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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Charr removed his helmet while pulled out Bes'bev and started to play a traditional mandalorian song while waiting for the mission to start.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

((I'm not going to ask anymore...))

[Lerafa Oliver {Team Alpha} Location: Void]

Suddenlly, Lerafa codecs rings. "Hm, it reaches here?" said Lerafa astonished when he responded to the codec call, it was Fate. "Ah, i forgot to tell you, your Azure Blade can stay in Standby-Mode." she said. "I see, how do i do it again?" said Lerafa. "Just give a mental command." said Fate. "Okay thanks." Lerafa said as he concluded the call, he got his sword and sent a mental command to it, the blade transformed into a blue ring with a sword simbol on it. "This is conveniten." said Lerafa as he put the ring in his index finger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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[Nova (Omega) Location: Void]

Nova turned to Kiritsugu . “No introductions, Kiritsugu. Then again your all business. Let's just say this rifle is a multipurpose rifle. It can be an assault rifle, a grenade launcher and sniper rifle. As for the other one, it allows me to put big robots like him in a time for a bit out without harming them. Yet you seem to have a far more interesting weapon.” said Nova as she then look at Saber before turning to face Cliffjumper. “Well I'm not to sure myself, you would have to ask the guys who make these suits.” said Novain repose to Cliffjumper question.
[Redeemer(Alpha and Omega), Unknown Location, Multiverse Outpost]

The Redeemer look at the group. “We shall now begin.” said the Redeemer as he then snap his fingers.
[Team Alpha – Metropolis – DC Universe]

As you arrive in Metropolis you see much damage and carnage. Buildings are on fire, cars are tip over and smoke sometimes blocks out the sun. “Good... you have... arrived. The Redeemer... told me you... would come... stop doomsday.” said Booster Gold as he then passes out. You then see a bus flying through the street that come from northern part of the city.

[No godlike powers and no backup. All other powers are a go.]
[Team Omega – Ashford Academy – Code Geass Universe]

C.C. look at everyone, it seemed they were a strange bunch. "If your all done talking I will now being the briefing. Princess Euphemia li Britannia has just declared she will create a Special Administrative Zone. Zero meets her and tries to get Princess Euphemia li Britannia to kill him but Princess Euphemia li Britannia was able to convince Zero to follow her plan. This is where the two time-lines begin to change, originally Zero is suppose to accidentally Geassed Euphemia causing her order the deaths of all Japaneses. This will allow Zero to continue his fight and eventually defeat his father and brother one day who both threatens the entire world. Yet something has changed and the Redeemer granted me a vision of the future, Zero doesn't lose control of his powers and thus he becomes a normal citizen living a happy life with his sister. That is until several years pass and suddenly all of mankind is doomed to fate far worse then death. Your primary objectives are the following:
1: Make it look like Euphemia ordered the massacre of the Japaneses.
2: Zero and Suzaku must survive
You also have secondary objectives as well, the Redeemer has told me that achieving such objectives will assist you in future missions.
1: Get Zero to kill Euphemia
2: Kallen survives
3: Kyoshiro survives
Now do you have any questions.” ask C.C. as she waited for a response with a bored look on her face.

[No Godlike Powers, no ability should be able to do more damage then take out a single normal knightmare or make the powers of Geass seem like child-play, backup may arrive later]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


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[Team Alpha - Metropolis - DC Universe]
Cliffjumper shot at the bus, causing it to explode before it could hit them. "This place reminds me of Iacon back home ... except a lot less destroyed" He noticed the damage. It reminded him of Iacon during the first moments of the Decepticon assault.
[Team Omega - Ashford Academy - Code Geass Universe]
Swoop was too busy looking around at the city. He hadn't been in a nice city since before the war, and that was forever ago. "Wow!" he said, turning around in awe, "This place is amazing! Although a little small for my tastes."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

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[Yukiteru (Alpha) Location: Metropolis- DC Universe)
Yukiteru was dressed in his normal clothes, his Godlike powers were not working but his Future Diary Was. He saw Booster Gold as he passes out. He checked his Future Diary, He was going to survive. He suddenly sees a bus that was flying through the streets. Booster Gold's Instructions were clear. "Damm. No one's going to die in my watch!" Yukiteru grabbed Booster Gold and put him inside a building. "What do we do now?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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(Alpha...DC world)

Elsa continued to back away from the Doctor then she realized she was in a strange place..With people...She hung back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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[Team Omega – Ashford Academy – Code Geass Universe]
"What can we expect for resistance?" Charr asked placing his helment back onto his head "and were can we find Zero?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

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[Lerafa Oliver 'Team Alpha Location: Metropolis]

"That bus came from the nothern direction, we might find something if we go there." said Lerafa, he also took the oportunity to carry Booster Gold on his back, he couldn't leave him fainted in the middle of what seemed to be a warzone. "Stop Doomsday...what does that mean?" Lerafa asked himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Doomsday ... How are we supposed to stop the doomsday when we know nothing about it" Cliffjumper said, making sure no more buses would come flying towards them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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(The Doctor(9th). Alpha, Metropolis)
The Doctor saw the bus and cursed as the man passed out. Doomsday. What creature could do this? Maybe the TARDIS could get him a look at this creature. He ran in the TARDIS and began typing on the computers. He got a look at the monster and smiled "Well arent you a fantastic creature..." The Doctor knew however this creature had to be stopped. If it was mechanical maybe he could alter its programming with the sonic screwdriver. The Doctor came out "What ever is coming for us....its big, and powerful."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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[Sonic (Alpha) - Metropolis - DC Universe]

Sonic finds himself in his usual Hedgehog self, which felt much more comfortable to go fast whenever he needed to. Apparently, these ruins of a city reminded him of the havoc of Perfect Chaos and the invasion of the Black Arms. "Wherever this guy is, we gotta stop this fast," Sonic says, but wasn't so sure on how he would pull this off. He basically had none of the Chaos Emeralds with him at all, since he does use his Super form to take down any powerful threat down.

((Note: Sonic's speed is gradually reduced to 3/4 of what his average speed is.))
[Mephiles (Omega) - Ashford Academy - Code Geass Universe]

Still, Mephiles was in a humanoid form, so he could only assume that some of his more "powerful" traits were still being held back. It wasn't a good thing to figure out for the conscious mind of Solaris, but he decided that it would be even more challenging to see what he could do without those traits. "The objectives are clear. Therefore, I do not have any clarifications I would have to request," Mephiles plainly spoke, not wanting to waste much time when it comes to their mission.

((Note: Mephiles is no longer immortal and can be injured. His ability to time travel is completely negated. His ability to create duplicates is nerfed to only imperfect replicas, and only limited to two duplications to be made and existing at a time.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Yukiteru (Alpha) Metropolis]
Yukiteru backed away from the group. Something was not right. He checked his future Diary, there was something coming, something big." Doctor, by any chance does" Doomsday" look like a mutated human with some small spikes on his back?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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[Leona, Alpha, Metropolis, DC universe]

Leona looked around the ruins of the city, seeing the bus fly by. She felt that this would be a job that was much more suited to a bruiser like Pantheon instead of herself who simply chose to protect people.

Quite possibly, she should be able to lock down the creature for a few seconds with her Solari abilities. The question then would be taking it down, but that would be something for the others to do.

[Kiritsugu, Omega, Ashford Academy, Code Geass Universe]

Kiritsugu heard the explanation and considered his options. At the moment, due to the nature of this world it would be some time before he could materialize Saber. As such, she would be useless as a combat asset. However, her presence would still power Avalon.

Keeping a low profile, he waited for CC's answer to the question on opposition.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ItsToppyTippers
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ItsToppyTippers Yuri!!! on Ice got me SHOOK.

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{ - Agent Texas (Omega), Location: Code Geass Universe - }

After being told of their objectives, Tex made a mental note of everything they had to do. Frame someone of ordering a massacre, having some people survive, and have someone murder another person. Well, it didn't seem hard as much. Though all Tex has ever done for missions were to blow things up and leave no trace of evidence, and getting rid of targets. That's all she was told to do by the director. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Alright Omega, we are going to try and follow whatever orders we are given... unless the situation is dire. We must go through with what we are told. Sync?" Texas ordered her AI carefully. She didn't want this mission to be a failure. She did not want to disgrace the title of being a highly skilled super soldier. Especially when she was coming from some secretive group called Project Freelancer.

"Sync," the glowing hologram replied.
{ - Nora V. (Alpha), Location: DC Universe [YAYYYY] - }

Doomsday? Who, or what was that? The smoke and fire that came from the buildings that were in sight alarmed Nora. Reaching behind her back, she grabbed the handle of Magnhild and pulled it from where it was on her back, having it rest in her hands. She then waited for her other teammates who too looked surprised and in thought. What were they to do to stop this... Doomsday?

"Anyone have a plan?" Nora asked, her voice stern, a small smile still on her lips. She had to keep smiling. It was her thing to smile whenever she and a group of people were in such a serious situation as this one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Uhhh ... other than shoot it and see if it dies? No." Cliffjumper said, and turned towards where the bus came from. "I'm gonna see what threw that thing." He transformed and started driving northward.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I think I have a plan, but it will require all of your cooperation, and that means everybody." Yukiteru looked at everyone. "You see my diary can predict future events and if we go as my diary says I think, I don't guarantee, that we might be able to defeat Doomsday, but we will require the help of some "Superheroes", where there's Villains, there's Superheroes."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Doctor nods at Yukiteru. "Yea big grey ogre looking creature. Big massive spikes." He then understood Yukiteru's warning. The Doctor turned to Nora and smiled "Not one at all." He said. The Doctor got out the Sonic Screwdriver. He locked the TARDIS and was ready for this 'Doomsday.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

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Amano__Yukiteru said
"I think I have a plan, but it will require all of your cooperation, and that means everybody." Yukiteru looked at everyone. "You see my diary can predict future events and if we go as my diary says I think, I don't guarantee, that we might be able to defeat Doomsday, but we will require the help of some "Superheroes", where there's Villains, there's Superheroes."

"Okay, i'll follow your lead." said Lerafa, he looked at Cliffjumper with a worried face, Lerafa felt some of his strenght diminished, he colud still use his Wind Arts and Energy Manipulation, but his absurd strenght was no more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Alright, Now I need some of you to come with me and stall for time against Doomsday, I'm sorry if it's a lot of work, but I think this plan may work. I need the other half to locate some superheroes. For my team I need someone with Frost Magic, Cliffjumper if You can go with tje othef half, they might need to fight some villains." Yukiteru looked at the Doctor. "Doctor I need you to go with them, your sonic screwdriver will be needed there might be mechanical villains, I can assure you Doomsday is not mechanical, he is artificial.' Yukiteru nodded at everyone signaling to get into groups.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cliffjumper stopped, white smoke appearing as he skidded to a halt. "Just heard you in enough time" He said, driving back towards the group. The small vehicle once again skidding to halt before the group. He transformed, activating his weapon. "Who's going with who now?" he asked the small man giving out orders.
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