Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Belzeneff Black
Bellona Valentia Black
Valiant Dionte Mancini
Valyn Dionysus Mancini
Valente Mancini
Valentine Mancini
Valora Kristabelle Mancini
Valentiano Kristoforo Mancini
Valor Mancini || Criminal Nova
Valerik Mancini
Valtreks Mancini
Valroya Mancini
Illias Valserys de Montisqueu
Illiana Valorris de Montisquieu
Valdeimos Mancini
Valencino Morgen Mancini
Valancy Morgana Mancini

Vallix Mancini
Vallis Mancini
Valereon Mancini
Valerio Mancini
Valcyon Mancini
Valiance Mancini
Raani Rixore || Valrose Mancini
Valstell Mancini
Valhero Mancini
Valexander Mancini
Valalee Mancini
Valenna Mancini
Ambroise Sanna || Valerius Mancini
Belladon Black
Belladonna Black
Bellerophon Black
Belisario Black
Belshazzar Black
Belvedere Black
Bellarino Black

Belial Black
Bellakane Black
Furei Justus || Bellissiah Black
Bell Tyyrell
Beleon Black|| Leon Cherie|| Paravel Barrastian
Leeland Everlark
Pemperknackle Leonarto Abernathy
Pempan Leocadia Abernathy
Pempal Abernathy
Pemmels Abernathy
Pemberly Abernathy
Angeles Apollos || Seraphion Grabeel
Angiel Apollos || Abiel Aristarr
Angelic Apollos
Angelexis Apollos || Amesha Pahalia
Demarcus Lutece
Demetrios Lutece
Lucifer Hyperion
Persephone Hyperion
Lucifel Hyperion || Tapioco
Lucina Hyperion
Lucian Hyperion
Hades Hyperion
Jenessa Rasiel
Jenissi Rasiel
Symphora Lavender Zylan

Symphony Zylan
Judicael Yulia
Stannis Degenesis
Leondra Cherie
Flaery Aliana Suga
Flarence Alixandre Suga
Flarynn Suga
Cecima Batel
Diomira Arella Solae
Dionisio Areat Solae
Dior Solae
Lavelle Lee
Lavana Lee
Petren Shantos Sudlenkov
Shandai Petrizono Xuen
Petrios Sudlenkov || Peppa Jack
Trowa Lancaster
Krizzly Glenadade
Weruweru Taiga
Deeandra Rosaura Martell

Deianira Tyyrell
Aelita Mory
Leela Everlark
Sofia Amara
Ambrosiya Sanna
Amerii Pahaliah
Amery Pahaliah
Amecca Pahaliah
Raava Rixore
Edel Gwrtheyrn
Abigail Aristarr
Aurelia Zolnerowich
Furaha Hiyam Justus
Furea Hiyori Justus
Trolanka Lancaster
Madiana Badiyanu
Cordelia Severa
Rouge Menasseh
Marigold Philonoe
Evelina Cherubia
Charlotte Daisily
Kala Kerjak

Satanic Nekromanci
Madriel Badiyanu
Kyron Vladimir
Kyrie Valdimir
Barayas Raye
Klava Mioska
Radomus Cedara
Tytos Nahkti
Absolon Panettiere
Destrinnian Renegade
Grigori Brujan
Noem Siran || Adonis Ludo
Taiana Lynn
Ororo Cura
Belphegor Black
Belzebub Black
Belantino Black
Bellarose Black
Symphonia Zylan
Symphaerie Zylan

Viloftiras Valjean
Valdmar Shakkir Mancini
Valkyrie Shari Mancini
Evanrosa Rytheir
Louelle Cavicchi
Blanchenfleur Percival
Ervin Hollick
Miranda Eschiavelle
Satanist Arego Nekromanci
Satanni Arenetta Nekromanci
Angelica Evelynn Apollos
Gino Haruzuiha
Valhallen Mancini
Isaiah Andronica
Belmarie Black
Belizano Faize Black
Angelveion Apollos
Thanatos Azazel Hyperion
Valhalla Mancini
Demostenes Lutece
Pemendree Abernathy
Satan Neckromanci

Mephia Zevi
Anabelle Parker
Jamie Parker
Abell Tyyrell
Thomas Roosevelt
Jasmine Roosevelt
Angerri Apollos
Anthony Roosevelt || Mephis Roosevelt || Rodrigo Armando
Jordon Parker || Ethan
Hiyaro Morcos
Jinora Naien
Tiaro Izramare
Arius Mastema
Victoriana Ciel
Aria Mastema
Baskette Barru
Basa Barru
Gracidea Merlani
Jaycee Herald
Lysandre Petrova
Nataraji Shayear Vargas
Nathrachean Vargas

Mayara Starla Vega
Maya Vega || Belvia Black
Sansana Shoyo
Heron Greyson
Exalteon Aether
Satanist Arego Nekromanci
Beliarosa Fairee Black
Abilon Aristarr
Pemendra Victorious Abernathy
Pembroke Abernathy
Kaiden Callum
Kailani Callum
Satara Nekromanci
Judiana Yulia
Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Oz is the God of Wizards, although his religion has no official name because he is the only God worshiped on Wiz. He sends out prophecies of the future through his Prophet and it is incredibly difficult to alter a vision that has been seen or a prophecy that has been spoken and so far all of Oz's prophecies have come true without fail. He is the one who determines the amount of magic a wizard is born with and should all of his Prophets perish, Oz will lose his connection to the wizards, and no wizard will ever again be born with magic.

He has always believed in the powerful helping the weak and to instill hope into those who have succumbed to despair, for survival of wizards has always been his top priority. For this reason, he adores children because they are the future of wizards. The more children a wizard has the more he favors them, and it is believed that twins/triplets/etc. are a blessing from Oz himself and the parents are generally looked upon with high respect by other wizards.

Oz is a benevolent god and kind to all creatures unless he feels his wizards are threatened, and like how he taught Fai the Conqueror everything he knew about battle to destroy the rogue demons, Oz is merciless against enemies of wizardkind.

The only wizard Oz communicates with is The Prophet, the current prophet being King Belzeneff Black. Oz can speak directly to his chosen prophet in both their dreams or if they go into a meditative state. They share a mindlink with the option to call to each other at any time, and when that happens they both appear in a mindscape and can interact with one another. Oz tends to choose the appearance of the mindscape depending on the impression he gets of his Prophet, such as the holy church with the religious Fai. In Belzeneff's case, Oz creates an extravagant castle with lots of sweets everywhere, loud seductive music playing, and random beautiful wizard servants hanging around his arms as he sits on a large couch and coercing Belzeneff to sit with him while they speak. With the exception of Belizano Black, Belzeneff has been his longest prophet, so Oz is incredibly fond of him despite the fact that they have different beliefs and the fact that Belzeneff is practically the exact opposite of what he believes makes a good leader. Oz can also possess his prophet's body temporarily if given consent, but the longer he has control, the longer he must rest afterwards. He will remain dormant and unable to speak to his prophet for a certain amount of time.

Back on Atlantis, he was worshiped faithfully and Oz blessed many wizard families to become his potential prophet. Sadly, the demons attacked and most of them perished. The only survivor was Faith Ceres, so only her and her descendants are capable of becoming The Prophet, which is why Oz will always favor the survival of his prophet more than other wizards since there are so few of them left. He took control of Faith for years without rest in order to help the surviving wizards escape and to fend off the demons. Oz used so much power rescuing them that he was unable to help them for generations until he had gathered enough strength. and chose Faith's last descendant, Faize Ceres, as his prophet and guided him to victory.

All of Belzeneff's kids have the potential of becoming the next prophet after Belzeneff's death, so Oz is extremely supportive of Belzeneff having a ridiculous amount of children. Oz can send them visions or prophecies even though he can't speak with them but they can also sometimes see into the future without him actually sending anything, although those sporadic prophecies tend to be dangerous to their health. When The Prophet receives a prophecy, both their eyes glow and Oz' symbol appears in their pupils, while the children only have their eyes glow since they are not chosen. If The Prophet's eyes are ever damaged, Oz has the power to heal their eyes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

128 years old

Belzeneff is the first and only blessed son of the previous king, Belantino Black. Belantino was actually a noble and just king who ruled over Wiz with fairness and equality and tried to teach his son the same values. It was actually his wife, Queen Bellarose Black who had twisted and corrupted her son's mind to believe that there was no equality and social classes existed for a reason. His parent's marriage was an arranged one, so there was no love that held them together. Instead, their relationship was a constant tug of war of right and wrong and Belzeneff was always caught in the middle of it. But when he was barely hitting puberty, Belantino mysteriously fell ill. This caused a commotion in the cities because the royal family were known for living long, and extended lives, thanks to a magical elixir that was blessed by the Prophet Fai and the Great Oz himself, and never became ill or contracted any sickness. But as the days passed, Balantino's health got worse until he eventually passed away. At the time, Belzeneff was too young and too inexperienced to rule, so the crown went to Bellarose, and she became the leader of Wiz. It was under her rule that things began to change. The gap between those in poverty and those with power grew larger and larger until there was no inbetween, either you were rich or you were poor. This was also when the executions of traitors against Wiz started, along with exiles. When exiled, one is stripped of their magical abilities and sent to the human realm to live out the rest of their days. A spell is placed on them so that they can never reveal their true origins to the humans, nor will they ever be able to reproduce, so that their existence would just slowly fade away.

For years, Bellarose ruled with complete power and she passed her teachings on to Belzeneff, as he was approaching the appropriate age to inherit the crown. However, the power had gone to her head and she wasn't willing to give up everything she had built to her son so soon, so she began plotting. Her plan was to exile Belzeneff to the human world and remarry shortly afterwards, bearing a new heir that would take over for her, but only when she was an old woman and unable to rule any longer. Unfortunately, Belantino's previous adviser, Demarcus, caught wind of the Queen's plans and since he never forgave her for the King's death, he told Belzeneff. At first Belzeneff didn't believe him and almost had him beheaded for thinking such things, but Demarcus' son Demetrios stopped him in time and showed him proof. The Queen had foolishly written her plans down on a piece of paper as a blueprint for her loyal followers that would commit the exile and one of them was a spy for Demarcus.

Angered by his mothers betrayal, he had her arrested and ordered a public execution, so that the citizens could witness the fate of one that would dare cross him, even his own flesh and blood wasn't an exception to this rule. On the day of the execution, it was Belzeneff himself that held the axe and before the entire Main City of Wiz, beheaded his mother. Her last words were, " So I did raise my son well! Take what I taught you and lead this world with greatness!". She was still laughing by the time Belzeneff swung the axe. Afterwards, her name became a curse, something along the lines of bitch and whore and no one was to speak a positive word about her or else share the same fate. Her followers were killed in the days following her death and from there, Belzeneff created his new kingdom.

Only in marriage would Belzeneff be king, but he was still too hurt from his mother's betrayal to share his reign with another person and chose to continue his rule as prince. Some things stayed the same, such as exiles and executions, but Belzeneff created The Wizard's Council to help govern and protect Wiz. Even after all his tutors and teachings from his mother, Belzeneff never really learned how to rule a country and if it wasn't for Demarcus or Demetrios, he would have ran it into the ground the day after Bellarose's death. It was after creating the Wizard's Council that he met Valentia Mancini, the sister of his Protector, Valiant. It was through him that the two met and for the first time in his life, Belzeneff felt love for another person other than himself. He danced around her for a long while until he asked her for her hand in marriage. After the wedding, he was officially crowned King Belzeneff and Valentia adopted the name Bellona in the honor of their union.

Their love resulted in eight children, though Belzeneff only has positive feelings for half of them. Due to his past, he doesn't trust his children as much as he should, but he especially doesn't trust the eldest twins, Belladon and Belladonna. He was an only child so he never had to fight for the throne, but if his mother could kill his father and he had enough hatred to kill his own mother, then he hates to think what they could do to him. Belvedere and Bellarino are his favorite children, because they remind him of himself and often praise their rude behavior. Just as long as they don't get too big headed, that is, and he won't hesitate to remind them who is really in charge. But all in all, they get away with alot more then their other siblings. Bellerophon is his favorite behind the twins and it showed when he gave him Kyuberos for protection. Belshazzar is also another one that he likes since he creates new inventions for him and Belzeneff will never say no to a gift. He holds neutral feelings Belial and Bellakane and doesn't really care with what they do with their lives. He ignores Belial's ramblings and Bellakane doesn't have enough confidence to rule a country, so he doesn't waste his time on her.

However, despite the fact that Bellona is the only person he loves or ever will ever love again, this doesn't stop him from having a number of mistresses. He's had a bad track record with his courtesans and their fate usually ends in death or exile. It is unclear exactly how many illegitimate children he has, but the most well known is Belisario, his fourth child, whose mother was exiled after his birth. He treats him better then most of his children but only because he feels somewhat guilty for what happened to his mother.

He's still kinda-bros with his ex-protector and brother-in-law Valiant and checks up with him sometimes. But Valente's stunt has caused a rift in their relationship where Valiant wants him home but Belzeneff wants him dead. Still, he doesn't blame his brother and sister-in-law, or his nephews, for Valente's betrayal and allows them to remain how they were. His only non-relative friend is his adviser, Demetrios, and arguably Kyuberos, but only because he was made to be friends with him. Pemperknackle and Jenessa still keep in contact, though most of it is due to work.

Out of all the people he knows, only a handful of them know his deep, dark secret. From the time he was a child, Belzeneff has had a considerably low amount of magic, even for a kid. But this only got worse when he got older and it appeared that his magic just wasn't low, but was disappearing. Year after year his magic would decrease until he couldn't even make a piece of paper levitate. Bellarose had called in numerous doctors to test him or find a cure, but none were able. It wasn't until Valiant and his other Protectors came together to create Kyuberos that they found a solution. Human souls are powerful sources of energy and throughout history many supernatural creatures have used them to fuel their powers and make themselves stronger. There was no reason to think that this wouldn't be the same for the King, so the created Kyuberos to collect human souls and give them to Belzeneff. It worked for a while and he slowly gained his powers back, but just like before, the magic began to diminish with time. It was like his body was using up the magic as if it was food and he demanded a constant intake of souls. Kyuberos became unable to meet his daily quota, so thats when he created the Nyankos to do the work for him. To this day, Belzeneff still needs the souls to live.

He leaves most of politics bullshit to the Council and Demetrios and only makes the laws directly concerning him, like it's illegal to lowercase his name, deface anything that bears his name or image and other outlandish things like that.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago

age 121, married at 35
born 10/04/1024

Bellona is the queen of Wiz and is known for her patience and kindness...although, she does little to help Wiz improve due to her love for the king.

Born as Valentia Mancini, she felt proud of being descended from Valhalla the Protector and dreamed of following in his footsteps by becoming a bodyguard for the royal family. Unfortunately, Valentia was not born with enough magic to protect someone as important as royalty and quickly gave up her dream. She decided to use her mind and devoted her time to studying with the hope of becoming a scholar. During Queen Bellarose’s rule, she felt sorry for the people who fell under the poverty line, but she did not lift a finger to help them. She was more loyal to her family than to suffering strangers and did not want to risk becoming poor because she donated some of the Mancini fortune. When the prince executed the queen and created the Wizard Council, she felt proud of her younger brother for becoming the prince’s protector despite the hidden, slight jealously at him for becoming exactly what she dreamed of as a child.

When she was introduced by Valiant to Belzeneff for the first time, Valentia felt nervous meeting the prince but still managed to smile and talk easily with him. Her nervousness and jealously simmered down into nothing as they were slowly replaced with friendship and passion over time. A long while afterwards, after falling in love, Belzeneff proposed and she happily accepted. She changed her name to Bellona Black and became queen alongside Belzeneff during his crowning as king.

Even if she was not a scholar, Bellona was smart enough and understood her husband well, and made it clear to him that she had no interest in claiming power for herself. Instead, she did what she could to give more power to Belzeneff and supported anything no matter how ridiculous it was such as that strange "His name must always be capitalized" law. In her eyes, Belzeneff keeping the power for himself and suppressing the magic of wizards and oppressing the poor means that nobody will be powerful enough to harm any of her loved ones. Eventually, Bellona informed her husband of an idea to make the wizard council completely loyal to him and then carried out her plan after getting his approval. She had Valyn teach her how to brew powerful potions and then altered the recipe to instill loyalty in those who drank it. She wanted absolutely no chance that somebody will betray them and makes sure that the wizard council and staff in the castle are secretly under obedience potions. Her devotion to Belzeneff is still probably stronger than the wizard under the loyalty potions. The few times she felt upset at Belzeneff personally were if he spent time with mistresses, but she never felt mad for long, and decided not to let her jealously get the best of her as long as she remains the only one he truly loves.

Bellona has eight children with Belzeneff, nine including Belisario and ten including Bellisiah, and cares about them all even if she favors some more than the others. She was unhappy about the Belladon being sent away and felt overjoyed when he finally came back and showered him with love. With Belladonna though, Bellona tends to avoid her daughter because she knows that she hates her. She doesn't know where they went wrong with the twins, so when Bellerophon was born she gave him her full attention to avoid the same problems. Bellona personally made sure he spent his childhood having reasons to love her and Belzeneff and it worked so well that Bellerophon ended up almost as loyal to Belzeneff as her. Bellona lost her fourth child Belissiah a few hours after his birth, so it was easy for her to accept Belisario as her son, who she sees as a gift from Oz to replace her dead baby and treats him with kindness. Belshazzar ended up as her favorite because he shares the same love for knowledge as she does and he was the first child she had after the death of Belissiah, so she became overprotective of him. She always stays by his side if he hurts himself in his experiments and Bellona enjoys speaking to him about science. Her constant attention on Belshazzar, however, ended up with her not spending as much time with her youngest four children. Belvedere and Bellarino hate her and she hates them as much as Belzeneff hates the oldest twins, much to her shame, and they often make her cry. Belmarie persistently begs to accompany her every time she is invited to a party, but they get along well and are close. Belial is entirely distant from her, but she managed to realize her mistake in time to fix her relationship with Bellakane and develop a decent mother-daughter bond.

Ultimately, she cares more about Belzeneff and the rest of her family more than she cares about the citizens of Wiz.

Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

70 years old

✿\(。-_-。) “Kick his ass, baby. I got yo flower.”

After the attempted assassination of Prince Belzeneff, Valiant and the other Protectors banded together and created Kyuberos from their magic. His original task was to stay with Belzeneff and protect him from any danger he may face, but once he was crowned King, Belzeneff assigned him a new one. He was to visit other worlds and coax humans into offering their souls to him and in return they would gain a small amount of magical abilities. Or sometimes he would simply grant a wish for them, and then harvest their souls afterwards. Kyuberos then recycles the collected souls into magical energy and when he's full, he returns to Wiz to feed Belzeneff the magical power. He is one of the few beings that know about the King's lack of magical ablitiy so he tries his hardest to find enough energy for him. So in some ways, Kyuberos is Belzeneff's battery supply.

However, as Prince Bellerophon started to grow up, Kyuberos was commanded to watch over him. Since Belzeneff can't stand his first two children, and is constantly paranoid that they will kill him in his sleep, most of his hope rests on Bellerophon's shoulders to become the next King and he is determined to keep him safe. Watching over the Prince took away alot of Kyuberos' time and he wasn't able to collect as many souls as he usually did, so he created tiny creatures, most of which resemble cats, to go out and collect the souls for him. Because he is made up completely of magical energy, Kyuberos has an unlimited amount, but his undying loyalty to the Royal family is why he doesn't have a collar like his creator.

To this day, Kyuberos still watches over Bellerophon and the two have a friendly relationship. Although his main loyalty is to the King, he won't hesitate to lay down his life for the sake of Bellerophon. He also holds his flower when he goes to whoop some ass. But when he isn't with the prince, he's usually out collecting souls himself, with the King, or making sure all is well in Wiz. He sometimes serves as a surviellence camera for the King and informs him of any strange activity in the Kingdom.

Kyuberos' soul is still permanently connected to the King, despite being Bellerophon's guardian, so they can telepathically speak to one another at any time, even if Kyuberos is in another world. Also, much like the archangels in Supernatural, if Belzeneff is in threatened or is in the same room as a potential threat, no matter what he's doing or where he is, Kyuberos will instantly appear and neutralize the threat. He has three alternate forms that he can switch into, a white haired human without the ears, a small cat like one of his minions, or a large dog the size of a bus, with sharp teeth and a jaw that locks. One would think that Kyuberos had the power to track down the Traitor, but even he can't find Valente's whereabouts, but his little minions, called Nyankos, are currently on the look out for him too.

As for his feelings towards the rest of the Black family, he mostly ignores them and let them do their own thing. If King Belzeneff hasn't ordered him to do so, he won't even look at the rest of the Princes and Princesses twice.

ALSO: He owns a store in the human world, which he often visits, and goes under the alias Angel. The main purpose of the shop is collect human souls by granting people's wishes. The wishes vary from minor to life changing, and the more extravagant the wish is, the faster Kyuberos will collect the soul. If asked, he will inform the client about the consequences beforehand, but if not, he will let it be a surprise. He has two men working for him named Ethan and Rodrigo, and they both exhibit supernatural abilities, which is why he keeps them around. In exchange for their service, he allows them to live in his drug store.

His other purpose for being in the human world is to keep an eye on all the exiled wizards that Belzeneff has sent there. He just makes sure that they keep their mouth shut and don't cause any trouble, and, of course, he can never grant any of their wishes incase they intend to harm the King out of revenge or something to that degree. He's been keeping a special eye on Aelita, Belisario's mother, under Belzeneff's instructions.

Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

119 years old

Valiant is the proud papa of the Mancini clan and his family is considered a noble bloodline, his ancestor being Valhalla the Protector. His older sister is married to the King, making King Belzeneff his brother-in-law, but he is also a good friend of his. Valiant has a considerable amount of magic, and the only reason he wasn't exiled or executed was because of his relationship with the King and Queen. Instead of isolation, he was allowed to live a normal life, just as long as he made a contract to wear a collar around his neck that tracks and restricts the amount of magic he uses. If he exceeds his limit or tries to remove it, it will explode and consequently kill him. Because of this, he has pushed all of his children to get a good career so that if he ever dies, they will all be able to support themselves on their own and not fall into poverty. All of his fortune and estate would go back to the King, but Valiant has made his sister promise that it would all go to his wife instead.

When he was younger, Valiant was a Protector and was one of Belzeneff's most prized bodyguards. During a visit from the royal leaders of vampires, one of their bodyguards tried to attack Belzeneff and Valiant shielded him and took the hit, resulting in the loss of his right eye. After that, Valiant was honorably discharged from the Protectors and was given a comfortable desk a job in the Wizard's Council. But before leaving, he and the other Protectors combined their magic to create Kyuberos, a constant companion and protector to the King. He retired from his job, after the death of his son Valor, and became a stay at home dad.

He met his wife, Dionysus, when she healed him after the vampire attack. He was attracted to her straight from the start but was too shy to do anything about it. He was afraid to ask her out because he thought that she would be too disgusted by him and reject him, after seeing the horrendous wound his eye had become. He was very self-conscious about his eye because after living his entire life with people telling him that he was beautiful, he didn't know how he would handle it if everyone suddenly thought he was ugly, all because he was missing one of his eyes. He probably would have never talked to Dionysus again if it hadn't been for the routine check-ups to make sure that the wound had closed properly. During those short check-ups, a delicate friendship started and eventually blossomed into a blissful romance. Dionysus taught him how to accept himself, with all of his new imperfections, and her love gave him a new outlook at life. He matured from the pampered rich kid he was born to be into a responsible and thoughtful adult.

Valiant is now a devoted father of fifteen children and did his best raising them with his wife. But when one of his sons, Valente, began to show signs of being a powerful magic user, he got worried. He didn't know if the King's kindness would extend to his son, and even if it did, he did not want Valente to grow up wearing the same collar he had, so he placed a protective seal on his son's soul that contained his magical potential. This caused Valente to appear very weak, so when he was nominated for the Wizard's Council, he was given the title of a parole officer. By this time, Valiant's oldest son, Valentine, was already an ambassador and was the apple of his father's eye.

Everything was fine until Valente's magic became too much for Valiant to contain and it broke. All of the pent up energy came rushing out at once and Valiant and Valyn had to combine their powers to make a temporary seal. It was then that Valiant confessed to Valente that he had put a seal on his power to hide him from the King and that exile or execution were his only options....if he stayed in Wiz. So together, Valiant, his wife and Valente came up with a plan to get Valente out of Wiz and into safety. It was supposed to be simple, just Valente quickly breaking his seal in the middle of the night and disappearing into another world, but things changed the night before the operation was supposed to commence . Still holding the position of a parole officer, Valente was invited to a party held by Valentine, and it was there that he met the Prince of Demons. The two got into an argument and Valente ended up breaking his seal, turned the Prince into a duck, sent him into a different world, and then left through his own portal.

King Belzeneff saw this as an attack against himself and labeled Valente as a traitor of the people, placing a heavy bounty on his head. Thankfully though, Valente's stunt was considered an individual attack and the Mancini family kept their wealth and positions in the Council. Except for Valerio, Valiant's youngest son, who was fired for unexplained reasons and developed a personal vendetta against his brother, choosing to follow Valente through the alternate timelines with the King's blessing. Valiant and his wife, along with the rest of their children, still remain in Wiz and wait for the day Valente and Valerio returns.

Valiant is loyal to the King, but does recognize the oppression of the lower class. He doesn't say anything though, because he just wants the best for his family, and if that means throwing other people under a bus, then that is what he is going to do.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago

age 115
born 01/05/1030

Valyn was born Dionysus Solae and is the daughter of a skilled healer and a potions master who sold various potions in a family store. Their successful businesses helped them earn a steady income and she grew up wealthy. She inherited her mother's gift of potion brewing but enjoyed healing potions the most, inheriting her talent in healing from her father.

She became a skilled Healer and was often called on to heal protectors who were injured. She met Prince Belzeneff's bodyguard, Valiant Mancini, from time to time when she had to heal him or his comrades and they got along fairly well. When Valiant was injured by a vampire, Dionysus was the one who healed him afterwards. She unfortunately could do nothing to save his right eye and Dionysus felt guilty about it. During did routine check-ups on his eye, the two of them bonded and became good friends. They met up regularly and after awhile, their friendship turned into a romantic relationship and eventually Dionysus married him and changed her name to Valyn.

Valyn adores her children and feels devastated over Valente's fate. She feels helpless and that she cannot do anything to help him, and the fact that Valerio is off hunting him makes her feel worse. Valyn feels like she cannot do anything because she is extremely loyal to the royal family, especially after marrying the queen's brother. She fears for Valente if he is found and wishes he could just be left alone in peace, but she is wary over the threat of war against demons and fears for her other children's safety if Valente is not found. She is uncertain about what to do and gets upset when the topic is brought up to the point where she'll cry on Valiant's shoulder for hours. Her other biggest worry is Valereon and she is devastated that she has no idea where he ran away to, blaming herself because he often fought with her and Valiant.

Valyn likes all of her grandchildren unconditionally and she spoils them, though her favorite is Valenna because she raised her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

35 years old

Valente was born with great magical powers, surpassing that of his father and friends, along with most citizens on Wiz. But in a world that sought out to trap and control the strong with the constant threat of death through a neck collar, Valente wasn't able to flourish or use his powers at all. Infact, while he was still young, his parents Valiant and Valyn Mancini placed a seal on Valente's magic to stop it from growing or being detected by the local Magic Patrol. From then on, Valente grew up normally with his brothers and believed that he was like them. He was given the role of a parole officer, just like his brother Valerio, because they both had low magic. He monitored other wizard's magic and turned in the ones that got to powerful, sometimes ones with the same level as himself, though he had no idea of this.

When his seal broke and his real power was revealed, Valente feared for his life. He knew what kind of life his father was subjected to and there was no way in hell that he was doing that. He originally was going to go through with the plan his parents constructed, but then he reconsidered it. What if the King found out they helped him escape? They would be traitors, even if they were family, and would either be exiled or killed. Having his family broken up was unimaginable, so before they went through with the plan, Valente took matters into his own hands. It wasn't his intention to turn the Prince of Demons into a duck, but the guy had it coming! He had pissed Valente off all night and he just snapped, he couldn't help it! Afterwards, he retreated to the human world and hid himself from anyone who might try to follow him. From there, he practiced with his powers and eventually got them under control.

He now works for Protettore Giordano, a vampire mafia boss, and makes his fortress mobile.

Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

66 years old

Valentine is the oldest child out of 16 and serves as the Ambassador of Wiz, dealing with relations from other races like demons, vampires, and any other mythological creatures. He is surprisingly good at his job since his true nature is manipulative and egotistical, but he is able to hide it well when he's on the job and is able to charm others with his fake persona. He is well aware of his beautiful looks and often uses that to his advantage to get what he wants. He is also fully aware of his parent's undying admiration towards him and uses them for whatever he needs. However, Valentine isn't completely heartless and has alot of love for his family. It's just hard for him to show it, that's all. He doesn't have the patience to keep up with all fifteen of his siblings, and their respective offspring though, so the only ones that he keeps in contact with are the ones who work for the Council, or the ones he happens to run into. He doesn't care much for his niece and nephews and never bothers to learn their names, since he never shows up at the family reunions anyway.

Before Valente's fuck up, Valentine was on his way to getting a promotion and a higher title, but after his little brother's betrayal, he was refused the promotion and he won't be able to apply for it again until another ten years. Because of this, he has a fuming resentment towards Valente and vows that if he ever sees him again, he'll kill him. No one knows just how serious his threat is, but it wouldn't be crazy to say that he's not lying.

Valentine is also the only one out of his siblings above the age of 47 to not be married or have a child already. Valentine says that its because he has been focusing on his job more than his personal life, but it could very well be that fact that no one on Wiz interests him. Valentine is very high maintenance and it's doubtful that there is anyone who can handle him. But none of that seems to affect him and he's perfectly happy to be on his own for now.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Valora Kristabelle Mancini
62 years old

Valora is a knight and the only daughter of Valiant and Valyn Mancini. Having so many brothers, she developed a strong personality and learned to fight so that none of her brothers could win if they decided to pick a fight with her. She has no love for bullies and only spares the youngest of children from her wrath.

While she was still in training to be a knight, she met Kristoforo Glenadade, a gentle wizard who was being chased by a bear in the forest. She rescued him from the bear, only needing one punch to knock it unconscious, and dismissed the wizard without a second thought. However, he kept finding her, insisting that he repay her for saving his life. She agreed to allow him to help her train and for seven long years, they fought and learned together. Valora fell in love with him during those seven years because he understood her and she was fond of his gentle personality. She also admired his devotion and the fact that his kind soul did not stop him from keeping his promise to help her despite the terrifying and painful training she put him through. So she decided to venture into the forest and found the bear from seven years previous and declawed the beast. She created a necklace made of the bear's claws and used the jewelry to propose to Kristoforo after she became a knight. He accepted without hesitation and they were married. Kristoforo changed his named to Valentiano and they had three children together: Valhero, Valexander, and Valalee.

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Valentiano Kristoforo Mancini
58 years old

He has always been a kind wizard, so kind that woodland creatures will approach him. Kristoforo met his future wife Valora when she was training in order to become a knight by practicing her skills in the forest. Kristoforo had been a young 23 year old man who was wandering around playing with cute deer, birds, raccoon, squirrels, and other animals when he mistakenly ventured near a bear cave. The bear, angered at his trespassing, began to chase Kristoforo. Kristoforo does not have it in him to harm another creature no matter how vicious they are chasing him, so he ran for his life until he fortunately came across Valora.

Valora knocked out the bear with her bare hands, needing only one punch to make it unconscious. Thankful for her help, he offered to repay her to show his gratitude, but she left without Krisotoforo being able to repay his debt. He spent the next few days constantly trying to give her things and inviting her places to properly show his thanks, but she always refused him. It wasn't until he offered to be her training dummy that she finally agreed. Through B L O O D A N D T E A R S, mostly Kristoforo's blood and tears, they bonded and formed a genuine friendship. Kristoforo trained with her for seven years until she finally became a young knight. Valora was incredibly grateful for his help and during those seven years she had fell in love with him and proposed to Kristoforo. She offered him a necklace made of claws that she removed from the bear that attacked him all those years ago. He hastily accepted her proposal and they were married a few months later. He changed his name to Valentiano and they had three children together: Valhero, Valexander, and Valalee.

Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

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died at 36 | would be 56 in present day

Valor is one of the few people who were born for greatness. He has the intelligence to match Demetrios, enough magical power to surpass both his father and his brother Valente, and the same charm and influence of Seraphion. If he ever teamed up the rebellion leader, they would have the power to change the world and defeat Belzeneff's evil tyranny once and for all.

Too bad he died twenty years ago.

From a young age, Valor discovered that he had great magical power. Due to his fast thinking and quick wit, Valor hid his capabilities from the Council and his own family for his own safety. He grew up in constant fear of his father's collar spontaneously exploding, and he wanted no part of that, so he taught himself how keep his powers under control. At the tender age of fifteen, he caught the attention of Stannis Degenesis, the Grand Cross and leader of the Knight division and became his apprentice. He moved out of the house and trained under Stannis. He became a the youngest Knight in history at the age of 23. He continued to look up to Stannis and fearlessly followed him into battle, but it was on the battle field where he met his untimely end.

After the battle against the legendary dragon Testified, who had been causing havoc on the southern lands of Wiz, Valor and the other Knights were suddenly cornered by Timaeus, Testified's partner and widow. The dragon was enraged by the loss of their partner and attacked the Knights with everything it had, killing more than half of them within the first three minutes. Valor had been wounded in the first fight against Testifed and barely had enough strength to hold up his sword, but still held his ground and fought against Timaeus with his remaining magic. The rest of the Knights were able to get away as Valor fought, and once they were far enough, Valor unleashed all of his energy, creating a SPIRITBOMB and effectively killing Timaeus, but at the cost of his own life.

His grave is located in the Main City where his parents reside and his official name is now Valor; the Dragon Slayer.

Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Valerik Mancini
age 41

Valerik does not like to deal with the problems of people and constantly drinks wine because he is literally surrounded by idiots all day. He got a job as a teacher 6 years ago and has to educate pompous brats who can barely control their magic. He puts up with emotional teenagers trying to see if he can teach the brats to think with their brains. Valerik's profession is important, however, because he can keep an eye on any student who seems to exhibit strong magic. For some reason, he usually ends up helping guide the students into choosing a profession he thinks they have potential in if they are uncertain about what to do. He does take his career seriously, and deep deep down, does enjoy teaching magic to young wizards. Of course, he only teaches those of noble heritage or wealth, and believes the poor are better off ignorant so that they will not be a problem.

His magic is not the strongest, but he is very knowledgeable because he used to read a lot growing up. Valerik is one year younger than his cousin Bellerophon and they get along well because they usually studied magic together. Valerik is the one who taught Bellerophon how to transfigure things into gold and his necklace and bracelets were a gift from the prince as thanks. Since he was pretty good at teaching Bellerophon, he figured he might as well become a professor, since he did not know what to do with his life even though Valerik had always thought children and teenagers were annoying.

He gets along well enough with his family and usually offers a drink whenever he thinks one of them is having a bad day.
Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

59 years old

Protector of King Belzeneff

Valtreks is like a titan compared to his siblings. He stands at an impressive 6'11 and is like a solid wall of muscle. He can probably crush a man's skull with his bare hands but he won't because he has a heart of gold. It doesn't always seem like it, because some people thinks his overconfidence comes off as arrogance, but he really does mean well. His voice is very deep and he has a tendency of talking over others, but most of the time he doesn't realize he's doing it. And because of his height, he bumps into others and gets in the way a lot, but that doesn't stop him from going out in crowds.

As a little kid he was a handful and played pranks on every member of his family. They were all good natured but that didn't mean he didn't piss them off. He was actually pretty short for his age, but around the age of 18, he had a SUDDEN growth spurt and became the monstrous size he is now. He wanted to become a Knight, but because of his size, he was really slow and could swing his sword fast enough, so he wasn't accepted. He didn't let that get him down though, and he did odd jobs here and there until he became a Protector at 42. He was assigned to different Council members at first, but he eventually became one of Belzeneff's Royal Protectors, following in Valiant's footsteps, 2 years later.

He has a daughter named Valenna and the two have a bad relationship, since he wasn't there for her when she was a kid. He never got married to her mother and when she disappeared, he had no way to trace her, leaving him to raise Valenna alone. But he was Belzeneff's newly appointed protector at the time and was never home, so she was raised by his parents, Valyn and Valiant.

Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

58 years old

Valroya works as an entertainment host for the second network channel on television, B.B. Entertainment. While Channel 1, BelTV, focuses on the news and events that are happening worldwide, B.B.Entertainment is all about the more enjoyable things of Wiz. a n g e l i c is a regular on B.B Entertainment and many of his concerts are streamed there, along with talent and fashion shows. And because Channel 2 is only available in the rich districts of Wiz, Valroya is sent to many vacation resorts around the world to promote them. He has also done detailed tours of the South and East, ones that lasted months at a time, showing the people of the Main City the wonders of the outside world, without ever leaving the comfort of their home. However, Valroya is purely in it for the money and hates having to go to poorer countries for the sake of others. But if there is one thing he loves more than money, its the fame that he receives from his shows. On top of being a nephew of the King, his shows have gained him alot of popularity, as well as many admirers.

Being the 4th child out of 15, Valroya grew up detached from his family. He avoided his siblings as much as he could growing up, believing himself to be way above them, and barely managed to tolerate his parents. He moved out of his parent's house at the tender age of 17, not wanting to be in that hell house any longer, and he used his inheritance to buy a home for himself. He learned how to become a hairdresser over the years and started working in a high fashion hair salon when he was 25.

When television was invented, he quit his job as a hairdresser and begged the network to let him become a presenter after he noticed how much attention his brother-in-law's brother, Krizzly, was getting from anchoring the news channel. Valroya's greatest wish in life was to be noticed and it seemed that the best way to accomplish that was through tv, where thousands of wizards could see his face daily. With his charismatic charm and beautiful features, it was easy for him to snag the job and he's been doing it ever since.

Valroya has a son, whom he hardly sees and left with a nanny at a young age. He was never what one would call a family man, even before he was burdened with the responsibility with fatherhood, so when news came to him that Edel had passed and he was the only kin the child had left, he freaked out. He immediately hired someone else to take care of the child for him and went off to pursue his dream in television. Now that his son is old enough to take care of himself, Valroya sometimes drops by to say hi and catch up, but never stays long enough to be a father. It's not that he doesn't love his son, but he's so wrapped up in his fame and fortune that giving it all up would be impossible. The few times that he does settle down long enough to be with Valiance, he treats him like a friend rather than a son and is basically 'the cool dad'.

His second son was born a few years after Valiance, but this time he knew about the pregnancy from the start. The child's mother, Ambrosiya, worked with him so the two had no choice but stay in contact with each other during the pregnancy. When his son was born, Ambrosiya immediately gained custody and raised him under her roof. Valroya got to see him every now and again, like during holidays or work parties, but just like with Valiance, Valroya had no intentions of being a proper father to him.

Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

46 years old

Before marriage, Illias' name was Valserys Mancini, and is the son of Valyn and Valiant. He's terrible at magic and no matter how many tutors he had, he hasn't gotten any better. He can't even make potions, despite his mother's attempts to teach him, and has basically stopped trying. With such low magic, he's unable to join the Wizard Council and was really dependent on his parents. While all his other brothers became independent and got jobs and became productive members of society, he stayed living in his parents house. Neither had the heart to kick him out, so he stayed living here until he met Illiana.

They met through mutual friends and Valserys fell immediately in love with her fiery attitude. She, however, didn't even blink twice at him and continued to ignore him whenever they met with a group of friends. Realizing that she would never go for a deadbeat, Valserys begged his brother Valdeimos for a job at the restaurant where he worked and pestered the owner enough times that he got the job of cleaning dishes. It wasn't much, but it got him off his parent's couch and gained Illiana's attention.

When they were married, Valserys changed his name to Illias de Montesquieu because he loved his wife so much and that she changed his life in such a positive way, such as making him a better person. He is now permanently off his parent's couch and lives with his wife on the upscale side of town. He no longer has his dishwasher job so he's dependent on Illiana, but he's trying???

Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

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50 years old

Illiana is an assassin for the King. She grew up in the poorest part of Wiz, a rundown city that has been sectioned off because of it's pollution and delinquent citizens. From a young age, she learned how to defend herself from predators and knows her way around a sharp weapons, specializing in throwing knives.When she was young, an underground gang in her city recruited her and used her young appearance as a ploy against their enemies. She didn't enjoy killing others, but it got her off the streets and put food on her table, so she had no other choice.

When Belzeneff visited her city, by some random chance, the gang ordered her to assassinate him. But the King's adviser had heard of the young killer beforehand and confronted her personally before Belzeneff's arrival. Demetrios drugged her food and drinks with the devotion potion that the Queen cooked up and sure enough, Illiana developed loyalty to the King. He then turned the tables on the gang and had Belzeneff's Protectors kill them all and placed his own men in the city where they now rule. They took Illiana back to the Main City where she is employed as a Council member, though that is only on paper. She is an assassin and kills whoever Demetrios tells her to. He still drugs her food on a monthly basis so that her loyalty to the King will never wear off.

She now lives with her husband in a house given to her by Belzeneff, but her husband doesn't know what her true occupation is.

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Valdeimos Mancini
53 years old

Valdeimos appears kind but he enjoys manipulating people and uses his beauty to his advantage. He is not held back by emotions and rarely ever feels remorse for anything he does. He delights in playing mind games with people and seeing how much he can hurt a person mentally or emotionally. Valdeimos cares about his family and is quite fond of them, but he has no need for anybody else and has no friends he genuinely cares about. He works as a chef in a popular five star restaurant named DirkJakes and he eventually took on an apprentice named Isaiah because the pay was good, though he is quite tough on him and he never holds back when criticizing his food.

Recently a young girl named Raani claimed that she was his daughter and her mother, his former lover Raava, was dead. After she finally convinced him of the truth, Valdeimos let her stay with him even though the last thing Valdeimos wanted was to be a dad. The next day he calmly spoke (threatened) to his boss into giving him a pay raise and the kind (frightened) owner agreed. He officially took custody of Raani and after he suggested it, she changed her name to Valrose Mancini.
Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Valencino Morgen Mancini
51 years old

Even though he seems cold hearted at first, Valencino is incredibly emotional and rarely acts on logic, choosing to listen to his heart and feelings to guide him. He is courageous but reckless, and will dive headfirst into danger if it means protecting an innocent. This trait is what drove him to be a protector and he is in charge of guarding his little cousin Bellakane. He is very protective of the princess and will glady fend off any wizard who want to hurt her, or worse, date her.

He's even more protective of his wife Valancy, who he loves dearly. They had a whirlwind romance and he didnt care that he barely knew her, he married her within a few months of knowing her. Valencino believes it was a fated destiny and he feels extremely passionate about her, never even at their first meeting, caring that he was a noble and she was simple poor lower class citizen. His mother didn't trust her at first and even tested him for being under a love potion sometime before the wedding. Valencino was incredibly angry at his mother for not trusting his beloved Morgana, and Valyn apologized when he tested negative for a love potion. He said that even her, one of the best potions masters in the city, couldn't detect anything foul with his relationship and his love for Morgana was real. She changed her named to Valancy and, although a few years later he found himself questioning why he fell in love with her in the first place, he rid himself of those thoughts and stayed with his wife. He was glad he did, because their child was born a few years later and Valencino loves his family dearly.

Of course, Valencino was wrong and his mother actually was right about the love potion, but the rebels took precautions on trying to deceive the son of a famous potions master and made sure she wouldnt be able to find out. Valencino doesn't realize their marriage is fake and would be torn over the truth.
Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

52 years old

Valancy, or when she was known as Morgana, was born and raised in The Under. Her parents were descendants from criminals who had been banished there, and for the first half of her life, The Under was all that she knew. As a teenager, she studied under a skilled healer who had been banished to The Under for reason's unknown, and later used what she learnt by tending to the fighters of the Colosseum after their fights. It was here that she met Seraphion and Blanchenfleur and they told her about the resistance they had going on. She ended up leaving her healing position at the Colosseum to join their movement, but she wasn't skilled in spell casting or combat, so wasn't much help. But one day, Seraphion offered to send her on a special assignment; to watch over the Mancini family, who had great ties with the Royal family. And the only way to do that was to get one of them to fall in love with her.

At first, they set their sights on Valtreks Mancini, who was one of Belzeneff's personal Protectors, but decided against it because that would make her more involved when she was only supposed to observe from afar. The second choice was Valdeimos, one of the few Mancini kids who wasn't involved in the Wizard's Council, but after further inspection, they discovered that his personality would cause too much trouble and it would take too long for Morgana to make her way into the family. Finally they agreed on Valencino, who was the Protector to Princess Bellakane, but since she was still young, she didn't pose a threat. Before leaving The Under, Morgana was given a love potion, created by Grigori Brujan, to slip into Valencino's drinks to get him to fall in love with her. The first mission wasn't as successful as she would have hoped, but they managed to exchange names and numbers and became casual acquiescences. After that, Seraphion would arrange it so that they would 'mysteriously' bump into each other on the street or get caught in the rain at the same time and be forced to share an umbrella or some kind of anime scenario like that.

Finally, after countless of 'random' run-ins, Morgana finally had the chance to slip the love potion into Valencino's drink and the effects happened almost immediately. Their tender friendship quickly bloomed into romance and they were married in the following months. Seven years have passed since then and Valancy remains by Valencino's side, silently observing him and his family. During these past 7 years, she has been training with her magic, so when the time comes and Seraphion gives his signal, she can take down Valtreks and Valencino.

Though their marriage is fake and is one of Seraphion's many tactics, Valancy often finds herself questioning her true motives. She has come to care about Valencino and has stopped giving him the love potion years ago, meaning that he generally loves her for who she is now. And the more time she spends with the Mancini family, the nicer they seem to be. It's up to the point where even she doesn't know where her true allegiance lies what what side she's really on.

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