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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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She seemed to be out of it, the moment Keele mentioned the mystical man. He had the beauty of a woman, but the eyes of a snake. It exercises the manliness inside of him, and to not understimate the seemingly harmless figure. It felt like a stiletto. Sharp, and easily hidden. Before you know it, it pierces you straight into your heart and you're left with a few seconds. "I'm Nyx." She introduced herself sweetly smiling as soon as she came back to her senses. It was so sweet, Keele perhaps could just eat it for dessert. The mention of her sweet tooth made her jump from her seat and Keele kept a calm eye around hers as she explained them to him. She named each one of the desserts and Keele watched her fingers jumping from one cake to another. A pie then pastries before picking up the worldly renowned famous biscuit-- The brownie. "These are amazing!" She munched on them delightfully as she giggled, the bits and crumbs around her mouth being stuck around her mouth.

"Brownies are incredible indeed. They're crunchy and cold outside, yet so smooth, chewy and warm in the inside. It's a dessert made for gods and goddesses really." He picked up a handkerchief from his pocket. "Your lips, I think this might help." He opened them up and gently took the handkerchief to wipe away the crumbs off her lips, before folding them away and back to his pocket. "You refer to these as human food. Fascinating I haven't seen other kinds of races besides humans. Although you have the appearance of a human... Aside the eyes. You look very feminine and beautiful to be of another race. Oh! Could it also be possible that you're an elf, from the tales?" A grin grew around his lips, excited.

Upon the next second, the boys seemed to have wandered off somewhere. Nyx perhaps would catch up to them? He can't keep her for long then. Another person approached the table, seeming to lash herself upon the mystical man saying if he was causing more trouble before noticing Keele. "Who're you? Are you new?" She asked him and Keele shook his head.

"My name is Keele, I've been here as long as the people here." He smiled, offering his hand for a handshake towards the girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Her face flushed red as he wiped the crumbs from her messy face and stuttered out a "Thank you." She tensed as he pointed out her unusual statement about the human food and shifted nervously. She told herself that it'd be better if she pretended to be hunan, she stood out enough and being a star was odd enough. "No. I'm human! Just human." She coaxed with a nervous smile while blushing at the whole beautiful part. She wasn't used to other boys noticing her except Alex. Luckily before her face could turn it's brightest shade Caroline came up behind her and asked about her brother but when she turned to look at him he had retreated from the room. She frowned after him, he hadn't said anything to her before leaving which was unlike him. She shrugged at Caroline. "I'm not really sure." Her voice became quiet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

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Caroline looked between Keele and Nyx, then took his hand. "I would keep your hands off her, loverboy, or my brother will probably tear you a new one. I think you've met him, he's the one about to teach that angry kid some manners." She let go of his hand and sat down. "You're lucky Nyx, you've got guys fawning over you. Do you think I can borrow some of that magic?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

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"You're welcome, Nyx." He replied to her gratitude with a smile after shaking Caroline's hand. She seemed vulnerable, but Keele didn't know why she became so worked up. Right after that, she proceeded to say that she was human, and quite repeatedly that made him nod in agreement before trying to calm her down. "Alright, you're human. Maybe I misheard what you said or something." He wanted to ease the situation a little, so he just laughed as naturally as he could.

"I would keep your hands off her, lover-boy. Or my brother will probably tear you a new one. I think you've met him, he's the one about to teach that angry kid some manners." She sat down on the other end of Nyx, where the seat was available next to Nyx. It was strange-- Keele eyed the girl. Just a moment ago he aske where his brother's whereabouts was. And now, she could exactly tell that he was going off with somebody about to 'teach a lesson' or some sort. It was funny to hear, considering his experience in self-defense and sword art. He felt prideful, but didn't want to boast of his abilities.

He laughed. "Well then, if you say so to avert hostility, little miss." He continued to eat his burger until it was done, casually sneaking upon the conversation that the girl has with Nyx-- Something about getting boys to crowd around or something. It was amusing to listen, but he must cover his smile before choking on his food. Perhaps Nyx's features were just out of this world. She was one of a kind, which would attract a lot of attention. The girl didn't even introduce herself after Keele did which he thought was something that she could start to fix so that boys could start liking her. Puffing herself up would just make boys stay away from her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Nyx face grew red again as she shoved her palm in to her forehead I'm embarrassment. He had only called her beautiful and knew that she had been with one of the hot heads who had now stormed off in a entertaining manner. She turned to Keele, giving him an apologetic look before turning back to Caroline and her absurd comment. Nyx? Getting guys? Is she sure she made it back to the right planet? Boys used to throw mud pies in her hair and call her freak. She fiddled her fingers and tucked her hair behind her ear. "I uh.. it's-." She had no idea what to say. Only two guys had talked to her so far and one was her brother but her acting in such a way didn't help her problem. Nyx stood up hastily. "I.. had clothes ordered.. I should go see if they are here." She stood up in the full leather suit which was not casual attire but given no clothes it's all she had. She ticked her hair behind her ear again. "Hopefully I'll see you again later. Feel free to have the rest!" She pointed towards the desserts that she so wished she could have finished. She smiled shyly at Keele but averted her eyes quickly and pretty much sprinted out of the room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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During this time, Kyron was outside the doors waiting for his fight. He had cooled off a little knowing he needed to start off level headed before facing this guy... something about him made him think he wasnt a pushover. He began to hear footsteps of someone running, but was too late to know where it was coming from when the doors to the cafeteria burst open and that one girl Alex was with came sprinting like a bat out of hell, running smack into him. He was unaffected by the impact, but it was a different story for her as she went down to the ground. For a little while, Kyron could only stare down at her, his face emotionless and unfeeling as he looked at the girl that was being crowded over just seconds ago by the other two. He gave an annoyed sigh and bent down toward her, stretching out his hand to help her up. "You need to watch where the fuck youre going." he muttered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Smack! The impact was so hard she thought she had ran straight in to a brick wall. Her hair wildly covered her face as she tried to blink herself out of a concussion. The first thing she saw was the unfamiliar hand that reached out for her, then the voice. She looked up and practically felt her body turn to stone. Ah hell. out of all people, him. She flinched at his words and decided to get on her own, not really sure if he deserved an apology or not. For some reason he didn't make her want to cry and run off, she found his anger as an act, but without being able to read his aura, it only made her that more curious to stick around. "I.. uh."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nyx needed to go, and he nodded in acknowledgement before she sprinted off into the distance about it, leaving him with a plate of dessert and the other girl. "That we will." He responded to Nyx. Since he didn't know her name and she wasn't anywhere close to introducing herself, he decided to just take a slice of apple pie and dismiss himself. "Nice to meet you. I hope I get to learn your name the next time we meet." He stood up and walked towards the other entrance of the cafeteria whilst eating the piece of apple pie around his hand, enjoying it as he wandered. This school was secluded and isolated from the war. He wondered how much exactly he could contribute with the skill that he has. As a whole, it overwhelmed him to see what would happen inside a war. Would there be a major urge to kill everybody he sees, or would it be clear and calm like he always wanted it to be?

He wandered around the halls, ultiamtely coming across a hooded red-haired girl and a guy speaking with one another. His thoughts changed and continued to eat the apple pie. He was close to them, within talking distance. It was good to see that people were getting along, unlike that whole commotion earlier with the tall man and the mystical one. Perhaps he could get some healthier interaction here? "Hello. I hope I'm not abruptly interrupting you guys."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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When she didnt take his hand and got up on here own, Kyron only gave a soft "hmpf" before leaning against the wall, studying her. This girl seems far too nervous to be here, and that could be seen through her struggle to find words. His gaze turned hard as she began stuttering. Crossing his arms, he looked down at her, being as tall as he was he did that a lot. "You, uh, what? Come on spit it out." he said bluntly as he waited for her to say something.

'is she just here to waste my time or what? she gonna try and get me not to fight her boyfriend or something? Fat chance of that, he sealed his fate already.' Kyron thought to himself as he raised an eyebrow at her. "The hell is your hurry anyway?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Triggered. "Listen." Her entire body was engulfed in blue, and violet flames, before quickly dying out. "I don't know who you are but I've gone through he'll my entire life, you obviously seem to know what that feels like." She looked him straight in the face but her eyes were already watering. "I'm exhausted of people bullying me so stop." She became herself again. "I'm going to see if a package came and was avoiding a awkward situation. " She started to wall down the hall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Nessie looked up, feeling embarrassed that someone else was here to see her failure. She didn't mind so much that James was with her, but to have a stranger watch? She blushed and looked down. "h-h-hi" She stuttered out, "I'm j-j-j-j-j-just t-t-t-t-t-trying to t-t-t-train V-v-v-viper" She looked back at the candles, trying to light them once more, but failing again.

"N-n-not succesfully" She moved closer to James, feeling safer closer to him. "i'm N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-Nessie" She fell silent, not wanting to subject this stranger ot any more of her talk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Kyron's first reaction to the flames was to take a step back in a fighting pose, in case something were to happen, but luckily nothing did. When she went on talking about how she had been through hell all her life, he couldnt help but take another step back. He could tell she was being genuine, especially by the tears in her eyes. However, he relaxed himself and leaned back against the wall, then began to chuckle so she could hear him. "I only asked what you were doing, not for your whole life story. He then looked at her with the slightest hint of a smile/smirk as he said "And if I were giving you hell, you'd know right off the bat. I dont have a reason to give you hell, so there ya go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

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He continued to eat his apple pie as he watched her trying to train her Viper powers. There were candles set out on the training hall, all of which was not lit. From the way he could see right now, it appears that the intention of this training was to light up all of the candles. The girl seems to be the shy one, looking down towards the floor and blushing while stuttering upon her own words. "H-h-hi. I'm j-j-j-j-j-j-just t-t-t-t-t-trying to t-t-t-train V-v-v-viper." He saw her eyeing back on the candles. She attempts her own thing to try and light up the candles, but no flames emerged. "N-n-not successfully." She retreated to the blue-haired boy. It looks like he would just need to be friendly so that he could get on the good side of her. "I'm N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-Nessie."

He finished the rest of his apple pie before smiling to both the boy and the girl. "Hello there, Nessie! My name's Keele. That's a good initiative you have to train your Viper powers. Hope it goes well! I also hold the powers of a Viper. Elpis too, if I can help, I wouldn't mind giving them." He wanted to keep a cheery face. The last thing he probably would want to do was to make her feel scared around him. Of course, he believes that it won't happen. Even if she decides to not trust Keele, there's always a way to make her trust or at least feel at ease with him. "Are you doing okay with your training?" He casually asked her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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She turned to face him and tried to ignore the smirk on his face. "Understand I'm a girl, so your puffed up gorilla attitude is not needed. I'm not going to judge you for being less of a jerk." Jesus where did this come from? Why couldn't she have this confidence around that one girl. "Trust me, you wouldn't care to hear my life story." She could practically feel the bags forming under her eyes. Being alone for so long made talking to people a huge effort. Everyone was different as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Kyron's face faded to something more of emotionless curiosity, but with the tiniest bit of guilt. Whether or not it could be seen on him was up to her and her ability to read faces. He sighed and leaned his head against the wall, closing his eyes."Who said the attitude was for you? Maybe this is just how I prefer to be because its all I know to do? Everyone has their skeletons in their closets hun. And how we act is usually our way of keeping those closets locked up so no one can see them. My gorilla attitude as you call it is my lock, and my avoidance of people is my key. When people like your boyfriend try and change that, it brings out a side I dont care too much for. Understand? I dont want to know how alike I am to others, because regardless of the similarities, no one can truly understand another. Thats why this confiding in others is total bullshit to me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nessie sighed. "I p-p-p-prefer E-e-e-elpis to v-v-v-viper" She said, another Viper Elpis. She would have thought that would have been a rare combination. She shifted, glancing at James briefly, before glancing at Keele. She looked down once more. "P-puh-puh-people k-kept t-trying to h-h-h-help me with V-v-v-v-viper, y-y-y-yet I s-s-s-still c-c-c-c-can't do it without b-b-b-being f-f-frustrated or a-a-angry"

She glared at the candles, hating them right then. She swallowed. "T-t-t-this is J-j-james" She added, introducing James.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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"Castle walls with such heights
Subdue a condemned king
Who rather fall than burn."

Her eyes locked with his, who exactly was he trying to ool. "You place yourself in that confinement and drag the world down with you. By your actions you atteact, not avoid." She studied his face and tried hard to enter deeper but his eyes were solid. "You've may have easily tricked others in to thinking that this is WHO you are but understand I see right through you." Her eyes never left his but she was debating whether her words were a bluff or not. She sighed and slumped her shoulders. "if you wish to be like this then I cannot say anything more and watch you destroy yourself, more than you already have. "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Her words stung, though he did not show it, her words hit him hard... his confinement would drag the world down with him? Since when did the world give a fuck about him? And how would his actions attract? He couldnt help but feel that she was right... but fuck her words... they meant nothing to him... nothing... He looked down at the ground, his eyes solid and his mouth unmoving except to say "Who says I havent already been destroyed?"

He suddenly looked to her with a more intense glare and stood straight, "And since when do I give a fuck about dragging the world down with me? What has the world done for me? Huh?! I owe the world nothing! Why should I care about what happens to it through my actions? If you know how I feel then why dont you feel the same?! You know what? You dont know me... I have not reason to explain myself to you! Nor do you have any more right to preach how wrong I am for what i am doing!"

His gaze was angry, but deep behind his walls he was hurting... deep down... he knew she was right, and there was nothing he could do about it...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

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Her sigh seemed to reflect upon the hardwork she has tried to put in to conjure her Viper powers. As she did tried before and there was no result. "I p-p-p-prefer E-e-e-e-elpis to V-v-v-v-viper..." Ah. Hearing the two words made him just a little happier. She was the same as Keele in terms of elements. Perhaps that would mean that helping her would be that little bit easier. He became excited again, smiling as she glanced at the boy, Keele and the ground. "P-puh-puh-people k-kept t-trying to h-h-h-help me with V-v-v-v-viper, y-y-y-yet I s-s-s-still c-c-c-c-can't do it without b-b-b-being f-f-frustrated or a-a-angry!" Her actions towards the matter emphasised the exact frustration she spoke of. Glaring towards the candle despite of its harmlessness. He thought he saw a spark, but perhaps that was just nothing. "T-t-t-this is J-j-James." Keele gave him the same grin and friendliness.

"Hello James! Nice to meet you! Anyway, you should continue to try your hardest to master your Viper powers, even if you don't like it. Find yourself a motivation to keep you going-- Or even aim to impress someone you like. Maybe that will would help you master your Viper powers. How about it? Want to keep trying? Don't worry, I won't make any comments. Or I'll close my eyes! How about that?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nessie shrugged, looking away as he talked, and then she found herself laughing "I d-d-don't t-think I n-need to impress James" She said, her stutter lessening slightly, "And y-y-you d-don't need to c-close your e-eyes" She said, as she turned once more to the candles.

She glanced over at James, and smiled, then back to the candle wicks. She sighed, "h-h-horrid t-things"

She moved closers to them, staring at them in frustration. She closed her eyes. She could feel James there, and keele watching her. She sighed. She watched the candles, slowly growing frustrated. She closed her eyes.

James is here. you can do anything with him. You've flown with him! He believes in you, so why can't you believe in yourself?

She opened her eyes, and looked at James once more. She could do this. She looked back to the candles, taking a deep breath. She moved closer, feeling heat warm in her fingers, bright crimson flames forming as she touched a wick, igniting it. The flames danced, and flickered.

"I did it!" She said, laughing, "I did it! I didn't even have to get mad!" Her stutter disappeared in her excitement, her laugh soft and musical. The other wicks lit, and the flames seemed to grow larger in her enjoyment.

She spun to James, hugging him tightly, before turning back to the candles, "I did it! I did it! I did it!" The flames seemed to warm, dancing and flickering happily.
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