Alive. Somewhat bitter. I had to tell a partner today that we seemed more or less incompatible; we started four different stories over a period of four months, none of them keeping her interest. When she asked if I wanted to try again with her for a fifth, I politely declined. Not more than half an hour later a person I've never contacted or spoken with before PM'd me and asked if I was free to RP. I find the timing of that a bit strange, but... So still feeling crappy about the first person, I politely declined and now feel very crappy indeed because I hate turning people down. I'm also beginning to suspect <REDACTED> (Maybe I'm just being cynical). And I found myself leaving two different tabletop RP discussion groups on FaceBook after daring to suggest that we focus more on the positive than the negative. Combine that with that harsh and brutal mistress called 'Real Life'?? Debts, work, family, time, my business or lack thereof??
So. Yeah. Wall. I know what you're speaking of. Sometimes there is simply so much going on at once that I end up freezing (both physically and mentally) because I don't know what to do. (Laughing) Oddly enough, back in the day my way of dealing with such things was a bottle of Jack Daniels while listening to Pink Floyd's The Wall! Ah, but those days are far behind me now. This is what sobriety and maturity brings.
Now then. You are not a crappy partner. So please stop that. Even if you were to say that you had no interest anymore and wanted to put an end to this story, I would not call you a crappy partner. Why not?
First off, you are an excellent writer. Your characters are warm and human, your prose is detailed without being overflowing with minuscule trivia, and both your grammar and vocabulary show you to be a mature and capable writer.
Second off, you are a good deal braver than you may be giving yourself credit for. I have read some of your other writings on this forum (not just yours, of course, I love reading selections from all of my partners both for inspiration and to try and flow with them better in our own stories), and I know that our storyline is something that you may not have normally engaged in. But you have tried. And succeeded, if you asked me! Because you have me engaged in your character's life, interested in her thoughts and actions, curious about her past. So sometimes it takes you time to put things together, so what? I would rather wait 2-3 weeks for a post of quality than rush a co-writer and so make him/her uncomfortable and pressured.
Thirdly, you seem like a genuinely nice person. Again, perhaps I am cynical in my old age, but that trait is... uncommon.
So if my post asking if you were having troubles came across as brusque, I apologize. I'm far more concerned about whether you are okay and if there might be anything I can do to help or make things any easier for you as a fellow writer. (Chucking in self-depreciation) Only in my current foul mood, intent was a stranger to deed. Please, don't rush anything on my account, especially if you are having difficulties in real life! I just ask that you shoot me a line now and then OOC? If nothing else, you can always vent and rant and rave to me. I'm told I'm a good listener!