Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Ryan paused, and he climbed back up the ladder and back onto the roof. He took a seat and looked down, not making eye contact with Nyx. "Look. I know what I said was pretty bullshit.. but that's just me. Always saying crap that offends people or pisses them off. It's a bad habit of mine. It's how I got kicked out of the house... and it's why I was homeless for a while. Shit, I know it screws up first impressions with a lot of people. I got enough battered bones from fights to attest to that fact. But I still do it. I just gotta do it. Because when you don' got nothin, you gotta do something with that nothin. I'm not the type to mope around and cry at all of my misfortunes. People only seem to notice me when I say shocking stuff. Or when they they find out I'm a defect. I know what you're going to say. Suck it up right? Grow some balls and take it like a man." Ryan picked up a pebble from the roof and fiddled around with it in his fingers. "But this is who I am now. Can't change it one bit.. not even if I wanted to."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Nyx sat down in the silence next to Ryan, but allowing enough room between them to be comfortable. Her body tensed once more as he spilled out his own thoughts and all she could do was look at him. She chewed on the inside of her lip raw, trying to figure out what to say back, She wouldn't tell him her life story, how miserable it had been, she wouldn't tell him about her agonizing body aches or how she always felt watched and that she felt like a ticking time bomb. She just say very still and looked out where he had thrown the pebble. "I don't think there is anything wrong with you, it's okay to be different. The world needs a little different." She turned and smiled at him gently before getting up. "I'll see you around. Thanks for staying." Her voice was like silk, her sensitiveness shown through her actions but she had to remove herself before she even thought about crying in front of a stranger.

She dropped herself down the cellar door, leaving the tools and the fallen door. She had to find Nessie, it was almost midnight and they kind of had a bunch of stuff to talk about and had to figure out what the hell they are going to do. She walked as if she hadn't just snuck out of the pristine 'school' and ran in to a boy who was somewhat hitting on her hardcore and that she wasn't ready to pass out with exhaustion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Nessie took the time to shower and change, and yet still felt as if she had food all over her. She then went to find Nyx, wondering what she had in mind, what they were going to talk about, what Nyx wanted in anycase. She went to the common area, thinking this was where Nyx had thought to meet. She sat on a chair, curled up, and just stared about. She had no idea what she was even doing. Agreeing to meet a girl she just met for a midnight meeting?

She shook her head but waited
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

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As Nyx walked past a particularly shadowy doorway, Alex stepped out of it. "Enjoy the view?" He asked with his usual smile. "Oh, don't worry, I'm not going to punish you or anything. For sneaking out or for destruction of property. I know what it's like to be cooped up in a place like this." Sighing, he scratched his head. "Honestly, though, I thought it would take at least a day before someone broke down a door. Oh well."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Ryan stayed where he was a few moments, still processing what she had said.

The world needs little different people....

For his whole life, he'd been ignored. It was as if the man named Ryan had never existed. He might as well not. He was tired of playing this petty game that people called life. What the hell did a man have to do just have someone awknowledge that he existed..

"Actions speak louder than words."

Ryan glanced around to find the source of the voice, but there seemed to be no one else there. Was he imagining things? But the voice continued, chanting the same words over and over again. He had a massive headache as he attempted to climb down from the roof and hopefully back into his dorm room..

It was easier said than done as his whole body ached, and the voice kept chanting the phrase like a broken record. He stumbled around, knocking off off several vases and lights from desks that were placed on the sides of the hallway.. The pain was almost unbearable. "When will you stop.. My head feels like it's about to split...."

He was able to make it outside, as the voice became louder and more frequent. Ryan attempted to ignore it as he slowly supported himself on the railing. He then noticed a girl who was wandering around by herself, and the voice stopped for a second. Then, it said something else for a change.

Kill her. Kill her, and they will never forget who you are.

That was wrong.... what he was thinking was wrong.. it was horridly different from what he thought most of the time...But the voice again chimed in.

Remember what the girl said...

I don't think there's anything wrong with you... it's okay to be different.

This is just you being different...

And a strange part of him... told him this was the right thing to do."...I think I will follow your advice... thanks..." Ryan then walked up the the girl, who was apparently alone, with a smile on his face.

"Hi there. Couldn't help but notice you were alone out here..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Nyx gasped and squeezed her chest from the sudden appearance. "Jesus." She huffed as she tried to catch her breath, her heart dropped as she realized who it was. She wanted to smile but her pounding headache wouldn't allow it. "Is this normal? You just popping out?" She closed her lips, she really needs to learn how to bite her tongue. She paused and stared at him, "I hate being caged." Because her mom isolated her from birth but he didn't need to know.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Forest watched as a man walked up to her, he seemed to be talking to himself...that was strange. No matter, she would get over it. "Oh, hello. I am kind of alone but I'm fine with that. Thanks for noticing." She smiled at him sweetly and looked around, she wondered if this boy was supposed to be meeting someone. "Am I interrupting something? I should probably go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kai wasn't noticed by forest, he didn't bother he was eventually in his room and then he disappeared again, he had to find somone he could.. trust

Blindly travelling through the hall way.. faster than usually while flickering.. to describe it it's like flying without a body.. Kai had a million thoughts in his head..
He learn't that you can't go through solid objects, you'd have to go around or spread in different directions, but all Kai was doing was spreading his body enough to not be seen, and he could also travel through the air faster.

He was getting dreary.. and didn't know where he was, but when he realised he wasn't flying through the air, back to normal running towards Nyx and another Guy... he just struggled.. he had tears running through his eyes.. the guy who was chasing him was still there.. he felt it.. he couldn't make out real words.. just breaths of gibberish
crashing into the wall near Nyx, trying to spit it out.. "Thwahh, frabb--ehh--baahhh.. I..B..Behh.... arhh... Er" he said his knees keeping him up on the ground.

He looked behind him and saw what now looked like a black shadow chasing him.. and flickered again.. he lost it.. and aimlessly flickered flying into what now looked like forest, who was standing next to a guy with a creepy smile on him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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"Oh no. I just left my dorm in fact. You don't have to worry about intruding on anything." Ryan then pointed over in the direction of the rec room. "Maybe we could talk over something to eat? It's better than most of the food that you can get on the outside..."

Ryan then watched as a boy seemingly appeared out of nowhere. This complicated things... It would be better if he was able to isolate the girl, as no one was up this late grabbing food at the rec room.

"Ah.. perhaps we better leave as soon as we can. After all, we wouldn't want more people teleporting in and almost smacking into you, now do we? It just might kill you.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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"Hey forest.." Kai was red on the face.. "Hey.. er.. what's your name?" he joked getting up.. noticing his surroundings.
"I was being chased.. by something weird.." he said breezing it off "Eh.. doesn't matter I'll just stick around you t-two I t-think" darn it his stutter started again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Forest was taken down, as she glared up at Kai she shook her head. "Kai? What happened?" She thought it strange seeing as he had just appeared out of nowhere.

Getting back up she smiled at the other boy and nodded, he was strange in a good way, She decided as she glanced at Kai for a second before turning back to the boy and raising an eyebrow. "Now that I think of it, why would we go to the rec room? I'm not exactly hungry and it seems like a good way to be...secretive? I'm not sure, but I do know its private. Why would you want something private? I don't even know your name."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alexander nodded. "I understand completely. I was a prisoner too, once." He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. "But once I escpaed from that cage, I found myself trapped in a much larger and harder one." Opening his eyes again, he looked at Nyx, and this time his eyes held no humor, but still retained their kindness. "I know you might not think much of him after he locked you up here, but despite his many shortcomings Z is a good person. He's the one who let me out of the cage I built myself." Pushing himself off the wall, he stood next to her and motioned her to keep walking. "I'm sure you'll understand at some point, sometimes a cage is as muchfor keeping the captive safe as it is for containing them."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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"Hmm, now that a I think of it.. you had a weird look towards me when you where saying lets go to the rec room?" he smiled.. trying to be friendly, curious of what he wanted with forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

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James was walking around with Hope next to him, he lit up an old cigar, "god this place is awful..." Hope whined and nudged him, "I aint running away Hope damn." Hope just dipped her head and continued walking with him, "Where would I even go girl?" James made his way into the common area and for a moment didn't notice the girl curled up in one of the chairs. James jumped a bit, "Jeez!" He stepped back, "hey you okay?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Nessie looked up, and blinked "y-y-yes I'm f-f-fine" she said "y-y-you s-s-shouldn't s-smoke" she sat up, and stretched "I'm N-n-n-n-n-n-n-Nessie" she said, "w-why would y-you t-t-think I wasn't o-okay?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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This wasn't working out. There was another person here, and it seems they had objections to going to the rec room. Ryan was almost about to simply walk away, but the voices in his head goaded him on. "Do not give up now... it's what you want.. just wait for the boy to look away for just a moment and strike... you have their trust now."

"I was merely suggesting that area because I do not know the last time you ate. We can go somewhere else if you do not like the idea. As for names, I am Ryan. And you are, Ms?..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

James extinguished the cigar and placed it into his right chest pocket, "Because in all honesty its Midnight and You're sitting here all alone in the commons." Hope walked over and attempted to nuzzle Nessie. "I'm up because I can't sleep even in the slightest."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Nytem4re said
This wasn't working out. There was another person here, and it seems they had objections to going to the rec room. Ryan was almost about to simply walk away, but the voices in his head goaded him on. "I was merely suggesting that area because I do not know the last time you ate. We can go somewhere else if you do not like the idea. As for names, I am Ryan. And you are, Ms?..."

"Forest, it is nice to meet you. we can go to our dorm if you want?" Forest wasn't sure anymore, he was acting strange. Who knew what Ryan had planned, it could be anything from a friendly chat to date rape. "Kai, can you come with us?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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She listened quietly having nothing to say, he had hit it dead on. She hated it, hated the feeling of being locked in. But she also didn't beat around any bush. "Is it supposed to hurt when. Controlling fire?" Her eyes were searching for the answer she already knew. "I mean it's really painful, like I've died and someone revived me." She shuttered remembering the sharp pains that shot up her spine and spread through her body like wild fire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kai had a bad feeling about this guy and realised the look in his eye while trying to persuade us... "Who eats at this time.. Let's go to my dorm, like forest said.. I'll walk behind you guys" emphasizing the MY to show that he was gonna watch him .. he looked at Ryan.. he wasn't gonna allow something to happen, plus, something had ticked inside Kai after that thing chase him.. he had some weird confidence, Forest hadn't seen or noticed his new hair color.. (Look in the Signature the brown parts where caused by his mark that spread and shriveled back)

Something was trying to take Kai over. what the hell was it.. It.. anything now would let it through.. he just had to keep calm and not show anything..
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