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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ayleth


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Layla took her time responding, after all Axle was -- in her eyes -- an aristocrat, and aristocrats weren't used to waiting for things; so she was going to make him. She continued to pet the dog and after a good number of seconds she finally responded. "Yes, your brother is quite... shall we say... sophisticated in his behaviors..?" She gave a small quiet laugh to herself under her breath before finally gracing him with her attention, turning her sapphire eyes from the exquisitely colored canine on her lap unto his own icy blue ones.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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"Yeah, Zeph isn't that hot-headed usually, but out of us four he has always been the most strict with rules... by the way, I didn't catch your name." He says as he proceeded lay on his back, 'it strange the way she answered but I understand, she must be shaken up, forced to leave her home. People are crazy.' he thinks as he looks at the sky past the thick trees.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ayleth


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Layla raised an eyebrow at the casual demeanor of the male. She pursed her lips and moved her sapphire pools to look over the lake in front of her and onto the horizon. Aristocrats were so weird... "My name.. is Layla. My family name is not important, as it seems that I will remain here for the rest of my days. And you are Axle, if I recall correctly."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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"You are correct. Oreo seems to have warmed up to you." Axle says noticing the dogs tail sway ever time she gets pet. "There's was a fifty percent chance he would like you or hate you. She seems to think you're nice, so I will have no problem with you." He says looking up at them from his laid down position.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

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YamiCuoreLaroux said
"Most of it. I did have help, of course. And a lot of it is maintained by the gardeners, since I can't be out here all the time." He stops pulling on the weeds for a moment to look at another part of the garden. He turns back to his work, finishing his conquest of the weeds before bundling them up to keep them together.

She smiled softly and said "well, I'm quite impressed. It's beautiful out here." She glanced over at the roses and she walked over to them. "I also like that the roses are not as kept as everything else." She stopped for a second as she inspected the petals. "Roses, being the flower of love, shows just how imperfect love can be."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Savi said
She smiled softly and said "well, I'm quite impressed. It's beautiful out here." She glanced over at the roses and she walked over to them. "I also like that the roses are not as kept as everything else." She stopped for a second as she inspected the petals. "Roses, being the flower of love, shows just how imperfect love can be."

"Roses..." Zephiel stood up from his spot on the ground, looking to the flowers. His eyes narrowed a bit as he thought about what they meant to him. Those plants...that specific flower...it always seemed to be staring him in the face. Why was it always the roses that were left alone by the gardeners? Didn't people like those? This girl seemed to. Was it the thorns that made them difficult for the gardeners to approach? The plants couldn't exactly help that; it was how they defended themselves.

“Imperfect love, huh?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


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YamiCuoreLaroux said
Ruko looked over at Megan as he walked into the kitchen. "A-ah. N-not much. Was there something you needed, perhaps?" Hearing her stomach grumble, the boy chuckled a bit. "I guess, maybe that's a yes? Dinner probably won't be for a while, but I can make something you can have right now if you like."

Megan looked up at Ruko smiling and nodding. "Alright. Let's see hereeee." She scanned the kitchen. "Do you have bread? I would like a piece of it if you dont mind." She said looking around the kitchen and back at Ruko. "Sooo. Whats up, Ruko? Are you like the cute calm one?" Her eyes widened when she said 'cute' she blushed. "So-sorry." Her head was now down sighing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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paigesweetheart said
Megan looked up at Ruko smiling and nodding. "Alright. Let's see hereeee." She scanned the kitchen. "Do you have bread? I would like a piece of it if you dont mind." She said looking around the kitchen and back at Ruko. "Sooo. Whats up, Ruko? Are you like the cute calm one?" Her eyes widened when she said 'cute' she blushed. "So-sorry." Her head was now down sighing.

Ruko went to the pantry and brought out a loaf of bread. He had actually baked it earlier that morning when he was told that the guests would be arriving that day. Because of the mess he had made then, he had made it his goal not to do too much in the kitchen for the rest of that day, but it had proven very difficult not to start something else since that was what helped calm him down.

He placed the bread on the kitchen table and had just started slicing a few pieces when he heard her question.
Freezing up, he could feel his face heating up again rather quickly and almost wondered if all of this would cause him to pass out eventually. "Ah- Um... I-it's alright. Don't worry about it," he told her after he snapped out of his daze a moment later. He finished slicing the bread and offered it to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


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Megan shooked her head trying to make the blush go away but she couldn't do that. It was still there. She cleared her throat nodding to herself and looking up at Ruko smiling at him. "Uhh thank you." she said towards the piece of bread as she cut it with her hand and took a bite from it. "Right.....so ummm...uhhh." god she was still blushing and it did show because of her pale skin. Ruko could see her face blushing. "Ummm... what now?" she kept eating her bread. "Uhh wanna walk around?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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"Sure. There's still a lot of the house we haven't gone through yet, so it might be good to become more familiar with it, I guess." When he looked at her, he could see that her face had also turned a very bright color. He hoped that she wasn't too uncomfortable, but he still couldn't help thinking how sweet she looked. Of course, that didn't help with his own flustered expression, either. "I-is there any particular direction you want to go? Upstairs or outside or around this floor?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


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Megan bit her bottom lips shrugging. "Ooooooh, we can go outside. I want to see how the view looks from this big as mansion." she smiled at Kuro as she walked towards him, she was still blushing seeing that she got closer to him. "Uhhh. Alright. Shall we go?" Kuro was so cute but why did she feel like ... she actually belonged with him? There was some type of connection between em.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Ruko nodded. "All right, then." He started walking in the direction of the back door, still feeling awkward. Megan was undoubtedly a really nice girl, but it made him a bit more worried about what would happen when she saw the monstrous forms that others feared so much. Other girls had run off faster, but the ones who stayed longer first were the ones that set them up for the worst situations when they found out. He tried not to think too much about it as he led Megan outside; he had to have faith, things might actually be different this time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

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YamiCuoreLaroux said
"Roses..." Zephiel stood up from his spot on the ground, looking to the flowers. His eyes narrowed a bit as he thought about what they meant to him. Those plants...that specific flower...it always seemed to be staring him in the face. Why was it always the roses that were left alone by the gardeners? Didn't people like those? This girl seemed to. Was it the thorns that made them difficult for the gardeners to approach? The plants couldn't exactly help that; it was how they defended themselves. “Imperfect love, huh?”

She turned to him and nodded. "Love isn't all rainbows and butterflies. In fact, love can happen in the worst of relationships." She looked back at the roses and reached for one, plucking it from a non-thorny area on the rose stem. "A single rose represents the ability to love. Someone just has to get through the thorns to see the beauty there is inside." She looked down at the flower in her hand and brought it to her face, letting the sweet scent roll into her nose.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Savi said
She turned to him and nodded. "Love isn't all rainbows and butterflies. In fact, love can happen in the worst of relationships." She looked back at the roses and reached for one, plucking it from a non-thorny area on the rose stem. "A single rose represents the ability to love. Someone just has to get through the thorns to see the beauty there is inside." She looked down at the flower in her hand and brought it to her face, letting the sweet scent roll into her nose.

Zephiel was a bit surprised at this. It made a lot of sense to him. If just one person was brave enough to get through the dangers on the surface, how different would things be?
But then again, how many times had he gone through this? He didn't think anyone could make it through the thorns at this point. And he wasn't just about to put himself out there and wait for someone to tear herself to pieces chasing an ideal.

And yet...he still wanted to believe it.
He crossed his arms. "Well, at least you're not an airhead like some of the others have been."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

YamiCuoreLaroux said
Zephiel was a bit surprised at this. It made a lot of sense to him. If just one person was brave enough to get through the dangers on the surface, how different would things be? But then again, how many times had he gone through this? He didn't think anyone could make it through the thorns at this point. And he wasn't just about to put himself out there and wait for someone to tear herself to pieces chasing an ideal. And yet...he still wanted to believe it. He crossed his arms. "Well, at least you're not an airhead like some of the others have been."

She rolled her eyes at his statement. "And you're not a player like some of the others have been, but I guess that's what society has come too." She looked back at him and walked to him. She held the rose out with a small smirk. "Though, you're probably going to spite me and trim the roses any way."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Savi said
She rolled her eyes at his statement. "And you're not a player like some of the others have been, but I guess that's what society has come too." She looked back at him and walked to him. She held the rose out with a small smirk. "Though, you're probably going to spite me and trim the roses any way."

He looked at the gutsy girl before him. "Why should I? I'm tired. They can be tended to tomorrow." He picked up the weeds and tossed them into a wheelbarrow left by the gardeners. "Right now, I have to tend to the cuts they left behind." Zephiel started to walk toward the house before turning back. "You're welcome to any roses you can reach through the spines."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ayleth


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Charlie said
"You are correct. Oreo seems to have warmed up to you." Axle says noticing the dogs tail sway ever time she gets pet. "There's was a fifty percent chance he would like you or hate you. She seems to think you're nice, so I will have no problem with you." He says looking up at them from his laid down position.

"Mm.. animals typically do like me." He based his judgement off of his dogs? How strange.. Layla exhaled softly. This place was going to take a while to get used to.. What was the purpose of all this anyways? If they were to be sacrificed or sold or whatever, she wished they would just get it over with already. Or at least that she had her harp to pass the time until whatever it was they were there for happened.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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"You look like something's troubling you, other than being given to us by your Village." Axle says roll onto his stomach.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

YamiCuoreLaroux said
Ruko nodded. "All right, then." He started walking in the direction of the back door, still feeling awkward. Megan was undoubtedly a really nice girl, but it made him a bit more worried about what would happen when she saw the monstrous forms that others feared so much. Other girls had run off faster, but the ones who stayed longer first were the ones that set them up for the worst situations when they found out. He tried not to think too much about it as he led Megan outside; he had to have faith, things might actually be different this time.

Megan nodded as they walked outside it was beautiful the sight and smiled at Ruko as she slowly grabbed his hand and they walked. "Its so beautiful out here.~" and it was. Megan turned to Ruko smiling at him as her cheeks turned red and she quickly let his hand go. "Sorry..."

(Is it dark outside)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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paigesweetheart said
Megan nodded as they walked outside it was beautiful the sight and smiled at Ruko as she slowly grabbed his hand and they walked. "Its so beautiful out here.~" and it was. Megan turned to Ruko smiling at him as her cheeks turned red and she quickly let his hand go. "Sorry..."(Is it dark outside)

(That's a good question. Is everyone okay with it starting to get dark?)

"It's okay... I don't mind." He gently took her hand again. It felt a little odd, but it seemed like the right thing to do, somehow. Besides, her hand was warm, and it had been a cute action on her part. Ruko smiled and looked away quickly, hoping that she wouldn't feel too weird about this whole thing.
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