Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline was on her way back to her room to get some sleep when she heard music coming from one of the open doors. Poking her head in, she saw a boy there relaxing and listening to music. He looked kinda familiar, like she had seen him somewhere recently, but she disregarded that and spoke up. "Hey there, mind if I come in?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Kyron opened an eye and looked at the girl that had poked her head in, asking to come in. Well, turn of events already? Maybe he could actually try for halfway decent conversation for once... maybe.

He sat up and turned down the music a little and looked at her, studying her face, wondering where he had seen her before. Finally he shrugged and said "Sure, whatever. Havent unpacked yet so watch out for the bags." He looked around for any kind of chair or something for her, but if one wasnt found, he would just sit up further and let her sit on the bed. He gave a pained sigh and rubbed his stomach/chest region, hiding his discomfort as best he could. That shit was gonna bruise, he was sure of it. "So who are you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline stepped around the bags and said "I'm Caroline, I live just up the hall." Sitting down in the desk chair, she turned to face him. "Oh, did you get hurt somewhere? Do you want me to try healing it? I'm not as good as my brother, but I've been practicing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

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She was happy to see Keele, that made him smile too, despite the seemingly half-closed eyes that he had from his nap. It seemed like she had seen a little too much or something, judging from the way she breathes. "Yes, psycho new kid fighting Alex." Keele didn't let his smile go.

"I see. Excuse me a moment." He moved towards the arena door and just shut them closed. "Let's just scope on the good things. Want to go get some brownies?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wonderful_wolf_wizard


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Mason was back to wandering again. I hate how much I do this, I need some kind of hobby here. Something for me to do, I'm tone deaf, so music is not an option. What else? Mason, somewhat dejectedly continued to wander the north wing. Finally, he decided to go to the mess hall. He was hungry again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Healing? The only other one I ever saw heal was... nah nevermind He thought to himself as he slowly shook his head. "Nah I'll be fine. Just a... bump." he said as he moved his hand away from his chest. He was wearing just casual clothes, basketball shorts and a form fitting tee shirt, it was easy to tell he lived a life of training, he was very fit and well toned. "Caroline huh? Im Kyron. I... live here." he said, an attempt at conversation making him sound like a total idiot probably.

He flipped through a few songs and leaned back again, "Nice to meet ya I guess. You said you had a brother here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Her face immediately brightened up and the thought of food, and what better than brownies! Her whole mood changed as she leaped to stand next to Keele. "Yes let's go get brownies." Once they had arrived to the dining room she had ordered a big plate of brownies and herself a strawberry shake, once he ordered her drink and the food was ready she sat at one of the tables and quickly began to munch. "So.. What are you elements?" She began trying to create a conversation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wonderful_wolf_wizard


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Mason walked over to the serving area, and got himself a hamburger, some ice cream, and a brownie; the latter two together of course. He looked around the mess hal, and grabbed an empty table. He had recognized a few people, but no one he really knew.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline tried to hide a grin. "I never said he lived here, but yeah. His name's Alex, but sometimes I wonder if we're really related. He can be such a hothead sometimes." She sighed and pushed a lock of hair that had escaped her ponytail back over her ear. "What about you? Do you have any family?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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"Alex huh?" he said nonchalantly. He gave a small, dry chuckle before continuing, "Well, isnt that what brothers are for? Being hot heads? And yeah, I got three brothers... all older than me. Then my dad, whenever he isnt off commanding his platoon over at the Nexus Army." he said as he looked up at her, watching her push her stray hair back into place. Studying her features, he saw that she was rather cute... but also had a brother who could potentially 'kill him with a thought' as he said earlier. Try anything? I think not. "It's funny, I think I met an Alex earlier today. Seems nice." he said with a dry smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

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To see her brighten up made Keele happier, and eyes a little bit wider. When her face just changed to a happier expression it sort of just made Keele feel the same way regardless whether he was sad or unhappy. She stood next to Keele and they continued to the dining room together. "Yes, lets go get brownies." The two arrived quickly, swinging the open doors and immediately rushing for the counter and ordering a plate of brownies with ice cream for Keele.

When they made it, the two raced to grab them and to a table. It was fun racing about a little. Nyx and Keele finally sat down and started to eat their plate of brownies. "So... What are your elements?" Nyx asked for what he specialises in and he gladly answers when he got a piece of brownie in his mouth, filled with cold milky goodness of ice cream.

"Viper and Elpis. Two conflicting elements that attract each other. Fascinating isn't it? I've also met somebody who has the same power." He smiled and continued to break a piece of brownie, dipping it in the ice cream and eating it. "I've also found my inner element from Viper and Elpis. From the opposites that attract each other, I've learnt Fissioning. Don't tell anyone about it!" He smiled, and stuck a finger into his ice cream and touched the tip of her nose, leaving the bit of ice cream there. "ice cream and brownies go along good. You should try and have some of it~ Anyway, how about you, if i can ask?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Oh no," Caroline groaned, putting a hand to her face. "You were the one he picked a fight with, aren't you? I'm really sorry about that, I don't think he knows how to do anything peacefully. That's how you got hurt, isn't it? Are you sure you don't want me to heal you? Alex may be an idiot, but he hits hard."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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She listened intently, Alex was the same which is why he's such a good mentor since those are his apposing elements as well. He'd tell Keele about him later if he ever wanted some insight, but Keele didn't seem like he had issues with his powers. He was content on telling her his discoveries without the confused look on his face like the others she had asked that question to. Keele was definitely a nice releif from the chaos she'd been apart of, but each time she met someone knew it became that much easier to be herself and understand her own emotions.

She stared at the dot of ice cream on her nose and laughed before wiping it off. She took a piece of her brownie and dipped it in to his ice cream before taking a bite of it and humming in agreement about brownies and ice cream. She then tensed and shifted when asked about her element. "Uh.. Well.. People say it's called cosmic..?" She shrugged, placing out her palm a galaxy formed in her palm and began to dazzle in swirl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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When she realized who he was finally, Kyron did something he hadnt done in a while, gave a genuine chuckle. "It was my fault we fought, I was being the hothead when he was trying to just talk to me. I had a bit of time in here to think about that actually. And honestly, I needed a good ass kicking so i could think clearly for once. I kept trying to push away help when it presented itself practically on a silver platter. Granted one of these days im gonna challenge him to a rematch, but he gained my respect today. And no shit he hits hard" he said with a little more of a laugh, leading to a groan as he felt his chest once more. "Well, if youre so keen on healing me, then I guess I dont have a choice." he said in response, turning to face her more directly.

"Your brother is a good guy, he deserves a better title than idiot."

though when I train up, I am SO getting him back, better make a rule of no healing allowed.

It was weird. For the first time in a long time, Kyron wasnt... angry. Granted he wasnt quite happy-go-lucky, but he wasnt all too bitter. Perhaps he just used up all the anger he had in that fight... either way... it was a pleasant change.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline stood from her seat, walking over to kneel in front of him. "Here, lift your shirt." She said, taking the cap off one of her canteens. Pulling the water out of it, she let it pool in her hand for a moment before putting her hand on his already bruising chest. The cold water stung for a second, then began to soothe the damaged area, sinking into his skin to fix the damage as Caroline closed her eyes. When she was finally done, the bruise wasn't entirely gone but it was definitely reduced, and Caroline sighed from the effort. "There, it shouldn't be so bad now. I couldn't fix the fractured rib though, so you should probably have one of the healers take care of that."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Kyron had never seen this kind of healing before in his life, and he watched in fascinated awe, even when the water stung first before he felt the relief it gave soon after. Looking back down after she had finished, he saw that the bruise faded almost completely. "Wow... thats... thats cool" he said with real interest. He looked back up at her and gave her a small smile, "Thats a neat ability, bet it comes in handy in combat. Thanks"

When she mentioned seeing the healer, he waved it off, "Nah, Ive dealt with broken ribs all the time, that is something I can handle pretty easily" he said, putting his shirt back on, noting the lack of pain. "So, its obvious you are elpis, what else are you?" he asked her once his shirt was back on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

Member Seen 1 yr ago

He was glad that she accepted his food play positively. perhaps for once it was going to be fun interacting with a person who just enjoys like him. She took her bit of brownie and dipped it to his ice cream where he waited for her to try. As soon as he placed it in her mouth he looked at her, the humming he heard and he grinned brightly. She wasn't comfortable when he asked for her elements. With the palm of her hands she showed him stars, galaxies by her hand that floated about. Dazzling colours and glitters could be seen and it practically glew. "Uh... Well... People say it's called cosmic...?" Keele nodded.

"Looks and seems like it. Although it's very similar to my Fissioning. Watch..." He opened his palm, to which he generated water and fire. At first, he mixed them together and the fire blew out. However, something occurred immediately after as water began to suck itself up and a red giant was produced. It glew bright red and Keele shut his palms before it continued to grow larger and destroy the things around them. "That was a red giant... Something comprised of Space... It's destructive and the only way for me to stop it is prevent it from becoming bigger..." He ate another of hi brownie. "It's a similar power... I wonder."

He looked around the ceiling for a moment as to let his thoughts flow. "... I dreamed about star gazing when I napped. Strange, I thought I see somebody in the sky... It was a surreal."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline flushed a bit at the compliment. "It's not really useful in battle because I have to focus on it. If I could do it faster maybe." When he asked her about her elements, she reached into her pocked and pulled out a vial of black powder. "I'm not very good at it, but I control Phorros. The only thing I can do right now though is control Magnetism." As she opened the vial she focused on it, and the black powder lifted out of the vial and gathered into a spiky ball. "I've been carrying around these iron filings to practice on."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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At her mention of control over Phorros, his interest spiked to higher than it already was. and with a small laugh, he held out his hand, bringing the small ball to him and making it course a path between his fingers, before he changed it into the shape of a bird flying over his palm. "The trick with phorros is, you cant be gentle with it. Phorros takes a hard head and a firm stance, it needs discipline to shape to your will. Many people associate this power with anger, I am one of those sometimes, but..."

As he spoke, he cupped the fillings in between his hands so it couldnt be seen...

"When the right mix of discipline and finesse are put into phorros... you can make something amazing..."

when he opened his hand, it was in the form of a metal rose, which he levitated over to her with a smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline smiled as she took the rose. "You sure don't seem like that much of a hothead." She said, looking at him slyly. "Are you sure you're not actually a hopeless romantic?"
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