Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

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Firstly...we are appalled by the Prussian's Empire's supposed 'change of heart.' It was the Prussian Empire's request that spheres be added to the Treaty and it was they who demanded such powers be added to them. During Negotiations, the Signatories agreed that the spheres of influence were not a "power hungry attempt" but rather were a partition of responsibility. We Nations desired to take the roll of providing humanitarian needs and help to our spheres of influence. However Prussia demanded the more military aspects so that they might have, 'the authority to see to the humanitarian needs.' Prussia is a viper, my friends. Though my Mother the Mad Queen attempted to use this power in the North Americas, it was the humanitarian basis that our former government supported. Once we saw that my Mother was addled, we removed her from power and left the Americas to the Union. We have made every effort to achieve peace with the Union. Prussia does not have the excuse of insanity however. Their Nation has use the powers meant for good to take from others. And when we, the Signatories, spoke out against them...they with draw and attempt to spin the situation to their betterment. Such as by taking Belgium from the rightful owners.

A close look of the Treaty of Constantinople allows for no 'resignation' and it is there that you will see that there must be three votes to annul the Treaty with 48 months until expiration after the vote. Prussia is still bound by this Treaty, my fellow Europeans.

The United Republic of Great Britain and Ireland is utterly appalled at the blatant lack of adherence to the Treaty of Constantinople by the Prussians. The Purpose of the Treaty of Constantinople was such that no larger Nation would ever be allowed to use their power to absorb the smaller nations of Europe. Yet through underhanded methods and not an iota of peaceful dialogue, the Netherlands were aided in the complete Conquest of Belgium by a Signatory of the Treaty of Constantinople…The Prussian Empire.

This day, the Prussian Empire have truly show themselves to be enemies of peace with their only goal being their own gain. Rest assured, Nations of Europe…Prussia is a devil who desires not the good of humanity but only the selfish desires of their leaders.The Treaty of Constantinople was made such that its signatories would do everything in their power to stand against such vile morality. Even if such vileness came from own of the Signatories themselves.

As such, the prevailing majority Signatories of the Treaty of Constantinople offer this ultimatum to Prussia and the Netherlands. Withdraw your forces from Belgium and allow the Belgians to rule themselves once more. You have until the end of the year to do so.If the Netherlands and Prussians do not remove their forces from Belgium, the prevailing majority Signatories will blockade the ports of the Netherlands and Prussia until they do. We ask that the Netherlands and Prussia see reason in this regard.

To our allies and fellow Signatories I state, take courage! We must be a shining beacon of Christian Character in these dark times. Take Heart. To the Belgian People, I say do not lose hope. Your nation has friends and we will do everything in our power to see your Nation restored.

- Albert Edward, British Prime Minister
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Foreign Office of the Kingdom of the Netherlands,

It is the stance of the Dutch government that there is no nation on our God's green Earth which is subject to any portion of the Treaty of Constantinople. The entire operation of the treaty has been nothing but a flagrant lie to every single sovereign state in Europe, and through the role of the the spheres of influence, the world as a whole. Every single one of the signatories agreed to the terms for the sole reason that they could use them to their own personal benefit. The Treaty of Constantinople was a deceit built on lies, and any good that any of its signatories might have intended for it to do has absolutely and without question failed, outright and completely.

While all signatories of the treaty used it merely as a tool to serve their nation's will, some, like the Kingdom of Prussia, decided that liberation of the oppressed minorities of Europe was the will of their nation. Rectification of this continent's broken national borders, which are not respective of the will of the people who inhabit them, is a noble goal regardless of the means through which it is achieved. Other nations, though, like the French and British Empires, chose to use their powers given under the Treaty of Constantinople to further their goals of colonialism, and intervention in affairs outside of the continent in which every single one of the Treaty's signatories was located. They cannot possibly lie and pretend that their blockade and ensuring declaration of war on the United States of America had no connection to Constantinople, either—the existence of Article 7, which is now, apparently, being enacted upon the Netherlands—makes the British intent to use the Treaty as a tool to recollect North America all the more obvious.

If the Wallonians seek revenge for their poor state of affairs at present, it is their own King to whom their ire should be directed. Had Leopold not fled his own country, he could have signed for peace and been sipping wine in Charleroi by now, instead of Paris. The premier goal of the Kingdom of the Netherlands was and is the unity and sovereignty of the Dutch state. I warn the navies currently mustering in the North Sea that if they should choose to defy the sovereignty of the Netherlands, it will not be only the Dutch that they answer to, but all of the peoples of Europe that choose to accept the Dutch expression of sovereignty. If it is the reconquest of King William III's very birth place that compels the European continent to war, so be it.

Je maintiendrai — I will maintain.

The Netherlands does not yield.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Βασίλειο της Ελλάδα(Kingdom of Greece)

"Blatant violation of the sovereignty of all peoples and nations of the world! At least Prussia admits to this and has overthrown the treaty.! The nations of the world will not stand for this, and neither will Greece! There Treaty of Constantinople is not recognized on Greek soil, and we encourage all of our brothers in Europe to condemn this treaty. This attempt to make vassals out of the nations of the world will not stand."
-King Otto of Greece
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Império do Brasil (Empire of Brazil)
Independência ou Morte!

"I stand on the floor of Parliament today as I'll give my thoughts about the reason events, that happened in Europe. So today, I got a newspaper for Prussia from a dear friend of mine, and he said, 'Read it. It's important if you do.'. So I read it, since I know how to read what the Prussias write out. They have dropped out of the Treaty of Constantinople and made a 'new one' and it'-... You know what I'll read it to you guys, it's important if the guys would listen to what I have to say. 'The following treaty is in accordance with the agreements between the Concert of Europe' the countries who went to the Conference of Constantinople. It goes on, but as soon as I read Article One, I know where this new treaty was going.

Article One says the following: 'It is hereby agreed that ‘Europe’, within its broader definition as encompassing Western Russia and Asia Minor, as well as all the integral lands of the signatories, shall be a region kept free of all war'. Which means that Europe must be kept a free war zone, which will never happen. Then I got the Section One and I was upset by it.

Section One says the following: 'All wars between the signatories shall hereby take place outside of Europe'. It means that they can't attack in Europe, but, they can attack in the Americas, Asia, anywhere in the world by not in Europe! I didn't want to read before I gave myself a heart attack, but I have to keep going. Then when I got to Article Two, I could of felt my blood temperature rising.

It says the following: ' It is hereby recognised by all the signatories that each signatory has undisputed authority and jurisdiction over particular regions of the world, and whose say in issues which arise in said regions is final'. It keeps going! But, I'll give you the short vision for the four sections.

Section One: Northern Europe is British Isles and France, North-Western Russia, and the Scandinavian nations is Prussia. Section 1.1: Southern Europe is Austria. Section 2: North America is France and Britian. Section 3: Eastern Asia is Russia. and lastly Section 4: North Africa, Congo Basin territories, as well as the Balkans and Caucuses, the Arabian Peninsula, Persia and Central Asia is Ottoman Empire. These areas are under the sphere of influence for every Major European power, but they didn't talk about South America.

I'm happy that we aren't under any influence for any European nation. But, the other nations that are, I feel sorry for them. This Treaty is now a paper, that can tell a faith of a nation, that isn't a 'great power'. I'm sick by this treaty, but I got one question to Prussia, the makers of this sorry of a treaty: What are you going to do to South America? Put us under the 'sphere of influence' for Spain or Portugal? You better have an answer in forty-eight hours or we stop trading our coffee beans and rare stuff to the European nations. That is all I have to say.'

~ Emperor Pedro II, King of Brazil.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Império do Brasil (Empire of Brazil)
Independência ou Morte!

I made a mistake, I meant the Ottoman Empire not Prussia. Sorry for the mistake.

~ Emperor Pedro II, King of Brazil.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

Member Offline since relaunch

The British Republic finds itself aghast at the betrayals and heartaches caused by European Nations. On one side Prussia grabs land. On the other Allies capitulate. Considering this..the United Republic of Great Britain and Ireland wash our hands of the whole situation. We will focus on our own colonies and land. The Continent can do what the Continent may do.

The United Republic of Great Britain and Ireland withdraw from the Treaty of Constantinople. The United Republic still maintains our alliance with France in this time, but they are our only brethren.

-Albert Edward, British Prime Minister
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NarcolepticSailor


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Mediterranean Pact

I. It is hereby declared that the Kingdom of Italy, Kingdom of Spain, and Kingdom of Greece shall be joined together into a military alliance, obligated to come to each others aid in the event of a war declared upon or by any signatory nation.

II. It is hereby declared that all signatory nations will allow each other open military access to each others lands, along with fleet basing right in all ports associated to signatory nations.

III. It is hereby declared that all signatory nations will allow free trade with each other in order to stimulate both economic growth and improve the ties of friendship that bind us together from this moment forth.

IV. In the event of war, all signatory nations will act together as a joint naval force in the Mediterranean Sea or abroad if need be in order to more effectively safeguard the interests of all signatory nations.

V. The Kingdoms of Italy and Spain shall both be considered equal "senior" members of this alliance, with the Kingdom of Greece being considered a "junior" member until all senior members agree that Greece is ready to join them.

VI. A junior member is allowed all the same privileges discussed in this treaty with the following exceptions;
I. Should a junior member declare war upon another nation without the approval of all senior members, the senior members are not obligated to come to their aid. All members however will rush to the aid of a junior member should someone instigate a war against them.
II. A junior member is not required to come to the aid of a senior member should they instigate a war, as it is only fair considering the terms of sub-article I.
III. A junior member may not vote on the entry of another nation into the Mediterranean Pact, although the senior nations will take their hear them out and consider their opinion.

VII. In order for another nation to gain entry into The Mediterranean Pact, it must be a unanimous decision by all senior members.

VIII. The Mediterranean Pact is subject to being amended provided all senior members agree with the amendment being made.

IX. All signatory nations are henceforth disallowed from signing any military alliance with another nation unless granted express permission of all other nations involved in the Pact.

X. Should any nation wish to leave The Mediterranean Pact they are free to do so, but lose all benefits associated with being a member of the pact and face possible retaliation if they are to leave in a hostile manner which threatens the stability of other members of the Pact.

[X] King Vittorio Emanuele Maria Alberto Eugenio Ferdinando Tommaso of Italy
[] Queen Isabella II of Spain
[] King Otto of Greece
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As sat here in the winter palace reading the morning news I happened across a news article about our good neighbors and friends in the Prussian Empire, Prime Minister Bismark had announced his public relese the full version of the Treaty of Constantinopel. upon reading this i was overjoyed that Bismark had gotten up the courage to show the world the secrecy and treachery played out by the main writers of the article the Ottomans and the French Federation of Great Britain. But as i read down the situation become much more inticing as Emporer Pedro II ruler of brazil had openly questioned why the document had left out south america as one of its regions. This caused me to burst out in a small fit of laughter as I realized the brazilians had not figured out the omission of south america as a sphere of influance, well today i shall inform Pedro as to the answer to his question, We decided such an action against my protests (as I wanted the spanish to have supervision) in that territory to make it totally neutral, but I digress the answer is quite obvious if all of us had control over a certain sphere we needed some totally neutral landmass in which we may fight out are wars and it was decided south america was to be that battleground much like children have a empty lot or field in which they play their games we intended to use south america to the same effect a field in which to play a game, the greatest game of all, war.
-Tsar Alexander II, Autocrat of the Russias, King of Poland, and Grand Prince of Finland in a interview to the Moskovskiye Vedomosti about Bismark's release of the full Treaty of Constantinople
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Império do Brasil (Empire of Brazil)
Independência ou Morte!

I was shocked by Mr. Alexander's statement, not only that he requested that Spain watch over South America, but he flat out told me that South America, my landmass, was going to be used by some child for war. The European nations would like to see our lands burned and destroyed rather than build up and be as powerful as the nations in Europe. This makes me sick and I feel like I was backstab by countries, that I thought to be my friends. Russia wants to spy on me, a nation of peace, and other countries want to use the landmass as a zone of war and death. You know what, I have decided to cancel all trade with Europe and will never trade with them again until further notice. I also want to tell Sweden to cancel the trade agreement, that we came up with a year ago.

I have no fear of any European nations, that are willing to attack any South American nations. I also want Argentina and Colombia to come to the Conference of Rio de Janeiro to talk about the current events that happen today. I feel a little better for cutting off one of my legs, but it'll be replaced by something even better. And as they say it in Portuguese:

Traga suas armas mais poderosas do mundo, mas você nunca vai quebrar os espíritos de um brasileiro, defendendo sua terra..

~ Emperor Pedro II, King of Brazil.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Outcast


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The Virginia Campaign 1863

Grant and Thomas continued to chase each other in Virginia. Thomas, with a head start, continued to march deeper into Virginia and closer to Maryland, threatening Washington. Grant, desperate to prevent Thomas from reaching the border, pushed his men hard to cut him off. The two forces, the Army of Northern Virginia and the Army of the Potomac, faced each other near the town of Charlottesville. Grant, with the larger army, moved to attack Thomas' lines. The Confederate soldiers , now well experienced at building defenses, dug themselves in. Grant knew he needed to force Thomas back no matter the cost, and sent wave after wave of Union men at the Confederate line. The Confederates fought back fiercely, unwavering, and trying their best to defend their position. As the day wore on, the bodies piled up, most of them in a blue uniform. However, eventually Grant's reckless strategy paid off and the Confederate lines began to be forced inwards. Thomas, seeing the danger, ordered a withdrawal south. He wouldn't reach Washington, not this season, but he wasn't done yet.
(-1,000 regulars, -11,800 conscripts to the USA, -400 regulars, -3,900 conscripts to the CSA)

Thomas began a strategic withdrawal south. He wasn't under any pressure at the moment, but he soon would be. Grant stayed only to wait for reinforcements to arrive. The army of the Potomac, bolstered by men previously in the Army of the Roanoke, numbered more than 110 000. Thomas, unwilling to face Grant with an army half his size, sent word to Charleston of his situation. Jackson quickly moved north to his position, bringing the size of the Army of Northern Virginia to around 70 000 strong. The next engagement took place in Danville, located just north of the North Carolinan border. Thomas executed a typical anvil strategy, forcing the Union soldiers to hit a strong defended line, before sending Jackson to hit the Union lines. Grant withdrew and the Confederates claimed the victory, but it did not last long. Instead of withdrawing to the north as expected, Grant attempted to relocate his men to the southeast, hoping to cut Thomas off. Thomas was forced to give ground in order to keep between Grant and Charleston. The two armies attacked each other north of Raleigh, and again Thomas managed to get the better of Grant. Grant did not attempt to push south again, instead taking the time to give his men some rest. He did not withdraw back north, however, despite having taken far greater losses than Thomas and Jackson.
(-2,500 regulars, -13,100 conscripts to the USA, -1,100 regulars, -5,100 conscripts to the CSA)

Battle of Danville, 1863

Further west, Sherman once again attempted to take Atlanta. With an army of 123,000, they drove hard at Lee, hoping to force him back. Lee chose his battlefield well, as he always did, and the battle went badly for the Union forces. However, Sherman in a similar fashion to Grant showed little regard for the fate of his men and continued to push hard, and Lee eventually gave way. Confederate cavalry caused havok for Union supply lines as they retreat, but it was not enough to save Lee, who eventually dug in Marietta, just north of Atlanta. Here they held their ground, and Sherman was forced to give up his chase. However, he had reversed the situation of earlier in the year; he had been bottled up by Lee in Chattanooga, and now he was bottling up Lee in Atlanta. He had not yet managed to capture the city, but Sherman hoped a brief siege would be enough to take it.
(-1,200 regulars, -22,300 conscripts for the USA, -900 regulars, -9,800 conscripts to the CSA)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Scandinavian Commonwealth

Dear Emperor Pedro II, King of Brazil,

The Scandinavian Commonwealth would like to remind Brazil of the terms of agreement set out in the Swedish-Brazilian Trade Pact, as proved below:

According to Article IV, when one of the nations wishes to dissolve the treaty before the term is over, they must give the other nation a one (1) year notice. Therefore, we shall not cancel the trade agreement until one entire year has been up. If you ban our merchants from your harbors before a year is up, we will consider it a breach of our trade agreement and repercussions shall be enforced.

In our honest opinion, we believe that the Empire of Brazil will be harming itself more than it will harm the rest of Europe. Therefore, we wish Brazil to revoke its embargo. Why should we pay for others' sins?

-Sigvard Pilkvist, Swedish Ambassador to Brazil
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 5 days ago

Butcher Grant Pushes Rebs Through North Carolina
-- Boston Herald Headline

Grant's Bloody Tactics Not Worth The Results
-- Baltimore Sun Editorial Headline

Yankees thirty miles from Atlanta!
-- Charleston Courier Headline


Lt. General Ulysses S. Grant
Federal Army Headquarters
Raleigh, NC


I have read the papers from up North today and I am sickened by what I have read. These men are armchair generals who know of none of war's finer details, or of the logistics of combat. If I had my choice I would kill every reporter in the world, but I am sure we would be getting reports from Hell before breakfast. Sam, you stood by me when I was crazy, and I stood by you when you were drunk, and now we stand by each other. This war has been hard fighting, with much more hard fighting to come. The sooner the public accepts that, the sooner we can do our jobs. We will win the war, it will be up to the President to win the peace. As always, I await your comments or orders.

Major General W.T. Sherman
Department of the West


Maj. General William T. Sherman
Federal Army of Georgia
Marietta, GA


I received your letter the same day as a telegram from the president arrived at my headquarters. President Lincoln's message was brief, but in the same vein as yours. He said he believed in our actions, both in the East and West, and that we should continue pressing the Rebels where we can. Attached with this communique are orders for the next offensive. God be with us both, and I hope to see you in South Carolina soon.

Your friend,
Lt. General U.S. Grant
Commanding General, Federal Army


An Address to the People of Atlanta

To the Citizens of Atlanta,

You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out. I know I had no hand in making this war, and I know I will make more sacrifices to-day than any of you to secure peace. But you cannot have peace and a division of our country. The United States does and must assert its authority, wherever it once had power; for, if it relaxes one bit to pressure, it is gone, and I believe that such is the national feeling. This feeling assumes various shapes, but always comes back to that of Union. Once admit the Union, once more acknowledge the authority of the national Government, and, instead of devoting your houses and streets and roads to the dread uses of war, I and this army become at once your protectors and supporters, shielding you from danger, let it come from what quarter it may. I know that a few individuals cannot resist a torrent of error and passion, such as swept the South into rebellion, but you can point out, so that we may know those who desire a government, and those who insist on war and its desolation.

You might as well appeal against the thunder-storm as against these terrible hardships of war. They are inevitable, and the only way the people of Atlanta can hope once more to live in peace and quiet at home, is to stop the war, which can only be done by admitting that it began in error and is perpetuated in pride. To General Lee, this is your first and only warning: Lay down your arms and declare Atlanta an open city, surrender now and save the entire state of Georgia from turmoil. We don't want your Negroes, or your horses, or your lands, or any thing you have, but we do want and will have a just obedience to the laws of the United States. That we will have, and if it involved the destruction of your improvements, we cannot help it.

-- Major General William Tecumseh Sherman
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Império do Brasil (Empire of Brazil)
Independência ou Morte!

After going over the outcomes of what if we embargo rest of Europe, it will be bad for the Brazil economy and I'm not going to embargo rest of Europe. But, I'm still going to take military actions to defend my land and I'm still holding the Conference for all countries within the Americas to come.

To the Scandinavian Commonwealth, you don't have to enforced us.

~ Emperor Pedro II, King of Brazil.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


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Confederate States of America

A Response to William Tecumseh Sherman

I suppose you are right. War is indeed horrible, but if it weren't we might come to love it too much. I will surrender this city if you are to spare the people, but I ask two stipulations. You allow my soldiers to stay the winter before I surrender it to you and you allow myself and my army to leave the city in peace. It is late in the year and I fear a cold winter. Allow these people in Atlanta to live with soldiers that are their own sons and brothers through Christmas, and allow my soldiers the refuge of the the city for the winter and the city shall be yours next year. Without bloodshed.
If you do not accept these terms and instead choose to attack this city while I still dwell in it, then we shall defend it and the people with God at our back, I assure you of that. But I thank you for your offer of mercy on these citizens of Atlanta.

- Robert E. Lee, General in the Army of the Confederate States of America (on November 7th, 1863)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

While recent events have certainly caused a ruckus, the Ottoman Empire shall not allow this tantrum thrown up by Prussia – with the intent of shifting attention from its war-mongering – to distract from the important issue at hand. Whether the Treaty of Constantinople is controversial or not is of no consequence, for that is nothing but words. What is more worrying is the reality on the ground.

Here we have Prussia, a nation who gained the most due to the Treaty of Constantinople, both territorially and politically, and upon realising that it can no longer continue pursuing its interests without breaking the treaty, it has chosen to disregard it completely and play the role of the innocent child who had no hand in creating it. It is clear that Prussia of all the signatories has proven itself to be the most untrustworthy, not because it revealed the treaty, but because it was so quick to disregard it once it was of no benefit to it. Why was it of no benefit to it? Because it completely prevents the one things which allows Prussia to thrive: war.

We assure the Empire of Brazil that war in South America is beyond the realms of the ridiculous. The Ottoman Empire has no territorial interests in South America and the logistical organisation required to fight a war so far away is beyond our capabilities and beyond the capabilities of most of the signatories. While it is of little consequence, that particular sphere of influence was intended to be under Brazil’s control as we believed it to be a peace-keeping nation which would adjudicate justly as was the responsibility of all those with a sphere of influence. This proposal was in fact shot down by Prussia and Russia who did not wish to see the spheres of influence belong to any non-signatories.

We repeat, the crimes of Prussia and the Netherlands against the people of Belgium shall not go unpunished. If there is no compliance to the ultimatum offered then both the Kingdom of Prussia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands can expect a full blockade until such a time when they withdraw and return all stolen territories to Belgium.

His Highness, Mehmed Emin Aali Pasha, Foreign Minister of the Ottoman Empire
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 5 days ago

To the commander of Rebel forces in Atlanta,

You have but three options: Immediate surrender of your army, immediate withdrawal of your forces from Atlanta, or immediate battle. Your men can face the winter cold of south Georgia or they can be warmed by the fires of Atlanta burning. The choice is yours.

-- William Tecumseh Sherman
Major General, Federal Army
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

In response to Ottoman threats, Prussia had only the following laconic statement.

"Don't delay, send your paper boats tomorrow."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 7 mos ago

The Mediterranean Pact

I. It is hereby declared that the Kingdom of Italy, Kingdom of Spain, and Kingdom of Greece shall be joined together into a military alliance, obligated to come to each others aid in the event of a war declared upon or by any signatory nation.

II. It is hereby declared that all signatory nations will allow each other open military access to each others lands, along with fleet basing right in all ports associated to signatory nations.

III. It is hereby declared that all signatory nations will allow free trade with each other in order to stimulate both economic growth and improve the ties of friendship that bind us together from this moment forth.

IV. In the event of war, all signatory nations will act together as a joint naval force in the Mediterranean Sea or abroad if need be in order to more effectively safeguard the interests of all signatory nations.

V. The Kingdoms of Italy and Spain shall both be considered equal "senior" members of this alliance, with the Kingdom of Greece being considered a "junior" member until all senior members agree that Greece is ready to join them.

VI. A junior member is allowed all the same privileges discussed in this treaty with the following exceptions;
I. Should a junior member declare war upon another nation without the approval of all senior members, the senior members are not obligated to come to their aid. All members however will rush to the aid of a junior member should someone instigate a war against them.
II. A junior member is not required to come to the aid of a senior member should they instigate a war, as it is only fair considering the terms of sub-article I.
III. A junior member may not vote on the entry of another nation into the Mediterranean Pact, although the senior nations will take their hear them out and consider their opinion.

VII. In order for another nation to gain entry into The Mediterranean Pact, it must be a unanimous decision by all senior members.

VIII. The Mediterranean Pact is subject to being amended provided all senior members agree with the amendment being made.

IX. All signatory nations are henceforth disallowed from signing any military alliance with another nation unless granted express permission of all other nations involved in the Pact.

X. Should any nation wish to leave The Mediterranean Pact they are free to do so, but lose all benefits associated with being a member of the pact and face possible retaliation if they are to leave in a hostile manner which threatens the stability of other members of the Pact.

[X] King Vittorio Emanuele Maria Alberto Eugenio Ferdinando Tommaso of Italy
[] Queen Isabella II of Spain
[X] King Otto of Greece
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ampharos


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kaiserthum Oesterreich
The Austrian Empire

The Austrian Empire is shocked and appalled at the tyranny of the Kingdom of Prussia, and its, allies. Recently, the Austrian ambassador received an ultimatum from the Kingdom of Prussia, the Russian Empire, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the Kingdom of Greece, demanding various territorial concessions from both the Austrian Empire and the Ottoman Empire to maintain peace on the European continent.

Exposing the tyranny of evil men, we publish the following:
The Agreement of Eurus

Article I. The Ottoman Empire and Austrian Empire shall transfer the sovereignty of their territory as is necessary to fulfil the national borders outlined in the Eurus map, as hereby attached;

Article II. The Ottoman Empire and Austrian Empire shall recognize the region of Flanders as a constituent territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and recognize the Kingdom of the Netherlands as the executive arbitrator of the future of the territory of Wallonia.

Article III. The Austrian Empire shall hereby surrender its status in the German Confederation to the Kingdom of Prussia in perpetuity, including its votes in the Federal Diet, and shall withdraw itself from the German Confederation in entirety.

Article IV. The Ottoman Empire shall hereby endeavour to increase the status of Armenians, Greeks, Bulgarians, and other Christian peoples living within its borders, and shall guarantee the existing autonomy of Egypt.

Article V. The Ottoman Empire shall hereby offer in indemnities £50 to the Kingdom of Russia, and the Austrian Empire shall hereby offer in indemnities £200 to the Kingdom of Russia.

Article VI. The signing parties of this treaty shall hereby enter into a mutual defensive pact, which shall be known as the "Eurus Pact", and shall be respected by all signed parties as an instrument to guarantee peace among the signing powers.

The Kingdom of Prussia and its allies seek to extort the Austrian Empire and Ottoman Empire, pressing upon over sovereignty and seeking to oppress the people who live within our borders, to which, the Austrian Empire and the Ottoman Empire agree. The Kingdom of Prussia and its allies will have to tear this territory from the cold dead hands of our respective Emperors.

Furthermore, the Kingdom of Italy will be given a forty-eight hour period to justify association with these tyrants, else the transfer of the Kingdom of Veneto from the Austria to Italy will be canceled indefinitely.

May God have mercy on your souls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by aladdin_sane
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Mediterranean Pact

I. It is hereby declared that the Kingdom of Italy, Kingdom of Spain, and Kingdom of Greece shall be joined together into a military alliance, obligated to come to each others aid in the event of a war declared upon or by any signatory nation.

II. It is hereby declared that all signatory nations will allow each other open military access to each others lands, along with fleet basing right in all ports associated to signatory nations.

III. It is hereby declared that all signatory nations will allow free trade with each other in order to stimulate both economic growth and improve the ties of friendship that bind us together from this moment forth.

IV. In the event of war, all signatory nations will act together as a joint naval force in the Mediterranean Sea or abroad if need be in order to more effectively safeguard the interests of all signatory nations.

V. The Kingdoms of Italy and Spain shall both be considered equal "senior" members of this alliance, with the Kingdom of Greece being considered a "junior" member until all senior members agree that Greece is ready to join them.

VI. A junior member is allowed all the same privileges discussed in this treaty with the following exceptions;
I. Should a junior member declare war upon another nation without the approval of all senior members, the senior members are not obligated to come to their aid. All members however will rush to the aid of a junior member should someone instigate a war against them.
II. A junior member is not required to come to the aid of a senior member should they instigate a war, as it is only fair considering the terms of sub-article I.
III. A junior member may not vote on the entry of another nation into the Mediterranean Pact, although the senior nations will take their hear them out and consider their opinion.

VII. In order for another nation to gain entry into The Mediterranean Pact, it must be a unanimous decision by all senior members.

VIII. The Mediterranean Pact is subject to being amended provided all senior members agree with the amendment being made.

IX. All signatory nations are henceforth disallowed from signing any military alliance with another nation unless granted express permission of all other nations involved in the Pact.

X. Should any nation wish to leave The Mediterranean Pact they are free to do so, but lose all benefits associated with being a member of the pact and face possible retaliation if they are to leave in a hostile manner which threatens the stability of other members of the Pact.

[X] King Vittorio Emanuele Maria Alberto Eugenio Ferdinando Tommaso of Italy
[X] Queen Isabella II of Spain
[X] King Otto of Greece
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