Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Ryan walked back towards the north building, a bit tired after today. Perhaps he'd take a nap before going to another one of those training sessions, or wake up in time for dinner.

He searched his pockets as he reached the north building. "Where the hell are my damned keys..." Great. The first day and his keys were already missing. This was a great sign. As Ryan started to try and remember where exactly the keys were, a sudden thump broke his train of thought. Then a crash. It was pretty damn loud.... and seemed to be coming from the third floor. Might as well check it out. He wouldn't get much of a nap with that kind of noise anyway...

Walking up the stairs, the sounds got louder with each step. Whoever was up there didn't seem to care much for subtlety. When he finally reached the third floor, he spotted a girl with a few tool trying to open what seemed to be a cellar door. "You sure you should be screwing around with stuff up here? You don't seem to be one of the glorious staff members to me..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nyx thrusted the crowbar in to the now loose lock, hoping that at any moment it was shatter yet she would fall on to her back against the hard floor. She continued to pull before a voice caught her off guard. Letting loose of one side her eyes shot to the boy standing in the cellar doorway with a hard thump in her chest she plummeted from the top and stumbled to catch herself on her feet before hitting her back against the wall with her hair thrusted in her face. She moved her hair with a huge huff as she looked back at the guy standing in the door way. She sighed and straightened herself out before looking back up at the cellar door. "It's just that.. Outside is right there. This one annoying lock is keeping me from being outside." Her voice was strained with hope but her limpness was proving her backing down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wonderful_wolf_wizard


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Mason looked levelly at Nessie, "Using one element over another it not betraying your family. It is simply using a part of you." The fact that Mason did not pause only served to emphasize his point, that he was sure of this. Mason had briefly struggled with this, though he had quickly dismissed it as being illogical. "And.. eh.... you'll probably grow out of being clumsy." He tried to end it on a slightly positive note.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nessie shook her head "I d-don't t-think so" she said, "I have b-Been waiting my w-whole life to o-o-outgrow it" she said and shrugged.

She sighed, then looked at him, "I'm not making a good impression, am
I?" He stutter disappeared even as she looked away once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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"Ah. You want a taste of freedom." Ryan walked up to the cellar door, which seemed pretty pristine despite the damage the girl was attempting to deal to it. For a cellar door, it seemed tougher than it looked. "I see you brought some of the appropriate tools along. The lock seems a bit damaged." Whatever the girl had been doing, she had been a bit successful. From the looks of it, she had been trying extremely hard.... but why exactly? "You know, even if you run off, they'll find you. Eventually. They found all of us after all. You'll be back here within a few hours... and I doubt escaping to the outside again would be as easy as it was this time." Ryan then pointed to the hinges on the cellar door. "You might just want to try prying the hinges off the door. Probably would be easier than trying to remove the lock..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wonderful_wolf_wizard


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Caits said
Nessie shook her head "I d-don't t-think so" she said, "I have b-Been waiting my w-whole life to o-o-outgrow it" she said and shrugged. She sighed, then looked at him, "I'm not making a good impression, amI?" He stutter disappeared even as she looked away once more.

"Emm... No, you're fine..... I mean to say... Yes you're making a good impression...... Urr...... Sorry, I'm not very good at this whole... not offending people thing......" Dude, you suck... Mason thought to himself. You're probably just making her feel worse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Before answering him she hooked the crowbar behind one of the hinges and began to pull hard. "I don't want to run away, I have no where to return to but I want the night sky. I just don't want to be locked in any longer, I've been locked in alll my life!" Her frustrated words pulled one of the hinges free. She laughed excitedly through her smile as she shook behind the last hing and pried it off of the wall before the heavy door crumbled in to her arms throwing her back to the bottom landing on her back. "That sucked." She whined as she pushed off the heavy door and quickly looked up to the open sky, the cool wind hit her face like a calling and she jumped up to climb back up the ladder. "Come if you want to." She said looking down before exiting on top of the roof. She took a deep breath and let the cool night embrace her, thank goodness she got out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nessie glanced back, and smiled "you're not offending me" she said, "i must look like a f-fool. C-c-cover in food, and just a mess to being with"

She went to stand "do y-you have a d-dorm room yet?" She asked. Her stutter returned but not badly, yet she didn't even seem to notice. "I have a r-room b-but it's j-just me"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wonderful_wolf_wizard


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"Uhh... Ya, I have a dorm with Kai and Forest. Err.... I think there is another bed in the girl's room. Uhhmm.. but you'll have to ask Kai if you can stay in there. Or.... rather just not have him say no." Crap.... you didn't say she wasn't a fool. "Urrm... You're not a fool by the way..... You just weren't paying attention.... Ehhhh... We all do it, I ran into Forest earlier today because I wasn't paying attention."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I t-think N-n-Nyx I-is in the t-that room too" Nessie said, "n-never mind. I-I'm buh-buh-buh-better b-by m-m-myself a-anyway" she shrugged, stutter coming back fully. She looked down, away. "T-t-thanks, b-but I k-know I'm a f-f-fool"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Ryan felt he shouldn't start looking for trouble.... but who knew when another opportunity like this would come. He climbed up the ladder, and the cool breeze was pleasant, a radical change from the stuffy buildings they were usually in. "Never got your name by the way.. Ryan. That's me." He then gazed upwards. "The sky looks great tonight. Though, I've only seen it one or two times.. The city lights usually blotted out the stars." The last time he'd gone star-gazing... what was it, two, three years? Not since.. that. And it seemed the two had come out at the right time- At the corner of the eye, he could spot a falling star in the distance... The star streaked across the sky, briefly illuminating the area for a moment. "Heh. You know what I always wanted to do on a night like this?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She stared up and then out, in to the darkness. Her hair whisked around her as she became breathless at the vastness, it would be as easy as jumping, as easy as running as far and for as long as she possibly could. To be free, she wondered what that even meant anymore. She turned as he introduced himself. "My name is Nyx, it's nice to meet you Ryan." She caught the last glimpse of the shooting star and then wondered what a falling star must look like. She turned back to him when she heard his voice. "what is that?" Her face was now curiously glancing at him, wondering what it would be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Nyx. Hmm. That wasn't a name you saw everyday. "Pleasure's all mine." Ryan then gestured to the entire sky. "Well, I always wanted to bring a pretty girl up here. Heheh, sorta like you." His grin grew wider. "And the night would be just as beautiful as it is today. And after a few silent moments, I'd say, "Look, a falling star. Let's both make a wish." Then, I'd get really close, like this." Ryan moved his head uncomfortably close to Nyx's. "Then I'd say, I don't know what you wished for.. but I wished that an attractive girl like you would be willing to marry me.. " He looked at Nyx seriously for a few moments, but then he pulled his face away and laughed for a good minute. " Yeah, I always did want to propose to a girl with a backdrop like this."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nyx was stunned by his reply, not really knowing what to say. She wasn't. Used to getting any kind of compliment, since when was she pretty. She stared at him stiffly as he moved near her, trying to ignore the chill sent up her spine. She finally felt her chest inhale as he began to laugh. what was that? She held herself but her forward question fell out itself. "Why the hell would I be so special?" She was talking about several things. Her weird flame thing, the way people have treated her so far. She wanted to blend in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wonderful_wolf_wizard


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Caits said
"I t-think N-n-Nyx I-is in the t-that room too" Nessie said, "n-never mind. I-I'm buh-buh-buh-better b-by m-m-myself a-anyway" she shrugged, stutter coming back fully. She looked down, away. "T-t-thanks, b-but I k-know I'm a f-f-fool"

Mason sighed, "Ermm.... You're not a fool, but I'll leave that up to you; ya know, whether or not you want to see yourself as one. Uhh... If you're sure you're alright now, I'll leave you alone."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I-I-it was n-n-nice talking to y-you" Nessie said, starting away. She seemed to hesitate, then turned back. She took a breath, then kissed his cheek softly "t-thank y-you. Not everyone would p-p-p-put up with the s-s-s-stuttering" and blushing, she spun away, heading to her dorm, noting the number "66"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Instead of lighting the mood... it seems his comment did exactly the opposite. It seemed more tense than it was before. "Whoa, it was a joke, don't be mad, come o-"

"Why the hell would I be so special?"

Did he ever say something about that?.. Ryan then looked back at the tools Nyx had before. Maybe she was so determined to be free from other people's judgements... she wanted someplace to hide. Guess he kinda fucked that idea up. "Look.... I didn't mean anything... just wanted to have a bit of fun. Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable about it. Must look like an asshole to you. I guess I'll leave you to your own devices. I already screwed up your night up here enough. Hope you can enjoy it, now that I'll be gone." Ryan sure said some pretty stupid shit before. Guess he fucked up again... He walked towards the ladder and started to climb down. Didn't matter if he couldn't find his damn keys to the dorm room... Sleeping outside would probably be a just atonement for what he had done.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Her eyes widened as his shoulders seemed to fall, she tried not to visibly bite her lip, she didn't mean to cause him any bad feelings. She wasn't angry she was just confused, this place was confusing and she's not used to people being well... people. She stood there like stone as she watched him begin to exit before she finally step forward. "Wait.. Please.." She paused to chew on her lip, her honesty getting the better of her. "I don't want to be alone, and like you said it's a beautiful night and this may be the last time we get out here so easily." She closed her eyes shut as she poured out the words like a broken faucett, she wasn't really up for being the vulnerable, damsel in distress but that didn't means she wanted to be alone. "Stay with me for a couple more minutes?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wonderful_wolf_wizard


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Mason was stunned. Do girls normally act like that? God, I hope not. Or rather, I hope so. Mason's experience was limited with individuals of the fairer sex. Those he interacted with were usually his sisters, and well, they were just plain weird. I've had enough of girls for today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Forest got up and once again went to wander, this time she would start a conversation. She had to interact with someone, everyone else was making bonds. Everywhere she looked there were couples standing side by side. It was horrible!
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