Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ItsToppyTippers
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ItsToppyTippers Yuri!!! on Ice got me SHOOK.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After watching that the robot was not a psychotic one out on a rampage seeking for blood. She soon returned her shotgun to its rightful position on her back. Once the weapon was in its place, she noticed an interesting looking being just a few feet away from her and any other group. Raising a brow, she decided to head over his way and maybe talk to him since he was alone- what was surprising was that she rarely was the one who introduced themselves to other people. Maybe she had a heart for talking to people who were just like her.

As she stood, facing across him, she awkwardly waved a hand as a greeting. "Uh... hey."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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For some reason, that word, 'alone', it was a word that Yasu absolutely hated. Just something about it was complete hell to her, she didn't even snap back at Erika, only because that word had reminded her of the times where she was completely alone. Especially when...Battler had committed his "sin" years before.

Mephiles hated this idea, but he had to go and learn more of these lower beings. Though, someone had come up to him, and he only responded,"Is there something why you came up to me?" He said this with a monotone voice, and that he could talk even if he really had no mouth.

"Yeah, I just hoped I came here with the seven Chaos Emeralds, or else my other friend Knuckles is gonna be mad at me for losing them," Sonic ends his explanation on his Super form and the chaos emeralds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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[Redeemer(Alpha and Omega), Unknown Location, Multiverse Outpost]

Redeemer lifted his hand and with a single gesture made several of people he had summoned disappeared. "They will return, I do not have the power to send them all but I can keep them safe here. You who remain do you have any questions?" ask the Redeemer.

(Important Update, for now you may only have 1 character per team and you list your character name, what team they are on, there location and which universe they are in).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"That's amazing" He let out a little laugh. Yukiteru thought about these so called Chaos Emeralds. Their power must be amazing. Yukiteru thought about the many friends Sonic had. 'If only Deus were here... he gave me the push to make it this far.' Yukiteru thought of all the information given to him. 'I should probably update The Akashic Records with the information of the whole mission.' "Sonic your life is amazing."

Suddenly people started to disappear. He heard the Redeemer ask if there were any questions. Yukiteru didn't have any. " Actually I'm ready to go!" Yukiteru returned to his talk with Sonic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ItsToppyTippers
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ItsToppyTippers Yuri!!! on Ice got me SHOOK.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

{ - Agent Texas (Omega), Unknown Location - }

Geesh, and Tex thought that she was a cold, rude, jackass. This guy's attitude was just like Carolina's when she had shown her up during their mission to retrieve the 'sarcophagus'. Nonetheless, she decided to let it slide, somewhat... Through clenched teeth she replied, "I came up to you because I wanted to... get to know you better."

{ - Nora V. (Alpha), Unknown Location - }

At the sight of seeing everyone disappearright before her very eyes, she noticed that only a little people left remaining. Some she did know, and some she didn't. Quietly, she just waited for the Redeemer to answer the questions he was soon to be asked by the other members. She wondered where everyone else went...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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[Sonic (Alpha), Location: Unknown]

"It is! I've basically on a handful of adventures with my friends," Sonic grinned at Yukiteru, but saw that the amount of people were suddenly reduced as the Redeemer had only enough power to send a smaller amount of people summoned here.

[Mephiles (Omega), Location Unknown]

Mephiles only examined Tex with his snake-like green eyes, he never encountered this person at all until now. He wasn't really interested in this individual, but saw it might benefit him later... "Mephiles, that is what I am called, and that is all you need to know," he said coldly, not showing any sort of interest towards her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Pyrrah looked at Leona. "Hello." She said friendly like to her.

Anna watched as some people were sent elsewhere. She was one of them.

Elsa was about to answer the Doctor when she was wisked into the void for Team Alpha. She was uneasy being separated from her sister.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Yukiteru (Alpha) Location: The Void.]

Yukiteru looked at Sonic. Sonic had many adventures, he's pretty lucky. "You are pretty Lucky Sonic, I haven't gone on adventures...." Yukiteru looked at the "Ground" he was saddened once again. He remembered the "adventure" he had during the Survival Game, with Akise and his other friends. He was saddened for killing them, amd he can't bring them back to life either.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

[Cliffjumper (Alpha) Location: Unkown]
"Hey Where'd they go!? He looked around as the groups vanished. Optimus was among them, and he worried for his leader's safety. "What are you trying to pull!?" he said, now aiming his weapon at the Redeemer.

[Swoop (Omega) Location: Unkown]
"Grimlock!?" Swoop shouted, looking around for his superior officer. He spotted Cliffjumper, and was relieved that at least one cybertronian was there besides him. He jogged over to his ally.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ItsToppyTippers
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ItsToppyTippers Yuri!!! on Ice got me SHOOK.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

{ - Agent Texas (Omega) - }

Mephiles... huh? Such a unique name for a... unique person. Growling inaudibly to herself, she glared at him, her golden-yellow visor showing his reflection as she did. "Tex," she responded, her voice low. She reached a hand out for a handshake, it was her usual thing for when she met new people.

{ - Nora V. (Alpha) - }

The female quietly whispered to herself nervously. She couldn't wait to start. Once they did, she knew she was going to show how strong she was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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[Sonic (Alpha) Location: Void]

"Well, then this is going to be an adventure. A big one too if we're really going to go to different dimensions," Sonic reassures Yukiteru, not really seeing that the latter seemed a bit disheartened by something. While looking at everyone else that was left, Sonic managed to get a glimpse of Mephiles, and boy did this guy looked similar to Shadow despite the human appearance. "Hey...that guy looks like someone I know...or alike...I don't know, but it's giving me the creeps," Sonic says as he comments on Mephiles' appearance to Yukiteru.

[Mephiles (Omega) Location: Void]

He was a demon of sorely the conscious of a powerful god, a simple handshake wasn't something he was going to do. So, Mephiles blankly glanced at Tex's offering hand and then back at her face. "And that is all I need to know on you," Mephiles replied harshly back at her, but then added after a few moments,"Unless there is something else that I don't know, which I know you're deciding not to show to anyone."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

[Leona (Alpha), Void]

"...sorry about that." the Radiant Dawn apologized to Pyrrah. "I mistook you for someone else."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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[Nova (Omega) Location: Void]

Nova attempted to read the redeemer mind at first she meet a barrier that she could not break but then suddenly found her mind flooded with so many thoughts she couldn't keep up with it and was being overwhealmed. Yet just as quickly as she was overwhealmed she founds silence. It seemed the Redeemer had closed his mind. She then look around and saw several people were talking. "Looks like were going to be doing some hunting." said Nova as she then decloak and rested her sniper rifle on her shoulder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Yukiteru (Alpha) Location: The Void]

"Huh... Oh yeah so is that how your friend Shadow looks like?" Yukiteru was still saddened and lost in thought. He felt an evil energy coming off from Mephiles. Like the type of energy you know you've sensed before but can't quite put the finger on it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

(the Doctor(9th currently)
Alpha. Location unknown.)
The Doctor had the TARDIS ready, and the sonic screwdriver ready. He smiled and said "Ready whenever you are." He gave a smile. at everyone
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"It is alright..." Pyrrah said. "My name is Pyrrah...." She introduced.

Elsa looked at the other members of Alpha and just stayed silent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

[Leona, Alpha, The void]

Leona smiled, sheathing her sword behind her shield. "I am Leona, representative champion of the Rakkor in the league of legends and the champion of the Solari." she said, introducing herself in response. "It is nice to meet you, Pyrrah."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ItsToppyTippers
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ItsToppyTippers Yuri!!! on Ice got me SHOOK.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

{ - Agent Texas (Omega) - }

After he had looked at her and her hand and decided not to shake the offered hand, Tex retracted and returned her arm to her side. Practically glaring daggers at him and imaginary holes through the visor of her helmet, she murmured some expletives under her breath. "There's nothing you need to know...," she said. "-yet."
{ - Nora V. (Alpha) - }

Once hearing the word 'hunting', Nora's ears practically perked up in glee. Had she found yet another person who had liked the activity? She hopped on over to the female who held a sniper rifle and jumped high, exclaiming, "Did I hear somene say hunting?!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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[Sonic (Alpha) Location: Void]

"He sure does...but I know that can't be him..." Sonic scratched his head, knowing fully well that this person couldn't be Shadow. Even Shadow had told him that he put his past behind him, so he isn't that kind of person anymore. "Hey!!" Sonic decided to head over to Mephiles and Tex, wanting to see for himself if this guy was anything alike to Shadow. He gave a gesture for Yukiteru to follow, seeing as he wasn't going to abandon his new friend.

[Mephiles (Omega) Location: Void]

"I'll know ahead of time," Mephiles simply puts it at that before someone else happened to be coming over. That stupid hedgehog Sonic finally decided to come, and Mephiles probably knew that Sonic was curious on why he looks alike to Shadow. Mephiles only glances at Sonic emotionlessly, not seeing a reason to even speak to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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[Nova (Omega) Location: Void]

Nova turned to face the girl that ask if she said hunting. "That's what I said. Going to hunt down whoever behind all this and take them down." said Nova as she then pointed a finger in a random direction pretending that it was a gun and then pretending to fire it.
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