Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alex sat down next to Nyx, keeping his eyes on the tall boy. "I should talk to him later, help him get settled in here," he said finally, "I remember when I was in his place."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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The boy made a sideways glance over at the girl who sat herself down with her just desserts, but with his emotionless face, it seemed rather intimidating. He made it to the chef and he fixed him with a cold stare, the chef, who seemed to recognize him, fixed him with a 'you again' look before finally asking "Whatll it be?"

"Just a ham and cheese, lettuce and mayo only, side of chips... and a water." he said, but even with the simple food order, he still sounded blunt. The chef merely nodded and went to work on the order.

"Fancy seeing you back here kid, thought you'd be outta here for good." he said as he prepared the sandwich.

"Seems like the higher ups changed their minds, plus I think the guards were tired of me kicking their asses back at the holding cells. Probably having a little party at having me gone." he said as he placed his hands in his pockets and looking at the ceiling.

"Wouldnt doubt it. Just, try not to wreck the cafe this time around will ya? I just got it to where I can use the damn gas stove again." asked the chef as he handed the boy the plate of food.

He gave a dry chuckle and took the plate, "No promises, anyway, see ya for the next meal." he said as he went to a seat, farther from the others that were sitting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Nyx looked from the boy to Alex. "His aura is so tainted I can't see past his top layer, that makes me nervous." She scooped a brownie in her mouth and exhaled satisfied. "Mmm. These are soo yummyyy." She squeezed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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The boy sat down and bit into his sandwich as he looked around. He noticed a boy looking over at him, sitting next to the girl who was fangirling over some brownies. Of all the people to be grouped with why did he get the nuts? Ah well, odds are he would get back to solitary and out of here again, but something about what was said about the higher ups made him feel this transition will be a little more permanent. Whatever. He took a sip of his water and looked back over, "Take a picture bub it'll last longer" he said bluntly as he spoke to the guy looking at him. What was that in that guys eyes? Pity? Gonna have to fix that soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Before he knew what he was saying, his old instincs kicked in. "Sorry, I left my camera at home. Mind if I draw a picture?" Mentally groaning at himself, he decided he should try to make the best of this. Standing up, he put a hand on Nyx's should to keep her seared and walked over to the boy. "The name's Alex Nullborn," he said, easilly slipping back into his old speech patterns. "I get the feeling you and I got something in common. What'syour name kid?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

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The two tall men walked by the corridor as they left the cafeteria. Keele was walking down in the middle as the two of them completely near-missed his body as they passed him. There was no smirk on their faces, just serious, seemingly shadowy appearances. Who were they? It wasn't normal for outsiders to enter, right? He eyes them down the hall and he could tell that they felt him staring but they turned the corner and never returned. The door to the cafeteria was within arm's reach. He laid his palm and pushed it open, entering into the crowd of students who was mumbling and chattering as they ate their meals.

It was a war of cluttering spoons, forks and knives. Whatever they were eating, it seems like every table was battling one another. Girls and boys alike, together or separate. There was a small line and Keele followed up just about being entertained by the menu it had on display. Many varieties and seemingly endless. The moment you thought of a food it'll be listed directly next to the name that you were looking at. Mystical. That was what this school was about. Perhaps a little bit of unhealthy and junky food would do today. Keele's got an appetite for some traditional charcoal juicy beef patty, with crunchy shredded iceberg lettuce and a generous cut of bacon on top dressed with onion sauce. His eyes were set, and swallowed the overflowing saliva from the thought.

"Charcoal BLT please with some Sarsaparilla, please." He said politely to the lady before waiting on the side for his food. He stood around looking pretty whilst observing the tables. "Where should I sit today?" An answer would wait... Right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Nyx blinked at the boTh of them. Why was it so easy for people to spit insults at each other, but she couldn't help but stare at Alex. She could easily picture the teenage bad boy in him and for some reason it made her fluster. She watched him get up knowing what the hand 9 the shoulder meant so she. Stayed in her seat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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The guys eyes narrowed at the snarky remark of the boy. Sure had a mouth on him didnt he? Well... props then. At least he'd make things interesting. "Just be sure to catch my good side bub." he said equally sarcastically before looking over at him with narrowed eyes. When the guy introduced himself, the boy chuckled, "you rehearse that for everyone you meet pal? Well if we're gonna stick to the pleasantries, the name is Kyron Terras, and you and I have nothing in common" he said as he took another huge bite from his sandwich, chewing as he studied this Alex character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alex gave the boy a scrutinizing glance, then leaned back againat the wall. "I'd say we have at least one thing in common, Mr. Phorros Viper." He extended his fist and oppened it, revealing a white flame. "But I don't think that's it. People with too much power tend to stand out, even when they try not to. They distance themselves from other people, so they don't hurt them. They adopt a cold personality to keep them away. Tell me, when was the last time you lost control?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

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"Order for Mr. Yamato!" The waitress yelled.

"Ah yes. That's me!" He's already decided upon a table. That one over there with the lady who has the universe in her eyes. No, it wasn't a metaphor. It was literal. Even from such a distance-- The glittering suns inside of her eyes could be seen and felt. He took his tray of sliced Charcoal BLT with a knife and fork before casually walking towards the table. There were two other boys on the side, seemingly to have a go at each other about something. It was funny, because then the seat next to her became unoccupied and Keele swiftly took over. "Hello there miss." He said before undoing his white gloves. "Your boys fightin'? Although I wouldn't wonder why. You've got quite the eye." He took a small portion of his food and elegantly placed it in his mouth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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The cold glare of Kyron didnt change, if anything it got even more intense. "Who. The. Fuck. do you think you are coming up and talking like you know me so well? Huh? What are ya? The local shrink?! I dont remember you being here last time, nor her, or any of these fucks. I'd remember someone like you, you know why? Because you fucking annoy me, thats why. So what? You want me to hand you a list stating the last time I had an accident? Is that it? Oh im sorry, is my 'cold personality' a little too harsh for you? I never asked you to come over here, so what the fuck do you want?!"

At this point, Kyron's hands were clenched into fists, not quite shaking in anger, but more like grimacing in intense annoyance. He hated when people analyzed him, and the fact this guy read him like a book ticked the hell out of him. He didnt ask for a shrink, and he never asked for someone to try and relate. he dealt with his own shit by himself, and the fact this guy was here talking like he knew him... well... that could escalate quickly...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alex frowned. "Who are you calling a shrink? I'm the combat instructer here. Last time I saw a shrink he left his office on fire. The only reason I'm even over here is because I spent the better part of my life afraid of who I might hurt next, and I was thinking I could help you skip that part of your life if I tought you some control, but if all you want is a fight I'd be happy to give you one in class."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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She jumped after sipping on her strawberry milkshake, she blinked at the blonde boy who scooted his way next to her with ease. When he mentioned 'her boys' she panicked and laughed nervously. "No. Just one is my boy or well my-." She blushed and looked back at the two with a smile. "Besides they probably needed someone to lash out with since I'm not a very good candidate. " She shrugged and went back to eating her plates of desserts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

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"Just one? Well, I wonder. That tall guy or the mystical looking one. Well anyway, I'm Keele." He smiled at her before returning to cut another piece and eat it. "Well, I wouldn't be happy if you were the one being lashed at either. That is just impolite." Keele looked over at the time. "Seems like I've missed a considerable part of lunch time?" He said as he eyed over to her plates filled with delicious desserts. "Not only do they look good, they look delicious. You must really know your dessert. Mine sharing some of that wisdom with me?" He joked before giggling and eating another of his piece.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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At this point, the promise of a fight, Kyron shot up from his seat to look at Alex from full height. This guy looked tough, buy Kyron was no pushover either. Living with three brothers and a military veteran for a father ensured that. "I never asked for your help now did I? I have been doing just fine on my own, staying alone and kicking the ass of any guard who tried to put authority on me. I quit looking for help after my own colony practically kicked my ass out to come to this shit hole! Im passed the point of giving a shit about people trying to 'help' me, and if I have to kick your ass to prove that point then so be it!"

At this point, Kyron began to smell smoke, and looking down, he saw the edges around his hands that the wood was turning black from the heat. Not quite flames, but close to it. He quickly snatched his hands away before any flames could erupt and clasped them at his chest, gritting his teeth that this fucker had to see this. "Just... fuck off already, or I might have to reset my "Days since last accident" counter."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alex crossed his arms. "Let's make a bet then, shall we? If you win, I'll leave you alone, but if I win, you have to take one control lesson with me. Seem fair?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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"I dont make bets for shit" shot Kyron as he gritted his teeth, but the thought of a fight was too good of an offer. "But I'd be happy to kick your ass if thats what you want." he said as he let his hands fall to his side, clenching them into fists, fixing the teacher with a cold stare. He didnt give a shit about this guy and his 'control classes'. How hard was it to just get some peace?!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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She smiled looking back at Alex, he was pretty mystical looking wasn't he? He was outrageously beautiful for a man, he had grown up so well. And something about his mature tough side made it even better to look at him but she quickly snapped out of her daze and turned to introduce herself as well. "I'm Nyx." She replied with a smile. She practically jumped out of her seat when he mentioned the desserts. "The chef made them for me, human food is so amazing especially the sweets. She pushed the plate between them and started naming off the different deserts from cake to pie to other pantries. She picked up a brownie. "These are amazing!" She giggled and took a bite out of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Fine," Alex said, pushing himself off the wall. "Thirty minutes, in the training field.don't be late." And with that he walked off towards the promised location. That kid's got more in common with me than he knows. he thought to himself as he walked.
Caroline andered into the cafeteria from the other side, instantly noting the tention. She wandered over to Nyx. "What did my brother do this time?" She asked, then noticed the boy sitting next to her. "Oh, you're new. Who're you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Kyron kept his gaze on Alex all the way until he left, breathing hard through his clenched teeth. Another girl came in and asked who the guy next to the other girl was. Even though he wasnt being spoken to, he couldnt help but shout out "Fuck off!" not even to anyone in particular but more of just a general yell to everyone without looking at anyone before making his own way out, punching a table on the way out, the impact shattering the furniture. Was this really how he was going to start off getting back here? This guy comes out of fucking nowhere and acts like he knows him? Bullshit, no one knows him, no one understands what he's been through. The being called a dangerous nuisance... a freak... a danger to everyone... Kyron shook his head angrily, he needed to focus for his fight...
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