Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Kyron did not flinch or duck when Alex shot the magma toward him, but instead held up his fists in a defensive stance, causing a large stone wall to rise in front of him, blocking the magma from reaching its destination. Being part Viper, the intense head did not affect him much, but he still did not want direct contact. After the magma stopped flowing, Kyron chuckled, "Well arent you just the educated bitch? Gonna teach me math too? Why dont you start by counting this!"

Without warning, Kyron began to puch the wall in random areas, causing boulder sized hunks to go out flying in Alex's direction, each coming at him with an intense amount of speed, and Kyron did not stop until the wall was gone from in front of him. For added measure, Kyron lifted his fists, bringing them down to the ground with an intense slam, causing the earth to shudder under them as the ground began to rise like a wave, heading quickly toward Alex, one of his favorite moves, Terra Wave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alex jumped over the wave, easily clearing it, but was caught in midair by the boulders. He put up an ice shield, but it was hastily constructed and didn't stand up against the onslaught. The last boulder pierced through, hitting him square in the face, and a few drops of blood spattered the ice wall behind him. Before Kyron could spend time gloating however, there was a silent shock wave and when Alex stood up there wasn't a mark on him. Staring at the boy in surprise, Alex couldn't even think of something to throw at him, and had to take a few moments to collect himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Kyron did not gloat about his hit, he knew he was gonna land a blow on him sooner or later, and it was pretty fucking satisfying to see his blood against the wall when he got his face smashed. However, it ticked him off when he saw that Alex had healed himself. "Whats the matter teach? Dont want others to see you bleed red like everyone else?!" he yelled mockingly.

When Alex did not respond, he gritted his teeth and took an attacking pose, "Dont wanna talk?! FINE!" he yelled as he dashed forward to the teacher, fists clenched. Behind him, small boulders about the size of ones head began to trail behind Kyrons fist, he leaped into the air and plummeted down at Alex, bringing down his fist and the array of boulders trailing it down at him. "Phorros Impact!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Something like actual anger flashed in Alex's eyes, and in another silent shock wave all the boulders disappeared, leaving Kyron plummeting alone towards Alex. Rotating his body, Alex delivered a perfect twist kick to Kyron's chest, avoiding his fists. With his momentum working against him, there would be no way to avoid the blow. Then Alex froze the boy's hands to the ground. Kneeling next to him, all traces of anger were gone from Alex's eyes. "You fight well, but your third lesson is to learn what fights you can win."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Shit... that hurt.

With the momentum that he was going at, there was no way he could stop the attack dealt by Alex. It knocked the wind out of him and sent him to the ground gasping. Next thing he knew his hands were frozen to the ground and Alex was preaching about lesson three. Kyron's eyes lit with anger, and he twisted his body to land a kick at the teachers jaw, nothing too hard, but more of an annoyance shot, showing his stubbornness. "Well then unfreeze me coward and you can see that I CAN win against you! Preachy bastard telling me what i can and cant do! Ive dealt with people like you, and you know what? People like you just piss me OFF!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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makarov said
James who had been quiet the entire time had simply smiled and nodded hoping to give Nessie as much concentration as possible, "I don't know about that guy...He seemed nice...But...I don't know." James hugged her softly, "I am so proud of you! you did it without anger even if it was only once..." James kissed her softly, "That means it can be done! You proved that!" James blew in a cold breeze, "wanna see me fail at Elpis?" He smiled and stood up still holding her hand, "Come on...I can't do anything..." James laughed while smiling.

Nessie smiled at James, "E-e-e-elpis is easy" she said, making water run over their hands, "I I-i-imagine it w-would b-b-be similar to w-wind" she thought, "j-j-just f-fluid" she looked over the wet candles, shrugged, glancing about when others came in, recognising Alex, and Nyx, but she didn't recognise the guy.

She wondered what they were doing, until they started to fight. She flinched, stepped back, shocked. Were they allowed to fight? Because that would be better then using frigggin candles, but she'd most likely just fail.

Why were they fighting? She looked to james, "I t-t-think we m-missed s-s-something
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alex leaned closer, and Kyron could see the madness flickering deep in his eyes, an old flame being rekindled by the fight. "You think you could win, if you just had another chance? I could kill you with a thought, if I wanted to. Your arrogance will be the end of you, that's what I'm trying to teach you here." He stood up, taking a few steps away. "If you really want another shot, I won't hold back this time." He turned and settled into a fighting stance, melting the ice shackles at the same time. "Come get me, boy."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Austin silently watched Nessie, apparently not noticed in his watching. Once the show was apparently over, he stood up, his eyebrows arching as he noticed the wall of ice shoot up. He walked closer to it, watching the fight. He frowned, arms crossed over his chest. Already, he knew he wanted him as a personal mentor. He obviously had knowledge about most things, and while he wasn't elipis, he could surely help with his abilities.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Nyx was sure the fight was over, but the look in Alex's eye brought her to a stance with her body leaning against the chilled window. That should have been the end of the fight, she sighed. "They will be nothing but trouble." She whispered to herself as she sat back on the ground, wondering who would make the next move. She had been wrong about Alex, he was calm and fluid, the other boy on the other hand.. What a temper. She wondered how powerful she really was, and maybe she would have to train with Alex herself to find out what she could do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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When the ice shackles melted, Kyron took his chance, and before he even stood, summoned a shell of earth to cover his shoulders like armor and his knuckles, immediately dashing to Alex in an attempt to tackle him, his stone covered fists aiming for his gut and his stone covered shoulder aiming for his chest. He wanted this guy on his knees, gasping. "IM NO BOY!" he yelled as he struck. Unknown to him, however, a smoke trail was beginning to trail him, but he paid it no mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alex skilfully avoided the attack, using the boy's own body as a springboard and flipping over him. "You are a boy. Not only by age but by experience. You have ten years of training to do before you can even think about matching me." Using Jet Stream again, he concentrated two blasts of water from his hands on the same point in Kyron's armor, cracking it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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When the armor on Kyron cracked, he tore it away in anger, then launched himself at Alex once again. "Dont tell me what i need! I dont need you to tell me what my limits are! Ive fought my entire life to keep my head above the shit I had to deal with, Every problem I faced in my life I faced ALONE! And whoever stood in my way never lasted long! Now all of a sudden you come here and tell me what I need to do? FUCK YOU! I quit looking for help a long time ago, I dont need anyone to guide me! You cant possibly understand me in the least bit! I dont care how similar your sob story is, you arent ME!" At this point the smoke trail grew, and even small flames appeared from his fists and body in an erratic fashion, but even then Kyron paid no mind, he was too angry to care anymore.

"Why couldnt you just take the hint that I wanted to be alone?! When someone has a problem, its because its THEIR fault! And no one but THEMSELVES can fix it! It is an issue they must face alone! Thats how this world works! If there is something wrong with you, it is immediately your own fault! And its your fault if you cant take care of it! So leave me the FUCK alone and let me take care of it alone!"

As he was yelling, he went in to throw a haymaker punch at Alex's jaw, and without realizing it, his fist was suddenly surrounded by glames, wild, untamed flames that shot out in every direction with no sense of control.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

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Alex didn't move to avoid the punch, not even flinching as the fist made contact. Hitting him was like hitting a brick wall. The flames had no effect on him, and Alex grabbed Kyron's face between his hands. "You're RIGHT, I'm not like you. I've had it far, FAR worse than you, so if you want to continue your little self pity party why don't I show you what TRUE torment is?" Alex's eyes flashed white, and in that instant a flood of disjointed memories and emotions assaulted Kyron's mind.

Sitting alone at a table, eating bread and cold soup. Trying to get his parents attention, but being pushed away instead. Crying in a corner, staring at a picture of his only friend. Being in the middle of a burning bus, surrounded by screaming people. Staring down at a still warm body, fresh blood on his hands.

"I felt like you do once." Alex said softly. "I thought that I could deal with all my problems by myself, but that stubbornness only led to more suffering. All I want to do is spare you that suffering, that ungodly amount of torment that comes from losing control. Do you truly believe that you can choose the right path all on your own?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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The memories... those memories... they were too much like his own... he would remember his father always pushing him to be the best, only to ignore him when he didnt... he remembered everyone in the town calling him a freak, avoiding him, how none of the children his age would ever come around him... He had felt truly alone... Then his own issues with the fire... the screams he heard... her voice... scared and in pain... and there was nothing he could do about it, knowing that scream would haunt him the rest of his life...

"Shut up!" he yelled as he pushed away from Alex, falling onto the floor, but continuing to put distance between the two of them. "What makes you believe I havent felt the suffering already? You think I havent seen death?! Death caused by myself! I... I..." but he couldnt continue... he was angry, christ he was angry, but all he could do was sit there and bury his face as tears fell from his eyes.

After a while of shaking and clenching and unclenching his fists, he took a shaky breath and said slowly "I dont distance myself because I think I can change everything on my own, I distance myself because im scared... of what I would do if I let someone get close to me.. again... I know I cant change it... and thats what scares me..."

Then he turned to face him with a tear stained face, "THERE! Now that I told you the truth, now that I showed you just how weak I truly am, will you just leave me the FUCK alone?!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"I could help you." Alex said quietly. "You don't have to be scared of hurting me. Just think about it, alright?" He collapsed the ice wall and turned away. "I won't bother you again until you're ready to talk, I promise." Then has an afterthought, he said "You're not weak you know. almost everyone here is afraid of hurting somebody." Then he walked out, passing Nyx on the way and patting her shoulder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Kyron's gaze fell to the ground as Alex spoke, listening to what he was saying... Everyone is afraid of hurting somebody... No doubt he was... right. He breathed a sigh of relief when he said that he would leave him alone until he was ready to talk, genuinely thankful for that. What made him look up was when he told him that he wasnt weak. Did he say that just to make him feel better, or did he mean that? Either way, it didnt matter.

With a soft groan, he got up, dusting himself off and placing a hand over his stomach where he had been kicked, that was gonna be fucking sore tomorrow. "I need a fucking shower" he muttered as he hobbled out to the exit, glancing over at Nyx. He stopped a moment, looking ahead but addressing her;

"As bad as we want the world to burn... I guess it all comes to realizing we'd just burn with it..." that was all he said before limping onward.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Nyx watched the ice dissolve, not sure what had ended between the two yet the boy was still angry, still yelling. She sighed, no one was going to be able to save that boy. She flinched as all she got was a simple pat on the shoulder while he walked away, why was he being so distant to her. She stood up and followed his back until he vanished then back to the boy, with a deep sigh she walked out the same door way yet didn't try to follow Alex even though she badly wanted to. She let herself lean against the wall on the outside door of the arena and stared off, this world deserves to be destroyed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

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Keele yawned, waking up from the short nap. Since it was forbidden to go outside he just stuck to his room and slept. He opened the door to his dorm and yawned again, covering his mouth as he went. Wondered what was going to happen again today, but decided that it was probably going to be good stuff. He looked out the window, seeing clouds and other structures about before continuing his march around the school. The corridor was quite empty and a hallway was up ahead. When he looked into the hallway, Nyx was leaning against the wall, next to the open arena door and he looked inside before back out to see Nyx. "Hey again Nyx. Did something happen here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Kyron made his way to his dorm room and threw the bags from his bed to the floor, flopping onto his bed with a sigh. He thought back to the past few events, damn what an afternoon. But he couldnt help but think back to what the teacher said... maybe he should give the guy a chance.... what could it hurt anyway? He sighed and reached down to one of his bags, pulling out what seemed like a small speaker, which turned out to be a portable music player. Plugging it in, he began to play a song while he rested, then as it continued to play, he got up, grabbed a change of clothes, a towel, and some toiletries, then made his way to the shower where he cleaned himself up of the sweat and dirt from the fight.

Soon enough he came out and felt somewhat refreshed, albeit still sore. He flopped back down and listened to the music.

(the songs that played: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAcPHtgN9TY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v6HlbPvsKQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hKS3-frEIg )
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Nyx opened her eyes after taking a few cleansing breaths and centering herself again. It had been Keele which made her smile, it wasn't some crazy heartbroken boy who'd lost all humanity in the world or a corrupted boyfriend who has a dark past she knows nothing about. Keele made her believe that there was such a thing as being normal even if he wasn't normal it was just a relief. "Yes, psycho new kid fighting Alex." She sounded exhausted as she said the words.
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