Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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She had heard him say her name from the bedroom, but her eyes were stuck on the wounds. Her face was calm, but you could easily see the agony that was clouding her eyes, her starry fixtures had gone dim leaving her eyes dark. She turned her arms over to look at where she had sacrificed her arms instead of her face being lacerated to pieces. She knew he was standing there, but she continued to stare in the mirror at her wounds. "Who would of known you could be so delicate." She could feel her eyes begin to swell with tears yet her face showed no emotion. She wanted to leap in to his arms and stay there but her wounds forbid her from even being close to any kind of heat. She turned to him helplessly, "Could you help me?" She held up the wraps of bandages and ointments.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alex suppressed a shudder and stepped back towards her. "Of course I will." As he took the ointments, he hesitated. "I'm not really good with these, I'm don't usually use them. I think you put it around the edge of a wound right?" He waited for her response, not wanting to do anything to make her worse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Forest and Luna were still inside of the training center, even after everything that had went on outside Luna had stayed, concerned for Forest who was practically going mental with training. She could tell the young girl was about to snap and pass out, twas only a matter of time she was sure. It was a big shame that the medical crew had left only two people there for her. "Amazing Forest, very, very good. Now we should probably take a break to talk of all these special achievements." She said in a tone that was sweet but slightly commanding, in the hopes of getting Forest to stop.

Forest glanced at her mentor as she summoned up some water and threw it at the dummies against the wall, it hit two almost perfectly and two more got splashed, after a small sigh and a series of curses the water formed into spikes and almost impaled the poor, ravaged dummies.

Luna shook her head, bless this poor girl and her dedication, someday it will be her end. She thought this over with a small calm smile that turned into a lame frown, how would she handle this little girl if she wouldn't eat or sleep? "Wouldn't you like to visit your friends, Forest? I'm sure they would love to catch up with you." Luna encouraged as she glanced to the two nurses and mouthed 'help'. They both shrugged and one pulled a small dose of sleeping medicine from their medical kit. Luna shook her head and turned away.

Forest sighed but this time stopped training, turned to face Luna, and sighed again. "Luna, you don't understand. They all have their own business that I will never be a part of, they all have cliques and friends, plus they have boyfriends. Something I'll never ever even want to accomplish. So, can we get back to the training? I need to get to work. Feel free to leave and take all your medic friends with you, I am going to be fairly busy right now." She went back to working on the dummies with a small frown darkening her tired face.

Luna had had it up to here, Forest would not outcast her social life or her needs as a human for training. Luna was final breaking from her calm, she walked over to Forest and grabbed her by the ear. "Listen to me now Forest, you are going out there, you will eat, you will make friends and afterwards, you will go to sleep. No exceptions, no ands ifs or buts. I have had it up to here," she paused to point at her head, "with this training crap, go. Now."

Forest was shell shocked, she just continuously nodded as Luna chewed her out and then threw her out. As she slumped down she started on the way around camp hoping to find someone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Her face was still relaxed and calm as he nervously asked her what to do. "Just begin to wrap it from here-" she pointed to her wrist "Up to here." She pointed to her shoulder. "But we'll have to do it differently on the other side, and here. Use the spray so you don't have to touch them." She handed it to him as her body flinched to the pain. "The faster we do it, the quicker you no longer have to see it." You could tell how weak her heart was as she practically whispered the last words, she knew it was hard for him to look at her, but she thought that if she had him help heal her the pain would be less for him in the long run.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alex followed her directions. He managed to secure the bandages well; he was nothing if not a quick learner. Once he was done he looked at her, his pain obvious on his face. I wish you hadn't done that, but more than that I wish I had had the sense to stop you. I should have known you weren't ready yet." He was on the verge of breaking down again, and all he wanted to do was hold her close and tell her he was sorry and that he loved her, but he knew that he would hurt her by touching her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She couldn't look at him as he spoke, the pain in her body was enough to fall in between consciousness but she couldn't take anymore emotional pain than to look in his eyes and know it hurts him to see her like this. "We can't fix this, nor can we go back." She kept her eyes low, looking at the new bandages that covered her, making her look somewhat normal again. "Who knew so much pain could make you feel so lonely." She whispered to him while she easily began to cry. "I just want you to hold me." She whimpered as the tears overflowed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alex almost took her in his arms then, wanting to ignore his mind's warning, but managed to hold onto his reason. "We can never rewrite the past," He said, putting her hands on either side of her neck above the bandages. "We can only learn from what mistakes we have made, and live on into the future." He leaned close and kissed her forehead. "In the morning I should have enough strength to try healing you again, and at the very least it will cut a week off your recovery time. You'll be back in my arms before you know it, I promise." He swallowed his pain and smiled encouragingly, wanting nothing more now than to give her hope.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She wanted to reach up and caress his hands that held her neck gently, such a vulnerable place to allow someone to show affection. She closed her eyes, inhaled and exhaled deeply, enjoying his closeness and warmth. Yet she wanted so much more than a kiss on the forehead or his hands on her neck, she wanted to be ravished in his affection this distance will be treacherous. "We won't... because you will train me." It wasn't demanding, nor did she make the decision herself but she knew that he would want to be the one to train her when it comes time and if she was to survive she would have to learn how to fight. She leaned herself in and let her head fall against his shoulder, keeping the space between them from her torso. "The pain is too much, I want to go back to sleep." She closed her eyes and quickly began to drift back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alex led her over to the bed gently, helping her lay down before joining her. This time he kept a small distance between them, not wanting to open her wounds again. "For now you are my princess, but soon I will teach you to fight. Then this won't happen again." He tried not to think about what might happen to her if he taught her to fight, and could only pray it didn't change her too much.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She winced as he carried her to the bed, but the soft cushion against her made her body relax and created less tension in her wounded muscles. She relaxed even more when he laid down next to her. She put her head closer to him and smiled in to his unique eyes and felt herself get lost in them before they finally closed out of exhaustion. "I'll always be your princess." She said softly as her head slowly fell limp and was forced in to another coma like sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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No... not again...

Kryon winced in his sleep as flames danced within his dreams. It was his nightmares come to haunt him once more. He was back in the school building where it had all went wrong. Flames surrounded him as they exploded uncontrollably from his body, engulfing everything around him that it could reach, The heat was unbearable, and the smoke was enough to suffocate anyone within it. All the while, all he could do was stare helplessly across the room as a young girl struggled for life, the fear evident in her eyes as she realized she wasnt going to make it from this. "Serrah!" yelled Kyron, trying to lift the fallen supports that blocked his path to her vainly. "SERRAH!!"

She looked at him with a solemn look, a look of acceptance to the death she saw coming. "Goodbye Kyron... I will miss you..." and as she said that, the rest of the building collapled...

Kyron awoke with a jolt, gripping tight to the body that lay over him. He bit his lower lip to stop himself from screaming out, and took a few quick and deep breaths to slow his racing heart.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline held Kyron's face in her hands as he shook in his sleep, trying to wake him up. All of a sudden he gripped her tight and held her, panting. "Kyron..." She said softly, not saying anything about the name he was mumbling in his sleep. "Kyron, it's alright. You're safe now." She slid her arms around his back and rested her head on his shoulder, pressing her cheek against his neck. "You're alright."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Kyron blinked away the tears as he held onto Caroline, listening to her gentle words as she held onto him so comfortingly. His deep breaths finally receded, and his grip became more gentle as he lightly brushed his thumb along the skin of her back. "Im sorry I woke you" he said quietly, kissing her shoulder a few times before laying his head back down, feeling her body against his.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline couldn't help but laugh as his face touched her neck. "Hey, that tickles. I'm trying to be serious here." She lifted her head and looked into his eyes for a second, then lowered herself to kiss him. "You're here with me now, right? You're ok?" She asked when they broke, concern in her eyes. "I don't want to pry, but I'm here for you if you want to talk."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Kyron looked into Carolines eyes and smiled gently, brushing the hair hanging over her face with his thumb. He couldnt help but admire how beautiful she was. "I am fine, no need to worry about me" he said with a thankful tone. "It was just a nightmare, nothing to talk about."

He pulled her back in for another kiss to ease her mind, showing her that what happened was not worth talking about... or at least he didnt want to talk about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline smiled, settling back down onto his chest. "Well, now what? I know I'm not going to get back to sleep now." She absently trailed a finger down his arm. "We could just lie here for the next few hours, but I feel like I should be doing something, and if Alex knew we were like this he might kill you on the spot." She chuckled and turned her head so she could kiss his cheek. "So maybe we should get up for a while?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Kyron smiled and nodded "How about we get to that damn cave finally?" he said with a chuckle, followed by a growl from his stomach. "Well... maybe after some food. Plus since you reminded me, I need to speak with Alex anyway, so maybe we could catch him at the cafeteria." he said as he playfully tipped her over and off of him back onto the bed, sitting up and stretching, letting out a yawn as he did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"I think he's back in his room, taking care of Nyx. We won't be able to talk to him until he comes back out. He's pretty paranoid about people getting into his room." Caroline looked for her shirt and put it on. As soon as she did, she wanted it off again, she wanted to lay in bed with him forever, just talking with him and kissing him, but she knew she had to get up. Sighing, she pulled her hair out of the shirt collar and leaned against the wall, waiting for him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Kyron got up and walked to his suitcase where he pulled out a change of clothes to dress into so he wasnt walking in his pajamas. He pulled on a pair of pants and a plain black t shirt and slipped on his shoes before turning back to her. "Right. Well since I lost against him I am supposed to meet with him for a control lesson. Need to know when he was planning to do that."

Of course he didnt exactly bet on it, but after some thinking he realized that Alex was the best shot at ever getting his Viper power under control. He walked over and grabbed her hand, pulling her off the wall and together they walked to the cafeteria. After some thinking, he asked Caroline, "So... considering that I just had a huge brawl with your older brother... what is he going to say about... us?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline laughed and pulled him closer to her. "If my brother was fighting you for real, you wouldn't have gotten away with just a broken rib. Remember Z? I found out yesterday that my brother beat him to a pulp for some off color comments he made about Nyx, and at the end he was cradling a broken nose. I bet Alex only fought you so he could get your attention." She bounced up and kissed his cheek. "I bet a couple of those sessions with him and he'll already think of you as his little brother."
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