Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wonderful_wolf_wizard


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(ignore this post, I meant to post in the ooc, I'm really sorry, I can't figure out how, if I can, to delete this post)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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wonderful_wolf_wizard said
Mason smiled as she bumped him and started running forward. He followed suit, using his Lucen and Viper powers to propel him forward, in a similar manner to a hovercraft.

When they got to the dorms she stopped and waited for him to do so as well, she started to look around with a small smile on her face. "Nice, isn't it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wonderful_wolf_wizard


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"Wow" Mason said, surprisingly without a pause. "This place is awesome. How many extra rooms are there?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emmeltine18


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“Oh yeah, ‘cos I’m totally not focussing on setting these logs on fire” Cassandra replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm. She was about to try again when a flame shot through the door and straight into the fireplace, setting the logs alight. “Hey, that’s not fair! I was gonna try again!” She ran to the doorway to see where the source had come from and managed to catch a look at the boy before he disappeared around the corner.

“Hmmph!” she pouted, going back to the room and dumping herself onto the floor by the fire. “How am I supposed to learn if someone does it for me?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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After that little scenario with the guy passing out in front of him, Austin walked out the rec room. He didn't even glance at the others. He walked towards the dorms, looking around slightly before heading to the one with as little people as possible. He walked inside, glancing around briefly, before walking to the individual rooms. After looking a little bit, he quickly chose one towards the end of the hall. He looked around and walked inside. He didn't want to deal with people, especially those that are stupid and annoying like that guy. He sat down cross legged, hands resting on his thighs, sitting in perfect posture. He then began relaxing his body, removing tension from his body, and calming his mind. He was mediating. It helped him handle his powers, and kept him calmer then he would be. Unknown to him, fire and earth began to spin around his body in two different spirals. His mark began to grow slightly, spreading out and down his nose slightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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"Well, maybe that guy was trying to teach by example." Ryan smirked as he pondered Cassandra's unique situation. It was strange that she didn't have much control over her powers... everyone else seemed to manipulate the elements well. "Maybe we should start with something basic. Maybe you should try burning paper? It catches fire more easily than those logs will."

"Just try and make a small flame again. Maybe if you keep practicing, you'll be able to make a bigger flame. Just stay positive. If you keep telling yourself that you can't do it, you won't be able to do it, simple as that." While Ryan was fine with sitting here and trying to help Cass with her fire manipulation, he really wished there was someone who was actually a viper that could offer advice as well, they'd have more experience in this subject...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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wonderful_wolf_wizard said
"Wow" Mason said, surprisingly without a pause. "This place is awesome. How many extra rooms are there?"

"Not sure, I haven't explored much." Forest shrugged and started to walk through all of the cabins. "Which one do you want?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wonderful_wolf_wizard


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"Uh... I'll just pick this one." Mason indicated one of the middle ones after a decent length pause. "Er.. if no one already occupies it?" He finished questioningly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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"Check, I will use my excuse one last time. I don't know much." Forest replied with a sigh as she started to pace. "It doesn't help if you don't do it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wonderful_wolf_wizard


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"Oh... OK, I'll check then." Mason strode over to the door and opened it, somewhat timidly. Seeing no one in side he walked in. He dropped his stuff onto the bed and walked out. "Um, what should we do?" Mason inquired.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Forest joined him in the dorm and with a smile fell on the couch. "I'm not sure, what should we do? We can explore, I can help you get things set up."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emmeltine18


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Cassie made the tiny flame appear in her palm once again and made it dance among her fingertips. “I’m glad you’re helping me, if a Viper was helping then I think they’d judge me a lot more than you. Making fire isn’t difficult; I used to be good at it. It’s the controlling that’s hard...”

“Water on the other hand, I have no experience with. It freaked my parents out so they never let me use it. I’d probably be okay with it once I get some practice” She put the flame out by closing her hand, when she reopened it, there were a few beads of water sliding slowly from her palm down to her wrist. “Woah!” she jumped up suddenly, almost falling over in the process. “I can make water appear! Woo!” She concentrated harder, and the beads joined together in the centre of her palm, forming a bubble of water. It slowly got bigger and began to wobble. Cassie tried to catch Ryan’s eye but in the process accidently dropped the water and it splashed all over her feet. “That was cool” she stated. “See, I’m better at my secondary element than my first already, what the hell is that all about?”

She made the flame reappear. “See, I can make this tiny flame dance all over my hand where ever I want. But if I try to make it any bigger, or set anything on fire, it just doesn’t work! It’s like a mind block... I mean yeah, there was an incident years ago, but I’m trying to let it go!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Incident? Hmm...

Cass could manipulate water just fine. That didn't seem to be a problem. Maybe all of this second guessing and low self esteem was from that incident she had years ago? It was very possible. Perhaps something happened while trying to manipulate fire... probably something really bad. Maybe she felt like something similar would happen again.. and even if she felt like she was letting it go, her mind might be stopping her subconsciously because of that event. Either way, Ryan had to make sure he wasn't too hasty. Cass had to learn to trust herself with her powers again, and if he pried a bit too fast, that could possibly never happen.

Ryan let a gentle breeze flow through the room, and the water slowly started to dry up. "Cass... You mind talking about what happened years ago? If you don't want to, I'm fine with that too. Only tell me if you feel like you want to."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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There is a call over a loud intercom but the words are clear enough to understand: Each fledging is required to attend the South building in 10 minutes.

The room is so large that four football size arenas are spread amongst the place illuminated in their elemental colors.

White: Lucen
Red: Viper
Blue: Elpis
Green: Phorros
A row of different colored suits are elevated in the air with each of your names on them with your insignia sewed on the left breast.
Male suit:
Female Suits

Once you arrive, Z is standing on top of a platform where the rest of you gather.

“Each suit has the same insignia as your marking, the colors on your uniforms match the two elements you represent. They are specially designed suits to be durable enough for you to you both elements. This will be your combat training uniform and must be warn inside the South building under all circumstances.
You will start by practicing by your odd element, your even element is the element you grew up with. So we are going to start you with the most unfamiliar side to get you balanced.
If you are beginning as a Viper, your training will be against Elpis since that is your opponent element, as well as Elpis with Viper, Phorros with Lucen. You must start from the lowest point to become stronger. Some of you will fail today, some of you will fail till you die and some of you will… Just die.
You will begin your own training, figure out your own tactics because we can only guide you, once you master against one element you will move on to the next until you will then face your own element. You will try to kill each other and some of you will not survive.. You will start with solo fighting, learn the basics of your odd elements.. Good luck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wonderful_wolf_wizard


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CallaLily180 said
Forest joined him in the dorm and with a smile fell on the couch. "I'm not sure, what should we do? We can explore, I can help you get things set up."

"Oh, well nevermind, I guess we don't have a choice." Mason forced a grin, "It can't be that bad."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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Nessie silently listened to Z. She didn't move when everyone else did, instead, she stayed where she was in the corner, and tried to make herself as small as possible. Eventually though, she got up, and moved to the dorms, staying close to the walls, not looking up, looking at her feet. She moved as silently as she could, trying not to draw attention to herself, just trying to stay hidden. She came across the dorm rooms, and seeing number 43 already occupied, she bypassed it, and found an empty one. At least she hoped it was empty. She threw her stuff on the floor beside the bed, curled up on the bed, and started to cry.

she forgot that she had left the dorm door open, in her grief, she missed her brothers so much, and her father. She wanted to be home, not here among all these strangers, where she would just be another wall flower, or their play thing. At least with her brothers, she knew who they were, what they wanted, and could just be herself with them.

She sighed when they were requested to \gather once more, and listened in horror as Z spoke once more. She had no idea how to fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emmeltine18


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“I guess I’ve been wanting to, so I can explain why my fire manipulation is so bad” Cassandra cringed. She didn’t want to sound like an attention seeker, but she hadn’t told anyone before and something about Ryan made her want to tell.

“I used to be really good at creating fire, but not controlling it. One day, my brothers and I were in my room having a competition of who could make the biggest fireball in their palm. It started out fun, my brothers were younger, therefore they were weaker and I could win easily. When they couldn’t make it theirs any bigger, the flames simply died out, as if starved of oxygen. My brothers were getting over excited about mine, yelling and whooping and encouraging me to increase the size of the flames. So I did. I was getting so giddy, I hadn’t known how powerful holding flames could make you feel...

I started to lose control and I knew it was happening, but I couldn’t stop it. I panicked and tried to get rid of it by absorbing all the energy. It worked at first, but I realised I wasn’t strong enough to hold it all. I could feel it burning inside of me and I screamed at my brothers to get out. I must have scared them because they did as they were told and just in time too! All that wild energy burst out of me and the entire house went up in flames. I was so scared. My parents and uncle were outside and they managed to get the fire under control. I had a lucky escape, my hair was burnt off but I only have burn scars on my back. They’re in a kind of pattern, though I’m not sure if the pattern means anything. My uncle has scars down one side of his body though, from trying to control the flames and carry me out of the house... Most of our belongings were saved though, thanks to the adults. The house was saved too, after a bit of work to fix a few things.”

Cassandra shrugged, her eyes started to glisten, but she ignored it hoping Ryan wouldn’t notice. “There, now you know.” Before Ryan could respond, there was a voice over the intercom system.”Each fledgling is required to attend the South building in ten minutes.”

“We better head on over there” Cassie told Ryan, standing up and waiting for him by the door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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(I would like the middle suit.)
Forest took her suit with a small smile as she moved to a corner and face it, as soon she saw the small insignia of her sun on the suit her smile grew wide and it is as if a feeling of power goes through her. This was what she was good for. Forest threw on the suit as quickly as she could, the fabric feels soft and stretchy against her slightly delicate skin.

As Forest walked back over to the others she felt a small sense of pride, sizing up the other opponents she felt confident that I can be a victor in one of the many cases. Yet as she watched them her pride started to falter...how many of the others had experience? Some may even be in teams...would that matter though? What were the other rules? Are we supposed to kill each other? These thoughts were the only ones racing through her head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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Nyx couldn't help but chew her lip, she could feel the nervous energy in the room but she was more anxious than anything. She would be using fire which she was never allowed to use before, her stomach turned over and over but all she could do is look from her suit to the glowing red arena that just screamed at her. Using fire made her feel alive, dangerous but beautiful at the same time. She almost leaped for her suit when Z finished his hardcore quake over death and what not. She tried not to look to excited as she obviously fast walked in to the changing room to go out in the arena.

She didn't pay attention to the people around her, she knew exactly how quick she could be at this and new she learned quickly. It was never about the size, it was the bond you had with their elements and her bond with viper was intense. She could feel the heat raging inside of her as she slid in to her suit, pulling her long pink hair back in to a tight poinytail and made her way out and in to the entrance of the Viper arena with a smile on her face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wonderful_wolf_wizard


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Mason followed his new friend, Forest, out towards the southern end of the building. Hopefully I don't embarrass myself out there! When he arrived he quickly found his suit, red and white, for viper and lucen. I guess I'll be over in the lucen side, since that is my weaker power. with this thought in mind Mason walked over to the white area of the training hall. He, as an afterthought, put on his suit, and waited.
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