Ellri said
Ok, revised the stuff and added the virtues.Still not sure what to stick in humanity/willpower, though. Could one of you help with figuring that out, based on the virtue point distribution?You noticed the reference to Fishmalk, did ya?Will add the derangement description soon.
If you have a Conscience of 1 and a Self Control of 4 then you have a Humanity of 5. With a Courage of 5, your initial Willpower is 5. As Bad Wolf said you add the values of the following together to get Humanity/Willpower:
Bad Wolf said
Humanity = Conscience + Self-Control
Willpower = Courage
That's how you get those two stats.
Remember, your virtues start at one not zero.
And I was wondering if this Malk was designed specifically to fit the Fishmalk stereotype.