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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gothpuppy95


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yeah notice that most of the characters in the series are decendants of the black family
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissAddler


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

......the genius of JK Rowling ;)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheGreatBaggi


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Name: Nicholas Higgs

Generation: Next Gen

Parents: Terrence Higgs and Katie Bell

Halfblood, Pureblood, or Muggle-Born: Pureblood

Best Class: Broom Flight Class

Worst Class: Potions

Crush: Open

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Open

Sexuality: Bicurious

Age: 15

Year: 5th

House: Slytherin

History: Both his parents played for the House Quidditch Team, his father playing the position of Seeker for Slytherin (until Draco Malfoy changed him), and his mother playing the position of Gryffindor's Chaser. Coming from two different houses, no one would've suspect that the two would actually end up together. But their love for Quidditch won over anything which soon brought them to become particularly close, and after awhile (a really really long while), finally decided to settle down. Nicholas is last of the three siblings. His second brother being on his last year on Hogwarts (and currently playing the position of Keeper for Slytherin), and his first eldest brother seeking his career on International Quidditch, Nicholas is expected to carry the family tradition. Though Nicholas thinks there's nothing wrong with that, in fact, he likes it. More than anything, flying in a broom is the best feeling in the world and makes it even [damn] better with the crowd cheering loudly while you swoop and fly around in it.

Personality: Nicholas is goal driven and ambitious, though his aims are mainly focused towards being better at what he does best, and well, its got to be Quidditch or nothing. Though aside from Wizarding Sports, he also tries to do his best at anything he can get his hands on, trying to be the perfect son he's parents will be proud of (its not that they're not proud of him at this moment) since there's been this unspoken competition between the three brothers, and he wanted to make them see that not because his the last kid means his the weakest.

Wand: Twelve-and-a-quarter inches, cypress wood with dragon heartstring core, slightly pliable.


Other: Rule Number 6
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by C W St J Nobbs

C W St J Nobbs

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Look what I did because I was bored!! This is mostly for my benefit, so I can check which brother is which during the game to keep my story straight without digging through my computer. These are not characters that will be appearing in the RP in any form other than names.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hm.. We have twelve people now correct? Haha
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 14 days ago

Lol I think that puts us at 10 unless I missed some. Both are accepted and I'll start working on the IC
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 14 days ago

I forgot to ask, hwo do you guys want to do classes? Do you want to get together with your other house members who are in your year and discuss the schedule or do you want to just have everyone have the same schedule if they're in the same year?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by C W St J Nobbs

C W St J Nobbs

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Same schedule would be nice because I'm the only person in my house, which is a flaw I did not anticipate in my lust to be special hahah. OR y'all can figure it out and I'll be perfectly okay with that.

tl;dr: Fuck it, I'm cool with whatever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gothpuppy95


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Well thing is some of us are in different classes so trust me you are not alone in this CW
EDIT: Just noticed I have a fellow Housemate of the same year.

I vote for everyone in the same year to go to the same classes
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gothpuppy95


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

smarty0114 said
Lol I think that puts us at 10 unless I missed some. Both are accepted and I'll start working on the IC

Just so you know virgil isn't done unless you will let me do TBR for history and personality
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 14 days ago

it's fine if u want to TBR
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 7 mos ago

omg there are only two fourth years here. my CS Juneberry and gothpuppy's CS Kaitlyn.

@gothpuppy since we are both in Ravenclaw, would you mind Kitty and June being friends?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gothpuppy95


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

We can become freinds. She is a transfer student. She has never attended Hogwarts and is currently sprawled on the ground, just inside platform 9 3/4
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 7 mos ago

okay, i am about to post with Juneberry

edit: post is up. and everyone's posts are really good!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by C W St J Nobbs

C W St J Nobbs

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lawl. Just so everyone knows, RPing is the most useful thing I do with my writing major.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 7 mos ago

C W St J Nobbs said
Lawl. Just so everyone knows, RPing is the most useful thing I do with my writing major.

hah. my major is Nursing....and rping is still the most useful thing i do as well.

edit: that post was good. i wanted to cry and eat pizza...though im not sure why.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissAddler


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm studying physics, maths mechanics, chemistry and geography at sixth form............EEK!
I need something to keep my writing skills alive! (I actually should be revising for my AS Levels right now...............)

(Btw - I am British, if you don't get what a levels are..)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheGreatBaggi


Member Offline since relaunch

Try free roleplay they said, it'll be easy they said. ;-; I havent had any RP for years and I'm out of practice so my english kinda sucked. lol Awesome posts though. I need to keep up. Hah. I'm majoring psychology and human sociology.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 14 days ago

Ok so here are the schedules

5th Years:DADA,Potions,History of Magic,Charms,Lunch,Transfiguration,Divination or Care of Magical Creatures

4th Years:Transfiguration,DADA,Potions,History of Magic,Divination or Care of Magical Creatures,Lunch,Charms,DADA
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gothpuppy95


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

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