. Race bending characters is always an unpredictable move, I've seen instances where everyone's happy with the choice, and other instances where everyone goes batshit. I don't know how I feel about Jared Leto. I really have no basis on which to judge his interpretation, except against Heath Ledger, and it's not fair to compare them when they came from different interpretations and movies with massively different tones. He certainly made me uncomfortable, which I guess is good? Kinda liked how he and Harley interacted? But, based on my very limited understanding of the Joker, he came across more like a pimp and a mafia head than I thought he was supposed to be. And there was too much logic to him - like, he went about what he needed to get done in a chaotic fashion, but there was an organized overarching plan to the things he did. In my uneducated interpretation.

ooh what's he gonna do, type at me?

Hah, nice. I shall continue as scheduled, then. I do mean ever, because when they become vampires, they stop aging, most of their organs don't really work anymore, the cells are dead. If they were to get cut (and it'd likely be from another vampire or else some pretty powerful force), they're not going to bleed, but the cells aren't going to grow and heal the wounds. If the cells in their bodies are frozen to the point of not aging, they'll be frozen to not heal and regenerate as well.

We all knew this heartbreak was coming. And you got it right the first time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Yeah, didn't like the headdress either really. I feel like there should have been a little more of June Moon. As for Viola Davis's character from what I understand she played the character perfectly. Or at least what she is supposed to be like. I kind of go in and out of love with Will Smith, I still remember him in Wild Wild West though haha. That true often times though the people who have issues with it are the whole "stay true to the books!" Kind of people.

*sigh* This is where I have missed feelings. As much as I didn't want to like Jared Leto I kind of did in some ways. Though the issue with him is, okay I know the interpretation of Joker and Harley is different in Suicide Squad. But that wasn't the Joker I know. Like the abuse was there but I couldn't see him caring enough about Harley to care the guy didn't want her. Also Joker would never, ever come and save Harley unless she had something that he wanted.

Haha that made me laugh loud enough to scare my dogs. And he was going to but it was mean words so I said no.

Okay, that seems logical, I'm fine with that.

And I know...but still she's so freaking nice to him at the moment. Good I was kind of hoping that was it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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I feel like the reactions to racebending varies. Maybe it's just that there are so many people on the internet voicing opinions, there is never a real consensus on whether people like it or not. I've personally seen people kick up a fuss about Zendaya as Mary Jane, Scarlett Johansson as Mokoto Kusanagi, but I've also seen other people defend those casting choices. I never saw anyone make a fuss about Will Smith as Deadshot or Samuel Jackson as Nick Fury, but I'm sure some people, somewhere, did.
Ok it's so weird to me, I literally only heard of that Wild Wild West movie like a week ago, I've never heard of it before, and now I see people starting to bring it up.

Those gosh darn mean words. I sure can't handle those.

Mm, anything else? There's tons of vampire lore out there. Garlic and crucifixes?

Of course she's nice to him. She loves him to death. And that's what's going to make this hurt all the more for everyone involved. :)

Random fun fact- Jonathan's real last name is Donnett.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I've never seen anyone upset about Samuel Jackson as Nick Fury. Where there really people upset about that?

Really? Oh gosh I watched Wild Wild West as a kid. It was one of my favorite movies. My dad would even go to Micky D's so that I could get all the happy meal toys.

Well there was a lot of cussing and fit throwing.

I don't really go with the garlic and crosses thing myself. If garlic does anything it just blocks out their sense of smell. But what are your thoughts?

I know, its still sad though. Right! You know part of my expects Violet to at one point belong like. "You know he's still in love with you right?"

Hmm interesting. Is that going to come into play at some point or just an interesting fact?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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To be honest, I don't think so, really. I never saw anyone being upset about it. I'm just trying to be fair and assume that on this planet of 7 billion people, someone, somewhere, complained about it.

Never even heard of it, man... I dunno.

I'm not super keen on the garlic and crucifixes either. I feel like no one does those anymore. I just wanted to run those by you.

Ooh, that'd be so good. I've constructed an entire scenario around Elizabeth trying to accept that and decide what to do with that information. I can see her going to Jaspin and just start asking him all sorts of questions about Violet, asking him if she's a good girl, honest, trustworthy, does she cause trouble, all things like that. And Jaspin's like 'yeah, she's a good kid, she doesn't cause trouble, why are you asking me?'
Elizabeth says 'so you're saying Violet doesn't lie.'
'No, she doesn't, where are you doing with this?'
'She told me you're still in love with me.'
just deadass, point blank.

Just an interesting fact.
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