Kami was floating above the city. His eyes were closed, but he could see. He could see the people, going about their business below. Thousands of them, swarming around like ants, crawling over one another to get where they wanted to go. He could see the machinery, driven to supply whatever luxury one might wish for. He could see them all. Floating above them like this..... he was a god, watching over these mortals. He'd felt that power, the exhileration of having a thousand volts run through your body. He enlarged his senses, feeling the magnetic fields of the Earth. Two poles, and a horde of electric positive energy in the earth. The subtle flickers of static in the clouds, building up to become lightning. He could feel the sun's electromagnetic waves, hitting the ozon layer and dissipating. He floated, and he saw with something greater than eyes. He saw with the eyes of a God.
Floating above the city, Kami gathered energy. From the air. From static. From the thundering clouds, and even, a little bit, from the sun. It crackled through his body, making him shiver with excitement. He focused the energy in his hand. The hand of a god, striking down all those who were unworthy in his eyes. He reached out, and there was a flash, a pulse of light, striking down at the ground faster than any human could follow. And a man died. The rapist fell to the ground, his body covered in burns, his clothing burning from the intense heat, the shocked victim fleeing the scene of the crime. That was right. He was the hero. He had this power, and it was his RESPONISBILITY...... to kill all those who were unworthy.
Smiling, Kami held up his hand once more, energy gathering in his palm. More, this time. Kami was gaining control, and with it power. There was a burglary on Fisher's Avenue, two men breaking into a shop. Then, there was a flash of light. A bolt of divine power, striking from the heavens. And there was no burglary any more. Just a scared masked man, running screaming from the remains of his accomplice. And another clap of thunder rang out through the city. Then, there was noone left.