Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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He looked at her with a raised eyebrow until he couldnt help but give a sleepy laugh,followed by a yawn, "You behave yourself now" he managed to mumble, returning the kiss before settling to where he was more comfortable before drifting off to sleep. "Night..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Caits said
Nessie shook her head, stubbornly. "Never!" She shouted, brought the volume down "I'm not going to leave you!" She said desperately, kissing his face, his lips, not caring about the blood "not now damn it! You're mine, and I'm not going to let you getaway!" The tears overwhelmed her, but she still tried to bring him back, to vanish the darkness away. She forced him to look up, and didn't look away from his eyes. "I need you! You c-come back to me! I'm not afraid to die, and I'll die happily for you! Come back James! Don't let the darkness win, don't make me lose you. I couldn't cope! I'll never give up on you" she broke down then, unable to continue. She sobbed harder, shaking until she couldn't tell who was shaking harder, her or James "puh-puh-puh-puh-please! I love you!"

James looked off into space for what seemed like forever and then he slowly wrapped his arms around her and the two of them sunk to their knees, "Oh god..." He started sobbing into her shoulder and hugging her into his chest, "Why...Why was it so easy Nes???" he looked so scared, "It was so easy to kill them..." James called softly to Hope, "Please...Don't leave me...Don't hate me..." Hope walked over slowly and placed her head against his hand which caused James to cry loudly trying to contain his sorrow and pain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Shhh" Nessie said, shaking, leaning into him, buring her face in his neck. "I know. Come on, come on" she pulled him up with her, showing more strength then one would think from her, "l-lets g-go. You'll feel b-b-better ll c-c-cleaned up, w-with the b-b-blood washed off, and in c-c-clean clothes" she took his hand in hers, ready to drag him along, and tend to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

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James stood to his feet still shivering and shaking in terror, "You used Viper...I'm proud of you..." James was trying not to shake as he looked down at himself covered in blood, "Nes...I'm scared..." James looked to Hope, "I'm scared because it felt good Nes...It felt good to take out all my anger on that creature...It felt good to kill that thing..." James hugged her close no longer caring about getting her bloody, "I ruined my whole life once...I won't do it again...Swear to me...Swear that if i lose control...and i can't be stopped..." He looked right into her eyes, "Swear that you'll kill me Nes!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nessie froze. Did he just ask her to kill him? How could she ever do that? it just wouldn't be physically possible for her to do. Yet looking in to his eyes, how could she not swear to? She swallowed, sniffed. "I...I...s-swear. Buh-buh-buh-but it will n-n-not c-come to t-that. I know it w-won't. B-b-because I w-w-w-will always b-b-bring you b-back" She said, stubbornly. "n-n-now lets g-get cleaned up and c-c-changed"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Forest was in the middle of an intense training session with Luna, she had been all day. Since she had gotten up from the hospital it had only been eating and training, she had no time for sleep as she perfected everything she had to. It was rough but man was it worth it, she was almost there and would continue to work until she could fight with the others.

Luna was impressed with Forest, she had expected the girl to give up once she was in the coma, though the medical staff had to be there each time they trained she was doing well on her own. Learning to work with her time and get to her highest point physically, some of these moves she did were on her own, they weren't to complex but they could kill in a nutshell. "Good work Forest, you have already made such progress. Are you sure you don't want to rest?"

Forest was covered in sweat and water, she didn't want to leave though, she wanted to fight. With a shake of her head she went back to decapitating dummies and manipulating Elpis. "No, I'm fine, I'll leave when I pass out."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The young red-headed man pushed his glasses up his nose, and glanced around where he had been left. It appeared to be a common area of sorts. Which didn't help him really. He gave a shrug, and had soon found the mess hall. Well, that was good to know where that was.

He found the dorms, but didn't make an effort to go into any of them. He made his way to the training area, where it seemed the students had had to fight some sort of Monster.

He watched his sister be the first to battle it, and smiled. He made no effort though to go into the training area, no matter how much he wanted to drag her out of there. She seemed to hold her own, only getting a few injuries that were healed up quite quickly.

He moved along, going to the mess hall, figuring that sooner or later someone would see that he was new and decide to help out. He grabbed himself a plate of food, and sat down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Caits said
Nessie froze. Did he just ask her to kill him? How could she ever do that? it just wouldn't be physically possible for her to do. Yet looking in to his eyes, how could she not swear to? She swallowed, sniffed. "I...I...s-swear. Buh-buh-buh-but it will n-n-not c-come to t-that. I know it w-won't. B-b-because I w-w-w-will always b-b-bring you b-back" She said, stubbornly. "n-n-now lets g-get cleaned up and c-c-changed"

James nodded softly, "Thank you Nes...I just...I couldn't live with myself if i hurt you..." James snapped his fingers and hope nuzzled against his legs, "You Mean everything to me...You are my happiness...As Hope is my hope..." James looked down at his hands and let a soft breeze caress him and Nessie, "Dad would have liked you allot...I wish you could meet him."
Jacob had been dropped off in the Commons and from there he had started eating like an animal, Ordering so much food that he couldn't finish it all...After he finished his food he slammed his plate into the trash and explored until he found the dorms. He picked one as far away from everyone else's as possible and then threw all his shit into the room with a yawn. After that he went and dug his Geodes out of his bag and started making the purple and red crystals inside them grow wildly. After a few minutes of this he stuffed the rocks into his pockets and went for a walk.

Jacob wondered through the areas unassumingly and not talking to anyone. As he walked he gathered dirt from the halls until he had a ball of it floating beside him about the size of a watermelon. He shaped and changed it until he had a sword from compacted dust, "Heh...Cool." Jacob turned into the training area only to have his eyes come across something he never expected to see...James. Jacob started making the crystals grow until he was holding a Red sword and Purple shield. Jacob Pulled in a bunch of pieces of rock and covered himself making some light armor, "MURDERER!!!"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nessie smiled slgihtly, "I'm sure I would have liked him too" she said, glancing up at the shout of murder, and instinctively, she moved in front of James, not knowing who this person was, but knowing they were armoured and looking to hurt James.

"S-s-sorry but w-who are y-you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jacob spit on the ground next to him, "Stay out of this you trip talking bitch." Jacob wrapped a bunch more rock from inside the training area around himself until he was in full samurai gear, "This is between me and my brother."

James eyes went wide with terror and confusion, "J-Jacob..." His eyes filled with terror as if he were looking into the face of a dead man...In a way...He was. "Jake...Its impossible...you were...I saw you..."

Jacob cracked the ground where he was standing, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Jacob readied himself to attack, "You have no right to speak to me...you took everything from me!!!" Jacob had murder in his eyes, "You fucking killed me!!!" Jacob looked over to Nessie and then back to James, "So I'm gonna take the same from you...Anything and everything you love!!!"

James started to get angry, "You were gonna shoot dad...I was just trying to stop you!" Hope started growling at Jacob while the air around James started to crackle, "I never recovered from what happened that day! I did my penance...I lived in the street...I tried to better myself..." The air in the room started to twist and spin, "I'm only gonna say this once...You ever threaten her again...You are my enemy..."

Jacob started walking towards James, "You got dads powers..." Jacob started laughing, "I got moms..." Jacob used the ground to throw himself through the air and attempted a downward strike on James but he was already 10 feet away.

James looked over to Nessie, "Take hope and get help...I am going to keep my little brother busy..." James let that feeling come back...that darkness and the air began to crackle with lightning, "Stand down little brother...I don't want to hurt you!!!"

Jacob threw a geode which James just avoided, Jacob used his power to make it explode with growth and stabbing a large sharp crystal right through James's arm, "AHHHHHH" James Roared out in pain. Jacob smiled, "You're fast...but not fast enough...bro."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Althenez snuck around to the girl who was with one of the boys who was now part of a full on brawl. She bent over to be near her ear. "Why are they fighting?" She whispered to her, once the girl looked to see who it was she smiled brightly, not moving from the awkward too closeness she had with the girl. "Hello, I'm Athenez, you're really pretty." She said sweetly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nessie didn't care what was going on. She wasn't about to run away. She grabbed James unjuried arm, and pulled him back, "no. Don't do this. Let me" her voice was oddly calm, and any hint of stutter was completely gone, her skin was warm to touch. She swallowed, and stepped in front of James once more.

"You know nothing, Jacob" she said, "I can protect myself. And I will not stand for you trying to murder James right in front of me"

The water formed, and then the fire without a thought. One in each hand, she spread her arms out. Destruction and soothing in the palm of her hands. "Stand down!" She shouted, throwing a ball of water, which crystalised into ice, and a ball of fire towards him. Then she threw up both hands, forming a wall of water which solidified, across the training ground, putting a barrier between then and Jacob, seeing the girl come up close to her,

Hell. "I'm nessie. And I think you should get out of here. Or help"
Hearing the commotion, Luke rose to see what was going on, walking gowards the training ground just in time to see the wall form, to see Nessie creating it.

"What the bloody buggering hell is going on here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Maddie walked into the base of operations they had set up here, it was a nice place with nice looking dorms and good food. Man was she lucky. She had everything here, it was so, so great! She walked over to two men who appeared to be fighting, and two women who appeared to be trying to talk whilst they fought. Hmm, this is strange. She agreed with herself on that as she breathed deeply and tried to force the two apart with a strong, sharp blast of wind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline sat bolt upright, cradling her head in her hands. "Gah!" She yelled, standing shakily, "What IS that?" She stumbled over to the doorframe and leaned against it, closing her eyes. In her mind, she could see vague shapes flitting about. When she turned toward the training field, she could see more definite shapes of people fighting. This wasn't a friendly sparring match, she could feel the killing intent in the way one was using the earth. She felt the pain of the stones as he hammered them to his will. "Hurry!" She shouted to Kyron, "We need to get to the training field! He's hurting the earth!" Then she took off without waiting to see if he followed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Well jeez, nice to meet you too." She snickered back at the girl and released the part of the wall that separated the two walked over to the one boy covered in armor. She was either gutsy or stupid to walk in between the fight. "I am sorry, but I think you're making the girl a bit cranky, I really don't want to fight but I think it'd be best if you backed off." She smiled and put her hands up as if she was surrendering for the other boy herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jacob roared like a monster as the wall came up, he simply let the ball of fire and the ball of ice hit his armor which dented in a little bit, "I'LL KILL YOU BOTH!!!" Jacob felt a blast of wind hit him but with his armor on he was unfazed, "HE TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME YOU BITCH!!!" The ground around Jacob started cracking and then floating up around him in big pieces, "I'm gonna tear you to shreds brother..." He looked at the girl in the middle and just scoffed, "Mind your own business."

James touched Nessie, "Please...He wants to kill me..." James went to stand in front of her, "I'm not saying i'm going to let him...but...what hes saying is true...and if he wants to fight...I have to face him..." James let the sparks in the room crackle and then he slammed a lightning bolt from the ceiling right down on Jacob,

For a few seconds Jacob couldn't be seen for all the light...but when the Lightning stopped he was standing there with burnt armor and a big smirk on his face, "You're gonna have to try harder big brother...Cause if this is all you got...You won't last long." Jacob forced the crystals to explode again with growth filling the entire area with spikes if James hadn't slammed them with hurricane force winds they would have stabbed Nessie right in the chest, "Now...Now you've done it jake...NOW I'M PISSED!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Though Kyron could not see the shapes as Caroline did, he could sense the vibrations within the earth that signified the fight. Her yelling to him made him shoot his eyes open and immediately jump from the bed. Sensing that the vibrations were indeed from the training area, he prepared himself for a fight should they run into one over there. Looking to Caroline, he said "Lets go, hopefully we can get there before any huge damage is done" as he began running alongside her, his long strides keeping up easily with her. As they ran, he encased his fists in stone, his go to preparation for any battle, but hopefully this one wont have to escalate too far, he was too tired to really care about fighting.

and to think all i wanted was some fucking sleep he thought to himself as they made it there. When they got there, they saw some new girl, casually trying to get some guy he had not seen yet to stop fighting. Damn she was ballsy.

But that didnt seem to work as the armored kid and the other guy went at it once more, lightning and crystals showered the place, causing Kyron to shield himself from the blast of light. "Damn, these guys are seriously going at it!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline burst through the doors at a run and stopped, taking a second to absorb the surreal scene. Kneeling down the the ground, she put her forehead to the floor as if she was praying. "Please." She whispered so quietly nobody could hear. All of a sudden the ground erupted as pillars of stone shot up, one by one, creating a wall across the room. They shot from the ground all the way to the ceiling, cutting the room in half and surrounding the green haired boy. "You're hurting her with your bloodlust," She said, her words reverberating through the pillars so that everybody could hear. "Gaia asked me to stop you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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