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In the middle of town there's an old prestigious academy, Athalia Academy. It's been around for years! But, most of the people in the town have never been inside. They've only seen glimpses of the students inside. There is usually a large locked gate out front and students can be seen walking around the courtyard. Most of the towns people just take it as it is and assume their kids will never be able to get in because none of them ever do. Some have applied their students and been denied, even very wealth families with very smart kids, still are denied. The school is very selective in even allowing visitors, much less it's students. It's a wonder they even have so many.
A young man walks into the back gate of the school, where students enter. It's a bright, sunny day, he pulls his hair back and looks around as he enters. Seems he entered into the garden area off to the side. He'd visited the school before but it always seemed to have more students than this. As he looks around, there are a few students scattered around the yard, doing their own things.
"Surprised?" A voice says from behind him. He turned to see a dark skinned man with white hair and yellow eyes.
"A... A bit." The boy replied, looking up at the man. At his reply, the man let out a loud bellowing chuckle.
"Don't worry. It's magic. The school has a barrier around it, lets them see what we want them to see." He told the boy, smiling brightly down at him. "Welcome to Athalia Academy! I'm Criston, student body president. It's nice to meet you. Here, let me show you around the school." He continues, walking ahead, motioning for the boy to follow him. He follows, though a bit reluctantly as the man takes him through the school. It seemed like he was an older student by the way he spoke.
"Welcome students." A man bellowed from the stage, his white hair and white eyes smiling down at the students. "I'm Vice-Principal Rackshaw. Feel free to call me Mr. R." He continued, winking at the students in a joking manner. "I'm sorry your principal, Ms. Cross couldn't be here today, but I'm here to welcome you all to Athalia Academy!" He told them, leaning against the podium in a casual manner. "Some of you are new, and some of you are... not so new. Yeah, I'm talking to you Criston!" He yelled out to the crowd, pointing to a certain white haired tan boy sitting in the middle rows.
"Yeah, yeah. Stop pestering me, old man!" Criston replied back from the crowd, a smile on his face. Mr. Rackshaw chuckled and continued on, looking at the students.
"As most of you know, you're here because you're special. You don't belong out there with the humans, the regular one's anyway. You're here because you want to learn not only scholarly knowledge, but about yourself. Explore your possibilities and make some life long friends. Use this campus as much as you can and gain from it what I hope you all will leave here with. The confidence to hold your head up high and say, 'I am myself!'" Mr. Rackshaw bellowed once again, his voice loud and proud as he smiles down at the students. "Now go, there is much to be done and so little time to do it in." He finished, smiling and walking off the stage, disappearing into the darkness.
Athalia Academy's Student Directory