Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 1 yr ago

We are closed! Check back with us again, as we may open again in the future!

In the middle of town there's an old prestigious academy, Athalia Academy. It's been around for years! But, most of the people in the town have never been inside. They've only seen glimpses of the students inside. There is usually a large locked gate out front and students can be seen walking around the courtyard. Most of the towns people just take it as it is and assume their kids will never be able to get in because none of them ever do. Some have applied their students and been denied, even very wealth families with very smart kids, still are denied. The school is very selective in even allowing visitors, much less it's students. It's a wonder they even have so many.
A young man walks into the back gate of the school, where students enter. It's a bright, sunny day, he pulls his hair back and looks around as he enters. Seems he entered into the garden area off to the side. He'd visited the school before but it always seemed to have more students than this. As he looks around, there are a few students scattered around the yard, doing their own things.

"Surprised?" A voice says from behind him. He turned to see a dark skinned man with white hair and yellow eyes.

"A... A bit." The boy replied, looking up at the man. At his reply, the man let out a loud bellowing chuckle.

"Don't worry. It's magic. The school has a barrier around it, lets them see what we want them to see." He told the boy, smiling brightly down at him. "Welcome to Athalia Academy! I'm Criston, student body president. It's nice to meet you. Here, let me show you around the school." He continues, walking ahead, motioning for the boy to follow him. He follows, though a bit reluctantly as the man takes him through the school. It seemed like he was an older student by the way he spoke.

~Fast Forward, Opening Ceremony, All Students are in Auditorium~

"Welcome students." A man bellowed from the stage, his white hair and white eyes smiling down at the students. "I'm Vice-Principal Rackshaw. Feel free to call me Mr. R." He continued, winking at the students in a joking manner. "I'm sorry your principal, Ms. Cross couldn't be here today, but I'm here to welcome you all to Athalia Academy!" He told them, leaning against the podium in a casual manner. "Some of you are new, and some of you are... not so new. Yeah, I'm talking to you Criston!" He yelled out to the crowd, pointing to a certain white haired tan boy sitting in the middle rows.

"Yeah, yeah. Stop pestering me, old man!" Criston replied back from the crowd, a smile on his face. Mr. Rackshaw chuckled and continued on, looking at the students.

"As most of you know, you're here because you're special. You don't belong out there with the humans, the regular one's anyway. You're here because you want to learn not only scholarly knowledge, but about yourself. Explore your possibilities and make some life long friends. Use this campus as much as you can and gain from it what I hope you all will leave here with. The confidence to hold your head up high and say, 'I am myself!'" Mr. Rackshaw bellowed once again, his voice loud and proud as he smiles down at the students. "Now go, there is much to be done and so little time to do it in." He finished, smiling and walking off the stage, disappearing into the darkness.

Athalia Academy's Student Directory
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Criston sat in the gymnasium, a few of the usual girls around him. Stupid Rackshaw, calling him out like that. Still... Criston managed a small smile, chuckling a bit. He knew Rackshaw meant nothing by it, he was teasing him. Considering he'd been here forever it seemed like. He'd lived here all his life. From the moment he was born, Athalia was his home. His mom was 20 when he was born. He never really found out who his father was. Some nameless nobody now. He'd left Maria a few years after Criston was born. Probably dead by now. According to his mom, Criston's father was always a bit of a coward.

Criston took in a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. He'd always gotten nervous and stiff thinking about his dad and it didn't help that he had to get up and address the students. He stood slowly, turning around to look at everyone, a smile on his face, a flash of white. He let out a small breath and smiled down at the girls next to him.

"Excuse me..." He told them as he passed by, making small contact with them. He laughed at their now red faces and continued up to the podium. When he arrived, he grinned at them all and leaned down toward the mic.

"Hi. I'm Criston. Student Body President. I'm suppose to give you an inspiring speech here but... I dunno. I think you've listened to enough. Time to go out and live it, eh?" He began, chuckling at himself. The girls all yelled and cooed at him, waving their hands. He simply smiled and waved at them, a cool smile on his face. "There is one thing I want to say though..." He began, suddenly looking very serious. "Party in the Student Center! All students are invited! 9PM tonight! Bring a friend!" He yelled, grinning again at the crowd before walking down and leaving, the girls already at his tail. He smiled.

This is going to be a great year.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Caleb 'Crash' Waterfront

Crash’s ruby red eyes roved the crowd in the auditorium curiously, he was crouched on a chair at the back left side of the hall, twirling a drum stick between the fingers of his left hand haphazardly whilst tapping a rhythm with another on his right thigh his feet were twitching up and down to the same rhythm, making him bounce a little on his chair. He had decided this assembly was torture; he had been in this spot for almost five minutes now, sitting still...well his version of still anyway. A few bangs of bright red hair fell into his face, dislodged by his persistent movement; he lifted his right hand up and pushed it back out of his face, momentarily losing focus on the twirling drum stick in his left hand which suddenly decided to make a jump for freedom, and flew into the air. “Uh, Heads!” He warned, jumping forward as the drumstick took a dive into the students in front of him, aptly followed by Crash himself as he tripped over his own feet and plummeted over the empty chair in front of him. His immediate reaction as he fell forward was to flap his arms desperately in the hope it would keep him upright, needless to say he was bitterly disappointed when it didn’t work and he ended up almost smacking two students in the head and still landing on his face with his legs comically protruding into the air above him.

He shuffled his arms underneath him, his ears pricking as he heard the words ‘The confidence to hold your head up high and say, 'I am myself!’ A brief smile crossed his lips as he reached under a student’s chair and grasped the lost drumstick safely between his fingers before pushing himself up onto his hands just high enough that his unruly legs were able to seek the comfort of the ground and he was able to climb back over the chair. After that little performance he expected a few odd looks from the students around him. “Nobody panic, I got it” He announced merely grinning at them as he wiped himself down. Looking up as the formerly mentioned Criston took to the stage, he forced himself to stay still long enough to hear him out. A large grin spreading across his face at the mention of a party, once Criston had finished speaking Crash spun on his heel and headed for the door. “Excuse me, coming through! Coming through!” He called, practically pinging between chairs and people until he was free of the crowds and stood just outside the doors, he slid the drumsticks into his back pocket and rubbed the back of his head, ruffling his messy crimson hair as he tried to decide where to go first a bemused expression spread across his face. It was such a quantum decision it was actually making him stop and think about it. “...Where to go first?” He mused out loud.

Serena Yamamoto

Serena passed her fingers through her fringe, her silver fox like ears laid flat against her head blending into her moonlit silver hair. She was a little self conscious of them especially as she was sat pretty much in the center of the hall surrounded by other students. She focused in on what the vice principal was saying, her eyes travelling to rest on the dark skinned main with white hair and yellow eyes that the vice principal had called Criston. She raised a curious eyebrow at him as he spoke back to the vice principal. Well that was informal...good sign maybe? She flicked her gaze back to the vice principal as he continued his speech. Confidence... Serena sighed quietly to herself, that wasn't a thought she was accustomed to. Her ears pricked at the mention of a party though. She got to her feet as the sea of students begun to file out of the room, she held back for as long as she could her 3 silver fox tails wrapping around her legs tightly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

OOna sat quietly through the principal's speech and then the student body president's.
'now what do i do?' she though, she tried to spot anyone who might look like they could help but she was disappointed, that boy, Cristin, the student body president, had already left with his horde of girls. The party sounded interesting though.

She followed the flow and managed to get outside where she quickly went to the side and looked around, she was still hopelessly lost, everyone she could see seem to know what they were doing and we're going places so she didn't bother them.

"hummmmmm, i need a map" she muttered, then it occurred to her "i wonder where the pool is" she sighed and looked around again, she saw a girl with silver hair, fox ears and a tail, and decided she might as well ask someone, so she walked over to the girl "excuse me, this is my first year and i don't know where anything is, i was wondering if you could help me"

the girl however didn't reply, so Oona left, she wasn't sure where she was going, though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Dani looked around. A party, huh? If only he knew where the student hall was. Maybe he should ask someone. He started walking over to someone a couple of chairs over, when some guy with red hair fell right in front of him. In Dani's haste to stop, he lost his balance and fell into someone else. To keep form colliding, he activated his spectre ability without thinking about too much. Except he used the wrong power. He was now in the guy's brain.
"Oops, sorry," Dani apologized.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aoi Sora

Aoi Sora

Member Offline since relaunch

As Criston was walking away from the podium, smirking his cocky little smirk, a navy blue umbrella had stopped his way, and as you followed the umbrella to the hand that was holding it, you saw a small hand and a slender arm. As you looked further, you saw a fair skinned young woman, with blue hair and glaring blue eyes, pointing daggers at Criston. She let out a small smile, but if you knew what the smile meant, well...

She cleared her throat as a long moment passed, the girls not noticing and still fangirling, until the umbrella was raised and swiftly swung into his shin. She pointed it at his face, clearly angry. "Damn it, Criston, an impromptu party! How the hell am I supposed to gather the Decorations Committee in time to decorate in 13 hours?! Do you realize what you're doing to me by announcing this crap, you jerk! I have to spend the first day planning and decorating and organizing and getting approvals, and there's so much damn more! I should strangle you! You do not stress out Luna Laciel before 4 in the afternoon!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aeris
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Aeris ғᴀɴᴄʏ, ᴀʏ ᴍᴀᴛᴇ?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Man, is this really necessary?"

The clearly annoyed voice belonged to Logan, the white-haired boy ruffling a hand through his... unusually colored hair to put a few annoying strands back into their annoying place. Logan was sitting as if he was in his house's sofa, pretty... lazy on the chair, his hands resting over his hips as both of his legs were sprawled forward, his feet resting against the back of an unlucky someone's chair. His eyes darted between face to face, no one really caught his interest, or made his eyes sparkle with desire, no, nothing of that. And while he tried to assume things about people, such as their past, their powers, their abilities, their personalities; for no real reason at all, the speech continued.

A smirk crossed his lips while he eyed a some reddish-brown haired girl a few seats away. Look at that, I bet she's some shy, insecure poor girl who just goes 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't meant to'. Oh, and what about these clothes? Bet she had that kind of over protective parents, uhhh, and all she can do is become invisible. Of course he wasn't right on what he was mentally assuming, but he enjoyed to think that he was. Either way, the speech was nearly over... or so it seemed. Jokes usually come around the end, and hey, the mister Rockjaw... no, Rockshaw, had just made a joke towards a particular student. Wait, student? Logan's eyes instantly traveled towards the dark-skinned boy, a hmpf escaping him. Nice hair color, jackarse.

And then, freedom. Apparently they had just been welcomed to the Academy. And just as Logan stood himself up to leave, the boy who he already held certain grudge against based on purely asthethic reasons had took over the microphone, another speech? God no...

"Bring a friend!"

"Oh, yeah. It's my first year here, I've certainly made thousands of friends on the first day." Logan thought out loud, though barely audible enough for someone to hear him, unless someone was quite close and paying a lot of attention to the boy. He shrugged his shoulders, deciding now that making a friend until 9PM was impossible to him and it'd better if he just did something else rather than going to a party. He had never been in a party, and from what he knew, parties were filled with people vomiting and eating one another.... Yeah.

With a grunt, he started to move himself around people... Until he grew bored of repeating "Excuse me" and then simply disappeared into nothingness, reappearing a second after next to the door which he assumed to take him to the school's halls.

Damn, this year will suck.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The speech the vice-president gave out was actually not that bad. While his previous school treated opening ceremonies as a chore, this particular academy seemed to treat it differently. It already gave him a decent vibe. And so far, he had already seen some weird things. There were people who had different physical bodies, unique powers, strange habits they pulled off once in a while... it was everything he could have ever wished for when he was younger. He was now in an environment where his power was considered as one of many powers.

Needless to say, Ryuu Yamuachi, otaku-since-childhood, laughed like crazy as he read some manga on his mobile media player.

"Go get him, Saitama! One-punch his ass! Mwahahahahaha!!!"

The students around him began to leave, heading straight to somewhere else.

"Hahahaha... ha... ha?" Ryuu muttered in curiosity, turning around as he noticed the crowds of people leaving the gymnasium. He then paled before slamming his face onto the palm of his free hand.

That's right, he thought, feeling somewhat annoyed now that he was brought to reality again. I'm in school again, right?

Ryuu sighed, putting away his media player in silence. He then stood up from his chair, exercising his shoulder due to how stiff they became throughout the ceremony.

As much as he liked the idea of going to an academy filled with students like him, one of his habits made him realize that he needed to change as soon as possible if he wanted to live out a decent school life. That habit was his tendency to not forget about his hobbies and proceeding to do something his parents would disapprove of. He loved his parents, that was for certain, but he had run out of things to show them how he loved them. Maybe it was due to him succumbing to the life of a street brawler, where frightening others with a totalitarian beating proved to be entertaining for him. It was only when he talked to his family again that he realized just how much he changed in a negative way.

Ryuu hoped that this academy would change him. He was already on a bad start, watching manga throughout the vice-president's speech. What if he started doing this in lectures? But then again, he would be able to see Asuka-chan go ham on-

SHUT THE HELL UP, YAMAUCHI!!! He screamed internally, his eyes lit on fire. You came here to become different! You came here to meet people like you!


...and beat them up- no, wait- ARGHHHHHHHHH!!! WHAT AM I EVEN THINKING?!?

Ryuu briefly tore at his hair as he shook his head like a maniac. He then stopped, humorously staring at the ground as he huffed and puffed out air to calm himself down. The student was just about to start firing lasers out of his clothes.

"Just... breathe, my otaku friend," he said to himself, earning weird looks from several students passing by. "You just need to survive, and people will just naturally start coming to you. You're socially awkward, so you just need to practice."

Indeed, he managed to calm himself down. But now he wondered what he should do. The dark-haired student looked around, searching for something to do. His eyes laid upon a timid-looking girl with three silver fox tails. Ryuu stiffened.

I wonder what it'd be like to have three telepathically-connected strings up your ass? Ryuu thought innocently.

He simply stared at the woman for a while, his eyes set straight on her without any shame of looking like a stalker. In fact, he looked like a gangster wanting something dangerous from her. The joys of not looking like the kindest man in the world!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Cyrus ran a hand through his hair, the untamed mass was not being obedient for some reason that day. He gave up and turned his attention to the podium. The vice-principal's speech was sooooo inspiring. "Who else can you be besides yourself?" He grunted sarcastically. Logic and comedy were constantly warring inside his head. By the time the student principal came to the stage, Bane was ready to move, he hated staying in one place. Seeing as his very life and power revolved around motion.

Cyrus sprang up when the speech was over, excitement was setting in. He laughed when an awkward young male flew out of his seat and stumbled down into some poor, innocent students. All that was left was a pile of red hair and a couple unhappy students. Cyrus noticed that he shared his hair color with two other guys, how strange?

The party was going to be interesting, girls, booze, and a whole bunch of inhuman peolpe fighting out stupid disputes. Cyrus grinned, he would show them! First things first, establishing himself as a prominent person in this mass of nobody's. He strided up to the Student Principal, Criston. Bane was delighted to see a couple girls glance his way and giggle, he gave them a quick wink. "Criston right? Nice speech, to hell with formal eh? Cyrus by the way, Cyrus Bane." He reached a hand out, cutting off a girl who was hanging on his right arm. The girl didn't care, and just moved to Cyrus' side. "Hope to see how good of a party you can throw, and by the way, nice hair," he joked. Cyrus flexed a bit as the girl on his other side grabbed his arm, he whispered something in her ear and she swooned. Was it really that easy?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Despite how nice and short the Vice-Principle’s speech was, Kathy was already beginning to doze off in the comfort of her plush seat. As expected of a school under the guise of being for the very select few, they seemed to have wasted no expense in maintaining ideal temperatures and comfort for all the students and staff at the academy. In short, almost every place on campus could be turned into the ideal napping area for her. Not even attempting to resist falling asleep, she let her eyes close and let her mind wander into sweet unconscious when-

“!!!” Something hit her on the head. Luckily the offensive object wasn’t very heavy, but the impact had been more than enough to jerk her back into reality. Feeling rather confused and dazed, she looked around to figure out what had just happened.

It wasn’t very difficult to figure out who the culprit of the sudden disturbance was. A boy with messy crimson hair was busy falling head-over into the seats, seeming to pick something up from the ground 2 seats away from her. “A pencil..? No, a drumstick.” She mused aloud. What he was doing with a drumstick in the auditorium was beyond her, but she thought it was probably good he hadn’t decided to throw around something heavier or with a sharp edge.

Having already lost all desire to go back to sleep, Kathy turned her attention back to the speaker at the podium. Sometime during all the chaos, the speaker had changed from the Vice-President to the well-known student body president, Criston.

"Party in the Student Center! All students are invited! 9PM tonight! Bring a friend!"

“A party? Did we have one last year? Hmm, ah well. It sounds fun.” She thought of her classmates and friends from the year before as potential invitees, but realized that there was actually almost no point to inviting them herself. “… He announced it in front of the entire student body. There shouldn’t be anyone that doesn’t know about it right? If they want to go, they’ll be there.”

Nodding to herself, convinced that she could just save herself the trouble and greet anyone she knew at the party, she got up with the other students at the end of the speech and joined the flow of the crowd heading towards the exit. Assuming everyone was more or less intent on leaving the auditorium, Kathy didn’t notice the blockade until she bumped into it, face-first. “Ow. What the..? Huh?” Someone was standing right in front of the doorway, essentially blocking anyone that wanted to leave through that particular exit.

Holding her nose, she looked up at the person. Before she could catch herself she found herself greeting him, “Ah. The drumstick guy.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Criston blinked, staring down at a navy blue umbrella. He lifted a brow as the trail of his eyes went down to the hand holding the object.

Oh, dear lord...

He sighed and looked at her with amused eyes. "Well, Hi there, Luna. Fancy meet-" He began but stopped as soon as the Umbrella found it's way to his shin. He yelped and grabbed at his leg, yelling obscenities. "What the hell was that for Luna?!" He asked, yelling at her, his eyes wide.

"Damn it, Criston, an impromptu party! How the hell am I supposed to gather the Decorations Committee in time to decorate in 13 hours?! Do you realize what you're doing to me by announcing this crap, you jerk! I have to spend the first day planning and decorating and organizing and getting approvals, and there's so much damn more! I should strangle you! You do not stress out Luna Laciel before 4 in the afternoon!" She shouted, clearly angry.

He looked up at her with his best puppy dog eyes and replied, "But, Luna. I just wanted the 'new meat' to enjoy their first day. I mean... you can't blame me for thinking about their best interests..." He smiled at her sweetly, walking over and grabbing her hand. He brought it to his lips and kissed it. "Besides, I know you can do it." He told her and sent her a wink. "And we do this every year, you should have expected it by now." He said as he let go of her hand and began walking off. "I'll see you at the party, Luna!" He called out to her as he walked off.

He stopped when another white haired boy with yellow eyes walked up to him.

God damn, it's like looking in a mirror!

He blinked a bit, looking around as a few of the girls left his side and walked over to the other guy, Cyrus Bane? Criston blinked again and then looked up at the guy, a brow raised. He looked down at the hand offered to him and reluctantly grabbed it, shaking it. "Yeah, nice to meet you." He greeted, his voice sounding a bit apprehensive.

"Hope to see how good of a party you can throw, and by the way, nice hair," Cyrus continued, jokingly and then flexed for the girl at his arm. Criston simply blinked, losing face. He put a smile on his face and nodded.

"You too, bro. And I'm not the only one throwing it!" He replied, pointing in Luna's direction and sending her a wink. He chuckled and walked on, a few of the girls following him. He needed to go relax for a bit. Maybe send something to Luna in the Student Body Goverment(SBG)'s office to brighten her day. Some flowers, or some mule to work for her. He chuckled. Maybe.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Animal
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Allan was leaning against the back wall of the auditorium during the Vice-Principle's speech. He did not seem amused to find out that there was someone of his kind who had such positive energy. Some people knew what Rackshaw was capable of, he overheard the small talk in the halls that he was a dragon just like Allan. However, it was clear to him that the two were pretty much opposites when it came to personalities. This guy...is a dragon?... He thought after the speech was over and then Criston took the stand.

Criston had the right idea to end this borefest, it was probably the only thing that Allan could agree on. The welcoming party was an opportunity for Allan to scout out who he was going to be dealing with for this year. Maybe he could challenge those he sees as a great threat to him, but it is not like he expects anyone to be threatening right off the bat, after all he believes that he is the superior one. He began to walk towards the left side of the auditorium trying to head for the exit not bent on getting a partner or friend to bring at the party. Everything was going so smoothly, he had his hands in his pockets casually minding his own business when suddenly a certain spectre collided with him.

His eyes widen in shock, but he still had that angry expression on his face knowing that someone was invading his privacy.

"Sorry?..." Allan said under his breath as Dani would know of the gruesome things that he wanted to do to him. Allan's body temperature rose and black smoke came out of his nose. "You invade my inner thoughts...and you expect me to accept an apology from YOU?..." He muttered once again about to unleash the smackdown on Dani.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zivon kept at his place, he felt like couldn’t move from his chair. There were a lot of people and that made him really nervous. He couldn’t stop looking on the floor. Hearing the speech of vice principal made him calm down, a place where maybe he could belong. The student council president gave his own speech but really it seemed like the only thing he talked about was a party at nine. After that the other students started to go somewhere else as for him he sat still on his chair. He sat there for quite a while, with no idea what to do; he stooped looking on the floor and looked around his area. He wanted to make friends but he couldn’t just walk up to a person and say “Hi! Would you like to be my friend?” that’s a bit too much for him.

‘Okay Zivon, what to do…I could go and try to make friends or maybe explore a little’ Lost in thought he sat there then a something that wanted pop up in his mind. ‘Ice cream…I want ice cream.’ He wanted ice cream, he didn’t matter what kind, chocolate fudge bar, rainbow colored popsicles, sea salt ice cream, vanilla…he licked his lips with that thought and stood up. He didn't care if it was morning he needed to find the cafeteria for ice cream; it will make his day so much better. He stood up and stretched his arms, rather making friends he decided to find some ice cream. As his main focus was about ice cream one thing he didn't overlook nor care was forgotten...where is the cafeteria?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Criston followed his nose, the smell of syrup calling him to the cafeteria. They'd always had the most amazing food. Chef was really the best. He walked through the double doors, the girls following him slowly, mostly just talking amongst themselves. He let them be as he usually did, going about his day as if it were normal.

He walked up to the countered and grinned at the woman standing near the food. "Hey. Where's Chef?" He asked, looking around at the back.

She shook her head and replied, "Went out to catch a breath of fresh air." Criston let out a small sigh and sent the woman a quick smile, his yellow eyes shining at her.

"Well, just tell him Criston asked about him." He told the woman, already grabbing a plate and placing a few pancakes on it. He walked over to the syrup dispenser and pour on a good helping of it. He grabbed a fork and knife along with some butter and went to go set it down at a table. The girls were already there, talking to each other. Some of them had cereal, others had some bacon and biscuits. He looked around and spotted the section with the bacon and biscuits and smiled. He strolled over to it and began piling bacon, sausage, eggs, toast, and biscuits on his plate.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oona wondered about for a bit but then she smelt something good and immediately headed where it appeared quite a few others were heading,

when she got there she saw it was a cafeteria, she couldn't decide what she should eat so she stood staring for a little while till she decided a little meat wouldn't do any harm and got some spicy chicken. then she looked around the cafeteria for somewhere to sit, she saw the student counsil president but again he was surrounded by girls, so for the time being she decided to go sit by the window.

as she slowly ate some delicious chicken she messed with the little box she always kept strapped to her hip, it contained all her scales and claws and the like.

Oona reached down and pulled out a tiny claw, it was from the world's smallest crab, a pea crab, the claw itself was actually too tiny for her hold itself so it was in a tiny glass cube that she slowly threw up and down in the air, it was her favorite of all her transforming tools, mainly because of how tiny it was.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aoi Sora

Aoi Sora

Member Offline since relaunch

Luna pulled a cloth from her knapsack and wiped at her hand, muttering to herself, "Damn it, Criston, making me work when I should be worrying about..other things! He better dance with me tonight, or he owes me big time!"

She put away the cloth back in her sack and opened the umbrella, speaking words silently, and then suddenly exclaimed, "Summon!" Finally, her steed had arrived. The Sickle Moon, a hovering..rock, essentially, Luna could command it where to take her, so she didn't have to walk. Unfortunately for her, it didn't travel as fast during the day, and she sighed past one of the humans attending the school, a returning student with red-brown hair.

She floated past, glancing at the human girl, but hovered her way over to the cafeteria, the massively massive open, really posh, gigantic cafeteria. She grabbed herself a plate and looked up behind the counter. "Any of the moon cakes today?" she asked of the cafeteria lady, who handed her a plate piled with them. Luna smiled as she hovered over towards her solitary table in the far corner of the MMORPGC, which seemed to be lit almost from an alternative source.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Crash’s thoughts were interrupted by someone bumping into the back of him; he blinked twice before turning sharply on the spot looking down at the student who had collided with him. He noticed the dark haired girl was holding her nose, and instantly adopted a guilty expression, though the guilt faded as she addressed him as ‘The drumstick guy’ he couldn't suppress a chuckle as he grinned at her. “Ok, I’ll take that” He stated, with a big warm smile. “Most people call me Crash though” He introduced himself. “I’m going to take a wild stab in the dark here, and guess you were witness to my amazing drumstick escapade” He added, lifting a hand and rubbing the back of his neck. His smile faltered for a moment though however when he remembered she was holding her nose. “You ok?” He asked, lifting his hand to his nose to indicate why he was asking her that his jovial expression had momentarily changed to one of concern. “I’ve been told before I make a useless door...you’d of thought I’d have learnt by now” Don’t make jokes...you suck at them He halfheartedly shrugged his shoulders as if that would excuse his terrible attempt at humor . A moment later his stomach rudely decided to join in the conversation, vocalizing its lack of content with a monstrous grumble. Crash grinned sheepishly and patted his gut. “Skipped breakfast” He announced, lifting his eyes to scan the hallway they were in. “You wouldn't happen to know where the food is would you?” He asked her, hope clung to his words and he actually managed to keep his mouth closed long enough to let the poor girl answer him.


Serena’s ears flicked back against her head as a girl approached her, she was about to respond when the girl moved away again. Nice one Serena, being mute probably isn't the way forward... She lifted a hand to her head, exhaling slowly as she inspected who was left in the auditorium as everyone seemed to make a raid dash to get away. Her eyes stopping instinctively on the dark haired student opposite when she noticed he was staring at her. Oh crap, first day of school and I've attracted the attention of the FBI’s most wanted... She took a step forward, moving between the now empty chairs, dread working its way into her gut as she had to get closer to the guy staring at her before she could get away from him. As she hit the center of the room, much to dismay she was forced to practically in front of the very person she was trying to get away from, a group of nattering students had placed themselves firmly between her and the door. “A lot of people know where I am...so err...you know, I’d reconsider your options” She blurted out to the dark haired student, her tail tips swayed slightly as she spoke. Her arms folding across her chest defensively as she waited for the small group of students to move, she’d heard the word ‘Cafeteria’ mentioned multiple times in last 5 minutes and the idea had grown on her, it seemed like the perfect place to be right now...lots of people.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

David had enjoyed the little speech of the vice-principal. However the news from Criston was less exciting for him. A party!? Already! he thought when he heard the words. Maybe you’re not obliged to go? God I hope so. He thought. After that many students rushed to the doors, only to cause a jam there. David didn’t join in. He preferred to just sit here and wait for a few minutes before the horde of people left. He looked around and soon found out he wasn’t the only one with this in mind. A girl was also waiting at first. But…did she have tails!? Curiousity easily won it from his awkwardness. He walked towards her. She was looking the other way so she probably wouldn’t see him coming. Eventually he reached her and blurred out. “Are those tails!?” He had a huge smile on his face. Finally he met someone who was special as he was. Well finally he could talk to someone without keeping the fact that he can summon little lights a secret.

Then, after the second he said it, he realized what he actually said. “Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude and. It’s just those tails and I’ve never seen someone with tails and…please forgive me.” He blurred out faster than cheetah could run. His head was getting red as a tomato. Great move dude! First day and you couldn’t keep your mouth shut. She probably hates you now. She should hate you. I mean, who even dares to say such an obscene thing? And you haven’t even introduced yourself! he thought to himself. A part of him wanted to run. Another part just said to be a man take the slap he deserves.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Cyrus let Criston walk ahead, he had said everything he needed to say. He did, however follow Criston, the smell of food had aligned their paths. All the while, he kept talking to the beauty on his arm, apparently she was a shapeshifter or something, he wasn't really paying attention to her words... She had other, noticeable qualities. On the way to the cafeteria, Bane stopped at a huge board that held all of the club sign ups. He added his name to the chess club, and he also signed himself up for football tryouts. Cyrus grinned, a team of supernaturals against petty humans, that had to be interesting. Cyrus also signed up for band, he loved music. He played the guitar like a pro, he was still learning to play the piano and drums.

The girl, who was still babbling on about pointless things finally shut up when she saw him sign up for al his extracurricular activities. "Are you good at everything?" She asked, trying to stroke his ego. Cyrus shrugged, and left the girl there, pouting slightly. Bane shook his head, 'these air headed girls aren't interesting in the slightest. Except for their huge, uh, toes.' How he loved huge toes, and definitely not their chest and bottom area....

Cyrus strided into the cafeteria and surveyed everyone inside. He wondered what all of them could do. They surely weren't stronger than him. He wasn't worried in the slightest. Bane grabbed a plate piles high with an assortment of breakfast foods. Cyrus saw Criston again, and decided to have some fun. I mean, might as well right?

Cyrus grabbed his plate and sat down with Criston's horde of women. He began eating, waiting to see what the returning student's reaction would be. He talked with the girls, got them laughing, the dumb one were just too easy. He likes a girl who would challenge him, and a girl who could handle herself, unlike these dependent, idiotic, bimbos who just went around trying to get some from any guy. Just to fit in with the other sluts. Nonetheless, Cyrus flirted with them, just to mess with the man who looked exactly like him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hearing his nickname, Kathy let out a small cough as she attempted not to laugh. “Crash. It suits you, ahem, from what I know anyway.” She was almost tempted to actually tell him she was more than just a witness and rather a victim of the escaping drumstick, but decided against it. She wasn’t trying to pick a fight or squeeze an apology out of him after all. Instead she nodded, “That’s right. One of the many that got to witness a flying drumstick and auditorium gymnastics, all in one day. Ah, I’m Kathy by the way. Short for Katherine.”

’His expression really changes often. Quite the busy guy.’ She thought, wondering just how fast his thought processes must be to go through so many different emotions in such a short period of time. Seeing Crash point to his own nose, she made a quick mental check about her own. Her nose was a little sore from the sudden impact, but that was all. She sighed in relief, glad she didn’t embarrass herself by getting a nosebleed after meeting him for the first time. Lifting her hand off her nose, she replied, “Yeah. It was kind of more of a reflex more than anything, don’t worry about it.”

She let out a short but hearty laugh as Crash seemed to be going through a one-man comedy skit starting from the joke made at his own expense and ending with a vocal complaint from his stomach. Giving him a pat on the shoulder she opened her mouth to give directions towards the cafeteria, “Food would be over in-!”

A slight bump at her back reminded her that she was also standing in the doorway, adding to the barricade. Feeling pressured under the gaze of the crowd behind her, she took Crash’s wrist and pulled him out of the students’ way. “Er, it’s this way. I was just heading over there myself. Let’s go.”

Travelling with the flow of the crowd instead of obstructing it, they arrived in no time at the cafeteria. The smell of warm, freshly-prepared food filled the air and made her mouth water. ’Oh cruelty… So many choices, but so little room in my stomach in comparison.’ Then remembering that she was still holding on to Crash’s wrist, she muttered a quick apology and let go. “Sorry about that.”

“Oh! Hey, uh, if you don’t mind Crash…” An idea had popped into her head. She was a little nervous about asking a first-time acquaintance any favors, but her stomach was winning over any sense of shyness. “Want to order a couple of different plates and share? I can’t choose just one thing to eat, but I don’t want to waste food either.”
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