Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Though not common knowledge, the town of Rayville used to be the site of gruesome experiments to unlock the hidden potential of the human mind during the Cold War around twenty years ago. It wasn't really even a lab-town as there was only one laboratory and the 'research' was done on the edge of the town's borders. The little town was fairly prosperous due to the scientists living there for a few years, though the loss of federal funding to the laboratory because of a lack of results led to the scientists leaving and the town falling into a recession for about a decade. The town was found to be nearby a source of iron and silver, however, and the resulting boom quickly revitalized the town to what it had been. New trades and professions coming about, as well as more mines being set up in the surrounding area, meant that the town never really faltered again. Nowadays it is known as one of the most family-friendly and prosperous towns in the nation and is quickly approaching the title of city.

This is the town-city where you and your friends have lived for most of your lives and nothing has ever really happened. In fact, it was so easy to sweep everything about the town's shadier side under the rug because there were no evident consequences. But it isn't until the beginning of summer after fifth grade that things change. You see, the scientists had failed to produce results because they hadn't been using the right subjects. The methods and procedures that they used to try and bestow the abilities to people weren't to blame. As you can probably guess, you and your friends are the subjects that they should have used for their test. During one of the first nights of summer, you and your friends are dared by the local bully, Richard Slynn, and his gang to spend the night in the haunted house on the outskirts of town. While the legends surrounding the creepy building are what you would expect, the fact of the matter is that the building was the laboratory all those years ago. The ambient energy that had been produced by the experiments was enough to trigger the latent ability in each of you, resulting in the sudden ability to manipulate an element. What you do with it and how you move on is up to you and your friends. Have a good summer!

The Elements:

Each of the elements in the classical cycle have a sub-element of sorts that is closely associated with the actual element and can be manipulated much like the actual element, though it is more exhausting than normal. As for Light and Dark, they have no sub-elements due to the fact that they are outside of the classical cycle and are 'pure' in a sense.


  1. No Godmodding, Powerplaying, or Metagaming.

  2. Be courteous to one another.

  3. Any and all problems should be discussed with me, preferably through pm's.

  4. Keep it PG-13. Romance and violence is fine, just don't go too far.

  5. Be sure to read each others' posts so that you don't miss something.

Character Skeleton:

Personality: (I would really like this to fit somewhat with your characters element. This is because the element is determined by the personality of the character. I personally don't care what aspect of the element you use for this, just as long as it's justifiable. ;))
Secret: (Something embarrassing would be great here, as it would allow for deeper interaction among the characters and provides more depth)


Devon Tyler (Soul)
Nixie Strand (Rarity)
Anwen Dyre (Mad Scarlet)
Aidyn Belliveau (TaliPaendrag)
Christen Walker (Pathfinder)
Luke Alexander (Chezka)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nobodyman123
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

What about stone?

Also, which ones have been taken?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Stone would be under Earth. As for which elements are taken, the answer is everything but Light. :3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nobodyman123
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Well. crap then.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sorry about that man. :/
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Devon Tyler

Age: Twelve. (12)

Gender: Male

Element: Dark/Darkness

Personality: Devon is a very...calm and intelligent boy, despite his young age. Even from his toddler form, his parents knew that their son would be a great lawyer, due to his cold disposition and stoic mindframe. While he isn't one to openly mock someone, or bully them, he has a rather dark mind, taking personal jabs at his person very seriously, and even going as far as to wish death or misfortune upon someone whom has hurt him. Devon is generally quiet and introverted/anti-social unless bothered, and it's even this way when amongst friends, opting to survey his surroundings or read a small novel instead of talking or conversating amongst others. 'A wit and mind as sharp as a sword', his teacher commonly says whenever the topic of Devon's grade and social standing comes up. Although he can hold grudges, Devon shows a maturity far above most of his peers.

History: Devon was originally born to a rather high-middle class family that pertained of a lawyer father and a nurse of a mother. He took after his father first and foremost, being quick-thinking, sharp, and cunning, although he retained his mother's feathery black hair. Life was rather average for the boy, considering it's still just starting. He felt that going into the hunted house was stupid, but decided to keep his group of friends company regardless.

Secret: He had once fell asleep while bathing, and almost drowned.

Other: Hope this is okay. ^-^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Chezka
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Hi! :) Would I be able to reserve light, or has Nobody taken that spot?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Soul: It looks good! :3

@Chezka: Nope, you are good to take it. :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rarity
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Nixie (Means "Water Sprite") Strand

Age: 11

Gender: Female

Element: Water (Ice)

Personality: Has always been the shyest one of the group. Never really talks or tries to fit in and when she tries, she comes off as really awkward. People who do not know her well think she is an Ice Queen. Though in reality, she is a very energetic person, always going with the flow and able to get along with the people she is closest to, her best friends and her family. Also animals.

History: Nixie has an undiagnosed medical problem that makes her cold, even freezing to the touch. The doctors could never figure it out, but after a lot of testing realized this odd condition did not cause her any harm. She is part of a normal family, she has a mom and dad, baby brother and big sister. She is close to them all, though around strangers, she is really unsure of herself, even shy, she freezes up and doesn't know how to act around new people. Good thing she has a close group of friends who understand her and are there for her. She gets along with them with no problem.

Secret: When she was 3 her father tried to teach her how to swim by throwing her into the ocean. She did not cope so well and to this day still has a fear of pools, lakes, ponds, anywhere she can drown. It's ironic since the element of "Water" picked her.

Other: Her hair is very blonde, but sometimes looks blue. Because of her condition, she has always had a blue/green shade to her complexion, just slight, most people wouldn't notice. Her eyes are ice blue.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Rarity: Looks good! :D I was wondering if anyone would do that with the secret. :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mad Scarlet
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Mad Scarlet Friend of Griffins

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Anwen Dyre
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Element: Air (Sound)
Personality: Anwen is a rather bubbly girl who always seems to have a smile on her face and is willing to give away anything that she has in order for another person to return that grin. Despite this, she does have a temper that seems to snap when she least needs it to, but it does give her enough bite for her amount of bark. She is often seen to be rather kind, considerate, and loving that few people have seen this horrid temper of hers. Because of this lighthearted aura that she has around her, she attracts many people, making her seem like a friend to all, even though she feels quite alone most of the time. Because she gives so much to others, she often forgets to gratify herself every now and again. With her head in the clouds, she forgets to put her feet on the ground and return to earth most of the time, so one must be patient with her. She is also very spiritual.
History: Anwen was born and raised until she was five in Ireland, which is where her parents were also born and raised, but due to a job opportunity, her parents decided that it would be best to move to Rayville in hopes of rebuilding their lives anew. While her father started his new job, her mother stayed at home and ran her own little apothecary shop along with one of her friends out of their own garage. Her mother had always been into Tarot cards and other such spiritual items that it rubbed off on Anwen. Her "older siblings" thought that she was strange for picking up Tarot cards and other "strange hobbies" that their mother had gotten into when they were making the move to Rayville, but they simply ignored her for the most part. Soon, her mother was diagnosed with cancer and has been practically bedridden ever since, so Anwen is now the caretaker of her mother's Tarot business. Of course, that would never prevent her from going to school and living a somewhat normal life with her many friends. She has no siblings and her mother is so sick that she is often viewed as a "motherly" figure to other classmates that are often having home problems.
Secret: She and her father suffer from Schizophrenia, which would describe her rather strange conversations with her "older siblings", neither of which actually exist. Her father often beats her due to the "voices" telling him to do so. Her mother is so sick that she is often unable to actually save her from these beatings and has been beaten numerous times herself. Because of this, Anwen is extremely protective of her mother and those that she is very close to.
Other: She is very talented at playing the fiddle, which is one of the few things she does besides reading Tarot in her spare time. Her two, hallucinate older brothers are Dennis (15) and Kane (17).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Aidyn Michelle Belliveau
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Element: Fire (Lightning)
Appearance: Aidyn stands at an impressive height of 4’2” and weighs a whole 53 lbs. Despite her status as the middle child in her family, she’s actually smaller than both of her sisters, which is somewhat embarrassing for her. Her hair is naturally a fiery red that matches her personality and is the primary reason for her name. Her eyes are a bright blue that sometimes appear to be lit up from within. Her mother often fights with her over the state of her clothes, namely jeans, t-shirts, or sweats. Aidyn often just leaves them lay wherever she takes them off, and, even though its usually in her room, it still makes a bit of a mess, especially when her clothes are covered in paint, mud, water, or a combination of the three. It’s quite a hassle on laundry day, and most of her clothes bear telltale signs of her various activities via stains, most of which are faded paint. Of course, these clothes are her ‘play’ clothes, and so don’t matter as much. Her mother just wishes that she didn’t have to pay so much on clothes for someone who hasn’t grown an inch in the past three years. The only part of her appearance that isn’t readily visible would be the protective undergarments that she has to wear- Goodnites. She tends to keep her insulin pump hidden under her shirt, though it’s not as big a deal to her and is usually pretty visible as such.

Personality: Getting used to Aidyn’s… unique personality can be a bit of a chore for those who don’t know her at all. See, she suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder, a condition that handicaps her impulse and emotional control. As such, she often feels the extremes of emotion, i.e. depression rather than disappointment, and for longer periods of time. Because BPD also consists of the pseudo-bulbar effect, or emotional incontinence, it’s not uncommon for her to switch between moods at the slightest provocation, much to the confusion of people around them. Her diminished impulse control also affects her behavior in several, less noticeable ways, primarily her kleptomania.

As a whole, her personality disorder describes quite well why it was, and still is, believed that she has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. For the most part, people who meet her believe her to be an immature, rash, rude, and loud young girl, though she really does try her best to keep from being a bother to others. At her parents’ insistence, she visits a psychologist once a week for treatment, even if her individualistic nature tends to get in the way of that.

Aidyn’s wild emotions, in addition to a natural talent and her Synesthesia, lend themselves quite well to her various artistic hobbies, namely sculpting, music, and painting. She branches out with these of course; those are just the ones she’s stuck to the longest. Most of the time, she seems to lose interest with different mediums and such rather quickly. Her parents also figured that getting her out of the house would help curb her… chaotic tendencies, and so signed her up for Girl Scouts. The camping and other outdoor activities are things that she really enjoys, even if not all of the other kids want to get to know her better.

History: From birth, it was pretty obvious that Aidyn was never going to win any awards for her height, which, in addition to her already-apparent fiery nature, was the basis for her name. Shortly after birth, it became apparent that she had a couple of noticeable conditions: type 1 diabetes. It was a little hard for her parents to hear so soon after birth, but they offered up thanks that it wasn’t something fatal. Everything from that little scare was smooth sailing, at least up until she was about two years old. A kid at the daycare she had been attending had taken a toy she had been playing with. No toddler is going to react in the best of ways to such a catastrophe, but with her personality disorder, her reaction was a bit more… excessive. She grabbed another toy and left the other kid with a black eye, resulting in a ban from that daycare forever. Her parents were a little worried over the incident, but they figured teaching her that it was wrong to react like that was the way to handle the problem and left it at that.

Once more, everything went rather smoothly for the next year or so. This lasted until she was about five years old and ready to join kindergarten. Everything was all ready to go except for one little issue: Aidyn was seemingly incapable of keeping her training pants dry. Her parents had just figured that she was a slow learner, much like their first child had been and were content to leave it at that until it became evident that there was a problem, upon which they took her to the hospital for some tests. It was quite a pain getting her to keep still long enough for the machine to finish the scan, but, once it was done, the scan showed that an infection had done significant damage to the muscles of her bladder. Once again, her parents rolled with the punches, keeping her in training pants until she outgrew them before moving onto other youth diapers.

Aidyn did end up getting into trouble at school several times due to her Synesthesia. While it's not much of a disability, she certainly doesn't mind it, it has caused some issues when she tried to explain her work to a teacher or when she refused to say or read certain words because they put a bad taste in her mouth. These situations come about because her sense become 'confused', which means that she can experience a stimuli using more than one sense. Take a d-sharp note for example. To her, the note has a color associated with it, as well as physical feeling. Usually these sensations cause no problems, but whenever they are unpleasant, she often refuses to experience them, even if a teacher orders her to do what would produce that unpleasant sensation. Because they can't understand it, they often chalk it up to her being stubborn or defiant and end up writing her up. It doesn't happen all that frequently, but that kind of makes it worse when it does happen.

Due to the long span of time between noteworthy events, apart from a few fights and her trouble with teachers caused by her Synesthesia here or there in school, in young Aidyn’s life, it seemed that her parents were in the clear, which was perfect considering that they had another child to look after in addition to Aidyn and her older sister, Maria. Foolishly, they breathed a sigh of relief. Aidyn seemed to have outgrown all of the phases of note, though she was still just as rambunctious, hyper, and chaotic as ever. By then though, they had grown used to it. Unfortunately, the universe is a sadistic character that enjoys taking the harmony of life and shattering it like glass. They got a phone call towards the middle of her fifth grade year from the principal of the school asking them to come down. They arrived to the office to see their daughter sitting in front of the massive mahogany desk, staring at her feet as they dangled off the edge of the chair. The principal informed them that Aidyn had gotten into a serious fight, as in one that resulted in a kid having a black eye and several other bruises, after a series of events that started with her being teased over getting a lower grade on a test that most and ended with Billy Manson dropping glitter on her project. She was suspended, and her parents were forced to pay for the window. But, while she was suspended, her parents figured that enough was enough and took her to a psychologist to see what was up. It took a few sessions due to her stony silence and inability to focus all that well on what he was saying before he was able to conclude that she had BPD, and not ADHD or anything else her teachers had claimed. From then on, everything has, once again, been relatively normal, except for the weekly meeting with Dr. Thompson.
Secret: She has urinary incontinence
Listing of conditions:
Borderline Personality Disorder
Synesthesia (Grapheme-Color, Chromesthesia, Spacial Sequence, Auditory-Tactile, Lexical-Gustatory, and Number Form)
Type I Diabetes
Urinary Incontinence

She can speak fluent French.
Because of her family's ties to France, they eat a lot of French cuisine. Her favorite meal is Bouillabaisse, a seafood stew made using different kinds of fish.
She can play the flute, the guitar, and the piano, as well as being able to sing well. Part of this is because her Synesthesia gives her perfect pitch.
She’s pretty handy with knot-tying and lighting fires from Scouts.
A couple of her pieces of art have been put on display in a novice gallery in a nearby city.
She has trouble holding onto money, so she often hands her money over to one of her friends to keep her from spending it all.
Due to her BPD, she doesn’t really have a favorite animal or color, though birds and cats and warm colors seem to be recurring themes with her.
She loves all animals and can often be distracted really easily by them.
Her older sister, Marie, is 15 years old, while her younger sister, Codette, is 10 years old.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Mad Scarlet: Looks good! :D

And that's more of what I meant by secrets: conditions, habits, or quirks that they may not want very many people to know. But the secrets you guys' characters have is fine too. :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Christen "Chris" Walker

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Element: Earth (Wood)

Personality: Chris is a very down to earth kid, no pun intended, and just takes things at his own pace. Not one to rush through things he will sit down and work it out, it may not get things done fast but it gets them done well. He is known to be trustworthy, loyal, and relaxing to be around and should anyone hang around him for about an hour they will learn that these things are true.

History: Chris was born and raised in a little town in Colorado and has just recently moved here. Since his parents are pretty busy people and he doesn't get to see them very often but he loves them nonetheless. When Chris got here he didn't know anybody and his quiet, slow nature quickly got him singled out and is frequently bullied but because of his above average height its rarely physical.

Secret: Before he moved he accidentally gave his whole class food poisoning from a soup he made and that he collects shiny rocks.

Other: For his age group Chris is above average in height, usually a head taller than anyone else.
He has become a better cook since the debacle but it still causes him much embarrassment.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Pathfinder: Looks good! :D Just remember that they are all already friends with one another.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yeah I got that, Its just that these are his only friends.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Chezka
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Nearly done with mine! Did you care about having a balanced male/female ratio, though? Because I'm currently making another girl.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Pathfinder: Okay. I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. :P

@Chezka: If you wouldn't mind, that would be great. :3 But it's up to you. I'm not going to require it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Chezka
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Name: Luke Alexander

Age: Twelve

Gender: Male

Element: Light

Luke sees the world through one-of-a-kind, rose-tinted glasses that never seem to crack. He is ever the optimist. His faith in the goodness of others is as unwavering as his firm belief that no matter how dire the situation, there will always be a silver lining just around the corner. He's a walking ball of sunshine on a daily basis, happily bouncing from one place to another. Frowny faces, beware! Luke has designated himself as an official cheerer-upper, and he won't rest until he has cured any bad mood in sight. If it isn't obvious already, Luke is also the type to earnestly pursue any and all endeavors, no matter how trivial a task. He won't ever be content if he's not giving it his all.

Suffice it to say, it is far too easy to take advantage of his inherent good-naturedness. His willingness to trust in others has made him very susceptible to getting tricked and manipulated, and he is embarrassingly terrible at picking up on even the most blatant of lies. He will seriously fall for any trick. Luke can be easily swayed by sentiments and emotions as well, so he's not exactly the best one to approach for unclouded judgments.

His father told him once that he was born in a remote island, thousands of miles away from Rayville. Luke thought it was rather fitting. After all, he was born to a mother with a terrible case of wanderlust and a best-selling novelist of a father who was only too eager to appease his wife. So they traveled, a lot. At only twelve, Luke has already seen more of the world than others would in their lifetime. They flitted from one country to another, staying just long enough to see and appreciate the beauty of the locale. Luke embraced their nomadic lifestyle, but he knew it wouldn't last forever. There was a reason his mom wanted to see as much of the world in as little time as possible.

Luke had just turned twelve when his mom passed away. He and his father eventually settled in Rayville afterward, as it was there that his mom asked to be buried. They couldn't fathom ever leaving her there alone, so they stayed. It didn't feel right traveling without her, anyway.

It's been six months since then. They've mostly coped, and even though his father still didn't laugh as much as he used to, he knew they would be okay. It was difficult adjusting to their new lifestyle, it actually still is, but Luke was lucky to have met his group of friends. They showed him the ropes and continue to teach him about things he still doesn't have a firm grasp on… mostly social etiquette.

Secret: Luke is absolutely terrified of the dark (and of the occult by extension) and he'll actually burst out crying if he's left alone in any remotely dark area. He can't even sleep without a nightlight on!

Other: Luke's a natural athlete, even though he doesn't look like it all. He has fast reflexes and pretty good stamina.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Perfect! :D I'll get working on the opening post shortly.
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