Summary of the Events that Occurred...
-A certain prince is stereotyping a certain captain, but the situation has been diffused with the some help from Tom
-Red meets Night, but Night would rather be alone than have to find out the true nature of the crushed bird corpse later, Red leaves and Night buries his dead
-Rumplestiltskin is looking after his lady...and by that, I mean he slain all of Belle's pursuers like fish in a barrel
-A certain mermaid is proving that she isn't so little by visiting bar, picking up men, killing her men, and hiding their bodies where they can be found by patrolling guards
-Cheshire cat may or may not have been cheated by a certain other trickster type (though Rumplestiltskin is more of a villain)
-Gender-bender enters into town, and hopes not to get harrassed by men when getting a drink. Good luck, you probably aren't expecting a lady with a man's voice.
-Rumplestiltskin (earlier~) showed off his sweet @$$ domination skills to Miss Jekyll by strangling her almost to the point of...passing out. In turn, Miss Hyde had to come out and show the trickster her own skills. Of course, Rumplstiltskin enjoys it very much, he pays Hyde back by showing her a neat magic trick, and pays Jekyll back by making her his apprentice. Unfortunately, Jekyll still owes him back for her own domination, and has to become his personal maid (costume and all).