Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sini
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


“Yet still the blades tormented him, the ones he could never escape, the blades of the Iron Throne.”

Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire
Focus of the RP is not to lose ourselves in game mechanics; instead this is a game of logic, reason and collaborative writing. Our goal is not to have an overly competitive game, but to immerse into a nice creative experience for all parties. We write a story with each other, not against each other.

Generally, players will either pick up a canon house or create their own house and roleplay with one or several members of it. This means each player is entitled to several characters per house. However, they do not all have to be members of said house by ties of blood. Instead you can use several types of characters as points of views.

Naturally there are other options in the world of aSoIaF, such as Septons, hedge knights and sellswords, spies and spymasters, mercenaries and merchants from across the Narrow Sea, and many more. Additionally, as spots fill up or the need arises, players are allowed to play as more than one house or take over a fallen one.

OOC Rules and Guidelines:

    [*]GMs are currently Vanq, Ruby and myself. Feel free to contact us whenever you require assistance or information.
    [*]Advanced standards; this means a common sense approach; game of logic and collaboration.
    [*]Character Sheets should be posted on the OOC (though they can be sent via pm as well) for approval/disapproval. Not all decisions will be made public.
    [*]You are assumed to be an adult by submitting a character for this game; please act like one.
    [*]Players playing Great Lords will have the chance to weigh in on applications for Minor Lords under their Great Lord.
    [*]Applications may take a few days before a decision can be made. Generally issues will be resolved over pm.
    [*]Players are encouraged to play typically one-on-one scenarios, large battle scenarios, cloak-and-dagger scenarios, small plots and large plots. To be creative, and to interactive with their fellow players on their own to plot is expected. Take initiative.
    [*]Players are allowed to play as more than one house, however preferably not in the same territory or region. It would also not be allowed if players wished to take up more than one Great House.
    [*]House Targaryen and some canon characters are currently being held for storytelling purposes (unless stated otherwise), though if you have an idea or request, run it by the GM.

The year is 209 AL and the entire Realm waits with bated breath as scandal and grief grip the Red Keep. The heir-apparent of King Daeron II the good has been slain in a trial of seven at the tourney of Ashford; struck down by the mace of his own brother Maekar no less.

What will the lords and ladies of Westeros do, now Valarr, the Young Prince, is heir, for he is a man of renowned misfortune, prone to depression and melancholy and too inexperienced to fill the responsibility that was his father’s burden.

What of Bloodraven and his scheming? How will his rivalry with Maekar play out? Who will be named Hand of the King?

From across the Narrow Sea, Bittersteel and the Blackfyre supporters watch with predatory interest as events unfold in the land whence they have been banished. Meanwhile, on the other side of Westeros, the Ironborn are stirring once more, their ships cleaving the Sea of Sunset intent on plunder.

IC information:

OOC information:
The Realm suffered great losses during the civil war and ever since the coronation of Daeron II and conclusion to the Blackfyre Rebellion, people have worked to rebuild. Now, the Kingdoms are comparably of the same strength and prosperity as before the great conflict.

This takes place way before any of the books (and series adaptation). As such you would need to check for canon information on the wiki. Though many things are the same as they are in the timeline of the books, there can be slight differences. For example: Dorne is not subjugated to the Iron Throne, but joined the rest of Westeros through a marital union. The Reynes of Castamere, Tarbecks of Tarbeck Hall and Darklyn of Duskendale are still around. Harrenhal is ruled by House Lothston.

The Crownlands & King’s Landing
House Targaryen, Royal House of Westeros

The Small Council

  • Hand of the King, formerly Baelor Breakspear, currently empty

  • Master of Whispers, Brynden Rivers, also known as Bloodraven

  • Master of Coin, Lord Sandor Celtigar, also called Lord Crab Patty due to his corpulence, suffers from indigestion

  • Master of Laws,

  • Master of Ships,

  • Lord Commander of the Kingsguard,

  • Grand Maester,

The Kingsguard

  • Lord Commander,

  • Ser Roland Crakehall

  • Ser Willem Wylde

  • Ser Donnel of Duskendale

  • Ser Robyn Tully, the Scaled Knight, the Silver Shark (Phoebas)

  • Ser Gwayne Corbray, wielder of Lady Forlorn, owes his life to Daemon Blackfyre and Redtusk (Joytex)

  • Ser X

Crownlanders and King's Landing Denizens

The Riverlands

The Westerlands

The Vale

The North

The Iron Isles

The Stormlands

The Reach

Dorne (nominally part of the demesne of the Iron Throne)

Other groups/exiles/Essosi/...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sini
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


Regions of Westeros

Military Might
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vanq
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Vanq The Chaos Ladder

Member Seen 18 days ago

House Arryn will be up...sometime.
Expect an ultra-religious, militantly ethnocentric take on them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dreamshell


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Not sure how exactly I'll make them interact with the rest of Westeros to any degree, but I've taken quite a liking to the Lothstons of Harrenhal. Like every Gothic horror story you can think of in one family! >=D

I imagine the house will be run by Lady Danelle and I'm considering a wayward brother inspired by both Blackbeard and Bluebeard, as well as an unknown additional bastard of Aegon the Unworthy's by Jeyne Lothston who takes after his uncle and went a-sailin' to Essos and lands beyond.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sini
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House Frey
The Twins – The Crossing

“The Twins—two squat, ugly, formidable castles, identical in every respect, with the bridge arching between—had guarded the crossing for centuries.” – Catelyn Tully

The Twins, sometimes known as the Crossing, are the seat of House Frey in the northern Riverlands. It is a fortified crossing of the Green Fork of the Trident and consists of two identical castles and a tower in the middle of their bridge.

The Twins consist of two identical castles standing on a margin of the Green Fork of the Trident. A stone bridge arches between them. This bridge is wide enough for two wagons to cross abreast, and is guarded by a tower in the middle known as the Water Tower. It is the only crossing point over the Green Fork for hundreds of miles in either direction, from the North to the western Riverlands. It lies directly athwart the main route from Winterfell to Riverrun.

The Freys have held the crossing of the Green Fork for six hundred years. It took them three generations to complete the bridge, after which they built timber keeps on each bank of the river. Since then, the Freys have grown wealthy by charging a heavy toll on all those who need to cross - a fact which irks many older or more powerful houses. The timber keeps have since been replaced by stone. These castles are what give the stronghold its name, for they are identical. They have high curtain walls, deep moats and a barbican and portcullis in each. The bridge footings rise from within the inner keeps. Given their strong castle, strategic location, lands, wealth, and numbers, the Freys are one of the most powerful bannerhouses sworn to House Tully.

The seat of the Lord of the Crossing is a massive chair of black oak. Its back is carved in the shape of two towers joined by an arched bridge.

Two blue towers united by a bridge on silver-grey, representing the Twins.

Words: We Take Our Toll

House Frey is one of the younger houses in Westeros, dating back some six centuries when its founder was awarded lands and nobility. The founding Frey had a vision of building a great bridge spanning the Green Fork of the Trident and began its construction. His grandson ultimately finished the bridge's construction and built wooden keeps on both sides as well. Later generations replaced the timber keeps with identical stone keeps that were named the Twins. A large tower was constructed in the middle of the bridge and called the Water Tower.

The Twins' defensible construction and strategic location allowed the Freys to prosper by exacting tolls for passage across the river. The Freys grew into one of the richest and most powerful houses of the Trident. Their quick rise to prominence has caused other powerful houses to look down on them as upstarts. Animosity with the Darrys from Darry was nursed, for instance and the Freys also became bitter rivals with their neighbours to the north, the Crannogmen ruled.

House Frey aided Aegon the Conquerer during his War of Conquest and rebelled against King Harren the Black of Harrenhal. Afterward, the Freys joined the other river lords in swearing fealty to House Tully. During the Dance of the Dragons, House Frey sided with the blacks against the greens. Lord Forrest Frey died fighting Westermen in the Battle by the Lakeshore.

Sworn to the Twins:
House Charlton
House Erenford
House Haigh
Housa Nayland of Hag's Mire

Members of the House:

  • Lord Calder Frey, Lord of the Crossing

  • Walda, Lyana, Amerei, Selyse, his four daughters

  • Walder Frey, his infant son

  • Lady Darla Frey, elder sister to Calder, former wife to Jon Lothston, died when falling off a horse

  • Domeric Lothston, son of Jon Lothston and Darla Frey, squire at the Harrenhal

  • Ser Franklyn Frey, his brother, a good tourney fighter

  • Steffon Frey, a squire

  • Ser Addam Frey, a cousin, a good lance

  • Marei, his sister

  • Ser Benfred Frey, another cousin

  • Ser Tom Fishbone, a Tully bastard sired on Bethany Frey, sister to Ser Benfred Frey, has a fish-skeleton for his sigil

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Flagg
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Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I'll work on a profile for the Tyrells.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zacharius


Member Offline since relaunch

I'll probably start writing a Lannister sheet between revision.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zacharius


Member Offline since relaunch

House Lannister of Casterly Rock

Casterly Rock is one of the most renown holdings in all of Westeros, matched only by The Redkeep, Erie and arguably Winterfell for its place in the minds of the Westerosi. Ruled by a house synonymous with wealth and power, Casterly Rock is as much a part of the Lannisters renown as they are a part of its.

House History

House Lannister traces its lineage back to the Age of Heroes, to the infamous Lan the Clever who won what would become the Lannister's ancestral home from the Casterlys. Despite this ancient history, the Lannister line is of andal descent, the connection to Lan the Clever falling on the female line (or, Lan themselves was female), for their traditionally fair features are clearly not of the first men.

As time passed, and gold was brought forth from beneath Casterly Rock, the Lannisters' position of power, both in the Westerlands and Westeros as a whole only solidified. Vast wealth and impassable terrain enabled the Lannisters to quash any attempt by the Savage Ironborn or the far more numerous Reachmen to control the territory. Vast supplies of gold and wise investment have only increased the wealth of the Lannisters and it will be a long time before any other House could challenge this, even if the Tyrells are just as key a part of the greater Westerosi economy. This control of Westeros was only further expanded when a full quarter of the treasury was transferred to Casterly Rock during the Dance of the Dragons, and House Lannister still owns the vault within the Iron Bank which holds yet another quarter of the then-treasury.

During the Blackfyure rebellion the Lannisters, along with the Westerlands as a whole, were dealt a dire blow at the hand of Ser Quentyn Bell. Damon Lannister, Lord of the Rock, was defeated, his army crushed. This came as a severe knock to Lannister prestige and to Damon Lannister personally, despite living many more years, his countenance never truly recovered. As soon as his son, Tybolt Lannister, was able to take on the duties of running the Rock and the Westerlands he did so, thus Tybolt's ascension to the 'throne' of the Rock with his father's recent death is primarily symbolic. Tybolt has ruled the Rock, and been rebuilding the Westerlands, for many years now, his astute mind returning it to well within the prosperous levels of before. With the Westerosi lands and economy stabilising, Casterly Rock is once more mining gold for the purpose of Royal Coinage, the fear of mass inflation passing.

Sworn to the Lannisters
The Houses of the Westerlands, even the powerful Reynes bow to their golden overlords.

Members of the House

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Flagg
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Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

House Tyrell of Highgarden

Growing Strong

Important Figures

  • Leos Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden, Defender of the Marches, High Marshal of the Reach, and Warden of the South. "The Mad Lord." Whether the current Lord of Highgarden is an eccentric genius or just insane is a question of considerable debate across the courts of Westeros. Everyone agrees, however, that nobody throws a better party- his masquerades are famous from King's Landing to Pentos. Everyone also agrees that crossing him is a mistake. (Flagg)

  • Lady Cassilda Tyrell. Leos' wife, born Cassilda Redwyne. Usually more interested in philosophy, wine and young Dornishmen than day to day politics and courtly duties. She is beautiful, brilliant and infamous for debauchery. (Flagg)

  • Maester Mazaryn. "The Grey Lord" Lord Leos’ adviser and right hand. He wields considerable, if informal, authority in the Reach as the envoy and agent of Lord Leos. Many suspect he is the power behind the throne of Highgarden (Flagg)

  • Ser Domeric Flowers. Master-at-Arms of Highgarden. Bastard brother of Lord Leos. He is cunning, utterly ruthless, and possessed of magnificent mustaches. (Flagg)

  • Vymar Tyrell, oldest legitimate child of Leos, a boy of ten years.

  • Open! Other players are welcome to join with characters in House Tyrell (pending GM approval, of course!)

  • Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vanq
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    Vanq The Chaos Ladder

    Member Seen 18 days ago

    House Arryn of the Eyrie is one of great houses of Westeros, and is the principal noble house in the Vale. Their main seat is the Eyrie, but they have many other holdings, including their winter castle at the Gates of the Moon. Both of these fortifications sit astride the Giant's Lance, the tallest mountain in the Vale, and the Eyrie is considered impregnable. Their sigil is a white moon-and-falcon on a sky-blue field, and their words are "As High as Honor". Their line dates back to the old Andal peoples that invaded Westeros. Usually marrying other Andal nobles, House Arryn to this day has the purest line of Andal nobility.

    History Largely courtesy of aWoIaF

    Prior to the arrival of the Andals, the Vale was ruled by the First Men under the Mountain Kings. Ser Artys Arryn, a legendary Andal leader, crossed the narrow sea with his forces and slew the Griffin King. And so the Arryns became the Kings of Mountain and Vale, according to semi-canon sources some six thousand years ago. In honor of Ser Artys, now king, they renamed the Vale into the Vale of Arryn, and he was given the Falcon Crown, which was henceforth passed down his line.

    Notable figures during the Arryn rule as kings include Alyssa Arryn, whose name was given to Alyssa's Tears, a waterfall on the Giant's Lance, when she did not shed a tear for her murdered husband, brothers and children, and King Osgood Arryn, who, with his son the Talon, went to war with House Stark of Winterfell.

    The Arryns bore the Falcon Crown until the Wars of Conquest, when they submitted to House Targaryen. During the Conquest the Arryn and Targaryen fleets fought it out in the Battle of Gulltown, which resulted in the destruction of the Targaryen fleet and the death of its commanding officer, Daemon Velaryon. Visenya Targaryen, on her dragon Vhagar, burned the Arryn fleet in response. Since both fleets were destroyed, the battle was considered a tactical draw, but a strategic defeat for the Targaryens as they were unable to take Gulltown. For House Arryn the trouble did not end there, since the Sistermen on the Three Sisters revolted against House Arryn after the destruction of its fleet.

    In a later stage of the War of Conquest, Visenya was charged with subduing the Vale. Sharra Arryn, Queen Regent of Vale of Arryn, ruling in the name of her son, the boy-king Ronnel Arryn, amassed the Vale army at the Bloody Gate. Visenya however, simply flew on her dragon Vhagar straight up to the courtyard of the Eyrie to obtain the surrender of the Vale of Arryn. When Sharra Arryn returned to the Eyrie she found her son sitting on Visenya's lap asking if he could ride the dragon with her. Sharra yielded and bent the knee and Ronnel would get to fly with Visenya and Vhagar twice. Since then, the Arryns remained Defenders of the Vale and were also named Wardens of the East, a title that they have held since.

    Over a century after the Conquest, the Arryns were involved in the Targaryen civil war, the Dance of the Dragons. It was a contest of claims between Viserys I Targaryen's issue, Rhaenyra Targaryen, from Aemma of House Arryn, and his issue, Aegon II Targaryen by Alicent of House Hightower. The head of House Arryn at that time, Jeyne Arryn, supported the blacks and her kinswoman Rhaenyra. At the start of the civil war, Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, Rhaenyra's eldest son, came to the Eyrie to secure aid for his mother's cause. Lady Jeyne, called the Maiden of the Vale, kept true to her promise and sent men by sea by way of Gulltown to join Rhaenyra's hosts.

    Decades later, during yet another Targaryen civil war, this one called the Blackfyre Rebellion, the house remained loyal to King Daeron II Targaryen. At the climactic Battle of the Redgrass Field Lord Arryn's van was smashed by Daemon Blackfyre, who had been unstoppable that day.

    Lord Arryn did not die that day, but suffered a grievous wound that would plague him through the rest of the war until he would die less than a year after returning home to the Eyrie. It was a gruesome, painful death, his wounded leg infected until it consumed his body. A bout of ill luck plagued the Arryns, for the new Lord Paramount ruled the Vale just six years before being taken by a fever. His son, the current Lord Arryn, was but a child of nine when he inherited.

    Character Sheets: WIP

    Leonella Arryn: A woman of 22, married to a member of House Belmore
    Marsella Arryn: A woman of 21, married to Lord Faedric Tully. Wed at 19, a betrothal that Lord Danwell had arranged with Lord Janos some years previous.
    Jeyne (Corbray) Arryn: Widow of Lord Ronnel, 39
    Lady Carolei (Hunter) Arryn: Wife to Lord Danwell, 29
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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    Sloth The Potato Salad of People

    Member Seen 2 mos ago

    I'd love to get back into this as I think I've improved over the last couple of years. That one of these was my first crack at advanced RPing has shamed me for a good long while.

    I've got a couple ideas floating around in regards to the Greyjoys and some minor houses.

    I'll see if I can find time and flesh them out and all that.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sizzlin Bacon

    Sizzlin Bacon

    Member Seen 6 yrs ago

    Would an individual assassin be acceptable?
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sini
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    Member Seen 6 mos ago

    The sheets I've seen so far are looking promising. Good work everyone.

    Sizzlin Bacon said
    Would an individual assassin be acceptable?

    I don't see that getting a lot of action without deaths of characters. Maybe it would make more sense as a secondary character. What did you have in mind exactly?
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sini
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    Member Seen 6 mos ago

    Willem “Willie” Morningwood, Lame Willie, assistant to the Master of Coin
    Age: 40

    Sigil: A golden oak tree on a field of green
    Words:To Rise and Shine

    Willem Morningwood is bitter and whimsical towards life in general, often mocking his own condition, and views steps as his greatest enemies and chairs as his greatest allies. After the accident and depression, Lame Willie became extremely cynical, capable of appreciating irony to its fullest extent. He despises his fat employer, but enjoys the influence and protection his position bestows on him.

    Spat out by his peers has made Willie thrive on isolation. Instead of the strength of his sword-arm, he had to rely on his wit. He has a sly and ruthless nature, branding himself as a survivor at all costs, trying to out-think his adversaries. Being a cripple, he has resolved to ignore, even amputate, his scruples. As such, he is no stranger to strong-arming, bribing or cajoling to have things his way. These often come in handy in both the worlds of commerce and politics.

    Willem has turned himself into a caricature, and likes to mock everyone and everything. Keenly aware of the world laughing at him, he has turned to a sickly mockery and laughs back. His cane made of black oak, for instance has a silver knob in the shape of a large acorn, with leaves wrapping downward alongside the length of it.

    Willem grew up as the son of a landed knight, sworn to Ashford in the Reach. As the years went by, he received a traditional upbringing, and showed some promise while being a squire and page. Like many a nobleman’s son, Willie, generous with his smile, dreamed of making a name for himself as a tourney knight. In spite of his humble origins, the son of Morningwood was a rising star in the firmament of the Reach.

    His tale of glory and fame came sharply to an end when he, at the age of 18, participated in a tourney at Maidenpool. Over-confident and careless, Willem had challenged a much older and experienced knight to a bout. The subsequent exchange of tilts ended with Willem’s horse tripping, falling and crushing its rider’s leg.

    For the next two months, Willem drifted between life and death for his broken, wounded leg had begun to fester. When he finally was on the mend, it became clear that his mutilated right leg would not be able to bear his full weight any longer. His old friends left him, and he could no longer bask in the adoration of fair maidens. Instead, he was shunned by most of the society and abandoned by those he held dear. Though his father did not say, it was clear he considered Willem as less than before.

    Crippled, Willem experienced a period of debauchery where he consumed vast quantities of poppy-milk, dicing and whoring. A failed attempt at suicide later, he set sail for the Free Cities. After spending some time in Pentos, he moved to Lys in order to escape his debts. There he was employed by a pleasure house to handle the ledgers, accounts and sensitive information.

    However, eventually he returned to Westeros at the request of his ageing father. Willem agreed to pass his inheritance over to his younger brother, Ser Joss Morningwood while he took up a position as steward in Ashford, dealing with market days and financial affairs.

    After the Blackfyre Rebellion, Willie ventured to the capital and worked as a custom’s officer and port official, until he was selected by Lord Sandor Celtigar, the Master of Coin. For the past five years, Lame Willie has toiled in Lord Celtigar’s office ever since, and made a reputation for himself as a brilliant accountant.

    Thriving in a metropolitan environment such as King’s Landing, Willem has acquired a steady income and works on gathering his fortune and influence. He has, ever since his time in Lys, sworn off knighthood and donned the cape of a politician, though some might call him a crook.

    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sizzlin Bacon

    Sizzlin Bacon

    Member Seen 6 yrs ago

    Sini said
    Good work everyone.I don't see that getting a lot of action without deaths of characters. Maybe it would make more sense as a secondary character. What did you have in mind exactly?

    Something of a dornish/essosi shady-type character that maintains connections to less than savory elements of society, excels with a bow, and could probably perform espionage duties in most capacities while giving off the appearance of being sellsword or other occupations as needed, potentially changing his backstory and given name as well to fit whatever role he needs. Not really intended to be main facet of the RP but I'm not particularly interested in taking an entire Great House, more just in a single character. If not this character, then perhaps a minor knight or something else depending on what I can imagine.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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    Ruby No One Cares

    Member Seen 27 days ago

    Sizzlin Bacon said
    Something of a dornish/essosi shady-type character that maintains connections to less than savory elements of society, excels with a bow, and could probably perform espionage duties in most capacities while giving off the appearance of being sellsword or other occupations as needed, potentially changing his backstory and given name as well to fit whatever role he needs. Not really intended to be main facet of the RP but I'm not particularly interested in taking an entire Great House, more just in a single character. If not this character, then perhaps a minor knight or something else depending on what I can imagine.

    There are a world of minor characters. So maybe narrowing down what area you want to start in?
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Flagg
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    Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

    Member Seen 6 mos ago

    If anyone is interested in working out collaborative histories, or would like a character in Highgarden, send me a PM!
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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    Ruby No One Cares

    Member Seen 27 days ago

    Flagg said
    If anyone is interested in working out collaborative histories, or would like a character in Highgarden, send me a PM!

    My Dornish Princess would have wanted to spend time in the Reach.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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    Member Seen 2 yrs ago


    PM Me for a Family Tree of Recent Generations

    House History

    Even the most ferocious of the lions can inspire loyalty. This is something that the Sarwyck have embodied since the very beginning of the minor house. The Sarwycks like the other eldest minor houses can trace their lineage as far back as a few hundred years before the Targaryen landing that preluded the conquest by Aegon the Conqueror. As such the most legendary Sarwyck in recent memory was the famed Raynard Sarwyck who fought with his Lannister liege lords against Aegon himself.

    Through marriage the Sarwycks have many ties to several other minor houses of Westeros thus making their influence in the Westerlands paramount. Such political ties and favor include House Payne, House Drox, House Peckledon, House Swyft, House Yarwyck, House Trant, House Westerling, House Crakehall, House Serret, and House Lorch among many others. During the Blackfyre Rebellion the Sarwycks would use such ties to unite the remaining levies to push a flanking attack on the Blackfyre forces at the Redgrass Fields which would in turn give them attention that the Sarwycks had not held since Aegon the Conqueror or the Dance of Dragons.

    Casualties of the house during the Blackfyre Rebellion included—Selwyn Sarwyck, Kevan Sarwyck, and Tidus Sarwyck.

    Another distinct characteristic of House Sarwyck is their possession of a valyrian steel longsword named Hopeseeker. It is currently possessed by Edwina Sarwyck.

    The County of Riverspring

    The lands of Riverspring have for the last two-hundred and fifty-nine years owed themselves to House Sarwyck and before that had a loose collection of barons that subjected themselves to petty conflicts with the neighboring lands of Stoney Sept. The ancestors of Raynard Sarwyck would be tasked with bringing order to the lands of Riverspring and thus the periodic evolution of a knightly house into a minor noble house began with the construction of Riverhall on top of the hill that overlooked the villages of Riverspring that sat on the end of the rivers of the Blackwater Rush. Through time Riverspring as a county has come to be known as a sort of lookout just north of the Gold Road—keeping its stern eyes on the Riverlands it shares its borders with. Including the titular settlement of Riverspring, the county also shares two additional baronies called Sowerby and Halton.

    At the end of the Blackwater Rush, just a few days journey south of Stoney Sept lies Riverspring—the seat of what once was a fortress to keep an eye on the Riverlands as tasked to them by House Payne and the Westerlands’ liege lords, House Lannister. Riverspring as itself has existed in the Westerlands sometime during the existence of the Kingdom of the Rock and as such was the birthplace of Raynard Sarwyck, who aided the realm in defense during the War of Conquest. Riverspring itself is a decently-sized city with the castle fortress towering above it on a hill that seems to tower over the town that serves as the end of the line for naval traffic on the Blackwater Rush which also creates a port for the eastern coast of Westeros for the Westerlands by proxy.

    Alongside the Blackwater Rush as well, Sowerby is settled on the far eastern side of the county; serving as the second-most densely populated settlement of the three. Sowerby has a small keep in the center of the town itself—lacking the strategic presence of the Stronghold in Riverspring but being adequate all the same.

    On the far west side of the county lies Halton, nestled in-between forested mountains and decent rolling hills—and as such became an agricultural center for The Gold Road and the County of Riverspring. Holding a small keep for the barons of Halton—the structure is pushed to the back of a mountain where an escape route runs into the sprawling mines behind the settlement.

    Members of the House

    Alyn Sarwyck – Baron of Halton, aged 53
    Jonas Sarwyck – Son of Alyn, aged 34
    Randal Sarwyck – Son of Alyn, aged 29
    Alyssa Hill – Bastard of Tidus Sarwyck, aged 23
    Cedric Hill – Bastard of Tidus Sarwyck, aged 14
    Alric Sarwyck – Son of Alyn, aged 14
    Kieran Sarwyck – Son of Alyn, aged 7

    Donnic Sarwyck – Baron of Sowerby, aged 28
    Tersei Sarwyck – Sister of Donnic, aged 13
    Eallett Sarwyck – Son of Donnic, aged 10

    Gareth Sarwyck – Lord of Riverspring, aged 68
    Jhavek Hill – Bastard of Selwyn Sarwyck, aged 30
    Edwina Sarwyck – Estranged Daughter of Gareth, aged 28
    Byron Sarwyck – Disinherited Son of Gareth, aged 28
    Amelia Sarwyck – Heir to Riverspring and Daughter of Gareth, aged 16
    Lysandra Sarwyck – Daughter of Wilfred Sarwyck, aged 10
    Emilia Sarwyck – Daughter of Wilfred Sarwyck, aged 3

    CS Sheets

    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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    Sloth The Potato Salad of People

    Member Seen 2 mos ago

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