from now on, allaccepted means that all of your CS have been accepted. YES. I just made a new word.
WeepingLiberty said
Everything, Weeping-san has missed everything. -sigh-
Mtntopview said
As i explained earlier, Necrosis decided to reboot, and now there are three teams divided by the pussies in Alpha, who won't kill, the bad asses who kill in Omega, and the time-wimey folks in Chronos (people who manipulate time). We are currently having idle chitchat in the void.
Gummi Bunnies said
Anybody up on confronting Mephiles? He won't bite for sure! ^^Here's , since Sonic is also in a human form.
Necrosis said
I'm actually getting rid of the Cronos team.
Necrosis said
I'm actually getting rid of the Cronos team.