Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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((lol what happened?))

Kyron smiled and lifted up Caroline with ease, letting her curl into him as he walked toward the exit, "I shall try to control myself". He looked back at the two brothers, giving a hint of a smile, then leaving. They made their way back to the dorm where he gently lay her on the bed, kissing her forehead, "What a fucking day" he said before standing up. "Im gonna take a quick shower, dont disappear on me" he said with a smile and a wink as he turned around to his bags which he STILL had forgotten to unpack, and pulled out a change of clothes, a towel, and his body and hair wash before heading to the restroom.

He turned on the water and stripped down, stepping in and welcoming the warmth of the water as it ran down his body. Thinking back to the way those brothers realized how much they needed one another, it reminded him of his own three brothers, and how much he missed them being here alone. Its tough when youre the youngest and have to leave home first...

He quickly washed his hair and body, rinsing off and stepping out, drying himself off and changing into a pair of blue pajama bottoms and a sleeveless top. He then went on to brush his teeth before coming back out, feeling refreshed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The two brothers locked eyes and Jacob dropped his shield to his side and knelt down in front of his long lost brother, "James...I" Jacob didn't get to finish as James wrapped him into a tight hug, "You don't have to say anything to me...I have missed you so deeply...You dont have to apologize...Simply breathing is enough for me." Jacob hugged his brother tight and started sobbing loudly, "I...Missed you so much...I searched for you every night for years...I thought you abandoned me..." James held him tight his own tears streaming his face, "I could never leave you Jake...You're my brother...Thats what brothers are...Forever." Jacob leaned his head into his brothers shoulder, "You look so much like dad now bro..." James smiled, "You resemble mom Jake..." Jake looked up, "I-I do?" James smiled and hugged him tight again, "You do." after a few seconds Jacob looked to Nessie in sorrow, "Please...Please forgive me...I'm so sorry..." He turned to everyone in the room, "Forgive me! i let my hate guide me...and i nearly killed the last piece of family i have left. For this I am truly sorry..." He bowed to everyone with his face touching the floor, "I'll do whatever it takes...As an Isfron i swear I'll make it up to all of you!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline had managed to shrug out of her shirt and was laying on her back, arms spread out, but she was still burning up. Glancing over at Kyron's shocked expression, she shook her head. "Don't worry, it's nothing. My brother calls it manaburn, and it's caused by the influx of power you get when you use up everything you have." Then a thought occurred to her, and she grinned. "Or were you surprised that I'm topless? I hope you're not planning anything ungentlemanly. I'm still too weak to fight you off you know."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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At first Kyron could only stare at what he thought was his mind playing tricks on him. Caroline was... topless... in his bed... Even as she made her explanation, he couldnt help but feel the heat of his blush. Then she had to go about her being topless... and him being ungentlemanly. He chuckled at this and replied, "Ungentlemanly? You kidding? In fact, im such a gentleman" he then proceeded to remove his own shirt, revealing the toned upper body and torso underneath, "That I'll make sure its even for the both of us" he finished with a wink. He turned on the fan in the room and proceeded to lay next to her.

It was hard not to look, not really that she would really mind as it were. She had a very nice figure, something he had definitely come to admire even when she was fully clothed. He propped himself up on one elbow as he smiled down at her, then leaned in for a gentle kiss.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline weakly put her arms around him and tried to pull him closer, but she was still nearly paralyzed. Instead she had to settle for managing to roll over onto him. She closed her eyes and held the kiss, only letting up when she ran out of breath. "I hope you can sleep like this, because I'm not moving." She lay her head down on his shoulder and kissed his ear. "Good night, sweet prince."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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The kiss was held for as long as they could manage, and when the kiss broke and she said she was not moving, Kyron smiled and said "I would not have you anywhere else". He wrapped his arms around her and breathed a deep sigh, enjoying the feeling of her body against his own, it felt right for some reason. He closed his eyes and smiled as he gently responded, "Until tomorrow my dearest."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Nessie watched this, squirming, unsure of what she could say or do right then. She gave Jacob a small smile, and shrugged. "Its o-o-okay" She said, "You d-d-d-didn't, and t-thats all t-that matters" She moved closer to James now, and poked him. "y-y-you're still c-c-covered in b-b-blood and s-s-so am I" She said, "And n-n-now that you've h-h-hugged J-Jacob, so is he. C-c-can we p-please g-g-get c-c-cleaned up n-now?"
Luke sighed and shook his head at this commotion. He blinked as a girl walked out, giggling, and she started to wander the halls. He glanced inside the training area again, but couldn't see anything. He frowned, then followed the girl. "Hello" He said, already having a smile in place
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Caits said
Nessie watched this, squirming, unsure of what she could say or do right then. She gave Jacob a small smile, and shrugged. "Its o-o-okay" She said, "You d-d-d-didn't, and t-thats all t-that matters" She moved closer to James now, and poked him. "y-y-you're still c-c-covered in b-b-blood and s-s-so am I" She said, "And n-n-now that you've h-h-hugged J-Jacob, so is he. C-c-can we p-please g-g-get c-c-cleaned up n-now?"

James let Jacob go and rubbed the back of his own head, "Yeah now everyone's covered in goo..." Jacob looked down at himself with a laugh, "Thanks allot now i look like a succeeded in killing you..." Jacob cracked a smile and James followed and it was then that they both loook just like brothers. James used air to lift them both to their feet, "Let go shower Nes..." Realizing what he said James blushed super bright and Jacob started laughing till he could barely breathe, "I-I meant like I'll shower but not with you...Not that i wouldn't want to...I mean...I'm gonna stop talking." Jacob could barely breathe so he started calming himself down, "Thats the hardest I've laughed in months." James shrugged, "Yeah i'm a laugh riot...We really need to get cleaned off." Jacob cracked a smirk, "You know...If you hug her now she might shower with you." James face turned bright red, "Shut up man!" Jacob just shrugged and started walking, "its true..." James was bright red as he smiled to Nessie, "Lets go...Sorry about that..." He took her hand in his and started walking to the dorms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Nessie watched this display with amusement. "I knew w-w-what you m-meant" Nessie said, smiling, "Don't worry. He just wishes had someone to get flustered over" She said, walking happily with James. Until she saw the tall, red headed man, and she stopped dead. "Luke"

She stepped in front of James almost protectively as her brother turned to them, his easy smile forming. "Nessie!" Nessie held up her hands as he went to hug her.

"T-t-there's already e-enough of us n-n-needing s-s-showers. I'm c-c-covered in ick" She said, turning to James. "I t-t-told you I h-have t-two b-b-brothers? We're t-triplets. I'm the y-y-youngest, and Lucan's t-t-the o-oldest" Where they never going to get a chance to get cleaned up? She turned back to her brother, and gave a smile, "T-this is James, and Hopes a-around h-here s-s-somewhere"

Luke raised an eyebrow, watching Nessie and James. "Ah. Well, nice to meet you" But it was evident in his tone that he wondered what was going on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jacob turned on his heels and used both of his hands to summon his two geodes which he then stuffed in his pockets, "I'll see you guys in the mess hall...I'm grabbing a shower and then I'll be down." Jacob nodded to them and then he took off running through the halls using the ground to slide himself forward at high speed.

James smiled brightly at Lucan, "Hi...James...Nice to meet you man." He snapped his fingers and Hope came running into the room bumping her head against James's leg, "Hey Hope." James looked to Nessie and Lucan and a thought crossed him, Would he be pissed that James and Nes were dating...James swallowed hard better to get it out of the way now., "Yeah I'm Nessie's boyfriend...shes told me some about you"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Nessie squirmed, but smiled and petted Hope, not meeting her brother's eye. She wasn't about to let everything that had happened her just be pushed to the side in his...gallant need to protect her. Hadn't she proven that she could protect herself here?

Luke frowned, and then sighed. "I can see that" He said. Not many people would be able to notice the slight change that he had seen in Nessie, but then, they had been together their whole lives. "Do I have to have the whole big brother speech?"

Nessie groaned, and said, "Luke! I c-can l-look a-after myself. S-stop it!"

She stepped passed him, tugging on James's hand, "W-we're g-gonna go g-get c-cleaned up. S-s-see you l-later" She said hurriedly.

Luke chuckled, and let her passed, pushing his glasses back up his nose.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Austin nodded to Alex, and was about to reply before a flurry of activity ensued. Losing sight of Alex, he walked out. After walking for a bit, he made his way to the cafeteria. He grabbed ordered a ham sandwich and water, where he went and sat down at one of the tables, forgetting that dried blood was on his back. Next time he saw Alex, he would accept the offer for training.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

James took Nessie's hand and went to the dorm Hope followed close behind as the two of them walked. Once they reached the room James checked to be sure no one was inside and then he and Nessie walked in. James stood there for a few second before slowly taking off his shirt, "Don't freak out alright." James was covered in scars some looked like knife wounds others like bites a couple of them looked like bullet holes and a few were cigarette burns. "I uh...The streets aren't exactly a safe place to live..." Despite the fact that he was scarred horribly James was built like someone who swam everyday and thats because in the area James lived in he had to swim in the bay every day to get away from patrols. "Sorry if it freaks yo out...I'm used to it."

Jacob slammed into his dorm and stripped naked before throwing himself into a hot shower. After he was done he put on some fresh clothes and grabbed his green geode as well, "Never know...might need you." Jacob started to the mess hall after that. He saw a kid eating a ham sandwich, Jacob grabbed a plate of lasagna and sat down across from him, "Sup?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Nessie studied his scars, wishing she could wipe them away, and the memory of them for him. She stepped up to him, and wrapped her arms around him, "if I c-could, I'd t-take everyone of t-t-those s-scars away" she said, giving him a soft kiss, "b-because you d-don't deserve t-those m-memories" she lay her head on his chest, shower forgotten

Luke sighed, shook his head, and waited for the girl he had followed to reply to him, not wanting to walk away and seem rude
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Austin paused mid bite as a guy sat down in front of him. He lowered it and looked at him, studying for a moment before he replied," hey." His typical, nonemotion expression was on his face and he took a bite of his food, watching the person in front of him. Austin wasn't the most talkative person in the world.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

James looked deeply into her eyes and then he kissed her and he held her there for what seemed like an eternity of bliss to him, "You erased them...The moment you first kissed me Nes." He smiled and even though there was blood on his face and hair, for the first time in forever he looked happy and without pain, "And every kiss since has kept them at bay." James looked into her eyes deeply and smiled, "I found my home..."

Jacob took a big bite and then swallowed before talking again, "Names Jake." He took another bite, "Whats yours?" Jake was pretty unfazed by people and starting a random conversation was easy for him, "You like to train?" Jacob was eating pretty fast, "Could use a sparring partner."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Nessie smiled, leaning in close to him. Despite the fact that were covered in goo, and ick, and blood and stuff, she didn't want to make a move to get cleaned up. She brushed back her hair, and said softly, "I always thought it was corny, that saying, home is where the heart is, but it isn't" She laughed, and kissed him again, before pulling away and saying, "Lets get cleaned up"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Austin let out a slow nod, watching him. He then said," Austin, and yes I like to." He took a bite of his food and swallowed then said," I'm not sure if I'd like to spar currently." He again, didn't see what the benefit would be of helping someone, even if it did also help himself. It also helped the other person to discover to areas he was inept in at the moment. He did however add one thing," perhaps I will spar later on when my abilities are more established." He took a bite of his food then a drink of water, his words and expression remaining much the same.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Nyx woke up from the stinging numbness fading away and the roaring pain in her right shoulder convulsed through out her entire body. She looked over to see Alex fast asleep, and debated on how she was going to make this pain go away. She couldn't rejuvenate again, her human body couldn't take up the capacity of another star's energy. She took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling, she needed to grow up and suck it up. She badly wanted to be in the ring, and this is what she get's for acting hastily. She sat up and saw that her wounds had opened in her sleep and bled through the bandages that covered her chest. She slid herself out of the bed and walked in to the bathroom, she stared in the mirror and slowly peeled away the gored bandages and stared at the gaping wounds from her chest, shoulder and forearms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alex stirred from his sleep and opened his eyes, immediately feeling the blood on his shirt where Nyx's bandages had bled through. "Nyx?" He asked tentatively, not finding her next to him. He saw her in the bathroom and got up, moving closer. As he got a glimpse at her wounds and felt his heart leap into his throat. He backed away without saying anything, hopping she wouldn't know that he had seen it.
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