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Naked snake opened his parachute as he dropped down near the island
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Riku entered the TARDIS and watched as the others worked on healing the mysterious person. Suddenly the person stirred the suit vanishing to reveal a young girl. "Hmmhh.." She opened her eyes. Seeing she was on a couch in a strange phone booth she was confused. "Ano..where ..am I..."She tried to sit up but the feeling of some pain cause her to lay back down.."Where is..Lord Takeru. ..Gedoshu attacked..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Ninkitty said
"I'm Ayaka, nice to meet" she said as the pink fluff ball just said 'kirby'. "Aren't you cute? I guess you're name is Kirby then?""Oh joyous a new friend." Starfire commented as the Doctor invited him in.

Zerofighter said
The Doctor said "Im guessing your wondering how you got here...come into the TARDIS." He looked seeing Zero and a dragon. "wow arent you a beauty.." He said commenting about the dragon

Kirby nodded as he said, "Poyo."

"I found talking to this thing is useless." Mikey said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Roku entered the TARDIS and noticed it was bigger inside. "Nice place." He commented.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Riku noticed Roku enter the TARDIS and smiled. "Hello I am Riku." She figured she may as well get to know her fellow adventurers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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"I see..." Ayaka commented as Kirby just said 'poyo' in response to her question but he did nod. "Well anyone have any ideas of where we are?" she asked of Arin, Mikey, and Kirby.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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The Doctor said "Starfire come here and hold this lever." He the. Walked around the counsel "Reven when you here a bing noise three times hit the blue button." He walked over to the young girl. He picked up his leather jacket off her and said "hello I'm the Doctor.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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(don't think mike, arin, ayaka and kirby are in TARDIS by the way DarkElsa. I honestly lost track of who is. lol. but I know I have Starfire there if you want to go talk to her.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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Starfire walked over and held the lever the Doctor was referring to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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(Whoops I'll edit)

The girl looked at the Doctor. "So you helped me? I'm Kotoha. Did anyone see a monster that had a huge claw go by here?" She asked vaguely remembering being in a fight with it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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After what seemed to be awhile, Zero managed to pull her dragon into the TARDIS.

"Whoa, it's so roomy in here," Mikhail said in awe, while Zero only crossed her arms and waited for something important to happen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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'The hell? Is he a devil fruit user?' Ricden thought as he saw Natsu eat the lighting "first off how the hell did you eat my lighten bolt?" He asked, "and second I must ask you not to fight it will endanger anyone on this island."
Argon Charr was wondering around the forest his helmet picked up to life forms nearby. The Mandalorian walked off to find who ever his suit senors picked up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Where are we One? I'm scared..." Four mumbled, the only Intoner as of now that was scared from the sudden change of environment.

"C'mon Four, lighten up. I'm sure that we can handle whatever comes at us," Two said to cheer up her younger sister.

"Like a freed bird, even we don't know where to go from here," Three spoke in some kind of riddle.

"...My sisters, I know this is sudden, but we can take advantage of this predicament. Just like Midgard, we will take control of this world for the rule of Intoners. ....where is Five?" One proclaimed, but noticed that one of their sisters was not present.

"Oh no! Did she get separated from us? What if Zero's here? You know that traitorous Intoner is going to find her first and kill her!" Four panicked.

"Relax. Five may be dumb, but this new world has many things we Intoners never seen before. I suppose she may find someone to protect her in the stead of a Disciple," One reassured her younger sister.
"Well, this is some problem. Not my problem, as long as I don't run into Zero," Five shrugged, not really caring on where she was. She sighted someone in a suit nearby, and decided maybe she could find out something from that person. "Hey! Mind telling me where we are? I don't know anything," Five said with the best scared voice she can stir up, trying to seem helpless so she could get people at her command easily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Ninkitty said
"I see..." Ayaka commented as Kirby just said 'poyo' in response to her question but he did nod. "Well anyone have any ideas of where we are?" she asked of Arin, Mikey, and Kirby.

Mikey shook his head. "All I know is that we're on an island." He said in all honesty.

Arin sighed as he knew that, but that still didn't explain much. He turned to Ayaka. "Seems to me that everyone here is in the same boat." He said.

Kirby simply looked at them without saying anything.

Roku looked at them as he walked over to the group before looking at the Doctor. "Anything I can do?" He asked.

(In Needle Forest)
Alexander sighed as no one seemed to be coming into view. He tried looking over his shoulder to see if there might be someone behind him or not. He looked into the distance to see two figures(Argon and Five) not too far from him. Finally, there's people. He thought to himself as he walked closer to them, hoping they had a slight clue of where they are. He also wondered if they might know him since he couldn't remember anything. He continued to approach both of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Argon heard someone behind him, the Mandalorian turn to see who was calling him and saw a young woman. "Sorry but I don't know were we are ether," he replied to her, he notice someone else walking towards them "hey kid you know were we are?" the Mandalorian asked Alexander.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Well, if we don't know, then we should team up. Sound good?" Five smiled with a seductive tone to Argon, also noticing Alexander coming near.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Alexander looked around. "Other than a forest, I have no clue." He said as he looked back at them. "And I agree with teaming up."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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"Eh fine, be advise I do want to be payed once this is all over," the Mandalorian said with a shrugged.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Oh, I will keep that mind," Five said with an nod on the comment of a payment,"And if we are going to team up, we should know each other's name at least. I'll go first with introduction. I'm known as Five, and how about you guys? Or is it that you guys are nameless by any chance?" It seemed like she was a bit teaseful with her words.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Alexander looked at them. "Alexander, I think." He said.
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