Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dusk
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Dusk Bloop

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yeah, that'd be totes awesome. Maybe make a Google Doc or something to act as a job board.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Here is my character submission. Please let me know if anything needs to be fixed! Also, a question: How will learning/revealing new spells work? I assume we'll just gradually grow more powerful as we go along, but is there anything specific that needs to be done in order for a character to gain new spells/abilities?

Name: Rutger Artz
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: Rutger is like a camp fire, warm and friendly to everyone he meets. He is curious, and enjoys reading or talking to other mages about their experiences for entertainment and to learn. He is very studious towards his own magic, and seeks to master as many aspects of it as he can. He is compassionate, and rarely shows anger...but of course, even a candle flame will burn an unwary hand.

Biography: Originally born in a mountaintop village where snow was a common sight even in the warmer months, young Rutger had to spend a lot of time indoors as snow and icy winds howled against the windows. While he sat on the thick fur rug with a crackling fire at his back, his father would regale him with wild and wonderous tales from the pages of old books. As he grew older, Rutger devoured the stories wherever he could find them, once even scaling the mountain by himself at record speed to obtain a book from another town on the night it was released. And one day, a creaky horse drawn wagon with a little old man in the driver's seat made the perilous journey up the mountain, his equally old horse bravely pushing through the snowbanks. The little peddlar hawked all his wares to the villagers that market day; pots and pans, blankets and quills, thread and needles, and all other bits and bobs. But only one caught Rutger's interest: a thick tome with a fiery symbol on its front, and in gilded letters the title Fire Magic: A Beginner's Guide.

For days afterward, Rutger could barely pull himself away from the book to eat and sleep. The prospect of learning magic engaged him like nothing else, and when a pinprick of flame blossomed upon his fingertip, its light paled against that of his smile. He soon found he had a natural affinity for fire type magic, and had soon practically memorized the contents of the book.

Once he felt he could consider himself a full fledged mage, he decided that he wanted to join a guild not only to make a living, but to learn more about the exciting world of magic. With a loving farewell to his family and friends, he went down the mountain and began to trek across Fiore, searching for a guild that piqued his interest. He soon found himself in Middlemist, under the banner of Mystic Ram.

Magic: Caster Type - Fire Magic
A form of Magic that revolves around the use of fire, allowing the caster to conjure, manipulate, and control the element for various purposes. The caster can change the properties of this Magic such as its "form", allowing it to take shape as a gas or solid element. The color of this Magic can also change, ranging from purple, red, blue and yellow. Fire Magic can also work in a similar fashion to explosives. The caster is able to conjure this element from various parts of their body or from the nearby surroundings, though it is possible for weapons to use fire as well.

Spells: Rutger prides himself on knowing lots of Fire spells, but these are some of his most commonly used ones:

  1. Fira: A basic fireball with the added property of homing in on a target once fired. It's decently fast, but not very powerful.

  2. Firaga: A much larger, much more powerful fireball that no longer homes in on targets, but still moves quickly. This straightforward attack is strong, and a good way to force through defenses, but it only travels in a straight line and doesn't hold together over long ranges.

  3. Maragi: A wave of flame that expands in a forward facing arc, good for hitting multiple targets. Decent power, but a bit on the slow side.

  4. Blazing Knuckle: Concentrated flames gather around the caster's hand for added damage when punching, but what really makes this spell worthwhile is that the flames can be unleashed in a point blank explosion. A good strategy if one knows their attack is likely to be caught or blocked, but it requires getting in extreme close quarters with the target.

  5. Firaja: The caster must specify a target area with a magic circle, then a powerful explosion of flame is unleashed. This is a very powerful spell, especially for the target in the center, but enemies around the edge of the spell will take a little bit of damage too. However, it requires concentration and preparation time from the caster, and is best used when the foe is distracted.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well, depending on the mage, I guess that the circumstances for learning new spells or getting new abilities would be different. For a holder type mage, you could either have your tools go through some sort of evolution, making them stronger, or you could simply find stronger magic artifacts.

For a caster mage, I think that it would be both a physical and mental thing. Although not the same, I would like to look at Chakra from Naruto to explain this. You'd have to know how to channel and mold the chakra/magic power inside of you in order to create new spells. You could also learn spells from tomes, as well as physical teaching from others. molding the energy differently can create variations of a possibly already developed spell, and continuing to deviate from the source material by making changes to every single variant can create a new spell altogether.

Also, the fire mage is in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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pyroman said
Well, depending on the mage, I guess that the circumstances for learning new spells or getting new abilities would be different. For a holder type mage, you could either have your tools go through some sort of evolution, making them stronger, or you could simply find stronger magic artifacts.For a caster mage, I think that it would be both a physical and mental thing. Although not the same, I would like to look at Chakra from Naruto to explain this. You'd have to know how to channel and mold the chakra/magic power inside of you in order to create new spells. You could also learn spells from tomes, as well as physical teaching from others. molding the energy differently can create variations of a possibly already developed spell, and continuing to deviate from the source material by making changes to every single variant can create a new spell altogether.Also, the fire mage is in.

Thank you! I'll whip up a post in a bit!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Someone... please help me...

I can't stop binging on Kamen Rider


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

pyroman said
Someone... please help me...I can't stop binging on Kamen RiderIT'S BEEN FIVE DAYS OF NOTHING BUT SPANDEX AND SUBTITLES.

...What's the problem here exactly?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

In reality, nothing much. I just got finished with Ooo's and Decade, and I'm moving on to Blade. I'm not going in any order, just picking up ones I think I should watch. (not watching Ryuki. Tried an episode and didn't like it. Also not doing Hibiki since it didn't start out as Kamen Rider from what I've heard.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yeah, why do you need help? XD anyways just looking for a decent picture for a Shaman-ish looking kid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Needs more spandex
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Pyro, why doesn't Kori have a CS or at least a picture?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This is Kori's face. I can't find a good picture for her outfit at the moment, but I'll find one.

As for Talon, this is him, just no headband.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hey Pyro, is the Animal Posession Seith Magic thing good? I was thinking maybe it could do more things than just power up hits, there'd be room for developing it into something strong and useful eventually, and I could come up with weaknesses for it decently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

That, the Animal possession Seith magic is perfectly fine. Maybe the more he uses a certain animal soul, the more abilities and traits he can use from it, like Animal take over magic, but not really.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Maybe, or he could learn to use multiple animal souls at once to combine traits from them or something. Lot of possibilities.

Can't find a picture to use at all though...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

cue eccentric S class mage anyone?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oh don't worry... I have an S-class Mage with eccentric written all over him...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So do I, which is who I was talking about
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I think that they'll make a good team with their eccentrics and over-the-topness!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Well, the only time Artemis is over the top is in his reading. He's just kinda, odd.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Let me know what changes I have to make.

Name: Mombaki

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Personality: While actually quite intelligent, Mombaki is fairly inexperienced in the wider world and somewhat naive, although by now he understands some things like the importance of money. He often makes attempts at being serious and contemplative to seem mature, but his real nature is one of full on hot-blooded-ness and a generally easily excitable mode of being, especially whenever the possibility of finishing his quest comes up. Mombaki has a head filled with visions of success and glory that's only been slightly tempered by his more recent misfortunes. He wants to be a strong magic-user and hunter and trains diligently towards that goal despite his youth, and while he desperately wants to find his way home, he also hopes to find a new home with Mystic Ram until he can go back.

Biography: Mombaki formerly belonged to a reclusive, semi-nomadic forest tribe that depended on Seith Magic for much of their day-to-day survival and bound themselves with animal spirits as a matter of course. Though the tribe wasn't part of 'civilized' society, Mombaki was taught many useful skills from a young age, as well as the secrets of the Animal Possession magic that his people relied upon.

As part of a coming-of-age ceremony Mombaki was sent out and required to do something extraordinary to prove himself. Dreaming mainly of glory and with no thought as to the consequences, he ranged further and further from his ancestral lands looking for something truly legendary to accomplish. Nothing he saw could quite match up to his hopes and inexperienced as he was he eventually got lost. Unable to find his way home, he took to wandering in earnest, wanting to find his way back but knowing he could not return until he had accomplished something worthy of his tribe and himself.

Mombaki eventually found himself in the city and having learned about Guilds from people he met who found out he was a Magic User, he practically begged to join Mystic Ram. The way he thought of things at least, joining a Guild was the best way to find or accomplish things extraordinary enough to get accepted back into his tribe. Not to mention he needed some way to earn a living while he was lost and aside from magic and fighting he didn't have very much in the way of marketable skills.


Seith Magic-Animal Possession
A type of Caster Magic where the user binds the wandering spirits of animals into their own body and then channels them for various results. While Mombaki has yet to fully master this magic or explore all of its' limits and uses he's very proficient with it and has already bound several animal spirits to himself that he employs in his spells. Currently he can only channel one Animal at a time, and his ability to channel their traits and powers is somewhat limited.

Tiger Possession-Right Arm
This technique involves Mombaki channeling a tiger soul through his right arm, causing it to be surrounded by an aura in the shape of a tiger's head and vastly increasing his striking power. The roaring tiger's ethereal fangs and powerful jaws are meant to shred through and crush enemies and obstacles alike. In terms of raw power it's currently Mombaki's strongest spell. Though strong it is an extremely close range spell meant for hand-to-hand combat. and in its' current form it is highly telegraphed and easy to avoid

Ostrich Possession-Legs
This spell involves Mombaki channeling the spirit of a large, flightless bird into his legs and gives him vastly heightened running speed as well as increasing his kicking power. Despite the large boost leg-power giving him very impressive speed, Mombaki cannot turn quickly while channeling this spirit and is mainly restricted to linear movements while he uses its' powers.

Turtle Possession-Full Body
The only full-body channeling Mombaki is capable of performing, the Turtle possession surrounds Mombaki and his immediate area in a large aura in the shape of a turtle shell. The turtle aura provides a very powerful defense, as the shell is an extremely durable shield against attacks both magical and physical. On the downside, while surrounded by the Turtle Shield Mombaki becomes almost entirely unable to move or attack, leaving him protected but usually unable to strike back while channeling it.
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