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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mirandae
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Member Seen 10 days ago

18 June »« 1.64m

» Appearance «
Olivia was born with a graceful flow, akin to a mountain stream, in her features and motions. Her posture has always been elastic and her build slender and lean, which accentuates fluidity in her chosen specialization as a swordswoman. Olivia’s visage is lush and sleek, distinct in its presence with inflated lips, pointy nose, trenchant eyebrows, and Cerulean eyes. The dark haired girl is most comfortable in attire that supports her acrobatics and swordplay; slightly bohemian, loose fitting fabrics up top and tight, flexible fittings down low, accompanied by shoe wear suitable for her strength of movement.

» Personality «
Olivia is an altruistic and dependable person in that she never turns away from someone in need or someone who has trusted her with trivial or personal matters. At the Oakridge Military Academy, Olivia was a bridge between different social groups and could facilitate their interactions by being a voice of reason. This reliability and sensible nature makes her down to earth in most situations, polite and pleasant in her speech towards strangers. However, she can also be unrealistically stubborn and inflexible in her approach, and when logical arguments do not suit her, she refuses to listen. This stems in her goal-oriented nature in which she can come off as materialistic and possessive, jealous and resentful. Olivia’s greatest flaw is obsession, which manifests in her unconditional love for Samuel Valentine. Moreover, having been given command over the Special Warfare and Reconnaissance Group unit to which her friends were assigned, Olivia has had troubles with distinguishing between moments of addressing her subordinates and addressing her friends, confusing the two aspects with each other on more than one occasion. This has forced her onto an impersonal path that is strengthening her obsession.

» Biography «
Olivia was cursed by an obsessional love for Samuel, but she never had the chance to explain her feelings to him. It has haunted her ever since his tragic death. But deep down inside she felt as if though he already knew and that he felt the same way. They had an unspoken bond that was noticeable through extended eye contact, close body proximity during adventures, sharing of sweets and food, and whatever else children could think of to show affection. She loved him more than she has ever cared to admit. Olivia sees bits and pieces of Samuel in every single one of her friends who knew him, which has caused her to love them nearly as much as she loved Samuel. But despite the presence of her friends, Samuel left a void in her heart that she has desperately attempted to fill with various male companions throughout her years at the Academy.

Olivia’s father was a master swordsman long before the war. He taught civilians and official personnel the art of fighting with swords, both one-handed and two-handed. He devoted his spare time to designing new weapons, particularly sword-gun hybrids. The idea was to have a decent ranged and melee weapon in one. His designs were not popularized until the war when he brought his iconic ‘gunblad e’ into battle. It is a sword with a revolver action built into the hilt, with the barrel running inside the length of the blade. He taught Olivia everything he knew about swordsmanship and using gunblades. She was not as talented as her father, but he did not give up on her. After he passed away in the First Contact War, the military shipped his belongings and his gunblade to Olivia at the Academy.

During Academy years, Olivia took it upon herself to be the driving force in keeping those who knew Samuel together. She made sure that everyone were feeling okay, talked to them about Samuel, and about what was going on in their lives—she spent many hours and long nights on this endeavor. During warm summer days, she always arranged the traditional drainpipe water-sliding event, just to get them together and outside and forget tragic things for a day. If there was a problem between other students and her friends, she always had a way of solving it, as Olivia’s looks effortlessly sailed her into student ‘high society.’

» Weapon «
Olivia found a distinctive weapon near the Tree of Life. It was a massive broadsword, five feet long from tip to handle, with a single-edged blade approximately one foot wide. The steel was of dark-grayish coloration, although lighter shades to mark the edge of the blade itself, scarred and muddied, and the hand guard appeared to be bolted or riveted into place with designed plating.

» Limit Break «
Olivia’s ultimate attack changed at the Tree of Life. The previous was heavily bound to her spirits, whereas the new is slightly less so. The new attack accentuates Olivia’s swordsmanship whereby she rushes a foe and launches it into the air with her massive broadsword. Olivia follows her target by soaring herself off of the ground. The spirits within her suspends the two entities in the air for a short moment, allowing Olivia to unleash a brutal flurry of repeating strikes with her weapon; an “Omnislash” for all intents and purposes.

» Spirits «
At the Tree of Life, the spirits of lightning and wind left Olivia's body and were replaced by gray, silent spirits of peculiar, non-elemental nature.

Achromatic Flare » Inflicts non-elemental stagger. The power of balance is that it has no weakness; the fault of balance is that it has no strength. This spirit is the most dominant spirit within Olivia Celestine. It presumably contains remnants of all elements, which cancel themselves out to create perfect balance and energy. When it emerges, the spirit assumes the form of an intense, grayish sunray.

Gray Omission » Casts Dispel. This spirit once inhabited an ostracized monk that worshiped the kami Barashu. He is said to have been expelled by his brothers because of his jealousy towards all things, and his ability to remove all the good and bad things in their practices, effectively preventing any and all enlightenment. One day the monk ventured past a strange vortex between two precipices, where a single stone was in a constant state of falling. The spirit spoke to him and said that it could never destroy another life due to the balance of the universe, but in turn it could prevent said life from ever attaining a higher state of being. When this spirit emerges, it does so in the form of a rapidly moving, grayish beam that removes enhancements and ailments.

» Attributes «
Commando: 20
Ravager: 10
Sentinel: 5
Synergist: 0
Medic: 0
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ozerath
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Ozerath U WOT M8?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Jared Thael Conrad
Birthday: May 12th
Height: 200cm


Thael is a towering 200cm tall, and weighs something in excess of 200 lbs. He is an imposing presence to his enemies, but a reasuring one to his friends. Thael’s hair is a sandy blonde colour, and he has blue eyes set in a strong face.

Thael is usually dressed in uniform: others might rush to change into civilian clothing the instant they can, but Thael is perfectly comfortable remaining in uniform. When he does don civilian clothing, he keeps it straightforward and functional: jeans and a plain t-shirt. Part of his choice of clothing is the fact that it’s very hard to find clothing that properly fits his large frame.

Personality: As one might expect from a man of his size, Thael is a loud, exuberant person. He has an infinite supply of boldness and bravery, but often acts without thinking, which can land him in difficult situations. He is generally very cheerful and enthusiastic, and he wears his emotions on his sleeves. Thael lives by the adage "Give it 110%" and is very hard working.

Thael’s greatest weakness is that he’s stubborn, or at least not a very flexible thinker. Once he’s formulated an opinion or taken a stand, he is extremely reluctant to back down. This is exacerbated by his deeply seated sense of right and wrong. While Thael has memorized every ‘by the book’ maneouvre there is, he reacts poorly to changing circumstances and is bad at improvising. Thael is very self-conscious about this shortfalling; he worries people think he's stupid. Thael is also concerned that despite his best efforts, he won't be selected for command positions.

To his credit, Thael is a very compassionate, caring individual. He believes in protecting the weak and standing up for what’s right, and he’s extremely loyal to his friends. Thael is unfailingly optimistic. He sees the best in everyone and everything, and he never loses hope. Sometimes he can be a bit blunt or tactless. Fittingly enough, his astrological sign is Taurus, the Bull.

Biography: Thael’s childhood was fairly normal. His parents were loving, he was well looked after, and generally lived the carefree existence of a child. His father served in the military, while his mother worked for a public health agency. Thael idolized his father, and always wanted to grow up to fill the old man’s shoes. Thael met Sam and the others at a young age, back when people still called him Jared. From the first day, Thael was in awe of Sam. Thael was always bigger and stronger, but he could never command attention the way Sam did. When the kids played games together, Thael liked to opt for the direct approach, but Sam’s keen mind worked out complex strategies and pulled them off effortlessly, a trait Thael still wishes he had.

The calamity brought about big changes in Thael’s life. His father died 6 years into the First Contact War; the man’s remains are still out there, somewhere in the wastes. His mother had to drop her work in health policy and return to actively practicing medicine, so she was keeping very late hours, often leaving 14-year old Thael to take care of his 3 younger siblings. The death of his father made Thael all the more determined to fill his shoes, and the boy was thrilled when he discovered he had the makings of a Guardian.

This determination drove him through his adolescence and especially through his years at the academy. Thael wanted to become the ideal Guardian, and he put everything he had into that dream. Both his room and his person were always imaculate, ready for inspection at any time. He spent hours in the gym, perfecting his combat techniques and improving his physique. He spent just as many hours at the library studying, and has maintained an impressive GPA. Despite all this, he still found time to be there for his friends. With graduation approaching, Thael hopes that he'll be selected for a command role, the last thing he needs to become that perfect Guardian.

Weapon: Spear and Shield Both are made of a military grade carbon-titanium alloy. Thael is extremely proficient at using both weapons, and spends long hours practicing with them. He is also well trained in hand to hand combat.

Limit Break: Hope Will Never Be Silent!: Holding aloft his spear, Thael and his companions are bathed in blinding golden light that heals their wounds and lifts their spirits, as well as making their enemies flee in terror. Allies fight with extra vigour, run faster, and are more resistant to damage for the next few hours, and they even faintly glow a warm golden colour. Terrified enemies can take days to recover. Thael's limit break is triggered by concern for his loved ones, so either when his allies are wounded and all seems lost, or when someone he loves is in mortal danger.

Light: Sunspear: Thael throws his spear at an enemy, and a number of lances of blinding light appear to strike multiple enemies or focus on a single target. Unfortunately, the spear does not magically return in any way, and Thael must retrieve it. Sunspear (ironically) applies darkness to affected targets, which are blinded by the brilliant light and have difficulty landing good hits.

Light: Golden Aegis: Thael raises his shield which projects a barrier of light much larger than the shield itself. The barrier protects Thael and any allies behind him from most attacks, though the barrier does have limited endurance and can be overwhelmed by powerful attacks or a large number of weaker attacks. Golden Aegis also applies a so called "mini-aegis", which provides a small shield to allies behind Thael that absorbs up to 150 stagger.

Protection: Guardian Leap: With superhuman strength, Thael leaps to a nearby ally's side. The force of impact is directed to nearby enemies, who are thrown to the ground and temporarily stunned. The height and distance this leap can achieve is considerable, even for a Guardian.

Courage: While I Draw Breath (Passive): Thael is not easily incapacitated. He suffers wounds like any normal guardian, but he refuses to succumb to them; he feels less pain and is less crippled by his wounds. Thael won't go down until he is near death. Unfortunately, the spirit that provides this resistance can not sustain Thael indefinitely; no more than a few minutes when he is badly injured. Another disadvantage is that when pushed to it's limits, so many of Thael's spirits are devoted to keeping him alive his other abilities diminish in strength or even fail. Once Thael is out of danger and can relax, the injuries take their toll, and Thael takes longer to heal naturally than other guardians due to the strain this ability frequently places on his body.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Adorabadass


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name Fredrick Caine Kang, referred to as Freddy or Caine-Kang.
Birthday 3rd of December


Freddy is basically a short, adorable, heavily scarred pretty boy. This effect is ruined by heavy scarring, caused by a rigorous life and the fact that he was once caught in a house fire, causing burn wounds. There is a very jagged scar on his throat, and his body is more or less coated in burn scars.

In contrast to looking like a shorter, scarred version of a stereotypical asian male model, Freddy usually dresses in whatever he finds lying around. Day old jeans? Awesome, no reason he can't wear them again. Shirt has stains on it? As long as it went through the washer and is sanitary.

He keeps up on his personal hygiene. Day-old pants are his number one example of slobbishness.

Personality "Our species is literally at WAR with what are essentially SPACE DEMONS and yet we still treat each other like SHIT! Can you not understand how God damn WRONG that is!?" ~~~ Freddy discussing civil rights.

"FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!" ~~~ Freddy on many...many...many...many...MANY occasions.

Freddy is...passionate.

Freddy has always had a lot of trouble containing his rage. He comes off as simply being very short-tempered and loud to someone who doesn't know him. In reality, Freddy's anger comes from many sources, and, while it is almost wholly irrational and a major character flaw, it isn't merely just because he's an asshole(which he is).

Freddy has issues with bipolar depression, and he has a huge habit of converting his mental pain and distress to unbridled fury. This is especially bad when he is manic, as mania tends to invoke greater anger issues. Freddy refuses to take medication for this issue.

Freddy's rage does have an upside, in that he tends to be oddly selfless when angry. To his friends, he's like a dog. Sure, he'll start barking and snapping at anyone who he thinks is going to harm you, and will often be wrong about it, but he would defend you with his life at the end of the day. He is also far more gentle with his loved ones than other people, in that he'll yell at them a lot less and actually be nice to them on occasion. He is extremely thoughtful, in fact, and likes to do small things to help his loved ones.

On that note, Freddy is loyal as a dog, and tends to mostly just bark rather than bite. He is very nonviolent, and is usually the advocate for peaceful solutions. He just expresses it very oddly, using such wonderful examples as, "IF YOU DARE AIM THAT GUN AT HER, I WILL RIP OFF YOUR HEAD AND SHIT PURE RAGE INTO YOUR GOD DAMN NECK HOLE." When he does use physical violence, Freddy is very careful not to do permanent damage to a foe.

Freddy is quite the activist and tends to rant and rave over civil rights issues. He tends to actually be quite annoying about it, since very few people want to debate politics ALL THE TIME. Freddy is a feminist, supports racial equality, supports gay rights, and is a staunch enemy of political correctness(because of fucking course he hates political correctness have you read the guy's quotes?).

Biography: Freddy was always an unpopular one. It's hard to like someone when they scream in your face for the slightest thing. Freddy was way beyond gruff and rude. He was a complete asshole. Beyond that, his house caught fire when he was four, and he ended up getting caught in the blaze. The ugly scars juxtaposed with his otherwise beautiful appearance tended to unsettle people. In his youth, he had only one friend.

That friend was a very charismatic boy named Sam. Other people tolerated him, but only because he was friends with Sam. Unlike everyone else, Sam met Freddy's rage with patience and friendship, and over time Freddy mellowed around the boy. Sam taught him to be nice to people, to actually show some care for others. Sam taught him that not everyone was his enemy.

And then, Sam died.

This was very bad for Freddy, who considered Sam to be his only friend at the time. Freddy quickly fell apart. He stopped eating, slept only for short periods of time when he grew too exhausted to stay awake, and mostly just laid about. His fires were gone. He only ever had energy to do things when he was excessively manic, and whenever that happened he couldn't exactly be called "happy". Considering Freddy was freaking EIGHT at the time, this horrified his parents.

Freddy ended up being a lot happier after Sam's funeral, because that was where he met the friends that would help him find some joy in life. Freddy remembered Sam's lessons, and tried his best to be nice to these people. Though it was obviously rocky, especially with the other strong personalities in the group, Freddy found a place among them. He loved them, and they loved him, despite his crippling neuroses. Freddy grew more gentle with them over time, to the point that one could see a huge difference in how he acted with them than he did with others.

Freddy experienced a second tragedy when his mother was struck with cancer. He was ten at the time, and didn't understand the full ramifications of the disease. Over the next five years, he watched his mother fight a battle that she eventually lost. She kept fighting to the end, never giving up hope and refusing to die until she felt that her loved ones would be okay without her. She accomplished much during her life as a civil rights activist, and died a very successful woman who had lived a full life. Freddy took this horrible event as a learning experience. No matter how futile the battle, keep fighting to the very end. And when you die, do it smiling.

Weapon Durability - Not exactly a weapon, but Freddy is extremely durable, even for a Guardian. He knows this, and makes heavy use of it, often placing himself in harms way instead of others. Thus, he is a very dangerous hand-to-hand combatant due to the fact that he's likely to suffer less damage than anything he punches, kicks, or bites.

Freddy's primary weapon is a very large hammer. This hammer is too heavy for normal people to lift, but most guardians can do so with some difficulty. Freddy can wield it skillfully with two hands, but can't efficiently wield it one-handed.

His secondary weapon, which he uses for nonlethal purposes, is a police tonfa. This weapon is much easier to wield one-handed.

Anything is a Weapon: Freddy was trained to use anything in his environment as a weapon. He's like a less graceful version of Jackie Chan in a fight when he doesn't have one of his primary weapons.

Limit Break Better Living Through Undying Rage

When he is on the edge of death, Freddy's spirits combine their efforts and channel all their power into him. Freddy becomes incredibly strong and fast, and can use much more powerful versions of Shouty's abilities. In addition, Sentinel gains infinite uses of Aegis and Vanguard for the duration of this skill. Finally, Shouty's Aura of Terror becomes selective in its targets and much harder to resist, and affects non-human entities.

The downside is that this mode lasts for only a short period of time, and renders Freddy unconscious when it runs out. Freddy's spirits will be exhausted and unusable for a minimum of one day, rendering Freddy little more than a very strong and fast human.


Freddy's spirits are odd in that they don't usually have an elemental preference. He will attract fire spirits just as readily as water, light just as swiftly as dark. However, they are very rarely useful as direct weapons. His fire spirits will not be the sort to launch fireballs, his water spirits will not be able to launch icicle spears, his light spirits won't burn the foes and dark spirits won't choke them. They tend to be of a supportive nature, with attacks being more to allow others to deal lethal blows rather than himself.

He nicknames his spirits.

Shouty: This spirit manifests a red aura around Freddy when he utilizes it. This spirit approves when Freddy tries to prevent harm to people, and is more powerful when he manages to protect people. As a result, it tends to be more powerful as crowd control than as a weapon. It has the following capabilities.

Sound - Concussive Force. Freddy unleashes a burst of super-focused concussive force from his throat. This force can potentially be enough to render someone unconscious at short ranges. He can also cause glass to shatter, or damage objects. It's basically a vocal throat bullet. -May apply fatigue, may apply darkness. Generates extra aggro, can be used with environment for extra effects-

Sound - Sonic Roar. Freddy unleashes a roar that is loud enough to render someone temporarily deaf. -Generates extra aggro, deals massive stagger to sound-sensitive targets, may apply darkness-

Sound - Unending Push. This is basically a very long, extended Concussive Force. Instead of releasing a throat bullet, Freddy keeps on pushing and pushing. This move is, oddly enough, based entirely on willpower, which means that often enough Freddy will be overwhelmed by something he's attempting to push. Every so often, though, Freddy will dig in, refuse to give up, and push something that logically he shouldn't be able to push. -Generates extra aggro, can be used with environment for extra effects-

Sound - Aura of Terror. Freddy suddenly stops producing audible noise. However, he passively unleashes from his body a sound at a pitch of 23 kHz, a pitch too high to be heard by humans. This sound causes people to experience incredible fear. Continued exposure will render someone immune to its effects, and most combat trained people will be able to resist its effects(since they can face their fear already), limiting this ability's usefulness. In addition, it only works on human beings, and Freddy himself had to build an immunity to it. -Continuous affect, attempts to appy Despair, Fear and Fatigue-

Sentinel: This spirit manifests a blue aura around Freddy. It seems to approve when Freddy attempts confrontation, especially against overwhelmingly powerful foes. It has the following abilities.

Defense - Aegis. Sentinel protects Freddy from harm. This aegis has taken potentially lethal blows and rendered them harmless. Freddy cannot activate this manually, it automatically activates when he is in mortal danger.Sentinel can use this a limited number of times per day, and it only lasts for a few seconds. Freddy has suffered serious injury before when Sentinel apparently ran out of uses of this ability. What this means, is that Freddy is more likely to survive having a nuke dropped on him than he is to survive being shot 5 times over the course of a day. This power does not protect Freddy from poisons that are already in his system, nor from asphyxiation or any other such deprivation of something necessary to live. It merely prevents outside factors from harming him. -Applies Aura, Protect and Shell-

Offense - Vanguard. Sentinel grants Freddy a burst of speed and strength, causing him to be ridiculously powerful for 2 or 3 seconds. This also has a limited number of uses per day. The increase in strength and speed is very incredible. -Applies Aura, Faith and Bravery-


Commando 8
Ravager 8
Sentinel 12
Synergist 7
Medic 0
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blackwell


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Katherine "Kat" Hardy
Birthday: 6th of December
Height: 1.73m

Kat keeps her clothing simple when out of uniform. She prefers jeans, usually a darker shade, with a simple blouse and flats. She has a thing for bracelets though, and is often wearing quite a few. Her hair is usually pulled up, either in a bun or a ponytail. She has a tattoo of a crescent moon on nape of her neck.

Personality: Honesty is the policy with Kat. She is completely, unforgivingly honest, especially with her friends, and expects others to act the same. She values the truth over most other things. Her honesty sometimes falls into insensitive territory but she doesn't see this as an issue. She thinks the truth is more important than preserving the feelings of others. Many see this as an excuse to be rude though. Kat is a very direct and straightforward girl, she doesn't play games and lets her opinions be known. Due to her honesty, Kat is sometimes described as insensitive and judgmental.

Kat is a very in the now type of person. She lives for the present and has trouble realizing the effects her actions may have in the future. She doesn't worry about the future and doesn't dwell on the past as she views them as unknowable and unchangeable, respectively.

Kat is also very loyal. To her cause and her friends, she is unwavering in her devotion.

Biography: Like just about everyone else who met him, Kat quickly came to love Sam after meeting him. It was strange how easy it was to follow him, how easy it was to trust him. Charisma with ease, a natural born leader, Sam brought everyone together in a way that seemed almost unreal. They were just kids, and yet he seemed to know exactly what he was doing. Kat had no doubt he'd be doing great things right now, had he lived. He'd be a general or a political leader or some other esteemed position where he'd inspire those around him. Even in these dark times, just thinking about Sam filled Kat with a warmth that was nearly unmatched. Occasionally she wondered how much of Sam was just an idea. How much of what she remembered was true, and how much was imagined over the years? She guessed it was easier to deify him in her mind, considering he was no longer around to disappoint. It didn't matter much though, the idea of Sam was a good thing, real or not.

Kat had a relatively normal youth. She went to school, played with her friends, and read a lot. Nothing of particular import happened until Sam. His death hit her hard, young as she was, and left her in a dark place for awhile. Everything seemed dampened after he was gone. Colors a little less vivid, the summer breeze a little less gentle, books a little less interesting. Eventually she got out of her mood, as she finally accepted he was gone she found her peace. She didn't know if Sam was in a better place or not, but there was nothing she could do about that. She hadn't been there when he passed, and one thing that still gets her is that she was unable to even say goodbye. She couldn't even remember the last thing she said to him. After her acceptance, Kat found a new appreciation for the present. She dwelled no longer, and didn't worry about the future. She'd let the world, and her friends, take her where they might.

Not soon after, her parents go divorced. This wasn't that big of a deal, as it was a peaceful parting. Sure, she wished her parents stayed together, but if it wasn't working she understood there was little point to drag it on. She was grateful they had waited until she was a little older though.

Her father moved away after the split, and she only saw him a couple times a month. He had a demanding government job, and was quite busy. Her relationship with him diminished as a result. Her mother was in the same position, but at least she still lived with Kat. Her job had been getting more and more demanding as the war raged on, and eventually she was told she'd been transferred to another city. With a bit of arguing, Kat convinced her mother to allow her to stay in her hometown, to be with her friends. She had decided to stay in the dorms of the Military Academy. Kat was one of the first to sign up. She had been aching to do something of meaning, and took her and her friend's affinity with the spirits as a sign that this was what they were supposed to do. In the back of her mind, she knew she was so eager to join and fight as a way of honoring Sam's memory

Weapon: Sword and Combat Knife

Limit Break: Snow Globe: Kat creates a large sphere of incredibly dense ice in an area of her choosing. If she is on flat ground, it will appear as a half sphere. This creates a near impenetrable barrier. She can use this power defensively, to block her and others off from their enemies, or can use it offensively to seal enemies away. This sphere doesn't require much existing water to form.


Water: Torrent: Kat is able to control the movements of water existing in her environment. She is able to use this water for various purposes. The spirit is very versatile but requires existing water which can be hard to find at times.

Water: Drown: Using the water present in a living creature, Kat attempts to drown an enemy from the inside. This spirit is a very powerful one, but it is held back by requiring Kat to stand still and concentrate on a single enemy for an extended period of time. This can leave her vulnerable.

Ice: Cold Touch: This spirit causes anything Kat touches with her skin to freeze when it is active. The temperature decrease is minimal on first contact, but it rapidly accelerates over prolonged periods.

Ice: Flash Freeze: Using water available in the environment, Kat is able to rapidly freeze it. She most often uses this spirit to create ice spears to impale an enemy or an ice field to hinder movement.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Insatiable
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Insatiable 𝚁 𝙴 𝙼 𝙴 𝙳 𝚈

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"All journeys eventually end in the same place, home.”


Jynette Karridan


23rd day of June

about 162 cm


Even for a young woman such as Jyn who doesn't pay a substantial amount of attention towards aesthetics, she would still somehow try her best to look as decent as possible but only to an extent of not overdoing everything as she believes true women perceive beauty as a natural part of their humanity.

Jyn maintains her hair at a good length, not too short nor too long but just as decent as it is. She styles it in a wavy-like manner in which gives her a very suitable feeling whenever her hair allures her senses. Most of the time, Jyn dresses in the simplest of clothing varying to a lot of simple shirts and jeans. Occasionally, she chooses clothes which gives her a confident and comfortable feeling mainly ranging from sleeveless dresses to light-fabric blouses. Jyn also has a certain fondness of wearing different kinds of hats especially the ones which would match her ideal style.


Jyn's life had been a lot challenging than how others would expect it to be. After loosing her parents at a young age, she still managed to keep a very optimistic side despite the fact in which she might never have anyone close to take part in her life. This characteristic helped in her traverse through the most difficult of situations and kept her will in a very strong state. To others, they would think Jyn as a person who doesn't know the definition of 'giving up'. She is always persistent towards the circumstances which drives her desires of wanting more.

Most of the time, Jyn always finds herself to be insatiably ambitious. Curiosity led her to many different places in which she either wanted to be or not and her spirit for adventure never had the tendency to be drained up by the littlest of uncertainties. However, her perceptions are quite aware of what danger is and if there isn't a necessity to go on a verge of exploring, she wouldn't dare on doing it without thinking twice. Occasionally, she becomes paranoid of her deeds, thinking about what dreadful feedbacks she might receive from others mostly regarding the decisions she makes in life. Jyn dislikes unwanted criticisms and her emotional state becomes wearily unsteady once she is bombarded by them.

As a person living in the unpredictable environment of society, one would think a child without parents might possibly resort to wrongdoings driven by loneliness, depression, or any other personal conflicts which might open up a path for negative change to develop in an individual. However, as Jyn developed a firm mindset to decide independently, she knew undergoing through loneliness could be difficult at times but she has enough knowledge to perceive that moving on and thinking of ways to prosper would be the only right path to follow if she wanted to move towards a better quality in life.

She is always a friendly person, often easygoing and straightforward towards others. There will always be a time to spend for her friends and closely-related people but surely, she couldn't afford to lose time to develop herself as a person. Sometimes she could be a bit feisty when her spirit for adventure exhilarates through her veins. Though she is quite aware of what danger is, there would be times when she could dare herself to face the inevitable without cowering away. Overall, Jyn is a person others might want to be with due to her strong-willed nature.


Ever since then, time was always been a fracture which expressed the vast conflicts Jyn faced in life. Not only did she become a vessel for loneliness but also had been trying the best she could to overcome the loss she suffered from. In a world filled with unforeseen predicaments, one might easily deviate to a path where the unwanted fate lurks within while awaiting the forthcoming misery to linger through one's unfortunate soul. Jyn longed the fate of such but as she watched the clocks turn, time told her the path she wanted to follow wouldn't certainly be favorable of her future. Cursing, she desired for answers in which she will never receive due to the non-existent entities she was asking from. Knowledge soon developed within her mind and the moment she tumbled through her attempts to follow a path of misfortune, she realized doing so would never recover the life suffered from the grave tragedies she faced. The present time gave her sheer determination to make changes and soon developed a potent strength not only through physical aspects but also through her mental and psychological will.

At the age of 5, Jyn's parents received a fatal blow as they were both serving the military during the first contact war where they've been left to die without their innocent daughter knowing. Their bodies were never recovered and was assumed to be disintegrated by the unknown phenomena existing during that time. Jyn was brought in by her aunt and soon found herself in the care of her relatives but the new life that was established for her back then was never suitable for her defining comforts of home. Conflicts arose at the time when she heard the realization of her parents' brutal fate resulting into arguments with her aunt and alcoholic uncle. A year had passed and she left her temporary home in a hope to find a place where she can truly belong with the help of her aunt.

Unfortunately after a long search of what seemed to be an endless cycle of trial and error, Jyn ended in the most unexpected result of efforts. Being in foster care haven't had the most convenient quality of lifestyle Jyn could manage but there actually wasn't a choice left for her since she couldn't afford on going back to her aunt nor did she had contacts with her other relatives who were completely distant through relationships. As to turning 7, Jyn decidedly stayed at her current home though she was still having some few conflicts with the people who shared the place.Time passed by and eventually, she learned to accept everyone in the foster home every now and then. Though often difficult, Jyn could still manage to adapt and make things a lot better. Sometimes Jyn longed for someone, a person who could take the meaning of life back and heal the wounds that time had caused from the loss she suffered. Finally, Jyn was adopted by two hopeful individuals. Of course, Jyn wasn't expecting for some wish to happen in a flash but all of it gradually shifted soon when a small meet-up incident she couldn't bare to forget occurred.

At first glance, Samuel was just someone viewed as a normal kid who would never have contributions to the goals Jyn was aiming in life. At that time, Jyn wasn't yet the adventurous and optimistic person she is now. She was the gloomy and emotionally unstable girl who was often seen having indescribable conflicts. Samuel, however, was a very persistent boy. Even after being ignored, he came back without stating any believable reasons of doing so. He always wondered about Jyn and how she was often seen scowling in the darkness. Bothered, Jyn tried to confront the boy and questioned his actions of being a complete annoyance. The answer Samuel gave wasn't a very convincing one however, as they delved deeper into sweet and innocent conversations, Jyn's eyes were widened by how Samuel eased the sadness she was often suffering and on that day, they started to hang around with each other.

Time unfolded their tales together, about how often they met daily. Though her new established home often had strict policies, Jyn still managed to find time to meet Samuel. And as weeks passed by, she gradually developed a certain fondness in him. A relationship she never knew how to describe but she believed it was something she remembered longing for. A friend she never expected to have. In the most honest of confessions, Jyn was indeed delighted by Samuel's presence. Even when her new life was more convenient to live, there was still something she believed to be lacking. But nothing was ever comparable to Samuel who gave Jyn a path to follow, away from the unyielding afflictions. Soon enough, Jyn unexpectedly realized her infatuated feelings for Samuel. A reluctant shimmer from the start where Jyn tried her best to deny the feelings she had but her denial didn't last for too long after she thought of plans to confess the truth however though, her courage wasn't enough to carry on and was still finding the perfect moment to let everything out.

As far as Jyn waited for her confession, a tragedy occurred which she haven't dearly expected but feared once everything unfolded. The death of Samuel heavily struck the very last ounce of faith she had in her wounded life. A bitter retrospect of the grim loss she suffered years ago had taken an addition. Samuel was dear to Jyn, something more than a friend and far greater than a brother she never had. In the mischievous but disarming luminaries of the boy, Jyn found happiness in the midst of sadness and loneliness she had been facing as a kid. There was a reason she found to feel the joy of life, the excitement of adventures and most of all, the mysteries of the feelings she had for him. But everything passed away too quickly. Jyn blamed time for everything, thinking they were all unfair to limit everything but as she looked through even for a mind of a still maturing kid, there wasn't anything she could do to reverse everything.

If there was something she couldn't move on the most, it would be the death of Samuel. Jyn's parents haven't had enough time to spend for their daughter as they were mostly affiliated with military activities. Samuel was an exception from everyone she knew and wouldn't forget how much happiness he brought her from just the simplest of conversations. Jyn grew stronger and she envisioned herself to be a person who could withstand everything even in the darkest of times when people she develops a connection with suddenly passes away. In time, she moved on from her losses; her parents and most especially, Samuel.

A fraction of her moving on was to become one of the military in which her parents had taken part of. Nothing was ever planned on her behalf but to honor their deaths and through her decisions, she thought of making the suitable action to make them proud and especially repay Samuel for the small but enlightening deeds he made which made Jyn an even better person than she was before. She left the family who adopted her but she became a permanent member. No arguments conflicted her decisions but instead, Jyn's parents were lifted by the strong will she started to demonstrate.


A Recurve Crossbow was the first weapon Jyn learned to wield and it became her first choice whenever given the chance to use in combat

Limit Break:

"Oblivion" - When at her limit break, Jyn can cripple time and disintegrate it into nothingness meaning, the entire timeframe of the environment she's in will be frozen for a period of time. This means, the time circulating in a specific day will be delayed once Jyn has full control over it. If it is daytime, it will remain as it is unless Jyn decides to halt her control. The same goes to evening, afternoon or at any phase of the day depending on when Jyn used her limit break. However, once Jyn resumes time back to it's normal momentum, the local clock will resort to the current time prior to the freezing and everyone might have possible memory distortions regarding the occurrence during the time freeze.


Jyn is associated with the spirits of time. Though she couldn't clearly provide a concise explanation on how it was possible, delving deeper into reasons wouldn't somehow be necessary for her to administer. The spirits of time provides one of the most useful utilities either in combat assistance or any other dire situations.

"Timekeeper" - The spirits of time becomes a handful of allies once their power is lent to her will. With this, Jyn can accelerate the movements of selected objects which are bound in motion. However, the range where the effect takes place can only be at a limited radius of a few meters from the originator. The duration of the effects will only last at a limited period of time but it is best to have plans beforehand when utilizing it.

"Wither" - Forms a visible field of energy having a spherical shape which is used to trap foes inside. Whoever is imprisoned inside the sphere will have their ability to move, even the slightest inch, locked at certain period of time. However, once the person is inside, he/she is immune from any physical contact making the person completely invulnerable from harm's clutches. This requires to channel a substantial amount of concentration in order to fortify the sphere's strength in freezing anyone who is trapped inside. It can, however, be broken by brute force only if the person contained has enough willpower to unfreeze himself from the time lock or the concentration channeled to fortify the sphere is weaker than usual.

"Rewind" - Only applicable to Jyn in which the spirits of time reactivates a time zone where it will revert any of her dire conditions into the original state back to when substantial damages weren't yet made. This means wounds can be mended, broken bones can be reattached or any other similar threats received though this cannot bring her back to life once she dies. However, the effect can only be temporary. The spirits of time keep the time zone's activation span only at a limited amount of time. Once it is deactivated, all damage suffered earlier will return.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 8 days ago

Name: Kimberly Rene “Fuzzy” Faye
Birthday: July 19th
Height: 1.99m
Appearance: Kimberly's appearance had always daunted those around him. Maybe it was his hollow dark eyes that observed the world with an intense glare so powerful that it might as well have the ability to disintegrate people with a simple glance. It might have been because his facial muscle was as flexible as granite, usually showing no other expression other than grouchy and a homicidal smile. Or maybe it was just because he was a giant. Something about him made little children cry, women take out their pepper spray, and keep the emergency line busy with calls pertaining to a suspicious individual. Kimberly has been questioned by the authorities, numerous times, on the basis that he looked like a(n): gang member, escaped criminal, terrorist, serial killer, and wild beast. Not many believed he was innocent on all counts.

His unkempt long wavy hair, initially grown in attempt to make himself invisible and less threatening, has been Kimberly's trademark; the reason why he would come to be known as “Fuzzy”. Now that he is capable of growing facial hair, Kimberly has a beard that his equally as long and untamed as his scalp hair, further cementing the name “Fuzzy”. Fortunately or unfortunately for him, Kimberly's family tend to play with his hair so often that it is not rare to find Kimberly walking around with braided hair and beard ornamented with hair clips and ribbons.

Ever since he joined the academy, Kimberly has maintained a muscular body so that he would be better equipped to protect and support his friends and remaining family members from the brutal world.

As for attire, Kimberly has never been picky. He would wear just about anything as long as he was comfortable in them: even if the clothing did not actually match or look good on him.

Personality: Despite the stoic-henchman looking appearance, Kimberly himself is a kindhearted innocuous gentleman who has trouble expressing himself. For those who have no idea what kind of person Kimberly is, he may appear phlegmatic or even impassive, but he is far from both. He is more loquacious in his mind than he is in reality and he is much more emotional than his face allows him to be. Mild emotions only appear like Kimberly feels nothing. Extreme emotions make Kimberly look like he is about to cast a curse on someone or has severe constipation. Any positive emotions make Kimberly present that infamous homicidal smile of his. Kimberly rarely gets angry, but once he is enraged, it is difficult to calm him down. If he ever hurts someone, Kimberly always ends up regretting what he had done, regardless of how justified it may have been.

Kimberly is honest, loyal, and values his friends and family more than anything in the world. He is usually cautious, but can be credulous when it comes to his friends and family: a trait he attained ever since Samuel believed Kimberly when no one else believed Kimberly's father was innocent of the murders.

While having a talent for sports, Kimberly is the most skilled as an artist. Influenced by his mother's side of the family, Kimberly loves nature and various realms of art. When there was still plenty of uncontaminated nature to spare, Kimberly would take walks or simply stare at the scenery as a pass time. Kimberly's current dream is to resurrect green parks so that his daughter and her children would be able to play in it like he did when he was younger.

Though Kimberly would claim that he is over the traumatic events of his childhood, ever since the suicide of his mother, Kimberly has been suffering from chronic hallucinatory psychosis. Symptoms include various sensory hallucinations, the most prominent symptom being auditory hallucinations, which can be either a harmless or terrifying experience for Kimberly. Kimberly is usually aware if what he experiences is a hallucination or not, but occasionally he cannot tell the difference between reality and imagination. Kimberly often hallucinates about a man named "Ghost", a cynical and sarcastic individual who does not always share the same opinion as Kimberly.

Biography: Kimberly was born as the only child between Lee Faye, an ex-convict, and Joyce Evette Appleberry, a photographer. Though they were not financially wealthy, the Faye family lived peacefully for the first three years of Kimberly's life. That was, until Kimberly's father was arrested for murders that he did not commit. For two years, Lee and Joyce tried to prove Lee's innocence. For two years Joyce and Kimberly were harassed by the media and those who were convinced Lee was the culprit. For two years they fought and failed. When Kimberly was five, Lee Faye was executed. A few days later, out of a moment's despair, Joyce committed suicide. She had attempted to take her son with her, but Kimberly survived the whole ordeal.

Kimberly was sent to live with his heterodox grandparents, “Mrs.” Clair Appleberry and Mrs. Michaela Appleberry, in Helston. “Mrs.” Clair Appleberry, Kimberly's biological grandfather, actively worked as a botanist while her wife Michaela ran a coffeehouse. Moving to Helston was supposed to be the new beginning that Kimberly desperately needed, but unfortunately for him, everyone in Helston knew Kimberly as the son of a murder. Wherever he went, Kimberly was greeted with cold stares and whispers that he pretended not to hear. Rumors were what people knew of Kimberly. No one got close to him more than necessary and Kimberly kept his distance away from others. It would have stayed like this for the rest of Kimberly's life if he had not met Samuel. Samuel opened the world for Kimberly: he would go places he would never go to, do things he would have never done alone, and become friends with those who would have been simply acquaintances. Samuel's death devastated Kimberly, but like the others, he managed to move on.

In middle school Kimberly met his future wife, Nancy April Rose (a surprise even to his friends). Nancy entered the same academy as Kimberly, as a mechanic. Being extremely talented, and a few years older than Kimberly, Nancy graduated before Kimberly did. However, she was forced to take maternity leave when she discovered that she was pregnant. After giving birth to a baby girl, Samuela Jolee Faye, Nancy worked as a mechanic for active military troops until she was found dead after a sudden attack by the abominations. Some say Nancy was just unlucky. The creature must have managed to slip deep into the facility without any soldier or security noticing. Some say she was murdered... by a human. Why else would only one mechanic be found dead in the middle of one of the best military facilities humanity had to offer, while everyone else in it were, for the most part, unharmed? Did a creature really breach the security? No one knows.

Since Kimberly's academy training often prevented him from going home, Samuela was usually under the Appleberry's care. Kimberly did try his best to spend time with his family as much as possible. When Kimberly was unable to go home for awhile, the Appleberry's visited the academy with Samuela to check on Kimberly and his friends.

Weapon: Kimberly is proficient in hand-to-hand combat. Since his fighting style requires direct contact with his enemies, during missions, Kimberly is covered in armor specialized for close combat from head to toe.

Limit Break: With his “roar” Kimberly’s limit break allows him to summon forth a spirit or an army of spirits of any organism to attack his enemies or to grant him the ability to transform into a Chimera ---a beast which changes in appearance and abilities based on the combination of various traits of the organisms he summoned. This limit break, unfortunately, has a catch: Kimberly must give up something as payment. The more powerful the foe is or difficult the task is, the higher the value of the payment must be. If he fails to make a satisfying payment, Kimberly will go berserk for a few minutes to a couple of days. Not even his allies are safe from him if this should happen.

Kimberly is naturally attuned to the spirits of (or related to) sound, plants, and animals. It seems that the spirits of sound and animals are not fully under Kimberly's command (yet are permanently bound to him even with the power of the Tree of Life), as such, they are the two spirits that tend to primarily provide passive abilities.

Outside of battle, Kimberly often uses his sound and animal spirits for various tasks. His sound spirits: Enhances his hearing; Makes all sounds Kimberly produce undetectable for a few minutes; and Allows Kimberly to mimic other sounds. Kimberly can momentarily borrow the animal's unique ability, for example, see as well as an eagle, track down smells using the dog spirits, or gaining the agility of a monkey.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tenish the Mighty
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Tenish the Mighty Social Hallucination

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Remiel "Remi" Morgenstern
Birthday: 31st of March
Height: 181cm

Appearance: Somewhat more precocious than usual

Personality: Much like the appearance he keeps, Remi conducts himself with a measure of poise and decorum at very nearly every moment. Even when among intimate friends he carefully chooses each word and action he takes. While far from cold, he does maintain a certain level of distance, even from those closest to him. His WARG profile suggests that these characteristics would make him an excellent operations coordinator, but not a particularly good field leader.

While it is not particularly difficult to connect with Remi, or get him to loosen up, what makes his behavior troubling is how markedly different it is than when he was younger. Once a particularly energetic and rambunctious child, while he had little of Samuel's charisma, if anything Remi was even more creative and outgoing. The shift in Remiel's behavior after his friends death was gradual, but it is hard not to sense the jarring difference between the Remiel that is and the Remi that was.

Since his first deployment into Norton City, Remi displays an increased behavioral range, likely reflecting the stress and changing contingencies of his environment. There is insufficient data to determine how drastic this change in typing might be.

Biography: Remiel's life leading up to the calamity was not one of particular import. It was the carefree, everyday, ordinary sort of life of all children living in relative peace and comfort. His parents were loving; ordinary. He always had a roof over his head and a meal in his belly; ordinary. He had his friends. Ordinary. He met his lifelong compatriots one day exploring an abandoned construction site near his home. There were other kids there, playing where they weren't supposed to, relishing the thrill of breaking the rules, ordinary childhood antics. The accident, when it happened, was the ordinary sort of tragedy that always occurs in youth. Someone fell. Someone bled. All Remi can really remember was all the sound suddenly falling away as everyone stared at all the blood. Remi had never seen so much blood. The next thing he remembers was Samuel taking charge, shaking everyone from their reverie, sending someone to get help and starting first-aid on the stricken and shaken child. Eventually kids ran home, so did Remi, parents called parents, everyone got scolded. Samuel came around the next day, going door to door to get people to come visit the injured kid, maybe sign their cast, maybe pool their allowances to get them a present. Remi said they should get them a hard hat. Sam smiled.

The rest of Remi's childhood, brief as it was, passed with a similarly lackadaisical air. Ordinary joys and ordinary sorrows bled together in the maelstrom of memory. But the slow ripples of time and tide quiver with the oncoming storm, and one day, Remi's world became extraordinary. Remi doesn't remember much of the invasion, of the war. It was a time of strife and chaos, and even those white-hot memories of fear and pain and woe cool until only recollection remains. Remi got his first tastes of combat during the last half-decade of the invasion, becoming one of many child-soldiers pressed into service to stem the vicious otherworldly tide. Like the rest of the war, Remi's years on the field are a haze of hardships and intermittent violence. Only a few sharp points stick out in his mind. The first was the first time he saw someone die up close, to see life ooze out of them agonizingly slow, and yet, at the same time, siphon from them with a speed he could hardly comprehend. He didn't know he was capable of feeling such pain as when he saw that stranger die. The next the the first time he killed. As the beast died on his blade what he remembered most was how it died just like a man, for all its fangs and fury, it died just the same. The next was when he heard of Samuel's death. He wasn't there when it happened, he only got word through a field report. What he remembers most of that day was how he barely felt anything at all.

After that initial partisan tour, Remi found himself enrolled with many of his old childhood friends at the academy, their spiritual magnetism discovered, they were to be groomed into the next generation of soldiers for 'the cause'. Excelling in his studies, Remi's years at the Academy passed like all the others, a series of moments, some ordinary, some extraordinary, all flickering past as time ground on. Now they graduate, and while the past may be unfocused, Remi has kept the future in sharp clarity. While the past may be full of joys and sorrows ordinary and otherwise, the future would be Brobdingnagian in scope. The future would be painful. The future would be wonderful. The future would be extraordinary.

Weapon: Remiel lost his primary armaments following the Norton campaign. He now relies upon his enhanced physical prowess and unarmed combat training.

Limit Break: Unknown, Remiel has yet to display a Limit Break.


The Spectators
Element: None
Effect: Remiel has an increased base level of enhancement when compared to other guardians. His potential strength, speed, force, and durability are notably augmented, giving him 15 extra attribute points.
Description: The riot of spirits that Remiel calls the Spectators have swelled in number since his experiences at the Tree of Life. Pressed in such volume, the fragmentary, insular spirits were forced from the stands and onto the stage. While lacking in direction or individual purpose, the sovereignty of their numbers adds spiritual weight to nearly all of Remiel's endeavors.

Element: None
Effect: Draws in and consumes spiritual essence around Remi, absorbing skills and information from enemies.
Description: Remiel's spirit is a singularity, trying to absorb all other spiritual substance into itself. This happens without intention or control on Remi's part and the effect has grown stronger since it first manifested itself. While normally not harmful to those around him, the constant crumbs of spirit that Remi absorbs does allow him to taste the essence of the spirits that are absorbed, giving Remi the ability to mimic the spiritual powers of those he tastes as well as other morsels of their existence such as memories or conditions.

Commando: 10
Ravager: 10
Sentinel: 10
Synergist: 10
Medic: 10
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“Let me tell you this: if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it’s not because they enjoy solitude. It’s because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them.”
Jodi Picoult, My Sister’s Keeper

- - -


Royce 'Puck' Guyvers


14th of February


Standing at about 177cm and weighing a 180 lbs of mostly lithe muscle, Royce looks as if he exudes snarky confidence. His face is very sharp, with a toned jaw and a defined nose; his eyes stand out the most. They cry out mischief and clever as they glint and smile, coupled with the toothy smirk he usually flashes and he's a disaster waiting to happen. His hair is often styled up and slightly disheveled, but always the daunting obsidian mass. He often spaces out and looks inattentive even during the most crucial of moments. Royce is good at putting on a mask, keeping people comfortable in his presence, if not gullible to the blank stares that cry out someone who doesn't quite have all the lights on upstairs. Feigning stupidity to hide a clever mind gives Royce a rather unfair advantage, but he was never one to play fairly anyway. But, he walks with a charm and confidence that he does his best to purvey, instead of slunk over and suspicious like he could be. But, the quiet interior is often masked in various ways, from the expressions on his face to the loud and obtrusively energetic gestures he often makes. His mere presence either charms you into a false sense of security or tires you from the over ecstatic and excitable individual that he often seems. He talks in a very concise manner, and is a master of adding subtle inflections to give people a sense that they know what he's feeling or what his intentions are purely from his voice. Essentially, he understands how tone and pitch work when talking and the language of dialogue itself so that it can suit his needs. He usually talks in a very smooth, precise manner that often flows together in a fast paced bunch. It often sounds like he's rushed, but somehow relaxed and comfortable, if that's even possible. When irritated or angry, he often talks in a higher, slower pitch and enunciates in an irritating manner, almost condescending in the way it sounds.

Royce offers a bland style that he customs to his own; bland is what he knows how to work with. It's never dull in taste, but can be considered crude and rudimentary and is often flared with the most senseless of knickknacks that he finds. Even armored up, it's loud and out there, as if he needs to constantly put a bulls-eye on his back for people to shoot at. He calls it a 'challenge' while most agree that it's actually 'stupidity'. But, the danger lives and courses through his veins. And due to the military life, he's been accustomed to strict work out regimens and boasts a prominent figure, though considered lithe when compared to some of the other hulking men in service. He likes to be nimble, flexible, and precise, over extremely strong, durable, and brawny. Royce is quick and has astonishing reflexes too, able to react and act with an above average speed. His energy is boundless, so the speed and precision befits his style of combat, as it's often fast and unpredictable. Not to mention he's also a dirty fighter; no one fair smirks like that.


"I tell half-truths. I'm still being honest, just not... entirely so."

Royce is called Puck for a reason.

Driven purely on the excitement of the present, Royce is a very, 'do it because it's fun' kind of guy and may find himself skirting the lines of morality, simply because he enjoys something too much. He's often careless in how he acts, undeniably indifferent to most people except those closest to him, and often finds it hard to motivate himself beyond, 'it's fun.' There's not much there in terms of his real goals, as he often finds himself lost in what he's doing too much to worry about where he's going. He likes excitement and is filled with a boundless energy that's hard to calm. What's more, he likes using that energy to the fullest and will sometimes take certain actions to the extreme, which has numerous affects on those around him. Either he accidentally harms someone in the process, or he relentlessly annoys anyone close enough to be drawn into his antics.

Roy is a charismatic and manipulative individual when he's not off doing God know's what. Someone who people usually go to for a few cheap laughs, usually at the expense of another person, Roy is surprisingly horrible at sarcasm. He's got about as much snark as a toilet bowl, but he makes up for that in cunning and probably foolishness. There's always a layer of near idiocy over his cunning, giving most people a terrible first impression. He seems like he's doing the stupidest of things just to do them and, in a sense, they're right. Roy is subconsciously manipulative and often works to push people to do the work for him, whilst he keeps up the harmless guise. He can be seen as ruthless and often uncaring when he exposes his underlying nature; all of his actions, everything he does, is usually to further his goal and his goal alone. It makes him a person who's very hard to work with, in both utter annoyance and the fact that he can often push people further down in his duplicity. He may look and act stupid, but he's clever and most of his manipulation is subtle and varies from person to person. If a weakness can further his goals, then he'll exploit it until the individual is thoroughly broken. Often times he never stays to see the aftermath and can be blind to the maliciousness of what he sometimes does.

But the thing is, most of Roy's goals are very short term. They have no apparent drive further, aren't just broken down things to do to get to the real thing. They're usually things that Roy likes, things that Roy thinks are necessary for his survival and it can often lead him lost and inhibited by his own myopia. To Roy the future is scary and too random for him to grasp and often has a misconception that it really doesn't matter in the long run. That's actually what drives him away from staying on course for too long because he honestly believes the future is so flimsy that it won't matter what he does. It's kind of a skewed look at destiny and it drives him to wander around lost and not knowing what to do for long periods of time. Royce, if anything, wants stability the most in his life and is often driven subconsciously to gain it. Most of those plans fail due to his own self-sabotage and fear of what it might mean for him.



Roy hated Sam to the point where he often pulled mean pranks on him and his friends. That really only lasted a few days, in which they knew each other—Roy was energetic and kept people on their toes as a child, so he often did things in a perpetual fast forward. However, Sam, unlike most people who would have wailed on him to no tomorrow, approached him in their energetic youth. He blatantly asked Roy why he was being so mean and Roy told him flat out: "I don't like you. You're too... too better and that's not fair."

Now, Roy hadn't the normal family life. His father and mother were divorced at a young age and he was left with just one other sibling to look after as they lived with their mother. Their mother was the sweetest and kindest and gentlest thing ever, soft to the core and loved with all her being. She had a few problems, yeah, but they were never apparent to her children. She was addicted to drugs and sex and often got fired for both from wherever she tried to work at, leaving her children impoverished and without all the things these other kids had. They made do, though, and Roy would often have fun at the expense of others. He liked pranks and could sometimes get out of hand, even if none of it was for anything personal and it got a laugh out of his little sister. But, along with his mother's issues, his father had custody on the weekends, where they'd spend those days on the other side of the town. The father had more blatant issues than the mother, with alcohol and drugs being prominent and out there, even within reach. He'd even offered them some, just to show how much of a terrible parent he made. This didn't come across as the type of fun that either of the kids liked, but it was the soul reason his sister died a lot later in his life. She OD'd at 14 and his father was too high to help her.

On one of these weekends, Roy had met Sam and immediately grew jealous of him. He'd not known the boys home life, didn't know what he had or didn't have, but the kid's attitude was so righteous and 'do it my way' from his perspective. He was a shepherd among a herd of sheep and Roy didn't like the idea of being a sheep, no matter how drawn he was to him. It was subtle at first, but the moment Samuel approached him, gave him the sternest look a kid could muster, and asked that question, Roy's mind clicked and it clicked in the right way this time. Sam was better than him in every way, but if there was someone who could make him like that and happily so, it was probably Sam.

It was rough at the start; the group didn't quite like him the way Sam did. They didn't all get along too well, especially since Roy was one of the more active ones. He didn't take a leadership role, but he did dish out the most ideas, however zany and crazy they were. Sam struck most of them down in a very subtle way, but Roy didn't ever mind because he essentially satiated his desire to do something, anything. Sam fulfilled a stability in Roy's life that no one else ever could and when they lost him, all of that stability crumbled and he'd often wander away from the current group in a mindless haze, wondering what he was doing and why. But, Sam had brought them so close and even without him, they still added a stability that he craved and needed, but didn't necessarily see. Roy became a lot less ordered, more energetic, and liked to be out of control more often than not and it put a strain on those close in his life, but they all loved each other too much to separate. Sure, they told him what for and he told them back, but one can only be upset at their only friends for so long.

Without Sam to guide him, he was kind of lost. He was so worried that he'd become a sheep that at the lost of that one person who gave him most direction he ultimately turned into one. He was guided by his instincts and motivated by pleasure more than anything else, though he cared about his friends a lot more than anything else. The problem was that the rest of the world simply wasn't there and he often tacked on his friends motivations in place of his own. He was so lost, that he'd not realize what he was doing, following the group into a military academy that trained and gave them the strength to fight.

Roy found solace in the spirits that found him, those that were also lost and who also found themselves too focused on what was happening to realize their consequences. They were the radical whims of creatures who found delight in the chaos they sowed, but their chaos didn't disrupt life. It rather gave meaning to it and brought about more positives in their mischief than negatives in their maliciousness. But, they were lost as to what to do and their goals and found the security they needed in Roy, even if he himself was lost to it.


Wields a rapier and a wrist crossbow.

Royce is a big fan of conventional weapons, but is flimsy when it comes to sticking to one specific style. He's something of a jack of all trades when it comes to various weapons, but hasn't had the attention-span to master any of them. From swords, to shotguns, to gunblades, and plenty more, Royce has had at least intermediate training with most of the weapons he's handled, but was never anything special aside from knowing a large amount of fighting styles with weapons he's jumped to and from. But one things sticks out when Royce fights and that's the unpredictability and randomness he's incorporated into any form of combat, which usually makes up for his lack in real expertise at battle. He's cheap and dirty, and if something works, he exploits it relentlessly. He's made a habit of prolonging fights just to lock down on weaknesses to increase his chance of victory.

At the moment, he's gone back to training with a rapier and tacked on a small crossbow to his wrist for added effect. The rapier is standard military equipment, as he's too flaky to have customized weapons (that would be a fortune down the drain). The wrist bow is custom made purely because it's not a choice ranged weapon among most military personnel; if you've got access to either a gun or a crossbow, you're going to almost always pick the gun. He insists on the uniqueness of it and that the crudeness brings its own esoteric flair to his combat. Unfortunately, he's already drifting apart from the crossbow, as he's been eyeing a second rapier rather greedily whilst sparring. However, he'll most likely be forced to stick with what he's got for awhile for practicality's sake and to keep from killing himself.

Limit Break:

Purge and Cull

In one swift, supernova like burst, Roy, as the center, covers a two mile radius in dense jungle, ripping through concrete and metal with trees and vines and moss like they were paper, and embedding himself within the center in a large dome of rock and wood. The forest radiates through the affected area, spurting forth giant trees and coating everything in a layer of brown and green. The trees themselves root through anything standing above them in a giant upheaval, meaning concrete slabs or chunks of buildings are thrown haphazardly around until they're fully encased in whatever the newly awakened jungle catches it in. The jungle provides a dense cover in which Roy is fully away of anything that steps in or attempts to step out, giving him entire subconscious control of the sprawling grass and vines that coat the jungle. However, his control is just by proxy (thought entirely magnified a hundred fold) as is deemed by the spirits under his care as they fly through the trees and the flowers with as much glee as they inherently come with, dancing around foe and friend alike in their ironically ecclesiastical display.

The main course of the limit break is not the giant nova of trees and plants, but what lay within the jungle itself. Each plant that inhabits the makeshift forest immediately coats the entire area in a barely visible, spore like toxin that actively seeks out hosts to embed themselves into. They have a mind of their own, but are swayed by Roy's subconscious to seek out neutral or opposing parties, instead of those he deems allies. Once inhaled, the spores are slow to work for them to be considered battle ready, but come through in a rather gruesome display. When lost in a dense jungle in the middle of a giant city, the amount of time the spores take to infect their victims is practically meaningless. The spores themselves root themselves deep inside their victims, causing them to slowly stop functioning altogether after bouts of inhuman violence and then to finally become petrified as the spores begin to grow in a wonderful display of purples and blues and greens until they finally explode in from their host, fully killing it and turning it into a statue of brown and green vines tied to whatever surface they'd fallen onto, sprouting giant blood flowers specked with the purples and blues.

Once all hostile and neutral life has been wiped clean of the jungle, the trees turn to ash, releasing everything they held and leaving only the gruesome coffins of men, women, and animal in its wake. The ashen waste that the plants become in an instant is almost as catastrophic as the supernova of trees and leaves as the debris the forest held crashes down with the ash, leaving an exhausted and barely conscious Roy in the soot of his protective shell. The entire limit break usually lasts an hour as the spores cull through the population of foes and create a swathe of bloody, plant coffins in its wake.


Everyone, from the dawn of man to the age of information, have always made rash explanations for the unknown under the guise of intellectual discussion. Particularly in the green land areas of the lands furthest to the north, spotted in islands and rolling with hills, the term Fae Folk have been a common way to explain certain mysteries: spirits, odd, eerie sounds in forests, shadows in the middle of the night, unexplained laughter, disease even. Tricksters are a culture's necessity to explain the misfortune of those beguiled by spirits seeking fun in, usually, malicious ways. They were Aesop tales, reminders to children to behave, lest they tempt the wrath of a god or the wiles of a nine-tailed fox. These beings were chaotic, in nature, but brought a surprising amount of order in what they did; they were reminders, as parents thought, and lessons to better humanity. But they were also malicious and unconscious of the consequences of their actions. They were beings who, not only didn't understand, but did not abide by the laws of social morality and ethics that people bound themselves to. And this labeled them as beings of ill-intent, not of the legends they once were. They were misunderstood in the hatred, and retreated to the solace of burrows, of sanctuaries in abandoned buildings, networks through trees in dense forests. They found life and security within nature and its unexplained mysteries.

But these spirits were, too, affected by the Calamity and the havoc it wreaked. They sought refuge in those that had deemed them demons and monsters, instead of the beings they truly were. The fae that lived in the flowers, the elusive fox that burrowed through the forest, or the whispering breeze that fluttered in the wind, were considered beasts not unlike what the Calamity produced. Most were consumed, as they could not find enough suitable humans who hadn't feared or loathed them, an unfortunate tragedy to creatures that were forced to hide and who were lost in the wake of both tragedies. Roy was one such refuge.

He harbors a range of creatures, but all have similar qualities to them, in that they were all beings of nature's chaos. They were whimsical and spontaneous, unable to hold down for the smallest second, very akin to Roy. What more, they knew his pain well, or even better than he did and saw the same reasons for his actions as they did theirs. The bond Roy holds with his spirits is close and understanding, as if they were all one in the same. And there are a number of them attached to Roy, as he deems himself the bastion for mischief. Most of the beings are a very bright, reflective color when manifested and even contain elaborate patterns in imbued within them; they all very in size and length, but have a tendency to swarm erratically and often touch whatever they can. He dubs them his Court or The Court, and though some only provide a way to combat the world and its enemies, most only reside in Roy for protection and offer nothing but their whimsical presence.

Earth — Bramble Spores

Status Ailments

Curse -
Darkness -

The earth will birth many things, some being of more danger and holding spirits of malicious intent along with it. The thistle like vines that sprout beneath Roy's feat and shoot forth like razor whips hold cautious spirits, spirits that retreat behind walls of giant brambles with thorns the size of human arms to find purchase in the world and safety, most of all. The vines these spirits control are of a hardened material and wrap around almost harmlessly to those they protect, but lash out fiercely to embed themselves within foe, blinding them with the thorns and pushing them away behind a wall of sinewy green-brown. From between the thorns lie a multitude of spores that more vines blossom from, bursting forth in an orange spray that weighs down anyone to step foot near, sinking in when they rear back for an attack and biting flesh and armor alike to sear pain through their limbs in warning.

In Roy's hands they are more a device to impede rather than to lash out to harm, whipping large walls of these vines to twist into a makeshift wall in protection, keeping foes back as well as effecting them with the poison of the spores that line the thick skin of each vine. In some instances, he encases (mostly) himself and occasionally others to aid in their resilience or to put more bite to any attacks he makes, usually wrapping a good chunk of thinner brambles around his forearm, acting as makeshift bracers. The vines can burst forth in various sizes, but effectively stay within range of Roy, crumbling to ash should he step too far away. They stay in effect for a limited amount of time, which is cut clean when Roy wills it or walks too far away. They protect mostly against piercing, slashing, and blunt force damage, but are very susceptible to any form of fire or can be shattered with just enough explosive force.

Dark — Through the Looking Glass

If one wants to get from point A to D, they usually go through points B and C to do so. However, Puck can traverse from point A to D and back without going through the trouble of points B and C. These are often holes between realms that specific spirits traverse in their desperation, opened to Roy in large rifts and portals. However, Roy can't traverse too far without terrible side effects. Meaning, he can't travel from one end of the world to the other without severely damaging his mind, as he goes through an alternate dimension (often what one could consider Heaven or Hell; a kind of spirit world, in essence), to traverse these distances almost instantaneously and staying in the dimension for too long (since it isn't usually governed by the same principals of time that his world is) can drive a man insane. These dimensional gates are open for only one person at a time and close after that one person has gone through. While only spirits can be affected in these realms, humans remain unharmed physically, but can have their minds scarred from the images and the unimaginable that they are exposed to, as a human usually isn't allowed access to this particular realm until they've moved on from the living. This is limited to those Roy deems allies or himself, but the mind altering affects are double for anyone else who enters. The effects stack and too many times traveling through different dimensions can literally rot a brain, though Puck has grown more accustomed to the effects through repeated safe use over the time. The effects do wear off with enough time, which for Roy doesn't take too long, but for anyone else it may vary depending on the individual's mental state.

Roy is currently limited to traveling about a kilometer before the effects begin to show. He's also limited to about 10 regular jumps at a max of 500 meters, which can increase up to 20 depending on the size of his jumps—the shorter, the less exhausting. On average, it's usually about 15 consecutive jumps.

Earth/Dark — Neurotoxin

Status Ailments

Curse -

Seeping through like venom, deep fanged spirits that slide through the folds of skin in their purple haze, climbing into the air to be breathed like poison or seep through the sharp blade of a rapier like venom. Roy can possess this ability like an extension of himself, whether that be in a purplish cloud around him or dripping from his weapon. The toxin, either way, effectively seizes the target's nervous system to cripple them into crumpled masses, flaring burning pain that explodes through joints like dynamite. It takes a hold of the target and doesn't let go for a short duration, unless applied relentlessly through close quarter contact. How highly concentrated the poison is depends on how large of an area Roy affects and how much focus he puts into it. Usually, he'll have room to spread the effects in a tiny radius around him, or apply a copious amount of his rapier or crossbow bolts; this can be done subconsciously if he so wishes. In higher concentrations and larger areas, he must put most, if not all, of his energy into the ability, leaving him a sitting duck. The effects are never lethal and aim to incapacitate, rather than outright kill and the effects, again, don't last long unless continuously applied.

Earth/Dark — Fox-Eye

Status Ailments

Despair -
Protect -

Spreading fear through a person is easy, but is full of vast intricacies that it's never all that simple. But, put someone into their own head and they'll find it relatively difficult to sway their mind of thinking rather nasty thoughts. A simple look, straight into the very soul of an individual, is all it takes for Roy to send them deep into their head until they're reeling about in reality, weapon in hand, and prepared to kill any of the phantom invaders that have come pouring out. They're never actually there, though, and the person often finds more red on their hands than they'd ever be able to handle.

The actual ability affects only one person at a time and can be very taxing on the spirit within Roy's grasp, a tricky thing that sprouted from beneath various toxic plants that induce more than just crazy hallucinations. They'd eat the person inside out, but the spirit only ever retained its hallucinogenic glory. When using the ability, the spirit takes hold of the mind, popping out through as a silver fox, nine-tails hashing in a sudden gust of wind before disappearing in a haze of pink and blue. It renders the individual catatonic for just a split second, enough for their mind to twist the world into an unholy playground of their worst nightmares. It twists, but never truly fabricates, turning materials into something entirely different, but forcing the individual to face his/her fears head on. And usually those fears replace the flesh of allies, releasing waves of spiders or a troupe homicidal clowns, whatever troubles the victim enough to induce and fear driven rage as they spray bullets or embed swords into whatever thing that attempts to assail them and when the effect finally wears off, they're reduced to a shambling, bloodied mess to deal with their sins.

Most soldiers that traumatized, thrown into more trauma, are more than likely to blow their own brains out than ever attack again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Every living being dies someday; whether we are ready to die or not, that day will come surely."
* t h e m e

3rd of February ┊ 1.57 m

Appearance — "ᵗʰᵒˢᵉ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ˢᵐᶦᶫᵉ ᵒᶠᵗᵉᶰ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵒˢᵗ ᵗᵒ ʰᶦᵈᵉ"
Phenotypically composed of recessive genotypes of a Europeon ancestry compiled in the Eastern hemisphere; Magdalena was born of fairness and lack of saturation due to the small numerical of melanin in her hair follicles and her low efficiency of Vitamin D - this could now be related to her aversion of natural lights due to a sensitivity prone to bright eyes. Combine this with her slight skeletal structure foundation that illustrates a tiny body; fifty-four KG is by no means much. She poses a minuscule impression due to these short-comings and underestimated calculations, over looked for them often, over shadowed by most of her beloved peers when daunted by their sheer metric heights. Sometimes -in rare moments of subdued solitude- aristocratically prostrating an apathetic demeanor, Magdalena is witnessed with heavy lids and somber expressions that magnify against the cast of her wardrobe accosted entirely of ebony threads. These could be scripted as elongated sleeves and fitting cotton that drapes over the non-existent sensuality of her hips and their collars that droop off of thin shoulders either by their designated fashion or by her small musculature.

Surprisingly it is her uniform that typically fits her best, accentuating that which Magdalena possesses and forming to reveal the hard work she has put forth into back-boning her usefulness into the WARG infrastructure. Surrounded in the euphoria of her beloveds, Magdalena appears much in differential comparison to her former self of soft eyes and heavy gazes, and very rarely will she dare don for more artistic apparels that are bold in colour: expect for red, the bright saturation in the varying balance of carmines is attractive to her. Thus she has a scarlet band, thick in diameter across the expanse of her wrist and holds tight to the joint without any indication of a clasp to remove the bright splotch of an accessory.

Ever since her unfortunate, and much dreaded encounter with the fabled myth: The Tree of Life, Magdalena Abendroth’s visage is slowly cracking with the visual taint of her spirits merging over into her occulus. The usually white sclera is now emblazoned with a plethora of ebonette fissures, spewing over as if a illustrating marble. Her blue eyes, a glowing set of azure glimpses that are snapped with the vermilion and scarlet of her righteous and boiling molten spirit, has now permanently discoloured her left eye, along with the shadow webbing, forming a peculiar display in her haunted stare.

Personality — "ᵗʰᵉ ᵇʳᶦᵍʰᵗᵉˢᵗ ᵒᶠ ᶫᶦᵍʰᵗˢ ᶜᵃˢᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᵈᵃʳᵏᵉˢᵗ ᵒᶠ ˢʰᵃᵈᵒʷˢ"
To understand the complexities of Magdalena would acquire an impressive amount of time, suspended in her subconscious is a turbulent maelstrom of conflict and shadows forged beneath the light of those she adores. Projected outward in personal fronts, she is much different and concealing; often fixated on attempts to be jovial and supportive. It is only within their enclosed ranks and friendships, bonds concreted upon time and time again and founded on the death of one she desired, that she will smile genuinely, even if it's rather pathetic in cheer. She will laugh and sometimes cry with them, but it is those that smile often that forge the saccharine lies of their heart more so than those honest and forward in their allure. She is always visually graced with this small grin or a crinkle at the edges of her eyes when surrounded by these gems, and without them it is when the haze droops and smothers her. Now, Magdalena can be personalized as shy in the initial greeting, her silence and down cast glances broadcast that, but it's the inability to ever look anyone in the eye again - unable to fixate her clear, azure stare into the pigmentation alike or opposite of her own. Like a humanized Yin-Yang, Magdalena can be good like the light and bad like the dark and constantly alters between these two differences, something everyone is capable of naturally, but for Magdalena it is more pronounced by the infliction of her once impassioned heart and soul intertwined with her sins.

There are rare snippets of when Magdalena comes alive; forgoing her stoic indifference and infliction to portray and broadcast a woman of pure ecstatic revelations, this is often induced by the twisting agony of physical pain. Capable of being labeled masochistic, it often hinders her capabilities of concentration when basking in these queer junctures of battle, but the pain means she is alive, it means she is aware of the here and now. In foresight, it may cost her more than she is willing to give, but the current tide of training and preparing her body for the ultimate tasks set out: she pushes herself beyond her physical limitations to feel alive. Magdalena often desires to make her heart burst alive into passionate conflagration rather than passing herself off as a fluke and fake, to stand up for things she believes in but cannot find voice to specify them. During combat she can easily let go and bring forth that which burns away inside with her darkest of shadows.

The infamous apathetic glamour that Magdalena has been known and cultivated around has begun to fracture, splintering into a hellacious, tortured soul of utter turmoil and despair that displays during strenuous occurrences. Her empathetic dredges are increasing to the point of cumbering experiences, breaking through the veneer of pallid refinery and elegance, as if being warped not just internally, but externally as well.

Biography — "ᶜʳʸᶦᶰᵍ ᵒᵘᵗ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᶰᵃᵐᵉ"
Being compressed to the middle child often denies one of familial affection and being tiny doesn't often grant you the most attention in concerns to power, genetic prosperity and importance. But Magdalena wasn't bridled with angst typically because of her parents' oversight, she still loved them and with time they would come to love her just as well. In hindsight, her life was a standard story of long-withstanding desire to be seen and heard, for someone to listen to her plights as a child submerged in the uncontrollable tides of prepubescent alterations. Magdalena was quiet though in these times, her laughter and smiles were forcefully pulled from the heart that just wanted to love, wanted everything. But her severe lack of courage often hindered her in reaching out for these bright lights of life, thus tiny Magdalena allowed her soul to be swept up into darkness and shadow that should have not been cursed upon a mere eight year old child. She didn't weep over these dark days, she merely drifted in and out of a consciousness that to the public venue was just a youth merely bored with the quiet tranquility of a small community.

And perhaps she was, the familiar homestead was often crowded with rambunctious siblings -capped at five, excluding her- that surged around her, being not only the median child but the singled out female was just an immediate isolation, and it was they who deserved the brightness and charismatic leadership of Samuel's grace, not her. But Magdalena was sought out by him, a small adolescent hand extended in the offerings of friendship and acceptance and a invitation to be brought affront into a world that was beautiful. And thus a small flame was lit in her heart and there it would burn for years to come, only to be snuffed out but once. But Magdalena often felt like something was missing in her now simplistic life, flitting to and fro about with Samuel and the numerous companions he brought about their rebellious play, he himself always delegated as their harbinger.

It was when she witnessed a common place street brawl outside her home, the combatants consisting of her eldest sibling and a rather villainous youth out raging against his superiors. The image was embossed eternally within her cranium to be drawn upon later; flashing fists, intoxicating carmine upon pallid complexions and dermal lesions gaping wide in hungry mouths of ruby maladies. It awed her then, for some unknown lustful depravity, and thus she began participating in their usual rough activities: scraped knees were fun and scuffed cheeks made her laugh. She finally felt almost apart of her family and for the first time since she was but a babe, her parents embraced her, often to soothe her pain, to tend to their daughter now suddenly there.

That's when the Calamity was upon them. Magdalena witnessed her brothers disperse, taken from her, she herself only favoured for gender specifics and her body type. Why send out the mouse when much bigger specimens were at hand. For a long time she hated herself for her mere image, she wanted to help, she wanted to cry out for her brothers not to go and for her father to return to her mother's side who wept and wept over their sudden loss. Her family was accosted from her, stolen, shredded by this horrid event that wasn't satisfied with just her kin, no, it also took away the only person she ever loved that wasn't apart of her blood-tied family. Magdalena allowed the diminutive flame to die within her breast during these days of war and pain, lingering out her days with her only remaining family, not living, not dying, just being.

Time crawled in agony, it required her a long time to pry her eyes from her own tortures to remember her companions, Samuel was lost to her, to them, but they were still alive for a reason. A purpose. Magdalena's world shifted into darker shades of grey, but her will to live burned once again, maybe not as bright and favouring as the former, but still there. She enrolled into the academy to change herself, to become better, useful, to deny her doubts about becoming a soldier even when the shadows and darkness slunk after her and continued to fester somewhere deep inside. She knows she too will die one day, perhaps like Sam did, but not before she lives.

Random Facts —
*Magdalena's first language is Anatolian, her second is English.
*Magdalena had a twin: Moses Abendroth. Who almost, almost, made it into being Mag's antagonist.
*The scarlet band she wears originally belonged to her eldest brother, who was an archer, he wore various bands of different red hues to keep his wrist from being damaged.
* Her favourite food is cherry tomatoes.

*Her parents, thinking it would neat, and cute, named each of the Abendroth children with names starting with the letter 'M'. Which they later dreaded.


Needless to say, it got pretty hectic in the house when calling the brood for dinner, to the point where they began summoning each by their middle names instead. Marshall and Merrick eventually began going by their middle names in spite.

*She loves big slobbery mutts, the bigger the better even when most can knock her over. In the Abendroth house hold pets weren't allowed because Marco and Michael had allergies. Unless you count the goldfish her brothers later fed to the neighborhood stray cat, then it's the only type of pet she has ever owned. It's a sort of a childish wish for her to own a dog.

*Aside from her favourite food, she has a bit of a sweet tooth that she is somewhat embarrassed about due to her reaction when confronted with pastries and the like.
*Her and her twin, Moses, could find each other under any circumstance. It was a natural sort of link they shared, rumours to some, factual for them.
*She has a tendency to slip into her first language when incredibly embarrassed or flustered, which isn't often, or ever. But it comes along with her accent as well.

Weapon —
Chakram: with the recent scourge into the dismal city, Magdalena lost her smallest circlet being capable of splitting into two. She now has delegated to harnessing her prowess with the singular, largest circlet housed across her spine. Once circular constructs composed of brass and furnished in obsidian of her usual preferment that imitates her shadowy wardrobe: each vary in size, aside from her initial selections which consist of one ring larger than the other; the biggest nearly half her diminutive height. These discs provide Magdalena a cataloged arsenal of attacks, a repertoire of ranged combat and some closed ranged preferences. These weapons are favoured by her for their light weight and easy placements upon her body, sometimes spun around various ligaments before launched in straight forward projections to make contact with her volatile opponents. It has taken harsh conditioning of her physical limitations and flexibility to use them effectively, almost graceful now in every execution performed with these bladed circlets.

Attributes —
Commando: 7
Ravager: 20
Sentinel: 5
Synergist: 3
Medic: 0

Limit Break — "ᶦˢ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵃ ᶠᶦᵉᶰᵈ ʷʰᶦᶜʰ ᶜʳᵃʷᶫᵉᵈ ᵒᵘᵗ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵃ ᶜʳᵉᵛᶦᶜᵉ﹖"
Her heart is consumed of Hell itself.
Often a pure masochist desiring the most atrocious of tortures will consume themselves towards psychoanal desires, seeking out the most destructive means to induce the chemical imbalance in their deprived consciousness. Isolation tends to shatter the resolute soul that is purely accustomed to being surrounded by figurines of light and good, even with their dark shadows. To be alone hinders the spirit in ways that cripple the mind, to experience countless, unprecedented deaths will often rot the heart of hope and decay the soul of emotions. To be a child in the harsh struggles of war is to warp the adult beyond human recognition.
She becomes the monster within herself.

Magdalena, and those of the Academy that were delegated of superiority and leadership into its council of advisory, are not entirely positive what her power is, or what she is even. Though composed entirely human facilities, proven by various scans over her body to ensure the presence of vital organ tissue and marrow fused together in a complicated structure of cells, it is what she can bring forth from inside; beyond the human part of her that begets to a sort of hesitated inquiry of her dangerous out puts. Her Limit Break has only been used once, in a secured facility designated for testing the quantum capabilities of their various cadets, where she was required to impale a military issued tonfa blade through the musculature and skeletal structure of her very hand. The ensuing result affirmed their suspicions that whatever Chaos is, it's purely sentient and thrives through Magdalena in destructive intentions.

Brought on by infliction of agony or persecution, be this emotional or physical, will unleash her most rampageous force. Designated by her horrid scream of hellacious conflict: magma and her darkest of shadows pool from the very pores of her skin, raging out from her in torrents that are apparently withering deep beneath her dermal extremities. They conglomerate into a fractured shell, an obsidian armour that imitates an exoskeleton of hardened and rapidly cooled lava that, from the deepest depths, spews ash and shadowy forms of hell hounds that gape their maws to sing the darkest of calls to summon forth the attention of her enemies. Magdalena is supposedly unconscious during this primal stage, her shadows and flame acting accordingly to the whims of this last resorted to being of Hell. It attacks relentlessly whilst her body is helplessly suspended in a ashen cloud of her own pain, her lips moving rapidly in either prayer or command is unknown.

It is heavily advised that Magdalena, if ever used in combat, does not reach her highest peak of pain and lament, to bring forth Chaos could potentially lay waste to her existence. Within the testing facility, after her chaos was suspended after a recorded five minutes, Magdalena was rendered without any indication of remaining life. Until after another recorded five minutes crawled on by, she drew breath in a scream and was delegated to isolation to assess her physiological damages. While the exact reports are even hidden from her own knowledge, it's rumoured that she doesn't remember anything from completely crippling that portion of the building with its attacks.

Spirits —
Maybe it's the passion that once lurked within her heart, or the flame that was lit long ago and struggles to burn at the wick of her soul everyday, whatever the circumstance be in regards to herself; Spirits of Fire are drawn to her. But these are not typical conflagrations of a riotous being; this is lava, pure, oozing, raw in the most chaotic forces of nature. Along with her darkest of demons, these spirits of inky pits and void like dimensions, they too are drawn to her. Often slick and sticking to her pores, like a film of shadow that pools and combines over her skin in continuous waves of swarthy apparitions. Magdalena has often speculated on this fact, but cannot fathom their reason and want of her. Whatever the circumstance, she has grown fond of them none the less, it makes her feel less guilty of her conflicted sins. Though they are quite numerous, only few have made their help and purposes known.

D R A G O N * T O N G U E
Bearing true to the given epitaph: magma coils and pools around her stance in the desired configures she can imagine, brought from within herself -literally from her mouth- and desire to be heard perhaps. The torrent unleashes in a roar and creates a field of disastrous proportions. Once released from her circumference of ashen clouds, she can no longer control its directory and will do as lava will, travel and destroy all in its wake. The downfall is her inability to sway the released force, the Spirit bidden to do what it pleases. Since her experience with The Tree of Life, the sheer magnitude and violate nature of this spirit has magnified, producing a near uncontrollable method of release.

The second variation is much like the former: the magma spills from her lungs and lips, coiling down from her orifice in hellacious heat, only this time it's to be directly placed upon her opponent. Sometimes concentrated into, quite literally, lava spit. Her saliva can burn and scorch away whichever it touches. This Spirit is perceived to be more volatile in the need to be in close extremities. The downfall is that it often leaves Magdalena vulnerable to be struck and physically impaired in close range. More concentration is needed to form the proper amount of damaging liquid; larger the opponent, harder it is to quantify.

effects apply as: It consumes and melts through any fortified plating, it defies most resistances and materials.

D R A G O N * T O U C H
This is associated as being merely passive, Magdalena's skin is abnormally hot to the touch as if the lava truly lives inside her. This is actually the fiery spirits that cling to her person at a constant, bringing her temperature up beyond human means of normalcy. While now her skin retains the same heat and boiling extreme, this once passive spirit has forged into something stronger, more withstanding and capable of manifesting into physical representation of newly enhanced apparitions. These extreme spirits have conglomerated with the newly acquired darkness in her soul and heart, taking heed to Chaos' appearance and thus forging into a rather horrifying illustration when activated. It has provided something akin to armour, in which she was formally lacking in severely, the molten shadows of her afflictions spew from her pores, hardening across her features much like igneous rock, the placements vary, depending mostly upon where more threats are centralized.

effects apply as:

Originally drawn by the blossom of warmth inside her soul - that was unknowingly planted by Kimberly's protective nature over her - this spirit of natural origins has been warped and corrupted by her darkness, forming into a tainted serpent that was designed to protect in the initial absorption. It acts much with the former spirit, spewing forth in a poisonous film that coats her enemies and assailants into a choking smog of acrid smells and festering lashes across the skin. The smog its self performs almost sentient, escaping from her body to thwart most assaults designated to harm her. It has yet to be determined if this newly harnessed spirit is designed to harm or protect, but there is a profound sadness found within the pallid snake, bearing a familiarity that is nearly akin to her own crippling despair.

effect apply as:

D A R K * M E R G E R
The darkness is her escape from reality, in which Magdalena can traverse among the cast shadows from objects and beings. Of course such forms much be present for it to perform correctly, but it's a rather effective evasive tactic and a route of escape. Often though she uses this ability to swarm in close at her assailants to strike them close, be it with her chakrams weapons or with the magma within. The darkness acts as her retreat from anything and everything, melding into welcome embraces of obsidian cores. Prying herself from these shadows though, as it glissades across her skin like ink, is a rather physical task that varies on how long she has maintained her connection within them.

This is not to say Magdalena is perceptive enough to depict the emotional turmoils of her peers, but that her shadow - darker than the norm and much more pronounced - will often touch and connect with anything that is alike to its own formation of darkness. This spirit, often misunderstood, has merged with Magdalena in such a way that it effects her obscurity directly. Often it will illustrate what she's truly feeling and refuses to project across her veneer - it will waver in fear, tremble in nervous qualms and dip, spin and weave around her in pure elation. This spirit of her shadow self is rather affectionate, sometimes slipping to and fro about her companions in greeting or playful intention. It's speculated that this is Magdalena's only way of "voicing" herself. The sentient shadow will often alert her to oncoming danger due to its sensitivity. Recently there are suspicions that Empathy is much more than it seems, now feeding off of the emotional energy her companions release unwittingly and are subsequently absorbed into her soul in the terms of empathetic gluttony. The fact the Empathy and It are somehow related has not escaped her notice either.

The true woes of her soul have manifested with this Spirit, creating a last resort in her arsenal of potential damages. The darkness releases from her soul and body, reaching out in inky tendrils that cling and fasten to anything they touch. Almost akin to a poisonous sludge in the way it festers across the skin in contact, the darkness quite literally pulls her enemies into a void, covering them, suffocating them in her woe and anguish. This ability is brought from her worst fears and nightmares, coming alive from her doubts and memories and submerging her enemies and potential foes into torture and pain like her very own.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ex


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Emily Whitehall ("Em," sometimes)

Birthday: 07 August

Height: 1.68 meters (5 feet, 6 inches)


(using hiders because giant images, be warned)

Emily is in good physical condition, certainly up to Academy standards, but she's not the fittest of the group; she doesn't really enjoy exercise and she's got a curvy build. She dresses with what she considers to be style - and it is stylish, even if it's mostly the fashions of another time. She likes long dresses, skirts and hats, and she's got quite a collection of the latter. When she's training, or has to be out-of-uniform but expects action, she dresses for flexibility and comfort, preferring tank tops and pants which give her freedom of motion, even if they don't provide much protection (see Mirror's Edge runners as an example). Her voice is a calm, melodic alto that gets deeper and throatier when she's upset, higher and breathier when she's excited.

Emily's hair grows in light blonde, almost white, in some places, and black in others. To make it look less patchy, she's developed a routine for dyeing her hair which makes it more uniformly blonde on top, black underneath. Emily was self-conscious about her unusual coloring for many years, but doesn't really mind it now that's she's managed to develop a look she likes.

Personality: Stubbornness and arrogance may be unpleasant traits, but in the face of the impossible, they might be the only way to remain sane. Emily is intelligent and thoughtful, but since finding her spirits (whom she refers to as the Others), taking those qualities to their extremes has been the only way she's survived. Though she's nice enough to most (and can be downright charming when she needs to be), Emily behaves externally as though she's incredibly self-assured: She's judgmental, she insists on doing things her way, and she's always made up her mind on a subject before she brings it up with anyone else. She maintains this demeanor because she has to in order to cope: Internally, Emily is plagued by constant doubt and fear, punctuated by episodes of depression and all-encompassing uncertainty. Her experiences with the spirits has certainly contributed to this mental binary, but it was well-formed long before she had any contact with them. She's always wanted to be seen as powerful, capable, and in control, and perhaps she believes that if others see her that way, it will become true.

To be fair, Emily's temerity does make her a good leader. She's decisive, and she knows how to delegate responsibility. Perhaps the reason she was never tapped for more command-oriented work at the Academy, then, has to do with her priorities: Nobody's quite sure what she wants or what she cares about. To be fair, Emily doesn't really know, either - having powerful spirit beings from a timeless void appear to you and then proceed to show you the absolute unimportance of your existence on a universal level tends to do that to a person. When Emily gained spirits, everything became relative. She couldn't find anything worth saving, because reality would destroy it all anyway, given enough time. Emily hasn't responded particularly well to this revelation (as if anyone would), but she's slowly coming to terms with it. For now, she's decided, she will invest in the people who are important to her. She'll care about those who care about her, and leave the rest of creation to tend to itself. It's not the most complete or reasonable ideology, she knows, but it feels relatively comfortable, and it gives her some solid ground from which to start.

It's also easy, because Emily doesn't have particularly many friends. While she gets along fine in superficial relationships, and isn't incapable of being sociable, she has a very small inner circle. People don't become fast friends with her often, probably you really get to know her, she's not the easiest to get along with. She has a unique way of steering things towards argument, and she feels incapable of backing down or compromising, even when she knows she ought to. Plus, most of the activities you do with other people are less interesting to her then the ones you do alone. She's always reading, writing, drawing or painting, and she prefers to do all these things in absolute solitude. She rarely shares her work, even when she's proud of it; she doesn't want the real world intruding on her private time any more than absolutely necessary. That said, she puts the people who are really her friends above everyone else - she sticks to the priorities she's established for herself.

Emily's personality puts her at odds with other people who behave similarly; she's far from being the only strong-willed person in the world, after all. She comforts herself with the belief that, unlike others, she really has no choice; she has to believe in herself if she's going to survive in a world that doesn't care about her (or anyone). But faith in oneself doesn't necessarily demand compliance from others. Emily will come into her own for real if she can learn to acquiesce and compromise, to accept the rightness of others, even if she doesn't care for them. Real confidence is not born from arrogance or assertiveness, so Emily will have to reconcile that within herself if she's ever going to change.

Biography: Emily was always an unusually serious child. Her parents chalked this up to intellect - she learned fast, no matter what the subject, and she always wanted more. She was their only child, so she was more than a little doted on. Her family was middle-class but mostly financially secure, at least before the war, so Emily mostly got whatever she wanted. Her mother died during, though not as a result of, the First Contact War, and Emily grew incredibly attached to her dad as a result. He kept both of them safe for the remainder of the conflict, and the two were inseparable for many years after. He didn't agree with Emily's decision to enter the Academy, and never really understood the nature of the pain she endured as a result of her contact with the spirits, try as she might to explain it. He did accept it, though, and has cautiously accepted that the Academy is a path Emily feels she has to follow, even if he's terrified at the idea of losing his only remaining family. She, in turn worried about leaving him alone, but their relationship has mostly come through the experience intact, and even if they're a bit farther apart (mentally and spatially), they stay in contact as much as possible.

At the Academy, Emily performed extremely well, excelling in nearly all her classes. Though she's not the fittest, strongest, or fastest of her classmates and friends, her force of will and persistence have granted her incredible skill, as well as control of and familiarity with her spirits, despite her mixed feelings about them. The one area that's been most difficult for her has been social; she's still got few friends, and has had even fewer romantic relationships - something she feels she should correct, but isn't sure how. Even though she's graduated, Emily doesn't feel like an adult, not really. She looks at her peers - some are getting married, some have children, some already have missions and accomplishments under their belts. Emily still harbors fears that she might be inadequate compared to the others, that she might be unprepared for the real world in so many ways - not all of them related to "the job." Even though her training has prepared her for at least some of what's to come, she's not certain she's ready to face it.

Weapon: Emily eschews the more common swords and knives in exchange for a bo staff fashioned from two collapsible batons (inspired by Arrow's Black Canary). She fights extremely effectively with the staff, but is also proficient using the two batons separately. Her fighting style is a combination of a variety of martial arts; she doesn't adhere to a specific one, but will use whatever techniques she's found to work. Emily took up the bo primarily because of its relative disuse at the Academy. Learning to use it instead of some other weapon got her a lot more one-on-one training time, which in turn made her a much better fighter. She's absolutely no less deadly than any other properly-trained Academy student, and probably much moreso than many, especially those who aren't familiar with the way she fights.To facilitate her abilities with the bow, Emily also trained heavily in hand-to-hand combat (you might say she double-majored). Even without the staff, or with only one of the batons, she's a force to be reckoned with.

In combat, Emily tends to be defensive but pragmatic, dodging and ducking continuously and striking only at opportune moments. Her goal is generally to disorient and confuse her opponent until she can strike with her spirits, at which point, the problem will ideally take care of itself. In situations where this is impractical, however, she's likely to focus on quickly disabling as many opponents as possible - not because she's unwilling to go in for kills, but because it's easier to deal with someone however you like once they're on the ground. Though she purports to disapprove of flashy fighting, she's not above showing off a little on occasion, and her unusual weapons and style make it pretty impressive.

Limit Break: Wrath of the Void. Emily uses her connection to the Others to draw a bit of their malign irreality into our world, warping the fabric of our universe within a certain area. The Wrath is not just an attack Emily can command at any time; its severity and effects vary depending on her desperation and mental state. If circumstances are sufficiently dire, and she's extremely angry, scared, or (emotionally) hurt, she may invoke the Others in order to forcibly overcome whatever obstacle is causing her trouble. While theoretically, the Wrath could be invoked at any time, it would have no effect if Emily did not need an effect - at best, it would draw unwanted attention from creatures best left unprovoked (think of it like dialing 9-1-1 because someone looked at you funny from across the street versus calling because you just saw a triple homicide; which would have a bigger response?). The exact size and description of the attack's effects vary based upon Emily's needs, but The Wrath is a uniformly devastating attack, and merely witnessing it is enough to drain Emily physically and mentally for days or even weeks, though she always emerges apparently unscathed. Emily has never performed the Wrath twice in the same place, for fear of what would happen if she did, and generally refuses to do it at all unless she has no other choice. Though she discusses it with no one, her memories of previous attempts haunt her dreams (and sometimes even her waking hours) and fuel her fears about the nature of the spirits she commands.


While many think of their spirits as inanimate powers, unthinking things drawing on the properties of the world as it was formed post-Calamity, Emily doesn't truck with that notion. She believes her spirits are very alive, and very intelligent, albeit in ways that are incredibly far removed from anything humans might understand. She refers to them as the "Others," and while there are many of them, they're all cut from similar cloth. They all draw from the raw, untarnished power of some ancient, eldritch void - a world outside and wholly unlike our own. Their aims, if they have any, are impossible to understand, their preferences likewise. What Emily did to engender their interest is completely beyond her. Perhaps it was very substantial indeed, or perhaps it was nothing, and their attentions are merely the whimsical manifestations of something too ancient, too powerful to care whom it helps or harms. They first manifested as whispers and false shadows, echoing in the darkest corner's of Emily's mind and invading her dreams to make themselves heard, where they showed her terrifying vistas of reality, likely beyond anything anyone could interpert in their waking hours. Emily believed the dreams were real, believed the lessons they seemed to be teaching - that the universe is vast, empty, and uncaring - but didn't know how or why she was receiving them. For months, she believed she was sick, or perhaps insane, until her powers manifested, and she realized what was really happening.

These creatures, she decided, couldn't be allowed to control her. No, if she was going to survive, she had to be the one in charge. That was why she joined the Academy, against her father's objections and in spite of having no real desire to fight. Fortunately for her, the Academy was well-prepared to help her. Her control over her abilities is formidable, while the Others themselves seem to resign themselves to incomprehensible whispers and occasional dream-visions. For the first time since she originally possessed them, Emily feels more or less at peace with the Others, but the pain their arrival inflicted on her has left its mark on her behavior and beliefs.

The spirit-manifestations Emily calls the Others are mostly distinct from the powers she draws from them. All of her abilities have the designation "Cosmic/Eldritch," whichever you prefer.

Crawling Chaos - Waves of hallucination-inducing power emanate from Emily, affecting the vision and mental function of anyone or anything they meet (this affects humans, animals, and all forms of creature). In the eyes of those affected, the world is horrifically twisted. Trees and plants become writhing columns of intestine and tentacle. Blood pours from every wall and door; pain wracks the body and clouds the mind. Originally, Emily's mental state helped dictate what the visions were and how powerful they became, but training at the Academy has allowed her to control them regardless of her current thought process (provided she isn't too unstable). All manner of eldritch vision is possible, as well as more mundane hallucinations - Emily can direct the purpose and behavior of the hallucination to some extent by focusing on her intentions in creating it (i. e., to make herself seem more powerful then she is, to make someone believe they are under attack, or are trapped, etc.), but she doesn't control the exact vision itself. Regardless of the intent, the visions are nearly always horrifying, though Emily can also temper their power to some extent. At lower strengths, the visions are merely disturbing and unpleasant. More powerful visions can cause serious mental trauma and might be very difficult to fight off (through disbelief or simply acting without regard or ones' senses). At their most powerful, they can cause lasting madness or mental instability that persists long after the onslaught has stopped.

Alien Geometries - Unlike the Chaos, this ability manipulates the physical world. Emily can make limited, one-time alterations to geometry or space-time in a given location. For example, she can make a door lead to a different room, or create an unending staircase. These effects persist for as much time as she can concentrate to maintain them, and are limited by physical size (she can't affect an area larger than a few meters in any direction) and the complexity of the violation - for example, creating a ceiling you can stand on as if it were a floor is less complex then altering a room so that you can walk upright on any surface, or, a door between two places close together is easier than a door between two far-away places. This power requires intuition based on Emily's own spatial sense, and therefore can't be applied to physical effects humans don't instinctively understand (for example, she can't produce ionizing radiation). Emily primarily uses the geometries to obstruct enemy's paths and create distractions to facilitate her escape or their capture, but with a little imagination, there are many other uses for this power.

Curse of Life - The spirits within Emily are heavily invested in her survival, and will do their utmost to protect her from harm. The Curse allows Emily to weather attacks that would kill or severely injure a normal human with relative impunity; her strength, her threshold for pain and injury increases significantly. The Curse can prevent Emily from dying of mortal wounds, provided they are relatively slow - so a gunshot to the head would still kill her instantly, but a stab to the gut might heal itself before she bleeds out. Emily can't control or activate the Curse directly, but it's dormant most of the time. Its activation corresponds roughly to Emily's natural fight-or-flight response, which means it may activate at any time she's feeling anxious or stressed - but may not even activate in combat if she's caught off-guard (at least until she gets her bearings).

Though the Curse doesn't affect Emily's mental faculties, she cannot escape the feeling that it's a symbol of the spirits' increasing control over her mind and body, and its presence terrifies her even as it protects her. The Curse is purely an internal effect and cannot be used to heal others. Further, it is caused by spirits and doesn't reside in Emily's DNA, blood, or any other material part; rather, it lives in the "scab" above her heart: pulsating, tumorous flesh above the fatal wound given to her by the Caudata. While she'll have to be analyzed somehow to discover this, the "scab" cannot be removed without killing her, as it's what's keeping her alive at all (and it will fights attempts to remove it).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Name: Aaron "Hothead" Nyles

Birthday: October 21

Height: 1.8 meters

Appearance: Aaron is a rather underwhelming when it comes to appearance. He is of average height with a very muscular build and a messy mop of hair. His eyes are almost a cold steel like color although any official record will say that they are blue. Aaron's various scars across his hands and arms have come from his years of dedicated training in the academy. While he takes his job as a soldier seriously, Aaron tends to dress in the fashion that most young men his age dress, although he tends to keep his appearance neat and tidy. Aaron wears a white undershirt with what appears to be a brown leather motorcycle jacket which stops at the middle of his back. He keeps his shirt tucked into his white pants and the ends of his pants tucked into his military issued shin-high boots.

Personality: Aaron, since Samuel's death, has become possessed with an intense hatred. In his youth as it is today Aaron had a very short fuse which consistently landed him into fights. While Aaron is a brilliant individual with a great mind for strategies, his blind hatred for the creatures that fight humanity and his infamously short temper often lead him to charge head first into situations. Aaron holds his friends in high reguards and does everything he can to make his friends laugh. While he knows he could never truly be a military commander or leader of any kind, Aaron tries to lead by example, never asking his friends to do what he wouldn't do first.

Biography: Aaron grew up as an orphan bouncing from home to home for as long as he could remember. Even as a small child Aaron's temper seemed to get the best of him, it seemed like the smallest thing seemed to set him off. When he turned eight years old Aaron was basically shunned by just about every kid his age that tried to befriend him, everyone except Samuel.

Samuel saw Aaron for what he truly was, a scared and lonely kid who was having trouble dealing with his existance as an orphan. Aaron always looked up to Samuel as a leader and strove to be more like him. Under Samuel's influence Aaron learned how to calm his temper and focus it towards schooling and other constructive means. Life seemed to turn in a positive direction for Aaron, until the day of the First Contact War and Samuel's death.

Once again, Aaron fell into his deep seeded roots of anger, but now he had a direction to focus his anger. As soon as it was possible Aaron joined the military and began to train his body and mind to combat "The Foul" as he called them. Relentlessly Aaron trained to a point where it became almost unhealthy, although with the help of his friends, he has maintained a level head.


They look like this but shorter.

Limit Break: Nova Chaser- The sheer anger that Aaron can reach gives him the ability to activate his Limit Break. Aaron surrounds himself with flames that exponentially become hotter and more intense. The heat will almost incinerate anything in the immedeate area including his allies. Once he has reached his maximum heat Aaron swings his swords causing a slash of the same intensity to hit a single target. As a side note Aaron can move closer to his target but the closer he gets the more damage it can do to himself.


Aaron has a tendency to attract spirits of wind and fire, the ones listed below are the ones that he uses the most.

Wind (Passive)- Aaron calls on the spirits of the wind to allow him to dash around the battlefield at high-speeds. This will eventually tire him out, although he has trained this particular skill.

Fire (Offensive)- Aaron's blades heat up therefore allowing him to cut through certain armors easier than most, this however, is not very effective against hard metal armors although things like chain-mail hold little resistance to him.

Fire (Passive)- Because Aaron is house to several fire spirits he is able to walk though fire with little or no damage and is able to withstand being placed in fire for an extended period of time with minimal injuries ( the longer he stays the more damage he will sustain)

Wind (Offensive)- Similar to his Limit Break, Aaron is able to conjure wind around his blades and send them out as waves of compressed air able to slice through most of what is put in front of him. As the waves travel further and further away they will lose their potency but will still be able to knock down most opponents.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Anima
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Time is our greatest obsession. Who has not dreamed of returning to the past, of changing the future? Imagine the power.

- Caius Ballad

Real Name: Sofia Valentine

Alias: Verena Holton

Age: 18


Like many of the other kids in her village, Sofia loved her brother Samuel. While the usual sibling rivalry existed between the two, her older brother was always a sure shoulder she could lean on when something bothered her. She trusted him with almost everything. There was just something about him that allowed the two to transcend the sibling animosity that many of her friends had. Though it was a positive attribute, it caused Sam to be away from her in the company of others. Understandable as it was, her selfishness over him was quite hard to break.

Lacking the charisma of her brother, instead of joining in on his mischievous adventures, Sofia helped her parents on the farm while partaking in her daily devotions to the Kami and to Etro. She helped milking the cows, tending to the chickens, and even cared for the horses. When she wasn’t tending on the farm, the many ritualistic practices that she learned from the local priest were carried out everyday. The teachings said that despair and misfortune avoided those whom adhered to the practices. Thus, she made habitual offerings to the spirits in hopes that they would hear her wish.

Her world shattered when the First Contact war began. Helsten was attacked by a group of Xenomorphs. Not only did many die during the attack, but Sam was killed by those beasts.

Words of condolences fell of deaf ears as her piety before turned into something darker. She cursed the kami and Etro claiming that they had lied to her. She withdrew further from the world as she severed the desire to be in the company of people. Even her parents - whom had survived - didn’t know how to talk to her. In only but a day, the tempered soul had turned into one of bitterness and loneliness.

Feeling that there was nothing left for her in Helston, she left in the middle of night and never looked back. The faces of her friends and her brother’s friends she cursed. They had left her. The village without Sam was dead. What use was it then to keep the connections alive?

Years after that night, Sofia had long since found out that she was capable of housing the very spirits that gave the guardians their inhuman powers. Lacking the restraint and morals that the Guardians were taught, she instead used them as a means to an end. The ends were always for her own benefit. Melding into the ranks of what were known as the ‘Aggressors’, Sofia had taken a new name for herself, for the memories of her real name was too much for her to deal with.

With the new alias, Sofia rose quickly within the infamous. With her abilities granted to her by the spirits whom amplified her inner feelings, her powers were both a blessing and a curse. Her proficiency with her twin fangs were honed through the many contracts she accepted on behalf of other nations or underworld gangs. Be it from simple assassinations to disrupting another nation’s ability to control key logistic military positions. While many called her Ruthless, they didn’t know that all she sought was the strong shoulder that she trusted without question when she was a child. If she could find that again, she’d be content. The person didn’t matter.

It was during one of her jobs when she encountered a ghost from a life long ago. In the nation of Niaux where she was paid to eliminate a number of wealthy merchants, she saw him. Sam. Before she could ask him anything, she was deftly rendered unconscious. The only thing she remembered was a saddened frown on her older brother’s face. He was alive.

From then on, Sofia — having saved up enough to be fine for a time — began to infiltrate various governments in hopes of finding yet another trail that would lead her to her brother. While she continues to search, one thing is for sure. What she had found so far hinted towards the government intervening on the fateful night of the attack of Helston. She knew not what it was, but she’d find out.

No matter the cost, she swore until the day she died, she’d find the truth hidden within the documents.

Weapon: Ethos and Pathos, the twin fangs.

A prototype weapon, which Sofia stole from a military research base in Tyria. While the design is simple and almost archaic in nature, the weapon itself is crafted from specific metals to ensure the integrity, low weight, and sharpness of the blade. The red hues are not only there for aesthetic value. Taking on a novel mechanism dubbed, Personal Kinetic Energy Accelerator, the blade converts the movements of the wielder into energy, which gives the blade wider blade. However, instead of the blade cutting through skin, it’s the energy generated from the P.K.E.A.

Limit Break:

Wail of the Abandoned:

Combining the spirits of gravity and sound, the outcome of this limit break is that of a sharp wail that renders all enemies unable to act as their ability to think and comprehend is blocked out by the terrible noise ringing in their ears. Gravity then steps in as the spirits enter the bodies of the victims and implodes their internal organs.

This terrible effect has affected both enemies and ‘allies’ of Sofia’s depending on her mental state, she may not be able to separate friend from foe as her temper prevents her from doing so. Thus, she spreads the Wail to all individuals.

How the moods break down:

When afflicted with no status aliments, Sophia's limit break affects enemy NPCs and may affect allied NPCs.

When afflicted with despair or terribly frustrated, Sophia's limit break affects all NPCs regardless of affiliation.

When afflicted with fear or extremely spiteful or manic, Sophia's limit break affects all NPCs and main characters. The NPC category excludes bosses and mini-bosses. Just normal NPCs. Main characters will suffer the status aliment of 'stop'.


Sofia attracts a great many number of spirits. Due to this, her dominant spirits are not as tied down as the typical guardian.

Equivalent Exchange:

The spirits of life and death work in tandem as Sofia wills to the spirits to revive an individual. While the spirits of life willingly does as she commands, a price must be paid, which is collected by the spirits of death. If an enemy is responsible for the individual being revived, then equal damage will be dealt onto said enemy. If no enemy is present, then the offering comes from a bystander. What is given must be paid back in equivalence.

Miasma of the Life Stealer:

A large gravity altered cloud appears around an enemy as it enters the enemy and wrecks havoc within its system. Though not lethal alone, the effects of this ability combined with other spells offers a quick and expeditious way to dispose of a crippled enemy. The miasma weakens the enemies constitution permanently (stagger) once, and can only inflict damage from then on.

Hysteria (Inflicts fear):

This ability causes gravity to press down upon the enemy in question. With the invisible weight slowly being applied, it creates a sense of hysterical fear as the enemy suffers from severe claustrophobia. Though the ability has the potential to decimate a target with continual pressing of pressue, Sofia doesn’t keep it sustained. It takes far too much stamina to sustain since this spirit depends on her endurance. The fear, however, lingers.


The spirits create a gravity well within an enemy as it wrecks invisible havoc within the individual. While this spell can’t kill in one casting, the damage done to the enemy is considerable. While this spell is used primarily for offensive capabilities, the option of creating two gravity wells and transporting Sofia across short distances is another one of its uses. However, some damage is inflicted onto her, for she is not immune to the effects of the distortion of gravity.


Commando: 7
Ravager: 18
Sentinel: 5
Synergist: 2
Medic: 3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sonder
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Sonder Drifting

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Elizabeth "Liz" Ashford
Birthday: September 18 | 23
Height: 1.72m

Shaggy brown hair and broad grins, Liz gives off a rather care-free sort of vibe. The girl is tall and lanky with angular features, and while she isn't exactly intimidating, beneath her shirts and military jackets is quite the athletic build—a result of training and years spent on a soccer field.
Liz doesn't care much about fashion. She dresses practically and wears whatever fits the occasion, but she does have a preference for things that are easy to move around in. She's a sporty person, and you'll usually catch her in shirts, sweatpants, maybe a cap too. The woman has a thing for military jackets, she likes how they look and finds the pockets quite useful.


"Give up? Oh please, I'm sending these f*ckers back to hell, even if they drag me down with them."

Liz hates the Xenomorphs. She hates them with a passion.

In fact, her hate for them can be compared to a blaze. It's out of control and in a way, it consumes her. The woman is as loyal as a dog to the cause, and at the moment, destroying the Xenomorphs is the purpose she's given herself. In their presence Liz becomes a different person. Fiery, stubborn, and dead serious.

Outside of combat, she's the exact opposite.

Friendly, outgoing, and a tad hedonistic, Liz lives in the now. If something looks fun or enjoyable, you can bet she'll give it a go. The woman likes trying new things and isn't one to beat around the bush. She's expressive and if she dislikes you, well, she won't have any problems saying it to your face. She has a penchant for bad jokes and chatter and can be a rather talkative individual. Idle chatter, awkward conversations, she's willing to talk about anything and everything, except herself. Despite her friendly demeanor, there's a part of her that doesn't want to lower her walls, and a part of her that doesn't want to grow attached to others.

Liz has seen quite a few of her friends die, and in a way, the bad jokes and silly grins are some sort of coping mechanism.


The oldest child of Lieutenant Kirk Ashford and Captain Lillian Ashford, Liz was always the energetic and overprotective older sister. Sure, she liked messing with her kid brother and her baby sister, but if anyone so much as hurt them, well, the child would give them hell.

Both her parents worked for the military even before the war, and both were constantly away on assignments. Most of the time, this would lead to leaving the kids with their grandma. She lived a couple of towns away and the kids always enjoyed their visits. Things went on in that way, but ever since Liz turned twelve, they would trust her with the house and her siblings. She wished her mom and dad could have been more present, but life was good and she and her siblings grew close.

Her relationship with her parents was a different story. They weren't around as much as she would have liked, but it didn't stop her from adoring the both of them, especially her father. While Liz's mom was reserved and stoic, her dad was a cheerful and outgoing man. She was a daddy's girl and Liz would always take following him to the shooting range over baking with her mom and little sister. Of course, she loved her mom just as much, but when push came to shove, it was her dad she would lean on.

But then the war happened, and her father was killed in a battle against several Xenomorphs. Her mother saw the whole thing happen, and when the woman returned from the battlefield, she was never the same. The stoic woman who held them all together fell apart, and Liz, she took it upon herself to become a pillar of support for her family.

The girl would waltz into the room with a plethora of bad jokes and puns, anything to make them laugh. However, beneath the carefree mask, something inside her had snapped. Liz decided to sign up for the academy. She wanted to follow in her dad's footsteps, fight for the cause, and send those Xenomorphs back to hell. Her mother didn't like the idea but in the end allowed the girl to make her own decision. Liz was fueled by her hate for the Xenomorphs and it was this fiery passion that brought her all the way to WARG after graduation.

Liz's first year in WARG was rough. She had met a lot of good people, and by the end of the year quite a handful of those people were dead. It was an emotionally turbulent time, but Liz was no quitter, and in a way it made the woman stronger. She persevered, and her higher-ups liked both her spunk and drive to get jobs done. Aside from that, she excelled in combat and was good at working under pressure.

As soon as the year had begun it had ended, and before she knew it, they were asking her if she wanted to join Scout Snipers. Liz grabbed the opportunity, trained for six months, and bam, she was a sniper scout, fresh from training and rearing to go.

Weapon: Military issued anti-material rifle and a pair of knuckle knives. Liz might not look it, but she's quite skilled at hand to hand combat.


Commando: 5
Ravager: 7
Sentinel: 15
Synergist: 8
Medic: 0

Spirits: The spirits Liz are attuned to do not have a specific type, but there is a pattern. Mostly the spirits are either defensive or passive, and the few that do prefer offense aren't exactly the explosive type.

Earth (Defense): Liz can turn her flesh into stone. This can be used to shield her vital organs and can be used as both an offensive or defensive tactic. She could use it to block blows or add an extra oomph to her kicks and punches.

Earth (Team Buff): She can turn inanimate objects into stone. She can also give her allies stoneflesh but it'll only last for a few minutes at most.

Earth (Debuff): Earth from the ground will cling to their enemies, slowing and weighing them down.

Earth (Offense): She can manipulate the ground below and use it to go on the offensive.

Wind (Defense/Buff): She becomes light on her feet and her body feels as if it's a feather. Liz's movements become much faster and precise. Leaps and tumbles also become more graceful and she can slow down blows that are headed her way.

Wind - (Team Buff): A cool breeze surrounds her allies and they feel much lighter. This doesn't last very long, but when in effect it allows her allies to move quicker and much more gracefully.

Limit Break:

When under extreme pressure, Liz's more passive spirits take on an offensive role. Gusts of wind surround her and spires of earth shoot towards the enemy. It's a destructive attack filled with random bursts of wind and the tearing open of the earth. It only lasts a few minutes, but during her limit break Liz will be able to maximize the offensive capabilities of both her wind and earth spirit.
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