Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


GM: Queen Raidne
Co-GM: Assallya

The galaxy is a jewel; the cosmos, its velvet-lined case.
Species, life - these are happenstance, chance reactions conceived and created in flashes of atmospheric disturbance.
Jewels, plural: Multiple galaxies; trillions of stars, trillions of chances, countless species, trillions of lives.
Cases, velvet-lined, plural. Multiple cosmoses. Many universes. Different start conditions; different circumstances, different jewels.
Jewel thief: one who steals jewels.
Jewel heist: the operation of stealing many cases (or one particular case) of jewels through cunning and/or deception.

Ships, molded by different circumstances, hanging upon the immense flypaper backdrop of the total absence of matter. Vessels designed to exceed the speed of light, vessels designed for war, vessels designed for hope, and vessels designed for peace. Habitats and seeds ejected from one planet toward the next, piloted by creations of chance. Free-floating carbon molecules running from jewel to jewel. In all of the cases of jewels in all the jewelry stores, molecules of carbon defy chance through sheer quantity, and end up in a different box. The same box.

Ships, wildly varying in attitude and character, for incredibly different and intricate reasons, find themselves in the same box. One about to be stolen.

It is a period of civil emergency. CORUSCANT, capital of the Galactic Empire, is under seige from a tower of unknown origin. EMPEROR PALPATINE, having escaped the seige, now rebuilds his forces to stage a counterattack. This has the unfortunate consequence of stranding DARTH VADER, his apprentice, behind the unknown enemy on Coruscant.

In the chaos, rebel spaceships strike from a hidden base, winning their first victory against the Galactic Empire. During the battle, Rebel spies easily stole secret plans to the Empire's ultimate weapon, the DEATH STAR, an armored space station with enough power to destroy an entire planet. Aglow with victory, Princess Leia races home aboard her starship, custodian of the stolen plans that can save her people and restore freedom to the galaxy.

Meanwhile, above the spaceport Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine, a disparate band of heavily damaged, unknown ships appears from nowhere....


Universe: Star Wars
Time: Just prior to Episode IV - that is, the battle in which the rebels acquire the plans to the Death Star
You: Ships from any universe, transported to the Star Wars universe via mostly unreproduceable means, heavily damaged and/or low on supplies and fuel.


|Power Level: Ships should be at an approximately equal or lower power level to the Enterprise (original series, Star Trek), Prometheus (Stargate SG-1 [note the lack of an Asgard core]), Normandy (Mass Effect), or Carrier (Starcraft II: Star Battle [custom game/map]). There's some leeway here, so if you're questioning whether or not a ship works, ask. Don't, however, ask if you can take Atlantis from Stargate Atlantis. The answer is no.

|Supplies/Damage: As your ship gets transferred over from its universe of origin (however you'd like for that to happen), or perhaps before it gets transferred, it will sustain damage and/or lose supplies. The point of this is to level the playing field amongst PC ships. So there might be the Galactica along side the Enterprise, but the Enterprise barely has enough antimatter to sustain life support, let alone shields. As a rule of thumb, the more advanced your ship is, the more crippled it should be.

The secret second point of this is to force everybody's ships to cooperate (or at least interact with the other PC ships for a bit). Furthermore, under the philosophy of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", your ships are "broke". Oh, look at that whole universe and PC and enemy ships literally made of alien tech. Alien upgrades, anyone?

|An Acceptable Break from Reality: There can be more of these, obviously, but let's just agree to get this out of the way:
-Aliens speak English/Universal Translators: To avoid two pages of "how do I understand this language?" posts, Galactic Basic is assumed to be readily translatable to your ship's crew, and vice-versa. If you'd like to tackle Wookiee, or other obscure dialects, it's up to you as to how difficult it is to translate.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

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|Ship Name: Tor-Selim - Hiigaran Carrier
|Universe of Origin: Homeworld
|Method of Transfer While running scans on the Hyperspace Gate that Kira obsesses over, the Gate mysteriously activated and pulled the Tor-Selim in. During the voyage, the unusual type of Quantum waveform the gate employed caused significant damage to the Hyperspace Wake Jump module, as well as damaging the Frigate and Corvette manufacturing facilities - both the exterior modules and the Frigate berths exposed bays. A number of crew were injured or killed by Quantum anomalies forming in the fore section of the ship, where the ships bow intersected another peak in the wave.


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Transfered from the PMs.

|Ship Name: Culling of Prospero
|Universe of Origin: Warhammer 40K
|Method of Transfer: The will of Malal, the Choas God of Anarchy
|Damage sustained during transfer/current supplies: Significant Damage to the Lance cannons, Significant Damage to Weapon Batteries, Significant damage to Armour-bay (Warhound Krakatoa suffered critical damage, estimated repair time,1 year 3 months 21 days. Other vehicles received minimal damage.) Crew Quarters damaged (Light casualties sustained by astartes, luckily, their gene-seed was recovered.) Engines fully operational.
|Ship Specifications:
+Offensive Systems:
Dorsal Weapon Batteries X 5
Broadside Weapon Batteries X 16 (8 on each side)
Ventral Lance type anti-capital Ship Cannons X 4
Anti-Fighter Lance turrets X 25
Missile tubes X 10
+Defensive Systems
Void Shields
Thick Armour
+Auxiliary Systems
Self Sustaining Plasma reactor
Powerful Vox Caster system.
Warp Jump Engines
Powerful Sensors.
+Flight Systems
Multiple Hangars for launching Landing/Attack craft.
Drop Pod Launch bays
+Secondary Systems
Stasis pods
Dreadnought Internment center
Small Manufactorum used by Master of the Force and his Techpriests
Chapel to the Immortal God Emperor.
Machine God temple (Doubles up as vehicle repair bay. Warhound Krakatoa stored here)
+Miscellaneous Specifications
Length: 2.5 KM
Width: 750M
Hight: 1.2KM
Crew Complement: 15,654 (285 Astartes, 2821 Guardsmen, 12,539 standard crewers and 9 Inquisitorial members)
+Current Flight Group:
15 Thunderhawk Gunships
30 Valkyrie Gunships
15 Storm Eagle Gunships
5 Caestus Assault Rams
20 Stormtalon Gunships
100 Drop pods
+Name: Kurn Wolfstalon
+Job: Azuriah (Serves as both Chapter-Master and Chief-Librarian.)
+Description: Reletively young by Chapter Master standards as he is barely 500 years old. Kurn was noted for his powerful Psyker powers when, his powers made themself clear at the age of 7 when he watched a Black Legion Aspiring Champion slaughter his mother, In response, his mind shreded the champion to red paste. His father, A commander in the Space Wolves, tried to have his son enlisted when the Inquisitions Black Ships arrived to have him drafted into the Grey Knights. The Space Wolves and Inquisition got into a shouting match and almost came to blows when an Inquisitor offered a compromise. Found a new chapter, that the boy would take command of when he was old enough. One that would hunt Daemons... The Space Wolves most hated enemies. Over the next 200 years, he was trained to use his psyker powers to their fullest. He has now been leading the Angels against the Thousand Sons in several successful campaigns. He wears hooded Terminator Armour with Metal Angel Wings on the back and an Iron Halo adorning it and is armed with a Force Staff and wrist mounted Psycannon.

+Name: Worf Wolfstalon
+Job: Prisoner
+Description: The brother of the Azuriah. He is 12 years older than his brother and was already in his training when his younger brother was taken by the Inquisition for training. Worf had minor psyker potential, but never enough to be noticed by the Inquisition. He was transfered to the Angels of Fenris when his brother became Chapter Master. During a recent raid on a Thousand Son base, he freed a captured Eldar Farseer that was to be ritually sacrificed to Slaanesh. Then they were ambushed, Worf was cut off from his team and had to escape with the Farseer. He was mortally wounded escaping. The Farseer foresaw him being of great importance to the defense of his craftworld... That, without him, the great enemy would consume the souls of them all. Vowing to not let that happen, he captured his soul in a Spirit Stone. His soul was then interned into a Wraithlord. Waking, he saw what he had become and immediately attempted suicide. Naturally, he was restrained and prevented from doing so. When the others tried to have the abomination killed, Worf was returned to the Angels by the Farseer, saying that he would return him on the condition that he wasn't killed. Worf now resides on the ship, restrained, begging all passersby to kill him. End his suffering as a Monstrosity. But, by Kurns honour, he cannot allow his brother to perish. He is now a Wraithlord that has been repainted in Angels of Fenris livery (Space Wolf Grey, Mephiston Red and Burnished Gold)

+Name: Viqtor Remly
+Job: Inquisitor
+Description: An Inquisitor in the Angels midst to keep an eye on them. He has a Servo-arm and uses a Blast Pistol and Daemon Blade, he also carries around a Tau Pulse rifle. He travels around with his own Death Cult.

+Name: Lafrao Morray
+Job: Admiral (Commands the ship itself.)
+Description: An Admiral in the Imperial Navy, he is highly decorated strategist. He wears the standard Admiral's coat and has a prosthetic arm and eye and uses a Laspistol in the highly unlikely event of having to fight without his Battleship.

+Name: Lemanicus Bridge
+Job: Master of the Forge
+Description: Ever since he was small, on Fenris, he has been a weaponsmith. Naturally, when the Sky Warriors came for him, he wanted to be a Techmarine. Although he has limited Combat experience, there are few more skilled at the forge than he. He made most of the armour worn by the Angels of Fenris. He has 6 servo-arms and, in the highly unlikely event of entering combat, he wields a Melta-Bolter combi and a Power Axe. He is 800 years young and his flowing, silver beard he boasts to be the finest in the Universe.

+Name: Zequial Remming
+Job: Master of Sanctity
+Description: During the Great Crusade, Zequial was a Chaplain in the Word Bearers Legion. When his ship went into the Warp, it didn't emerge for another 13000 years... Although, as far as he was concerned, it was only 100 years, he spent it in the Warp, fighting an unending army of Daemons, holling himself up in the cargo bays, the only way he could drown out the whispers of Chaos was to sing loudly. When the hulk finally emerged, it was found by the Angels, when found him, his armour so bloodstained that the paint had been worn off, they couldn't see his Legion markings. He was barely alive. And being that the computer told them that he hadn't exitted the warp for 100 years, they decided to have him interned, the only Dreadnought available was a Contemptor in the ships hold that he was in. He now works as the Master of Sanctity. Although, as with most Dreadnoughts, he isn't entirely there in his head. As such, he is prone to randomly bursting into song. He is armed with a Twin-Link Autocannon and a special Corzius (Large enough for a Deadnought to weild) made by Lemanicus. He also has a Missile rack on his shoulders.

+Name: Grumm Plorgan
+Job: Honour Guard
+Description: An Ogryn formerly of the Cadians, he is more commonly known as "Headpuller" due to his preference of killing his victims by pulling their heads off. He was transfered to the Honour-Guard of the Angels when he saved the Azuriah's life, the Azuriah had been cut off from his troops when his Drop-pod was hit by flak and he was thrown out, his Psyker powers saving him from the fall. On the ground he met up with the Cadians and Grumm, when they were ambushed by a Daemon Prince and his forces, Their forces engaged each other whilst Kurn and the Daemon Prince squared off. The Daemon Prince gained the upper hand by pinning the Azuriah to the ground and was just about to deliver the finishing blow, when Grumm jumped on his back and ran up, before grabbing the Daemon Princes head and pulling, the Daemon Prince ignored him, knowing that if he took his hands off the Azuriah, then he'd be vulnerable to his Psycannon. Unfortunately for the Daemon Prince, he didn't count on the conviction and stubbornness of the Ogryn as, soon, his head was ripped clean off his shoulders, before Grumm proceeded to beat a nearby Chaos Terminator to death with it. Pleased by this creature, he ordered the Ogryn be transfered to his honour guard. He is armed with a unique pair of Krak Missile Launchers, upgraded from those made for the Bullgryns, only, these have Power Fists loaded onto the end of them to help better get a grip on his enemies heads.

+Name: Lord General Siegfried Wallace
+Job: Commander of the Guard
+Description: The Angels of Fenris, due to a lack of a homeworld, have a notable lack of Astartes among their number. To balance out their forces to make them a proper fighting force, they are heavily bolstered by The Emperor's Hammer, The Astra Militarum (Imperial Guard). The Militarum is commanded by the Lord General. Officer, gentleman, genocidal killer of Heretics. Formerly a Commissar in the 501st Cadians, he worked his way up the ranks, most of the time by sacrificing body parts, Achieving Lord Commissar at the cost of he arm, General at the cost of his remaining hand, and Lord General at the cost of his eye. He is never seen without his signature moustache and monocle, wearing his cravat and frilly-cuffed shirt, and you are not likely to find a shinier pair of boots in the entire Imperium. His motto being "A spit-shined pair of boots, a crisp, ironed shirt, and a trusty Pistol by your side and the Emperor will not allow any harm to come to you." He is always ready to fight at a moments notice, primarily because his hand was replaced by a Power Fist with a Hotshot-lasgun built into the wrist, as well as a Power Sword on his belt, built specially by Lemanicus, it's hilt is shaped like a wolf's head, howling a blade.

+Name: Father Morican Beniiel
+Job: Wolf Priest/Chief Apothecary
+Description: A practitioner of the Faith, but primarily the ships chief Medical Officer. Morican was, like Lemanicus, a youth that grew up in the tribal system of Fenris. He was trained in the ways of medicine by his Grandfather, who had learned his medical knowledge from his grandfather, and so on. Morican was recruited by the Sky Warriors and became a Wolf Priest, due to his combination of extensive medical knowledge and fierce devotion to the faith. He was the one that found Zequiel and interned him, and is one of Kurns oldest friends, it is said that he is the only member of the crew allowed to talk back to the Azuriah. And, though is not the Master of Sanctities, is considered one of the wisest in the order when it comes to the faith... He is also considered the biggest party animal, due to his fondness of Ale and Mead

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Will shift my sheet over tomorrow when I am on land.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Forewarning. A battlestar has a lot of officers and crew. I'll name them as I go along and add them images if they are really important.

Notable Crew

Name:Commander Tyrell Lorne

Brief History: Served in the Colonial fleet since 18, initially a Viper Jock before transferring for officer training shortly after where he then served as an XO aboard the Columbia until the Commander was promoted to another position and he took charge of the Columbia and has been its commander for the past 4 years.

Name:Colonel Alexander Phillips

Brief History
Served as a Tactical Officer straight out of Officer Training so has no experience in the cockpit, which is why he was chosen to be the XO of the Columbia four years ago. As he has the vast experience in the running of a Battlestar and its systems which allows the Commander to shift focus towards the fighter element making it that much more dangerous.

This list will expand as time goes on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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/me dusts this new OOC.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

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Well, I'm trying to be good and not jack the GM's thread :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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But getting bored hereeeeeeee D:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I decided to add a Lord General to my crew, mainly because I need a good John Bull figure to keep my guardsmen in line.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sorry, it always takes me a week to get back into the swing of things for some reason.

+Sundered Echo: Accepted in its entirety.

+Mattmanganon: That is a bit large, I think. I like the concept, and I'd hate for you to lose all the work you've done on bios, so I think you can keep most of your sheet intact. Just less of it. Perhaps a cruiser or something similar? I'm not the most well-versed in the Warhammer 40K 'verse.

+Sep: You'll need a method of transfer and damage sustained, but it otherwise looks fine.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Queen Raidne said That is a bit large, I think. I like the concept, and I'd hate for you to lose all the work you've done on bios, so I think you can keep most of your sheet intact. Just less of it. Perhaps a cruiser or something similar? I'm not the most well-versed in the Warhammer 40K 'verse.

Unfortunate, but understandable. I mean, I did just ask for a ship that, is capable of leveling a planet in less than 30 minutes... Thinking about it, so is every ship from Star Trek... But at least, my guys aren't packing the equipment for it (Cyclonic Torpedoes: essentially, go off with the force of 10,000 Tzar Bomba's, blasting a chunk out of the planet and igniting the entire atmosphere.)

The big problem with my guys is that, well, obviously, they need a much bigger ship than something like Star Trek, due to the fact that humans are larger by average, I mean, Ciaphus Cain (An unaltered human) was supposed to be 7'1 And the average Space Marine is 10 foot, and let's not get started on the Ogryns, as Indicated with the "in order to get around a Galaxy Class, my Chapter Master would need to carry a stick of butter and a crowbar." joke.

Plus, their machines are all huge... I mean, Thunderhawks are about the size of an IRL north atlantic Cruiser. In order to take what I want for my story, I really need something this large... Plus, of course, Teleportariums are rare and the technology to create new ones is all but lost. Mars is the only place they can make them anymore.

That's the bitch about playing Imperium, they've got loads of neat toys, but nobody knows how to build them anymore... Seriously, all of the Imperiums big guns are based on lost technology, Titans, Fellblades, Emperor-Battleships... The Adeptus Mechanicus needs to pull their finger out...

Would it be acceptable if I crippled it a little more, if not, i'll look into a suitable replacement.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

+Sep: You'll need a method of transfer and damage sustained, but it otherwise looks fine.

Did I not mention Hull Damage somewhere along the line? If not I'll have some hull damage along near engineering and the FTL offline. That way I won't be able to jump until the FTL is fixed which is rather dangerous until the hull is fixed up.

Also what do you mean method of transfer?

Last time I was pretty much just fell into the SW galaxy.

Also I was going to detail damage IC, I didn't want to add it to my lovely looking sheet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Changed image for my XO
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Matt you know that you can fit a company of marines and all their toys on a (much smaller) Strike Cruiser with room to spare. Chapters operated out of cruisers during the Heresy Era with no trouble at all.

Also, marines don't take up all that much space. Think about this: we can, right now, fit 5,680 people on a 332.8 meter long carrier (Nimitz Class) designed to hold a huge number of aircraft which, while nowhere near the size of a thunderhawk, still take up a considerable amount of space. While a marine ina rmour would most likely find the corridors in such a ship impossible to navigate, the scale should still make a point on its own. Even if you doubled the size of the rooms to account for it, you'd still get a good 2000 people on it.
Incidentally, Thunderhawks are barely pushing thirty meters. Source http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Thunderhawk#.U4vVDChqFNU (Taken from a Forge World Imperial Armour Book, which is only one step removed from a Codex in terms of Canon.)

I'm pretty sure you could comfortably downsize to a 2km cruiser and keep all the toys, and if its a heresy era ship, as many are, it may very well have a teleporter. Also, the mechanicus can still build a lot of their lost tech, they just cant improve it as they don't understand it, as well as generally taking a very long time to build it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Well, there goes the point in having a ship from BSG.

When you already have colonials flying around. Good fight everyone, I'll just go hit the self destruct.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

All right, colonials who magically appeared are gone. S'all good.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

What the fudge?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Originally Colonials came out of the Tower. When the Kin haven't taken over the BSG Galaxy which we discussed.

They're gone now, s'all good.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sundered Echo said
Matt you know that you can fit a company of marines and all their toys on a (much smaller) Strike Cruiser with room to spare. Chapters operated out of cruisers during the Heresy Era with no trouble at all.Also, marines don't take up all that much space. Think about this: we can, right now, fit 5,680 people on a 332.8 meter long carrier (Nimitz Class) designed to hold a huge number of aircraft which, while nowhere near the size of a thunderhawk, still take up a considerable amount of space. While a marine ina rmour would most likely find the corridors in such a ship impossible to navigate, the scale should still make a point on its own. Even if you doubled the size of the rooms to account for it, you'd still get a good 2000 people on it.Incidentally, Thunderhawks are barely pushing thirty meters. Source (Taken from a Forge World Imperial Armour Book, which is only one step removed from a Codex in terms of Canon.)I'm pretty sure you could comfortably downsize to a 2km cruiser and keep all the toys, and if its a heresy era ship, as many are, it may very well have a teleporter. Also, the mechanicus can still build a lot of their lost tech, they just cant improve it as they don't understand it, as well as generally taking a very long time to build it.

We've already discussed this, it's not Heresy Era, I've said this a number of Times. Also, as you said before, size, in the Warhammer Universe is debatable, as things are constantly being changed. Lexicanum (My go to source for Warhammer knowledge) said that Thunderhawks can be outfitted with Turbolaser-Destructor's (the same cannons mounted on a Reaver-class Battle Titan) If so, then a Thunderhawk would have to be pretty fucking huge to carry a generator capable of powering it up a weapon of that magnitude, without losing it's flight capability.

And as for the ship... Well, after looking into it, apparently things have got pretty fucked up as far as size goes, apparently, now, the smallest Capital ship that the Imperium fields is the Cobra-class Escort Frigate at 1.5KM. unfortunately, that thing has little to no space for an assault force, built like Defiant from DS9. Plus, of course, dat look... Vengeance is an awesome shape for a ship.

Fuck it, Let's say that the Vengeance is 2.5KM and have done with it, Who's gonna complain? Matt Ward? He can blow me.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

mattmanganon said
We've already discussed this, it's not Heresy Era, I've said this a number of Times. Also, as you said before, size, in the Warhammer Universe is debatable, as things are constantly being changed. Lexicanum (My go to source for Warhammer knowledge) said that (the same cannons mounted on a ) If so, then a Thunderhawk would have to be pretty fucking huge to carry a generator capable of powering it up a weapon of that magnitude, without losing it's flight capability.And as for the ship... Well, after looking into it, apparently things have got pretty fucked up as far as size goes, apparently, now, the smallest Capital ship that the Imperium fields is the Cobra-class Escort Frigate at 1.5KM. unfortunately, that thing has little to no space for an assault force, built like Defiant from DS9. Plus, of course, dat look... Vengeance is an awesome shape for a ship.Fuck it, Let's say that the Vengeance is 2.5KM and have done with it, Who's gonna complain? Matt Ward? He can blow me.

I have no idea what is going on as I am out of the loop of W40k. However if you are desizing it don't you need to modify troop numbers/weapon placements etc to compensate? Downsize the ship downsize what it has?
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