Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Kyron was contemplating on how to intervene in the clusterfuck, but before he could take any action, stone pillars immediately shot up, cutting off contact from the two fighting. He heard the voice of Caroline, and immediately looked down to see her kneeled over in what seemed like some kind of prayer form, her mark was glowing like crazy, she must be using a lot of power in this. It was safe to say he was impressed, but now was not the time for mingling interest. "What the FUCK is going on here?!" Yelled Kyron in a drill sergeant style of voice. "Can we not go half a fuckin day without someone trying to kill another?! God DAMN what I would give for some sleep, but I cant with this fuck up of a fight going on!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Althenez frowned, "And you were really cute, but not with a mouth like that." She sighed and shook her head, the ground beneath her shot up in incredible speed shooting her in to the air as she elegantly flipped back to the other side and shrugged at Nessie. "Well I tried." She winked at her before leaving the room. "Is there anyone here who isn't crazy?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Nessie looked about for the girl, Althenez, but then she was "You're crazy" she said, "that guy is particularly murderous at the moment. He wants to kill James and me apparently. You don't walk up to someone intent on killing!"

She stared at the pillar wall, shocked at the amount of power it just have made to do so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Althenez stopped and grinned at the girl, "Are you afraid to die?" She paused and her eyes became solid with seriousness before her face smiled again. "If he's trying to kill you the door is this way." She pointed to the door she was heading out of, it was really that simple. "Leave if you don't want to be there, but do not complain if you're putting yourself in the middle of things."
Nyx opened her eyes to the odd feeling she got from around the school grounds. Someone's aura was off, way off or there was another aura around that didn't belong. "Alex.. Something is going on, or something is going to happen." She sat up and yelped out of pain forgetting what she had gone through yesterday, her wounds had opened during the night making her look like a bloody mess.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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"I'm not leaving James! Why the hell does everyone tell me to leave?" Nessie said in annoyance, throwing up her hands in frustration. "I'm not afraid to die, I'm afraid of losing everything I've found and I wasn't complaining I was berating you for walking up to a madman!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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This girl really liked to throw a fit, she turned around and placed her hands on her hips. "Get over yourself, you flailing your arms at two angry elementals isn't going to do anything, and I am pretty sure James doesn't want you to see this either." She then stepped closer to the girl. "You're never going to enjoy anything if you fear so many things, losing things is part of life but I am not about to stand here and be your preacher, though I would like to stare at you a bit more for my own pleasure." She winked at her before looking at the two boys fighting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Nessie pushed the girl away from her, "everyone's always out to protecting me, to making sure my delicate mind doesn't seen anything horrid, or distressing! I'm sick and tired of being treated like a child! I've proven I can protect myself so stop telling me what to do, when you are staying here!"

She stalked away from her, back to James side, refusing to leave. She would make sure James didn't do something he would regret, stop his brother from hurting him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

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Jacob used his sword and shield and started attacking the wall with all his fury, he roared, his voice was muffled but he could still be heard, "YOU'RE ALL SAVING THE LIFE OF A FUCKING MURDERER!!! LET ME OUT!!! LET ME AVENGE MY MOTHER!!!" Jacob slammed the wall over and over until his armor, sword and shield all broke, "IT ISN'T FAIR!!!" James roared at the top of his lungs and slammed himself against the wall, "He took everything from me!" Jacob's once strong roar was now somber and choked by tears, "It isn't fair!"

James dropped to his knees the fight was over and now he was so exhausted he could barely move, but he worked up the strength to crawl over to the giant stone wall, "Jacob please...You're my brother...I'm your brother...God please...I've been alone for so long...We can be a family...Please jake...Please."

Jacob crawled to the wall, "You ruined my life...You took everything from me..." He could be heard sobbing through the pillars, "Why...Why did you do it...why did you kill our family big brother?!?" Jacob lay on the ground and started praying to Gaia, "Please...please...please...I have nothing...Just kill me...Please...I can never stop mother..." He pressed his hands on his geode, "Gaia please...I just want it to end! I'll never stop! i have to kill him!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Althenez watched her in amusement. Who said she was trying to protect her or treating her like a child, she was simply being told that her wild reaction isn't helping at all with the situation. "She'll warm up to me." Althenez giggled at herself and wandered out of the room, trying to find something else to get in to but the halls in this place were deserted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Nessie took a deep breath, and looked up at James. "Are you okay?" She asked softly, taking his hand in her own "p-please. Let's g-g-get out of h-here" she wanted tigger James away from his brother, to let him calm down and to see if he was okay
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Now that the screaming had finally diminished and all that was left was the sound of crying, Kyron looked to Caroline, "Keep the pillars up, Im gonna go see our... guest." he said as he walked toward the wall that held Jacob. He opened the earth under him and jumped into the hole, coming out at the other side, about five feet from Jacob. He said nothing as he looked at him with an emotionless face as he closed off the hole and sat down indian style and looked at him. After a few minutes, he said "Well, that was quite the entrance you made."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

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Jacob turned his head to see someone else in the cage with him but he made no effort to move, "Have you come to defend the murderer to?"Jacob was covered in tears and he was also bloody from slamming the wall with his arm over and over, "That monster out there slaughtered my whole family...And then he ran away...But he is defended blindly...Its as if no one cares that he took everything from me..." He tried to create a dagger but it only got the handle finished, "Do me a favor and end my suffering..."

James pulled Nessie down with him, "Please Nes...I can't just leave him like this...He needs me...Hes my baby brother...I can't just walk away...Even if it means he has to beat me until i'm unrecognizable...I'll do it...if thats what it takes to have my brother back..." James pressed his hands against the wall, "Do you hear that Jacob! I'll do anything! I'll never stop! we will be brothers again!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Nessie groaned, but went with him. "I w-won't stand b-by and watch it, James. I won't" She said, "I can't" She said, "n-not anymore" she sad, falling silently when he yelled to his brother. "He hurt you"

She stepped up ahead, and said , very softly, "Your brother isn't who you think he is. You haven't seen him, tormented by what happened. I would think you'd be happy to know he was alive, just like he is to know you are, even if you just tried to kill him"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

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Caroline's voice echoed softly around Jacob's cage. "Gaia doesn't want you to die. You're one of her children. Gaia hates the war and killing that she can't do anything about, you're hurting her by using her power to kill. Isn't there any way you can try to see things from each other's eyes? If you're fighting to avenge your family, will killing the only person of your family who's still alive make you happy?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Kyron said nothing and did not react in the slightest when Jacob told him about his brother. He didnt budge either when he told him to kill him to end his torment. Kyron sighed and ran his finger along the ground, gathering what he was going to say. "You want to know why people run away?" he asked Jacob, not making eye contact. "Do you want to know the reason some people feel it is better to vanish, rather than face their consequences? Its because they feel that pushing away the wrong they did will somehow be better than to accept the wrong they did. That they can perhaps bury their past with its own little gravestone, hoping that one day it doesnt come back to haunt their sorry asses. But then they realize, that no matter how far they run, they can never get away from it. So you know what they do after that? They keep running, because it is all they can do."

He sighed and decided to stand up, casually walking around while he put his hands into his pockets. "The worst thing to happen to them is when something from their past finds them. Or in this case someone. You know why? Because it is a sudden reminder, an instant reality check, of all they did wrong. And that is amplified even more when that past reminder shows any form of resentment. They become scared, a kind of fear only read about in books. And its not because of monsters or ghosts, but the wave of realization that no matter how much time has passed, no matter how much they thought they had buried it, they can never escape their past. You were his reminder today."

He took a step closer and continued, "Im not defending him, nor am I condemning him. Hell i could care less about his sorry ass about as much as I could care about you. But when shit like this happens, hell I will say something... now, answer me this. Say you get to kill him, what will you do then? What will you gain? Will your family come back from the grave and welcome you with open arms? Will you feel that you have been saved and given salvation through revenge? The way I see it, all you would get is a dead brother. A dead brother who all he wanted was to bury his past, because he felt that nothing he could ever do could ever change the fact he did something unforgivable. You can hear it in his voice, he is desperate. He wants the reconciliation so badly he would probably accept death if it meant your forgiveness. Call that what you will but I see that as someone who still loves his brother enough to die for him. That kind of devotion, you dont get that from monsters. You get that from a soul who has lost all hope of ever being whole again, because every day, a little more of them die, leaving nothing but an empty husk. Take that as you will, you want revenge, he wants to be free, and you obviously cant get both. Blood is thick, are you willing to go swimming in his?"

After saying this, he leaned against one of the walls, staring at him with his stone cold, expressionless face. The way he spoke, it showed that he knew this feeling all too well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

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Jacob listened and slowly the words began melting his heart of stone, he slowly pressed his hands against the wall and real tears...not of frustration but of true sorrow began flowing down his face, "I don't want to be alone..." His voice was a whisper but he slowly got louder, "I don't want to be alone!" Jacob couldn't stop himself from crying and he sobbed and choked his words, "Oh God don't leave me alone!" he slammed his hands on the wall, "When you shocked me i was paralyzed...I wanted to call out to you...You wouldn't stop trying to wake them...You left after that...You left me all Alone!" He breathed in, "I was scared James..."

James on the other side burst into tears, "Jacob i'm sorry i'm so sorry! i thought i had killed you...i couldn't bring myself to touch you..." James pressed his hands onto the wall softly, "Please little brother...I just want us to be family again...I want you to meet Nes...And Hope...God i just want to hug you Jake!" James had tears streaming his face and he pressed himself against the wall.

Jacob slammed the wall again, "Let me out!" He slammed it again, "let me out...so i can hug my brother!" Jacob summoned his shield and hit the wall letting the words everyone had spoken fuel him, "I want my family back...I WANT MY BROTHER BACK!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

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The pillars lowered themselves, their job done, and Caroline sat up. "Thank you, Gaia, for lending me your strength." She said, putting her hand on the ground and smiling. A few seconds later her eyes closed and she started falling over, too tired to even stay upright.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Kyron gave a satisfied nod as he watched the two brothers realize they did not want to be alone without the other. Standing as the pillars went back down, he walked back over to Caroline, only to run over and catch her just before she fell over. "Easy there gaia speaker, you alright?" he asked her with a smile that also showed a little concern. He was impressed by her show of power, but she really did need to be careful with how much she used at once.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

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"I'm fine," She said, smiling up at him, "Asking Gaia for help lets me do things with less power, if she agrees. Still, I don't think I can stand anymore. You're going to have to carry me back this time." She weakly tried to raise her head and laughed as it fell back down into his arm. "Looks like I won't be doing anything else tonight. You'd better not take advantage of me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Removed, damn it.
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