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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

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YamiCuoreLaroux said
He looked at the gutsy girl before him. "Why should I? I'm tired. They can be tended to tomorrow." He picked up the weeds and tossed them into a wheelbarrow left by the gardeners. "Right now, I have to tend to the cuts they left behind." Zephiel started to walk toward the house before turning back. "You're welcome to any roses you can reach through the spines."

Faeya smiled softly as her eyes fell back onto the rose bush. She looked back at Zephiel and said "do you mind if I tend to them, seeing as I'm going to have to do something while I'm here." She smiled at him.
(I'm fine with that)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Savi said
Faeya smiled softly as her eyes fell back onto the rose bush. She looked back at Zephiel and said "do you mind if I tend to them, seeing as I'm going to have to do while I'm here." She smiled at him.(I'm fine with that)

"Do what you want, I really don't care. Just don't kill them or I'll have to do something about it." Zephiel looked away from her and continued toward the house. That girl... He really didn't know about her. But at least someone cared about those roses.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Faeya rolled her eyes and called out "who says I would?!" Before turning back to the roses and caring for them with her bare hands. She hated using tools when she could just do it herself. Well, she proved herself wrong when she felt the thorns cutting her skin as she worked, but she was just too stubborn to not continue.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ayleth


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Charlie said
"You look like something's troubling you, other than being given to us by your Village." Axle says roll onto his stomach.

Layla turned her sapphire eyes onto the boy, her hand stilling on the corgi she had been petting. Was this boy actually showing concern for her? "Well.. if you must know.. My family refused to let me bring my harp with me as it was a precious family heirloom." She sighed softly and muttered to herself, "Some thanks I get..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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"Harp? I think I saw one of those a while ago, somewhere in the house. I think I could get one, if you really want." Axle says getting up. Oreo hops off Layla and sits in front of Axle awaiting to get picked up. On beat Axle picks her up, "Let's go find a harp" Axle says while walking back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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"Harp? I think I saw one of those a while ago, somewhere in the house. I think I could get one, if you really want." Axle says getting up. Oreo hops off Layla and sits in front of Axle awaiting to get picked up. On beat Axle picks her up, "Let's go find a harp" Axle says while walking back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Once inside the house, Zephiel immediately went to clean up. He had gotten quite a bit of dirt on his clothes and hands from the weeding, and of course he couldn't go to dinner like that. As he dealt with that problem, he noticed his thoughts wandering back to the girls who had arrived earlier that day. An interesting variety, it seemed, especially that one girl. What a curious attitude she had. First she picks fights, then goes on about love and flowers and such...but at least it was interesting. There had been both boring, practically one-dimensional girls and deeper, more layered ones visiting the mansion before. She definitely fit within the second category, and as much as it bothered him, he felt like he wanted to know a bit more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

YamiCuoreLaroux said
(That's a good question. Is everyone okay with it starting to get dark?) "It's okay... I don't mind." He gently took her hand again. It felt a little odd, but it seemed like the right thing to do, somehow. Besides, her hand was warm, and it had been a cute action on her part. Ruko smiled and looked away quickly, hoping that she wouldn't feel too weird about this whole thing.

(Sorry didnt see this.)

Megan blushed when Ruko took her hand back. "Uhhh. Yeaaaah." She nodded turning around seeing the view once again trying to hide her red face from Ruko. "Ummm. So what do you want to do now?" She asked her voice sounding nervous.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

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paigesweetheart said
(Sorry didnt see this.)Megan blushed when Ruko took her hand back. "Uhhh. Yeaaaah." She nodded turning around seeing the view once again trying to hide her red face from Ruko. "Ummm. So what do you want to do now?" She asked her voice sounding nervous.

"We could go to the lake. Or perhaps the garden. I'm not sure if Axle is still swimming or not, so maybe the garden would be better. U-unless you don't mind going to see him, then that's fine, too." He took a look around at the scenery, noticing the sun crawling closer to the horizon. It would probably start to set in a while. "I would suggest the forest paths, but we shouldn't be too long. It wouldn't be a good idea to wander them in the dark."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ayleth


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Charlie said
"Harp? I think I saw one of those a while ago, somewhere in the house. I think I could get one, if you really want." Axle says getting up. Oreo hops off Layla and sits in front of Axle awaiting to get picked up. On beat Axle picks her up, "Let's go find a harp" Axle says while walking back.

Stunned, she sat for just a moment longer while staring at the boy. After a bit, she stood and followed, staying just a step or two behind him and off to the side -- a better position to observe him from. "You would buy one for me if you guys don't already have one?" This made no sense. His speech patterns and actions completely clashed with her previous experiences with aristocrats. The only explanation Layla could find was that he must have some kind of hidden motive.. What was his end goal?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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"Yeah probably, I mean you've seen the house, we have money." Axle says with a laugh. 'She's a standoff-ish type isn't she, I ought to break through through that exterior in no time,' he glances at his rose,'no time at all.' "So... wanna tell me a bit about yourself or would you want to hear about us?" Axle says as he continues to walk, petting oreo every once in a while.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ayleth


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"Er.. Thanks I guess.." Observant as she was, Layla saw Axle look at the tattoo on his forearm with what seemed to be almost worry, which made no sense at all. What did the tattoo have to do with the house, money, a harp, or herself? With her curiosity piqued she decided to find out anything she could. "I'm not really one to talk much about myself. Especially to someone I hardly know." The last bit was said a little more cruelly than perhaps she intended, but it's hard to let go of a prejudice you've had almost all your life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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"Alright seems logical." Oreo starts getting anxious so Axle puts her down. "So I suppose I'll start then." He says while Oreo walks right behind him. "Our life here had been typically uneventful... see this tattoo? Us boys were born with it, I'm not sure if Inigo or Ruko know but we're cursed. The tattoo grew as we aged but since our father departure it has started to wilt, and we believe that when the Rose dies... so do we... thats most likely the reason for Zephs rage recently." He pauses for a moment. "Please don't tell anyone about this. Let's just keep it a secret." He says as he looks at her a puts his finger in front of his mouth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ayleth


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Layla followed behind him slowly, listening to his tale, her sapphire eyes glued to the white rose on his forearm. She wasn't sure whether to believe this or not. She had heard that the residents of this mansion were cursed, but if this was the truth then this curse was nothing like the village thought it was. Layla frowned a bit and brought her eyes up to Axle's critically, watching his face for any motion belying his story. "How do I know you're not just making this up to make me pity you or to make yourself sound more interesting?" Surely if all four of the brothers were cursed, than they all would know about it..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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"You don't have to believe me, I'm just giving you a better explanation to our lives. And you don't have to tell me about your life either if you don't want to." he says compassionately. 'She's a bit rude. Just have to get her to warm up to me. Like taming a wild beast.' He is interested by the irony of the fact. They approach the back door, and being the gentleman he is he opens the door and waits for her to enter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ayleth


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He doesn't seem to be lying.. "In either case, there really isn't much to tell about myself. I grew up in a normal family with one sister down in the local village, and as you have discovered, I like to play the harp. That's all there really is." Layla didn't really think much of herself, nor really feel like there was anything interesting or exciting about her character that was worth sharing. As she passed through the door that Axle was holding open, she failed to hide a small curtsey in thanks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

YamiCuoreLaroux said
Once inside the house, Zephiel immediately went to clean up. He had gotten quite a bit of dirt on his clothes and hands from the weeding, and of course he couldn't go to dinner like that. As he dealt with that problem, he noticed his thoughts wandering back to the girls who had arrived earlier that day. An interesting variety, it seemed, especially that one girl. What a curious attitude she had. First she picks fights, then goes on about love and flowers and such...but at least it was interesting. There had been both boring, practically one-dimensional girls and deeper, more layered ones visiting the mansion before. She definitely fit within the second category, and as much as it bothered him, he felt like he wanted to know a bit more.

Faeya's thoughts drifted as she tended to the thorned flowers. She thought about the girls she arrived with, hoping they were okay, but they slowly shifted to the boys that lived there. They were nothing like the boys back home, always trying to get something they wouldn't get; these boys didn't have an alternative motive like the other boys did. Then she thought about the one boy that she fought not even five minutes of being in the same room together. She would admit, it was not the best of first impressions. She was her mother's daughter after all, but after being in the garden with him; she noticed how calm and laid-back he truly was. Not to mention good loo- She stopped her thoughts right there when she realized her hands were starting to bleed a little too much. She looked down and her hands were all cut up by the thorns of the roses. Her eyes widened slightly and she quickly jogged back to the house. She didn't want to touch anything, so she kept her hands behind her back. She saw the door was open and she shouted "wait! Hold it open!" She slid through after one of the other girls and said "thanks!" Before wrapping her hands with the bottom of her shirt and jogging to the towels in the kitchen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Having changed into a cleaner outfit and dealt with the dirt on his hands, Zephiel walked down the stairs to go find a book to read until dinner was ready, which he suspected would be fairly soon. As he walked to the library, he passed through one of the hallways leading to the back door and noticed something on the floor. He bent over, curious to see what it was.

Not a lot of it, just a few drops here and there. Nothing to really get worked up about in his opinion. He straightened up and continued walking until he noticed a few more drops a little further down. There seemed to be a bit of a trail leading off somewhere, though it ended after a little while of following it. A few sounds nearby alerted him that someone was still in the area, so he followed what he could hear until he reached the kitchen. "Axle, did you do something again?" Looking in, Zephiel saw that Axle wasn't in there, but that girl was. He just stared for a moment. "...What are you doing?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Faeya looked up and turned to Zephiel with her hands wrapped in towels, both towels with blood in them. A sheepish blush and grin made her expression look like a deer in the headlights. "Um... n-nothing..." she said and hid her hands behind her back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

YamiCuoreLaroux said
"We could go to the lake. Or perhaps the garden. I'm not sure if Axle is still swimming or not, so maybe the garden would be better. U-unless you don't mind going to see him, then that's fine, too." He took a look around at the scenery, noticing the sun crawling closer to the horizon. It would probably start to set in a while. "I would suggest the forest paths, but we shouldn't be too long. It wouldn't be a good idea to wander them in the dark."

Megan thought about where they could go. Besides it was getting closer to the night. "Hmmm. We shall go to the forest! I would love too see the trees and all." She smiled now turning around facing him, her face blushing as she smiled. "Besides. It will be fun! And maybe there would he some kind of fireflies out there."
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