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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Ricden seeing the power that both Natsu and Discord decide to end the fight before the Island could be damage. He drew back his right arm red eletricty arced arcoss his arm "85,000 volt Lance," he shouted sending a large red lighting bolt towards the two.
Argon Charr woke up on the beach 'were the hell am I?' The Mandalorian thought as he walked off to see if he could find anyone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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The Doctor smiles and said "Well someone is outside....lets invite him in.." He opened the door and looked at Roku. "Hello im the Doctor."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Roku looked the man who opened the door and nodded before pointing to himself. "Roku." He said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Outside, Zero was quite confused on how she got here. Maybe that fight against Five really took a toll on her, and this was certainly going to waste time. "Damn it all," Zero cursed, not knowing this world that well. It wasn't Midgard. It just wasn't. At the same time, she had no time to waste with these others, they weren't worth her time. she looked to see that her dragon, Mikhail, was not at all confused by this sudden change in environment.

"Zero, we should meet those people, maybe they can help," the dragon says with childish curiosity.

"No, we'll only waste time. I do have Intoners to kill, I don't care at all for those people, so you better come with me dummy..." Zero growled, but had the urge to facepalm as soon as Mikhail poked his head to the open door.

"Er, hi! Me and my friend Zero need help too!" Mikhail said happily, forgetting the fact that he was a big dragon after all and his presence would be somewhat unsettling for some.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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"I'm Ayaka, nice to meet" she said as the pink fluff ball just said 'kirby'. "Aren't you cute? I guess you're name is Kirby then?"

"Oh joyous a new friend." Starfire commented as the Doctor invited him in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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The Doctor said "Im guessing your wondering how you got here...come into the TARDIS." He looked seeing Zero and a dragon. "wow arent you a beauty.." He said commenting about the dragon
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Rikku got up where she was sprawled."Now that was a owwie." She said as she rubbed her back. "Hello is anyone out there!" She called out even tho she was a long way from Spira The place looked like a great place for a adventure .Rikku always enjoyed that.

Not far from the group a figure in a yellow suit with a sword laying next to it appeared but was seen to have battle wounds and was bleeding a bit from a gash on its side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Before Mikhail could say anything, Zero easily went and smacked the young dragon right at the back of his head.

"Ow! Zero!" he whimpered, and it was almost amusing to see that big of a dragon fear this one woman. Zero ignored her dragon's whimpers as she walked up to the Doctor.

"Mind telling us where we are? I don't want to stick around these part for any longer," Zero said coldly, demanding answers. She acted this coldly because she had no idea about these people, and thus, she had no trust just yet. Like her precaution, Zero held her hand close to draw out her sword if she had to, and of course, she knew she couldn't die due to the strange flower that grew out of her right eye.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Natsu simply sucked in all the lightning and swallowed it. "Thanks for the meal," he said, grinning.

((luckily, thanks to Laxus in Fairy Tail, Natsu can eat lightning, and use it. XD))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

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Revan spoke no words, quick to put her Mask back on and simply observe the new arrivals in the Tardis. Her hand was on her lightsaber, ready to draw if the time came. She spoke no words, only watching from the back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Riku arrived where the others were smiling . "Hiya!" She was glad she was not alone anymore tho she wished her cousin was here also.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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The Doctor said "Im not sure where we are...but Im atrying to figure that out.' He saw her hand by the sword, and had his hand by the sonic screwdriver. "I dont want to fight....I swear.." He looked seeing a bloodyt girl in a yellow suit. "move!: he said running to the girl. He saw the wounds were serious and used the Sonic Screwdriver to scanher body. She was human but had some bad wounds. The Doctor used the sonic screwdriver to heal some. He carried her to the TARDIS. "Starfire! Under the council should be a black bag Grab it." He laid her on the couch in the TARDIS
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leda


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Vincent leapt through the trees looking for any civilization he could find, wherever he was he didn't want to stay long. It was the strangest thing last he remembered he was in lucretia's cave where he always visited and the next thing he knew he woke up in...wherever he was. It wasn't long before he found someone, he stopped to see if she was alright as the girl looked to be in the same predicament as he was " Hey" he said shaking her a little, she was unresponsive at first but came to after the second or third time he tried to wake her up

"Uhn" the girl said as she sat up "where am I", the girl turned to see a figure donned with a red cape and screamed "Waah!" she quickly moved back wary of the man

"Don't worry I won't hurt you" Vincent said, he could see why she would scream as the man had a bad habit of sneaking up on people, he remembered Yuffie nagging him about doing that. He heard the girl ask who he was and introduced himself "Vincent" he said "Vincent Valentine. and you?"

"Terra" She said hesitantly, she was still on guard and ready for a fight if need be even if she still didn't have control of her powers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Revan noticed the Doctor walk away and followed after him, seeing the injured figure . She shook her head and walked over, "I can keep them stable" she said to the Doctor, reaching out her hand and seeming to radiate a healing aura around the figure. It was enough to keep the mysterious figure alive long enought to get specific treatment
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Zero only stood there quietly as most went to help out the injured girl. Not that Zero really didn't care for the girl, as deep down inside she felt the same worries, but she didn't want to stray from what she saw as the most important right now.

"C'mon, is she going to be okay?" Mikhail asked to the others with worry about this injured girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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Starfire's hands started glowing green in case this newcomer with a dragon wanted a fight when the Doctor suddenly walked away. She started to follow him before he told her there was a black bag. Looking under the council, she saw the bag, grabbed it and quickly went over to the couch where he laid the wounded girl and handed it to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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The Doctor found some bandages and wrapped put them on wounds that were small and would heal on there own. He scanned her again with the Sonic Screwdriver "There...fantastic. She is going to be fine. now where was I.." He took off his leather jacket, and put it on the girl. The lights of the TARDIS came on and he said to Zero "Are you getting in before we go? Im going to see if we can get moving."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Sure, better be worth my time," Zero sighed, seeing as she needed to find a way to get to the other Intoners again.

"Zero!! How about me? I don't think I can fit in there," Mikhail realized that he might not even fit into the doorway of the TARDIS, and didn't want to be left behind from his friend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leda


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Do..Do you know where we are" the girl asked wondering if he was from around here.

"No I don't" Vincent said, from the looks of it they were in a forest of some sort, but other than that he couldn't tell her much else, to him it looked like they were still in gaia. He thought maybe if he kept going the way he was heading he might find a clearing who knows maybe he might find a city like Mideel, or Kalm, or he might be near Junon. One thing's for sure he couldn't sit here and wonder all day. He rose to his feet and started walking towards what seamed like north.

"H,hey! Where are you going ? You can't just leave me here" Terra said rising to her feet.

"If you want to follow me then follow" He said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

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Revan said nothing more and simply returned to the Tardis and stood in her corner,watching everyone
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