Name: Eros Arco
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight, but she's open to ideas
Race: White American
Position: drug user, but she deals a little on the side.
Personality: Eros is one of those people who, according to her, has never, ever done anything wrong. She'd like to think she was the innocent flower, whose life had just not been kind to her and, through a series of unfortunate incidents, she landed up in the slums, but the reality she's more like the serpent underneath. Manipulative yet charming, she's the kind of girl that strongly believes that, not only does the world revolve around her, but literally anything is possible when you have a pretty face. And fortunately enough for her, she's always known she was pretty. If she's not aimlessly trying to double cross you for no other reason than she can, she's actually pretty friendly, and would happily defend those she considers 'friends' as if her life counted on it. Having said that, however, if it came down to it, and she really had to risk her life to save someone else, she'd happily push them under the bus in the name of self preservation. In her head, she always come first. No exceptions.
Appearance: Eros is skinny, unnaturally so, but then again, what can you expect when you spend half your time on drugs that restrict your appetite? Her dirty blonde hair naturally sits half way down her back, but she often finds she can't be bothered dealing with it as it's too curly, and tangles easily, so ties it up in a high ponytail. The little money Eros does actually make goes on keeping herself clean, mainly. It's always been said that, for someone who lives in the slums, she's surprisingly well kept. She can most often be seen in a bright red lipstick to contrast her pale skin and gold toned eyeshadow to highlight her emerald eyes. Some say she spends too much on make up, but it's gotten to the point where she really couldn't care less.
History: Born and raised on the North side of the river, Eros' life wasn't always as dirty as it is now. Her parents divorced when she was little and her dad moved out, but that didn't mean her mother couldn't provide for the family sufficiently. It meant she was out a lot though, always busy with work or going on an endless amount of first dates with men that she'd met over the internet. There wasn't enough time in the day to care for a daughter that was just going to school, and so Eros learnt to take care of herself, and ensure that if she couldn't get attention from her mum, she'd make sure she got it from everyone else.
By high school, she almost popular. The friends she'd had were ones she'd gained when she was younger, sticking her claws into the smart kids, the naive kids, anyone that she could twist around her finger by batting her eyelashes and pretending she needed their help. She was under the impression that she could do anything as long as she was pretty, but the obsession with beauty quickly turned toxic. She found herself restricting her eating so she could lose weight, telling her friends she'd already eaten so she could skip meals, hell, even throwing her fingers down her throat to purge her stomach of its contents every once in a while. She didn't see the problem with it, but she also knew she couldn't tell anyone, so she didn't. She kept it secret and kept it hidden, offering the whole world the same smile every day, just as long as she just kept losing weight. She became very secretive, quickly pulling away from the friends she'd gained over the years in favor of her own company, maybe some alcohol every once in a while.
It threw her home life way out of whack. By the time all this had happened, her mother had actually settled down and found a boyfriend, someone that could take care of Eros and her mother, if only Eros thought she needed taking care of. She was determined that she didn't need her mum or her boyfriend anymore, so set in the idea that they didn't really understand what was going on, and couldn't help even if they tried. She just needed a way out, a way to pull away from the few people that actually still gave a crap about her. And that's when she met Reed, part time jackass and full time druggie.
Reed was older, you see. Reed was the kind of guy girls only dreamed of meeting and dating. He was hot, mysterious, and old enough to have a house of his own, who cared if it was on the South side of the city? A house was a house, right? Or, that's what Eros thought anyway. She fell into a toxic relationship with the guy, he'd let her stay if she gave him what he wanted, whenever he wanted it. He introduced her to his 'friends', and it wasn't long until the social pressure drove her to drugs, and lots of them. To put it simply, if you can think of it, Eros probably did it. It didn't take long for her and Reed to fall out, however, as she was too stubborn to do some of the things he wanted, and she'd be damned if someone else told her what to do. So she left and found a place of her own, selling the drugs she didn't actually take to get by. It wasn't a pretty life, but she enjoyed it all the same.
I hope this is okay. Uhm, yeah..