Race: Elf
Country of Birth:Sear
Country of Origin:Sear
Blue has always
Bio:Blue doesn't have a very long bio. Comes with being a orphan.
At birth Blue even had a strong elemental bond to electricity. So much so that her mother died giving birth do to mass exposure a natural shock she accidentally creates. She was quickly given to another women after birth, and then set out on the streets before she was 20. She made it threw do to generosity, stealing, and finding the occasional orphanage before she was kicked out. When she was around 40 when she had gotten in trouble for accidentally shocking someone, and causing them to chase her down the street. Eventually Blue was protected by a human knight who was rational enough to listen to both sides. Mostly because he thought a child couldn't use magic that created lightning. After he took her in by the guards orders if he didn't want her persecuted. Though this was short lived as she viewed the king forcing her to be trained by the mages, as just using her as a weapon.
Personality:She is outwardly introverted. She is more then willing to talk, as long as it's not about herself, and can not answer questions very well. Her greatest strengths in her personality Yet her rash anger, and xenophobia are obvious flaws. Not being around people much makes her a bit eccentric, and oddly truthful.
Combat Skills:She can cast a lightning bolt, a static field around her and create a sonic wave clap.She may not know much more then the basic spell, but she can cast them a lot due to her affiliation with lightning.
Adventuring & Survival Skills: What do you mean by hunt?
Other Skills: She has a good long distance run, that's about as high as her sprinting speed. Whether it's sad or amazing you figure it out.
Reason for traveling:Trying to find a place where she won't be used as a weapon..
I'm on quite often.