solamelike said
Not for long, bitch!
I'd like to point out that the map DOES paint the Suez Canal as a French possession. If you look close it's French blue...
solamelike said
Not for long, bitch!
Outcast said
Alright, I'm still pretty jetlagged (and more than a little hungover - trying to cure an inflight hangover with more heineken was probably not the smartest move), and I really want to knuckle down and finish writing this update, so I'm just letting y'all know I'm back in NZ and I'm alive with all my limbs intact, but I may wait until after the update before answering any queries.
AegonVI said
I'd like to point out that the map DOES paint the Suez Canal as a French possession. If you look close it's French blue...
Outcast said
Alright, I'm still pretty jetlagged (and more than a little hungover - trying to cure an inflight hangover with more heineken was probably not the smartest move), and I really want to knuckle down and finish writing this update, so I'm just letting y'all know I'm back in NZ and I'm alive with all my limbs intact, but I may wait until after the update before answering any queries.
solamelike said
It is being built. Should be built by 1869 if history goes as it did IRL
NarcolepticSailor said
I wonder if you can speed it up with orders.
solamelike said
Maybe but for now I am making education my priority and spreading knowledge to other lands.
Pasta Sentient said
And The French are very good at introducing knowledge. *bobs head*
Pasta Sentient said
Sup Rare. In the IRC if you wanna chat. :)
Rare said
Love to, but busy with making tons of oocs. Also, still trying GIMP out.
Pasta Sentient said
No worries. Just talking about how the Western Hemisphere will belong to Brazil in a century or so. Nothing important.
Kho said
I'd like to point out that the only reason you still have the Suez region is because I can't be bothered to complete the canal. Once it's done'll be more like the Suez Kebab :P hehehe