Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kautalya
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Member Seen 25 days ago


Nakamura moaned from the shining sun-light against her face, wondering how long she had been sleeping. She blinked, shut her eyes and blinked again.
Finally, she manged to fully open her eyes. "Uaaagh." She grumbled, stumbling to get up. She walked towards her bathroom and noticed a sea slug. She grabbed it and checked it's belly. "Red.." She mumbled, planting a smile on her face. "A red bellied sea slug! I found a rare sea slug!" Nakamura set the slug on her bathtub and smiled. "I'll talk to you later!" She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She was attending a new academy today. Apparently, her middle school has shut down and now she had to attend the surface school. How exciting is that? She quickly brushed her teeth and combed her hair.
Nakamura walked back inside her room and wore her own middle school uniform. She still hadn't received the Mihama Middle school uniforms, so she had been told to wear her own schools uniform. Before heading out, Nakamura grabbed a blue scrunchy and smiled excitedly. Words couldn't describe how excited she was to meet the surface people.
Nakamura stuffed a toast inside her mouth, quickly eating it. Her father waved at her and announcing to have a nice day. Nakamura nodded, "I'm leaving!" She yelled closing the door behind and looked blankly ahead. She was experiencing fishes swimming pass her as she admired the view. Everybody from the sea village stumbled upon her and greeted her like every morning. Nakamura jumped up and wiggled her feet to swim towards the surface.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Edel slept in, and rather late. She slowly rose from her bed and sat there for a moment, wondering why she had gotten up. "Hmmm..." She let out a light grumble as she stretched and laid back down, slowly falling back to sleep. Edelweiss's mother went into her room and woke her up herself, causing Edel to flinch awake. "Oh... Yeah... School." She laughed in that quiet voice of hers and got out of bed, she thanked her mother for waking her up.

The girl's usual morning routine consisted of her falling asleep many times while trying to do normal things(Such as brushing her hair). Edelweiss skipped breakfast, already knowing that she would be late and changed into her uniform. Her blonde hair spiraled into two short curls, but the back of her hair was rather messy, some strands stuck out, but that didn't matter to Edel very much.

Oh... That's right, Edel was going to a different school today, the one underwater closed down... Haha, peculiar.
The petite slowpoke finally made it out the door, just in time to see Nakamura swim to the surface. "Waaaiiit~" She whimpered swimming her way towards her schoolmate."I wanna... Go to the surface with you..." Where were they going again? Oh yeah, school.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by cnash1303


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Miz took a deep breathe. The ocean smelled amazing, he loved it. He would wake up hours before school each morning and watch the waves bring in the morning and the salty breeze filled his lungs. "Who needs coffee" he thought to himself. He threw his shirt on the ground and swam deep into the ocean. He was never afraid of the waves or the current, and was an amazing swimmer. He heard his watch beep, that meant he needed to get out. "Hmm..only a few minutes, I will have to wake up earlier tomorrow" he thought as him swam toward shore. He picked up his shirt and went inside.

Breakfast was on the table and he ate it quickly before grabbing his bag, he figured he could dry off in the sun along the way and change into his uniform at school. He waved goodbye to his mother with a piece of toast in his mouth and started the walk to school. The day was amazing, especially in the early morning when it was the perfect temperature outside, though there was a slight chill since he was soaking wet. He got to school and looked at the sign outside, there were families dropping their kids off and people holding signs that said "Keep the Scum out" and "Fish belong in the seas" on them.

"What's going on?" Miz asked a student who happened to be walking beside him.
"Haven't you heard, the ocean people are going to be coming to our school now?"

This was the first he had heard of it. His parents probably didn't mention it because they didn't feel like it was important, he was always taught to treat people the same no matter where they were born. Still..he couldn't help but think the people outside may need to learn that lesson themselves.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kuro woke up from his bed. He had a set Alarm clock on his mind. His Parent's already had breakfast ready on the table. He went to the bathroom. He got dressed and brushed his teeth. He walked out of the bathroom amd remembered that his old middle school had closed and that he was going to go to a surface school. He finally got to meet the Surface People, his parents told him that they might harm him or something and to be careful.

-"Finally a new day, a new school! Aim for 100 friends! Yes!" Kuro said with enthusiasm.

He ate his breakfast, said his goodbyes and walked to school. He saw two girls so he walked to them in hope of making Friends.

-"Hey there, mind if I join you?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kautalya
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Member Seen 25 days ago

A small voice called out and had caught Nakamura's attention. "Edel!" She called out waving to her. "Aren't you excited? We're finally going to meet the surface people!" She announced, and continued. "I wonder how many friends we'll be able to make!" She nodded in return to Edel's statement. "Of course you can go the surface with me! We're already there!"
Before Nakamura reached the step of a small steep. She heard a voice calling out to them. She let her body float in the water as she waved at the young boy.
"Hey there, mind if I join you?"
The young boy asked, Nakamura nodded and pointed ahead. "We were just leaving! Come tag along buddy!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

-"Alright! 100 Friends!" Kuro said.

He accidentally blurted out his goal and started blushing. He began to float up and reached the two girls. They reached the Surface Kuro got out of the water.

-"Amazing, I've heard stories of this place, My mother is from here, So I'm practically Half Sea half Surface, My name is Kurokowa Flamel, but you can call me Kuro, nice to meet you, What might you're names be?" Kuro asked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Already... There?" Edelweiss's head popped out of the water, her blue eyes scanned the area, her expression was filled with awe and wonder. "It's so big!" She exclaimed as she took in her first few breaths of air that flowed from the surface. "It feels wonderful!" The girl's energy increased tremendously as she got onto the shore, waiting for her schoolmates to catch up. Her knees felt weak, but Edel knew she would have to get used to this soon.

It was so amazing to be on land! So many sights, smells, and sounds. It was absolutely wonderful. "I..." Edel spoke up slightly, trying to get the attention of her Sea Dwelling friends, "Where are we going again?" Her energy drained quickly and she soon morphed back into her gentle and slow personality. "Oh! My name is uhm..." The poor girl had forgotten her name again. "Wait... I got this, just give me a moment. It's uhm... Edelweiss! Edelweiss Smithens!" She clasped her hands together happily. Edelweiss knew mostly everyone that dwelled in the Ocean, and was friends with quite a few members of the group that slowly began collecting of the shore.

The picketers were rather close to the shore, which didn't seem to catch the small group's attention. Edelweiss turned her head to the side and stared quizzically at them; They looked upset, why did they not want us here? Edel frowned slightly at this, the land dwellers let out so much negativity.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jack's day was no different than it usually was. Get ready for school, go to school, go home, sleep, and repeat. He started out by getting new clothes on, that was generally the first thing. Hygiene was next, followed by food. He'd then throw in a couple pieces of paper and a few pens into his backpack along with a couple books to make it look like he was prepared for school. Then, he'd walk to where he needed to go. It wasn't too long of a walk, and the exercise helped him wake up. He made extra sure to avoid any street that went near the ocean, so he didn't see the peculiar sight of people coming out of the ocean. He had his earphones in as well, so he couldn't hear anyone. Luckily, there weren't many people out yet, and he knew the route so well he didn't have to worry about running into things.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Karisma
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Konno Risa
Today was the day. The day that Konno both dreaded and couldn't wait for; transfers from the sea village were arriving at her school. Of course, she wouldn't mingle out right with such people, but instead slowly ease her way in. Maybe make one of them my personal minion. She giggled at the thought of that, mentally giving herself a thumbs up. "I can have them calling me 'Your grace,'" She cheered and proceeded to curtsy and offer her hand as if waiting for her prince charming to kiss it, "My Goddess? My lady?" She said, as she broke eye contact with her imaginary servant. "The possibilities are endless."

Her thoughts were interrupted by the view of her school. She looked down at her watch, then back up at the school again. "Sheesh, I'm extremely early."

Theo Hammond
"No....No....nonononononononooooooo!" Theo's voice boomed in all directions as he rushed out of his house. Now, this wasn't your typical high school student scene, rushing with a piece of toast in his mouth. Instead, we see Theo doing a messy butterfly stroke, swimming faster than the school of fish next to him. Today was the day he would see the surface, without needing to infiltrate it too! He couldn't possibly miss his chance. His bookbag trailed behind him, picking up stray algae and most likely destroying the livelihood of the smaller creatures. "Oh Poseidon!" He swore, flapping and flailing his arms in sync with his legs. Until finally he reached the very top. He looked up at the sun's position, but then remembered he didn't know how to tell time from just staring at the sun. Instead, he look over at the edge of the water, and assumed he was safe. He saw a group of kids that he most certainly recognized. "Heeeeyy!!" He called out, edging closer to them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Taeyeon looked at the time putting on her school uniform as she swam out of her room going to her father and kissing him on the cheek. "Sorry dad! I am sooo late, I do not want to be late to go to school. I am never late!" she nodded to herself giving him a quick hug as she opened her house door and swam out of her house into the surface, she had to swim fast. "Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming." she said to herself swimming as suddenly she was in the surface, she popped her head out and swam to the shore. She wasn't so used to be in land or anything but she had to get used to it. Her legs shooked a little but she didn't care. The sight of the land was the most beautiful thing that she has ever seen! And the smell, wow. Taeyeon looked around seeing her classmates waiving at them and walking towards Eldel. "Heeeey!~"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nehelenia


Member Offline since relaunch

Nessa was awake before her alarm clock went off, the excitement about going to school had woken her up. She turned it off as it came on and she hoped out of bed. She went to the bathroom to brush out her long black hair before tying it up in a ponytail with a turquoise ribbon. Once she had put on her school uniform which consisted of a dark brown skirt, a white blouse trimmed with dark brown,a light brown coat and an orange scarf, she headed downstairs to eat breakfast with her little sister. They were done soon enough and were both ready to go. They took their lunches from the counter where their mom had left it before she had gone to work and headed out to their bikes. Nessa put her satchel with her school things in the basket at the front of it along with her lunch and began leading the way to her sister's school.

She was now on her way to her own school now, her sister safe at hers. She had heard that the ocean people were going to be at her school now and she was curious as to what they were going to be like. She had nothing against them, but she wondered why they would live in the water when humans were fine on land, and why they needed to go to her school. She told herself to try not to judge them but she knew that may be hard for her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kautalya
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Member Seen 25 days ago

Nakamura smiled brightly. "We're here!" She announced, opening her arms widely. "Mihami Middle school, here I come!" She shouted, proudly shoving her fist in the air. She finally knew that this was her moment to shine. To make more friends and appreciate them. She giggled, "Edel, we're going to school, dummy!" She said jokingly, punching Edel's back softly. "Ah yuh, I'm Nakamura! Nakamura Kiyo, but you can just call me Ko." She nodded proudly.
Nakamura stared straight at Miahami Middle school surprised to see that many people. "Are they here to welcome us? Come on let's say thank you!" She suggested dashing ahead of them. "Weeee." Almost tripping, Nakamura stopped to notice something. They weren't being nice. They held up signs telling them rude things. Nakamura's eyes widen at this sight but continued to smile. She pointed at them, "ruderuderuderude!" She yelled, as they stared at her. In disgust. Her face flushed with red. She stepped back and bowed. "Sorry!" After apologizing she dashed inside the school, panting nonstop.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Ooh yeaaaah, school." Edelweiss chuckled lightly when Nakamura threw a soft punch at her. The two were well acquainted, so Edel was rather used to the playful gestures.
"Oh, good morning." Edel greeted Tayeon but was soon interrupted by Nakamura's sudden behavior.

She watched as her friend ran off embarrassed, leaving the group behind. "Wait... I wanna come with you~" Edelweiss lazily followed behind with a light jog, which was too much for her to handle. She flimsily threw her arms around already exhausted from the running, pretty soon the two were quite a distance away from one another, but Edel attempted to press on. "I'm so..." She muttered in between pants, "Tired!"
The petite sea dweller stopped to take a breather, she placed her hands on her knees and caught her breath. The girl was away from the group, and has now lost sight of Nakamura. "I faiiilllleeed..." Edel whimpered.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jack was listening to one of his favorite rock songs as he was walking towards the school. It would have been the start to an okay day if he hadn't walked right into the girl ((Edel)). The nerve of some people! Not knowing to stay out of his way was the epitome of rudeness to him. "Watch where you're going, idiot!" He said, throwing his hands to the air in disgust.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Edelweiss toppled over like a rock, she could see her life flashing before her eyes as her face came into contact with the cement. What in the world? The girl sat up and rubbed her cheek, thankfully she wasn't bleeding.
"I'm sorry..." She let out a small laugh and stood back up, the sudden fall didn't seem to phase her. Edel turned around to stare at the boy, who of course was a land dweller. My, people who lived on the surface appeared to be very rude.
"Hmmm..." Edel stared at him quizzically, "What was I doing again?" She rubbed her chin, "I forgot." The girl let out another whimper, which was followed by a question, "Who are you?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jack didn't respond, merely ignoring her and walking towards the school as if nothing had happened. Inside, he was fuming. He already didn't like this girl. She was extremely annoying. He put the earphones back inside his ears, as they had fallen out during the collision. Now, even if he was going to pay attention, he couldn't hear her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Taeyeon smiled at Edel. "Haha, stop being so lazy silly!~" she giggled at Edel's lazyness and tiredness, it seemed that she must have not slept well last night. Tayeon turned her head seeing Nakamura running towards the school, Edel jogged after her and Tae decided to follow them. "Heeeey! Wait for me. Im a slow runner!" Tayeon said her sky blue hair swaying side to side as she ran and saw a guy bumping into Edel and him being so rude to her, it seemed that he was a land person. Ugh they are just so rude sometimes. "Hey! She is not an idiot..." Tae yelled nervously not wanting to get into trouble her cheek blushing as she yelled. It wasnt like her to yell at others but he was hurting her friend's feelings.

"Come on, or we will be late." She smiled at Edel. "And are you okay? Forget about that boy, he is a mean guy..." she sighed looking around and then back at Edel. "Come on!~" she grabbed Edel's hand dragging her to school with her but nothing mean or anything just trying to help a friend and so they wont be late.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by cnash1303


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Miz saw the incident from afar. It seemed that a young man bumped into a girl and almost knocked her over and then yelled at her...He wondered if it was simply because she was a sea dweller..."Hmm...why all the rivalry?" he thought to himself. His face must have showed it too because an older man, a teacher from the looks of it who was standing close to him said "It'll take some getting used to."

The girl was beautiful. That is what made it so hard to understand...why would someone be so mean to someone just because they came from the ocean. If it was a land dweller and he had bumped into her he would be apologizing right and left and probably fumbling his words because of confrontation with such a pretty girl...yet one thing made her unattractive.

He thought about going over and talking to the girl but before he could get the chance she was being drug away by another girl...hmm...maybe things will get better after people get settled in.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The boy simply walked off! How could they be so rude to her? This made Edel confused, but she ignored that feeling when Taeyon had arrived and dragged her away.
She couldn't keep up with her friend, her jog was far too slow, so Edel allowed Taeyon to fling her around like a rag doll.
Edel caught a slight glimpse from someone quite a ways away, they appeared to have seen what happened. For now, she ignored that as well.

As the two got closer to the school, Edelweiss got a good look of how lovely it looked. She saw students- mostly people from the surface- all flocking to the large building. She slowed down and loosened her grip on Taeyon's hand, Edel could jog alongside Taeyon from here and Nakamura was most likely waiting for them at the school. Her slow jog made her fall slightly behind, but Edel was persistent to not get left behind again.

Finally, she stepped past the school gates and let out a long and exhausted cry, "I'm tired!" Edel yet again was gasping for air.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kuro was day-dreaming of the land. He suddenly snapped out of it when he saw Taeyeon and Edel.

-'No, No, No, No. Why'd she have to come now..No, I can't let her know.' Kuro began walking in circles.

He then decided to walk alone, thinking of what to do. He became confused, and had mixed feelings every time he saw Taeyeon. He looked at the surface people, what was the Difference between them. They were both Humans, he didn't understand and decided not to think more about the situation.
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