Did you receive my PM Ampharos?
Kho said
AegonVI said
So I'm considering starting a Cold War RP like we had a few months ago... (Saying here, because there isn't much going on)
Rare said
Why, it's just going to be slient until the update is released.
AegonVI said
I'm trying to avoid writing my story, presumably...EDIT: Time to do chores!EDIT: But I also really like the era...
NarcolepticSailor said
I'd be game.
AegonVI said
But I'm not sure when I'd want to start it...
AegonVI said
So I'm considering starting a Cold War RP like we had a few months ago... (Saying here, because there isn't much going on)
AegonVI said
But I'm not sure when I'd want to start it in game wise...
aladdin_sane said
the Cuban Missile Crisis would be pretty interesting to say the least.
Sadko said
Oh man, my mate Dedonus is here :-) I remember our good time in the Colonial Powers rp! :-)
solamelike said
Not as cool as Dedonus obviously !
AegonVI said
So I'm considering starting a Cold War RP like we had a few months ago... (Saying here, because there isn't much going on)