112 years old
Mayara is a high ranking member of the Council, second only to Pemperknackle himself. She is the head of the disciplinary board and is ultimately the one who decides the punishments for all the law breakers in Wiz. To those who don't know her, they find it hard to believe that such a polite, delicate and sophisticated woman is the source behind all the punishment laws in not only the Main City, but in every city in Wiz. But to those who work with her, they don't find it so hard to imagine. Despite her sweet exterior, Mayara has a very controlling personality and has to have everything go her way. She micromanages everywhere she goes, including her work and personal life. She lacks the physical appearance to intimidate others, but thankfully her social status forces others to obey her. The only person in her life that she doesn't have the desire to control is King Belzeneff, who she is fiercely devoted to. She only has his best interests in heart and works towards making a world that is equally devoted to him as she is, prompting her to join the disciplinary section of the Council to punish the traitors and non-believers. Her methods of punishment range from a simple fine of a few bells to a death sentence. Of course Pemperknackle has to overlook each one and usually drops the ones that seem too extreme, but if left up to her, every crime would be met with an execution.
Her life hasn't always been as good as it is now, however. Born under the name Starla Degenesis, she was raised by her danger seeking father. Her parents went through a nasty divorce and she was separated from her mother and brother when she was only 10, and moved to the West with her father. In the past, most of the West was left untouched and unknown, with small settlements of explorers scattered around. Some wanted to find the wonders the unexplored land had to offer, while others wanted to hunt the wild animals that roamed the plains. Her father was the latter, a Hunter armed with nothing but his own magic skills to kill and sell the dangerous animals. Starla was often left by herself to find her own food and shelter until he would return with his earnings. Most of the children her age would be getting ready to attend the Academy, but Starla was forced to bypass her education due to her father. It was only when she was 40 that she left the West to rejoin her mother and brother in the Main City. With no proper education, it was only through her mother's intervention that she got hired as an assistant to the Wizard Council. Her first job landed her as the assistant of Valiant Mancini.
During her time as Valiant's assistant was hell for the both of them. Starla's controlling personality conflicted greatly with Valiant's laid back attitude. She would always boss him around, despite him being his assistant, and constantly tried to control his every action. It was eventually too much for him and Starla was fired, but not before Pemperknackle noticed her talents and drive. He hired her as a member of the Council and from there worked her way up through the ranks. In two short years, Starla found herself at one of the top positions in the disciplinary division.
Over the years, she became famous within Wiz for enforcing Belzeneff's laws. It was through her tactics that the commonfolk became fearful of the Council's power and Belzeneff's unforgiving ways. So much so that even Belzeneff began to notice her. He called her into a private meeting one day and congratulated her on all her hard work. Afterwards, she used that as motivation to do better in all aspects of her job and was eager to please the King. When she turned 45, she unexpectedly found herself pregnant but didn't let that interfere with her work. She went into work everyday during those nine months and only took a day off to give birth. When she came back to work the next day, Belzeneff was so impressed that he gave her a raise and a promotion. From that day onwards, Starla hired a nanny to take care of her daughter so that she didn't have to, which resulted in her missing out on most of her daughter's life. But she didn't care too much because the most important thing in her life had always been her job. When she was 60, she was promoted to the head of the division and reached the highest point in her life.
She got married to a man named Mayden Vega when her daughter was 3, and changed bother their names to fit his. He was a coworker who was an incredible push over and the perfect companion for someone like Mayara. He took over as Maya's nanny and raised her while Mayara was working. He was a great father to her and raised her right, but the marriage only lasted a few short years due to his untimely death. It seemed to hardly effect Mayara and she continued with her work as usual. After all, she had another lover to think about; the King, who just so happened to be the father of her daughter.
Currently Mayara is still working as hard as ever and is trying to make Wiz totally under Belzeneff's control. She is aware of the King's other lovers, such as Leondra and his wife but she doesn't care about them because she thinks that Belzeneff likes her the best. And after noticing that he actually liked their daughter, she has been trying to get him to discredit his other children and recognize her as legitimate so that she can become the next Queen of Wiz. Her true goal is to get her daughter to become the heir so that she can control Wiz through her, with Belzeneff at her side of course.