Alright, I'm going to go ahead and hit you guys with the clue bat. Kami's takeover plan is a massive, unstoppable mechanism. People get taken over, Kami gets more power, more people can be taken over. She only needs to take over the world governments, and then she's effectively won. However, her plan has a single major weakness. And that is that it all relies on Kami. Kami, while quire powerful, is still human, and has no superhuman defense. A single bullet could end her, and if it did, every single one of her mind-slaves would either drop over dead, or devolve into a psychotic killer. Even if you get one good hit on her, you'll be able to halt the machine. Literally every one of her minions is linked directly to her brain, and if she's distracted by, for example, a missing limb, every one of her Death Priests is useless. When I said that Kami would make one mistake, I meant that she came here in person, instead of sending a representative. This is the one chance you're going to get to kill Kami, and if you miss it she'll retreat behind a hundred locked doors again.