Wait, is the Civil War over for the winter or over like forever and they both live happily ever after :p
Ottoman Empire said
This proposal was in fact shot down by Prussia and Russia who did not wish to see the spheres of influence belong to any non-signatories. .
Byrd Man said
We're negotiating terms for Atlanta's surrender/capture
Rare said
solamelike said
Just wanted to put that FFGB believed this for the sphere of south America."We propose that, though they are not here, the Peace-loving Nation of Brazil act as the final in say in matters regarding South America."So you know , that's what we where thinking of, because brazil seemed pretty peaceful and nice...But at the end it was decided no-one who wasn't in the treaty would have spheres.
So Boerd said
Which kebab shut down, by the way.
Rare said
Well, what about the part that Russia said in the IC?
Rare said
Well, what about the part that Russia said in the IC?
solamelike said
The war ground part?
So Boerd said
Just a jab at you.
So Boerd said
Funny thing is, Kebab has to blockade all the north German states because I have free trade with them.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zollverein